BIHAR VETERINARY COLLEGE, PATNA -14 Letter No 1288/BVC, Patna Date: 27.11.2015 INVITATION OF TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS A. TERM AND CONDITION FOR SUPPLY OF INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS 1. Rate must be quoted on F.O.R. basis at Bihar Veterinary College, Patna, inclusive of all taxes and excise duty. 2. The rates and price quoted by the supplier shall remain firm and fix during contract one year from date of awarding contract). 3. Tender should be in computerised typed. 4. The quotation must reach to the office of Principal, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna on or before 26.12.2015 during office hour upto 5 PM. The tender will be opened on 28.12.2015 you are also requested to be present during the time of opening of quotation. 5. The quotation received after due date or not adhering to terms and conditions or insufficient information shall to be rejected. 6. College reserve the right to cancel any or all quotations without giving any reasons. 7. The purchaser will have an opportunity to enter into an adhoc contract with new party for same items (which is on rate contract) etc. 8. Price variations: If during the period of contract, the price of the contracted stores falls, the supplier shall have a binding to change the prevailing lower rates against the higher contract price. However, the purchaser is not liable to compensate the supplier for any hike in the contract price during contract period. 9. Discount offer: Supplier must offer sizable discount based on company catalogue price for the current financial year. Please note that offer must have documentary evidence that suppliers are either manufacturer of that product or are an authorised dealer of said items. Suppliers have to furnish a certificate that discount offer is based on company catalogue price list and discount offered to Bihar Veterinary College, Patna is maximum. 10. The delivery of goods will be taken at the risk and cost of the supplier from railway/ road transport. 11. The supply of material will have to be completed within 30 days after receiving of purchase order. 12. If the supplier fails to deliver the goods and/or perform the services within the contractual delivery period for reasons other than circumstances beyond supplier’s control (which will be informed by the supplier in writing and agreed to by) and the purchaser extends the delivery period, the purchaser will also deduct from the contract price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to 0.5% (half per cent) of the delivered price of the delayed goods or unperformed services for each week of delay or part thereof until actual delivery of performance. The maximum limit of such deduction will, however, be 10% of the contract price. 13. Printed and bound price list duly signed and certified by authorized signatory. 14. The rate should be quoted inclusive all taxes and excise duties, if any extra then mention separately. 15. The rate and price shall be in Indian rupees only. 16. The payment will be made after supply of articles, physical verification and obtaining necessary certificate from the competent body. 17. There will be no advance payment before supply of items. 18. 2% EMD of total good value in form of demand draft in favour of Principal, Bihar veterinary College, Payable at Patna should be enclosed along with the quotation. The earnest money will be refundable in due case. 19. The college reserve the right to accept any tender not necessarily the lowest, reject any tender without assigning any region and accept one or more tender for all or any one or more items for which tender has been submitted. 20. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before in these terms and conditions the university reserves the right to take action against the supplier/ agents for any kind of misbehaviour or for any breach of the agreement and ban on future business dealing. 21. Firms black listed by any of the department of central/ state govt. Or BVC, Patna need not tender. 22. Each page of quotation form must be duly signed, numbered and stamped by the quotationer. 23. Bids should be submitted in two bid formats (i) Technical bid & (ii) Financial bid. 24. The following documents are required to be enclosed with the tender form as technical bid a. EMD of 2% of total good value in the shape of DD in favour of Principal, Bihar veterinary College, Payable at S.B.I. Bihar Veterinary college branch, Patna (Branch code- 9006) b. Photocopy of PAN card c. Registration certificate of the firm and agency. d. Income tax and VAT clearance certificate (latest). e. Form ‘C’ issued by sale tax department, Government of Bihar f. List of user of your product g. Address proof. h. Authorized dealership certificate from the manufacturer/ company 25. Only those firms will be considered for financial bid who will qualify in the Technical Bid. 26. Financial bid envelop should contain only financial bid as prescribed under the tender document. 27. All disputes or differences arises shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Patna High Court TECHNICAL BID 1. Name of the Tenderer......................................................................................... 2. Address:............................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................. 3. Telephone No...................................................................................................... 4. Mobile No............................................................................................................ 5. TAN/TIN No........................................................................................................ 6. VAT No............................................................................................................... 7. Status (whether manufacturer/ solo distributor/ Authorized gent of stockist of the items).............................................................................................................. ……. 