The purpose for graduate education - BGSU.pdf Please read the article linked above and discuss: What is the purpose for graduate education. Please read the attachment and discuss on the TEXT format NOT attachment. The purpose of graduate education is more than just taking a few classes, but to encourage students to become leaders within their perspective fields. A graduate education is meant for students to not only take their classes, but to tackle whatever else that their life throws in front of them and perform with flying colors. Graduate students must be here to learn and not just be here to get a degree, otherwise they will not be a successful graduate student. Please access the following site to read an article called "What Makes a Successful Online Student?". Discuss the topic in the discussion board in "Being an Online Student" forum. This is a good article discussing the pros and cons of being in an online course. Everything seems to be spot on with my experiences while taking online courses. Especially the part where students need to want to be there, because it is very easy to get behind in an online course, and once you're behind on the topics, it's very hard to get caught back up. The part about an online class not being any easier than a traditional in-class course is exactly correct in my experiences. Many of my online courses have been the hardest classes for me because I literally have to teach myself a lot of the material without having the luxury of having a professor helping out. Please read the syllabus that is posted on the Syllabus section of the BB and react to it. Please engage in a very objective discussion regarding the course syllabus. Please speak out NOW! The syllabus looks fine to me. I know the objectives of the course from reading it. Please read the article at: and react to it (discuss). This article explains that corporations are becoming much larger and more complex, therefore competition between prospective leadership positions is becoming much higher. The author makes the statement that the belief that leaders are born and not made is no longer true. Leaders can be made much easier if they lack experience, because it is easier to learn than it is to unlearn. The article lists the SuperLeadership Theory and how it was used within the authors study of transformation leadership. The author continues and gives implications of this study within an IT program. Please carefully review the evaluation method and discuss the grading values. It is the time for you to ask questions. We will make learning FUN. A. Grading Values: Points Quizzes 15% Group projects 15% Individual projects, review, interview, and report 15% Portfolios 5% Final exam 15% Research project 35% Maximum points 100% The grading system looks fine to me. I can handle this structure. I'd also like to know the number of individual and group projects too. As area sales manager of a company manufacturing and marketing outboard engines, you have been assigned the responsibility of conducting a research study to estimate the sales potential of your products in the domestic (U.S. or Canadian) market. Discuss key issues and concerns arising from the fact that you, the manager, are also the researcher. As a sales manager for a company who is also in charge of doing a research study, I am going to have a few concerns about performing this study to the best of my ability. First of all, is actually conducting the research. I'm a sales manager, I do not normally do any kind of research of this type, so maybe I don't know exactly how to go about solving this problem and acquiring the information to solve this problem. If I was somehow able to collect the data, then what? I wouldn't know what to do after I have it. I would have to gather information on how to use the data I collected. Secondly, good researchers always begin a project with an open mind about what they may or may not discover in the data. As a sales manager, I'm going to have some idea about how the results would conclude, or think that I may have an idea. This is not good for a researcher. Explain and differentiate between Omnibus studies and Syndicated research? An omnibus study is a survey concerned with asking questions on many non-related things to a large population to get a clear representative sample. They allow multiple clients to post question within the same survey to reduce the cost of research, especially for those clients who have a very minute number of questions that wouldn't normally make for a complete survey. Syndicated research is normally a much larger scale research project that is conducted by a market research company.This company asks all of the question on the survey and then sells the results to multiple clients. List defining characteristics of the Scientific Method (Research) From the textbook, the steps of the scientific method are: 1. Identifying a problem that defines the goal of one's quest 2. Positing a hypothesis that, if confirmed, resolves the problem 3. Gathering data relevant to the hypothesis 4. Analyzing and interpreting the data to see whether they support the hypothesis and resolve the question that initiated the research If the scientific method is done correctly and following all of the steps, then the researcher shall be able to make conclusive statements about the study without any preconceived notions about the outcome. You have received a research report done by a consultant for your firm, a life insurance company. The study is a survey of morale in the home office and covers the opinions of about 500 secretaries and clerks plus about 100 executives and actuaries. You