Real Virtual Lab

Real Virtual Lab
Proposal for Virtual Research
Information reserves
-- books
-- journal articles
-- videos
Library & Researcher
• Symbiotic relationship
Library: Repository to Source
Virtual Labs
1. Demonstration Purposes
1. Medicine: Howard Hughes Medical
2. Chemistry: CMU
– The Chem Collective
3. Physics: Virtual Labs & Simulations Site
Virtual Labs
2. Data Collection
Social Psychology Network
Online participation
Jury Decision Making
Probabilisitic Reasoning
Virtual Labs
3. Remote Research
Researcher (Ukraine)
Night sky (Mexico)
Telescope (New Zealand)
Geneticist (South Africa)
DNA Sample (U.S.)
Apache Point Observatory (APO)
Sunspot, New Mexico
• Remote Observation: 70%
– GUI application
– Laptops
• Multiple remote users
– connect simultaneously
• Savings in travel
– well over $100,000
Optical Telescope
UDL: Scope for Expansion
Real Virtual Lab (RVL)
Market for online experimental activities
1. Portal
 Increase connectivity between existing
virtual resources and users
2. Complete Research Environment
 Develop new experiments
RVL Features
1. Post Original Experiment
a) Why
 Reduce need for replication
 Eliminate problem of Non-identical results
b) What/How
 Compile & run
 Allow parameter changes
RVL Features
2. Post Experimental Templates
a) Why
 Experimental Paradigms: Frequently used
“Subjective ratings using linear scale”
“Reaction Time”
 Economical: Students
 Pilot Study: Quick Assembly
b) What/How
 Maintain: Call for Paradigm Templates
RVL Features
3. Post New Theories & Experimental Designs
a) Why
 Relevant to New fields: Cognitive Science
 Missing Distinction: Theory / Experimentation
 Rapid Development: Case “Physics”
a) What/How
 invite
 invite
Responses: experimental testing
Experimental results
Responses: theoretical explanations
RVL Features
4. Online Cross Cultural Studies
a) Why
Relevant to studies involving human subjects
• Human Computer Interaction, Anthropology etc..
• University of Salamanca, Spain: Non Verbal Behavior
Avoid Long Distance Travel
b) What/How
Global Standardization of Experimental Procedures
Joint venture with schools & colleges
Instructor supervised participation
RVL Features
5. Universal Access
 Reduce Dependence on funding agencies
 Global Research Culture
 Stronger College Applications
Real Virtual Lab
Summary of Benefits
1. Rapid Development of Field
2. Reduced Need for Funding
3. Global Participation
4. Research as “Hobby”
“UDL as
U. N. of Research”