8. Mention affidavit of non blacklisted firm............................................................ (Authorised signatory) FINANCIAL BID (This financial bid to be enclosed in a separate envelop with seal) To The Principal, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna-14 Sir, I/We wish to submit our Tenders supply of instruments and equipments at the following rates as per list enclosed in given format. SI. Machinery type No. Specification Quoted Unit Rate in Rs. In figure including all taxes Quoted Unit Rate in Rs. In words including all taxes We agree to supply the above goods and allied services, as and when ordered, according to the quantity mention in then in the order as per detail mention in our rate offer. We are agreeing with your all terms and conditions of your tender including period of delivery and warranty provision. (Full Signature, name and address of the tendering firm) (Seal of the firm) BIHAR VETERINARY COLLEGE, PATNA -14 Letter No 1288/BVC, Patna Date: 27.11.2015 INVITATION OF TENDER FOR CHEMICAL, REAGENT KIT, GLASSWARE AND PLASTIWARE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR CHEMICAL, REAGENT KIT, GLASSWARE AND PLASTIWARE 1. Rate must be quoted on F.O.R. basis at Bihar Veterinary College, Patna, inclusive of all taxes and excise duty. 2. The rates and price quoted by the supplier shall remain firm and fix during contract for one year from date of awarding contract). 3. Tender should be in computerised typed. 4. The quotation shall be sealed in an envelope, addressed to the purchaser and marked with the tender enquiry No. 5. The quotation must reach to the office of Principal, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna on or before 26.12.2015 during office hour upto 5 PM. The tender will be open on 2812.2015 you are also requested to be present during the time of opening of quotation. 6. The quotation received after due date or not adhering to terms and conditions or insufficient information shall to be rejected. 7. College reserve the right to cancel any or all quotations without giving any reasons. 8. The purchaser will have an opportunity to enter into an adhoc contract with new party for same items (which is on rate contract) etc. 9. Price variations: If during the currency of contract, the price of the contracted stores falls, the supplier shall have a binding to change the prevailing lower rates against the higher contract price. However, the purchaser is not liable to compensate the supplier any hike in the contract price during contract period. 10. Discount offer: Supplier must offer sizable discount based on company catalogue price for the current financial year. Please note that offer must have documentary evidence that suppliers are either manufacturer of that product or are an authorised dealer of said items. Suppliers have to furnish a certificate that discount offer is based on company catalogue price list and discount offered to Bihar Veterinary College, Patna is maximum. 11. The delivery of goods will be taken at the risk and cost of the supplier from railway/ road transport. 12. The supply of material will have to be completed within 30 days after receiving of purchase order. 13. If the supplier fails to deliver the goods and/or perform the services within the contractual delivery period for reasons other than circumstances beyond supplier’s control (which will be informed by the supplier in writing and agreed to by) and the purchaser extends the delivery period, the purchaser will also deduct from the contract price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to 0.5% (half per cent) of the delivered price of the delayed goods or unperformed services for each week of delay or part thereof until actual delivery of performance. The maximum limit of such deduction will, however, be 10% of the contract price 14. Supply should be made from latest batch of production with maximum life period and original packing. 15. Printed and bound price list for should be duly signed and certified by authorized signatory. 16. The rate should be quoted inclusive all taxes and excise duties, if any extra then mention separately. 17. The rate and price shall be in Indian rupees only. 18. The payment will be made after supply of articles, physical verification and obtaining necessary certificate from the competent body. 19. There will be no advance payment before supply of items. 20. Rupees 5000 in form of demand draft in favour of Principal, Bihar veterinary College, Payable at S.B.I. Bihar Veterinary college branch, Patna (Branch code- 9006) should be enclosed along with the quotation as bench money. 21. Certificate should be furnished that rate quoted should not be more than M.R.P. of each item. 22. The college reserve the right to accept any tender not necessarily the lowest, reject any tender without assigning any region and accept one or more tender for all or any one or more items for which tender has been submitted. 23. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before in these terms and conditions the university reserves the right to take action against the supplier/ agents for any kind of misbehaviour or for any breach of the agreement and ban on future business dealing. 24. Firms black listed by any of the department of central/ state govt. Or BVC, Patna need not tender. 25. Each page of quotation form must be duly signed, numbered and stamped by the quotationer. 26. The following documents are required to be enclosed with the tender form as technical bid a. Security money of Rs. 5000 (Rupees Five thousands only) in the shape of DD in favour of principal, Bihar veterinary College, Payable at S.B.I. Bihar Veterinary college branch, Patna (Branch code- 9006) b. Photocopy of PAN card c. Registration certificate of the firm and agency. d. Income tax and VAT clearance certificate (latest). e. Form ‘C’ issued by sale tax department, Government of Bihar f. List of user of your product g. Address proof. h. authorized dealership certificate from the manufacturer/ company.