are asked to comment on its quality. What will you look for? First, I would take note that this study was based off of 4 different groups of workers within the life insurance company. These are different jobs which are probably located in different parts of the building, so the morale in these different sections are probably different. I also noted that there are not equal representation of the workers, 500 secretaries and clerks, but only 100 executives and actuaries. Since these are not equal, it would be hard to determine exactly which section of workers has low or high morale within the firm, unless the results are separated instead of combined. The new president of an old, established company is facing a problem. The company is currently unprofitable and is, in the president’s opinion, operating inefficiently. The company sells a wide line of equipment and supplies to the dairy industry. Some items it manufactures, and many it wholesales to dairies, creameries, and similar plants. Because the industry is changing in several ways, survival will be more difficult in the future. In particular, many equipment companies are bypassing the wholesalers and selling directly to dairies. In particular, many equipment companies are bypassing the wholesalers and selling directly to dairies. In addition, many of the independent dairies are being taken over by large food chains. How might research help the new president make the right decisions? In answering this question, consider the areas of marketing and finance as well as the whole company. Research could help in this situation. We know the problem, now we need a solution. First of all we can divide our initial problem into several subproblems such as 1.) How to beat competition from selling directly to dairies. 2.) Since many independent dairies are being taken over by food chains, can we get a contract with these food chains. 3.) Can we improve our manufacturing processes to make better equipment. 4.) If we do anything at all will our financial situation be out of hand? These are just example, the list can go on. By separated this one problem, we can divide this into much more manageable smaller problems. Whenever we resolve these smaller problems, we could find a solution to the original problem on what to do with this old established company. You are manager of the Midwestern of a major corporation, supervising five animal feed plants scattered over four states. Corporate headquarters asks you to conduct an investigation to determine whether any of these plants should be closed, expanded, moved, or reduced. Is there a possible conflict between your roles as research and manager? Explain. As a researcher and a manager, there will be some conflict in the two roles. Researchers only have to interpret the data, they don't have to make the final decisions about the company which could essentially help or hurt the company. Managers have a lot of pressure to make sure that their decisions are the best for the company, otherwise, they could be out of a job. Since I'm the researcher and manager and I find that one of the plants is making a lot of profit and would need to be expanded, since I'm the manager and I make that call to expand this plant, and it turns out to be a flop, sole responsibility is on me, because I was the researcher and the manager. On the other hand, if I, the researcher found out that the plant needed expanding, but I had this thought in the back of my mind that maybe the expansion might be a flop and cost the company a lot of money, I might reject the idea of expansion, just because that thought is lingering in my mind. If I determine that the plant needs moved or relocated or even closed, then as a manager this would be hard because of what a lot of others have said, because the workers would need to move, or be dismissed from their jobs. This is always a tough decision for managers, because no one wants to be the guy that lost hundreds of jobs for people. What is research? Why should there be any question about the definition of research? Research is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information in order to increase our understanding of a phenomenon about which we are interested of concerned. There should be a question about the definition of research because many people misinterpret the exact definition of research. Research is simply not information gathering and I am sure that many people assume that this is what research is. Simply looking up answers online or in books is mere information gathering, we must interpret this information to our specific uses to be able to call it Research. Go to the Announcement Section, Click on the link for article, Digitization and Graphic Communication .............". Read and review the article and post your critical review on Literature, Methodology, Findings, and Summary. To make a long story short, this article explains the ever advancing technology that businesses need to keep up to date with in order to stay with the times and run a successful business. If new technology can be purchased to save money for the business, then buy it, but there is always the risk that a newer technology will come out before the last one could be used to make a profit. Since technology is always changing and getting better, people need to remain up to date with the latest technology and how to use it. People skilled in the latest technology will almost always have a job, they just have to keep doing research every so often to make sure that they are up to date with the latest. Please carefully study the linked document below on "graduate research" and discuss your understanding of the topic on this thread. Reflection On Forum II The instructor is pleased to review your more than 20 pages of responses, comments, discussions on Forums I and II. Please do not consider the DB questions, issues and topics as a TEST. The instructor doesn't grade you based on right OR wrong answers, your informed discussions are important. The instructor encourages you to review the assigned literature, join the discussions and engage in intellectual conversations. Although we do not copy other classmate's work, we should react to it, agree or disagree, make comments. As I grade the DB work, I look at the level of your work, the depth of your knowledge and your involvement. The instructor doesn't encourage isolated responses as in many exams. The instructor encourages joint discussions. This is not a TEST that you respond to questions and leave the Forum, you shall continue to react to other participants. This article included a lot about the first chapter of our book, including what Is and what Is Not research. I particularly liked the last section of this article which talked about the employment market of science and technology graduates, since this directly applies to us. An important factor in choosing a graduate degree program is the possibility of work afterwards. This article states that it is predicted that a shortage of graduates will occur around 1995 due to a lot of retirement, and hopefully that an increasing amount of students will apply for an advanced degree to nullify this shortage. This time period has long passed, and hopefully this still holds out. Go to the Assignments, Reading Assignments, access the manuscript, Are Americans Becoming Internet Slave? Read and review the article and post your critical review on the Literature, Methodology, Findings, and Summary. Please discuss you findings: I can definitely see this nowadays. I spend more time on the internet than practically anything else. Television has almost become a thing of the past. Whenever people want to watch something, they can just go on the internet and find it with Netflix or some other site. They no longer have to watch whatever is on the television at this particular time, they can choose what they want to watch anytime. This article explains the practical death of the newspaper and how news can be found must quicker and much more convenient by finding it on the internet. Shopping, banking, stock trading, all of this has become portable. I can do all of these on my laptop. No need to leave the house. No need to see anyone or go anywhere. I can definitely see social isolationism develop from the overuse of the internet. I agree with the article, this needs to be watched and made sure that we don't spend our lives, completely on the internet, because we live in the real world, and not in cyberspace. Click on Jason's draft of thesis proposal and discuss his proposal. I think Jason's proposal was very well written. He stated exactly what the problem was, and included his assumptions and limitations beforehand. His limitations were strictly based on the limitations that the Cooper Standard management would allow. Since Jason has a problem statement, that could definitely be used to do research on, I see this as a perfectly fine proposal for a thesis. Now all he needs to do, is the next step in the research cycle and that is to subdivide the problem into subproblems. Go to the BLS site in the External Link and go the employment/unemployment. Go to occupations, and prepare a report on Employment Trends for Science and Technology graduates. I found this information regarding an Industrial Production Manager An industrial project manager plans, directs, or coordinates the work activities and resources necessary for manufacturing products in accordance with cost, quality, and quantity specifications. Employment (1) 151,850 Employment Mean hourly Mean annual Wage RSE (3) RSE (3) wage wage (2) 0.6 % $46.33 $96,370 0.4 % Percentile 10% 25% 50% (Median) 75% 90% Hourly Wage $25.54 $32.72 $42.40 $55.38 $71.48 Annual Wage (2) $53,130 $68,060 $88,190 $115,200 $148,670 Where are research problems found? Research problems can be found everywhere. You can find a problem everywhere you go, if you just keep your eyes open. Whenever you see a process or system taking place, and you ask yourself, 'Is there any way to make this better?', there are many researchable problems that can come from your everyday life. What are the characteristics of a researchable problem? A researchable problem must not be a yes or no answer, but must actually require some 'research' to determine if the problem is feasible or not. One very important characteristic of a researchable problem is that data can actually be taken and observed. If your problem is to find a way to improve the PLC, then you must have a PLC on hand, otherwise, how would you receive any data? Explain the Scientific Method The scientific method is simply a way to ask and answer scientific questions by the use of forming a hypothesis, performing an experiment, and making observations. The steps of the scientific method include: 1. Ask a question 2. Construct a hypothesis 3. Test the hypothesis by doing an experiment 4. Analyze the data and draw a conclusion 5. Communicate your results Where are research problems found? It is important that you distinguish between two basic types of problems: personal problems and researchable problems. Research problems can be found almost anywhere that you look. Personal problems are those that only effect the individual or those closely connected. A research problem is one that can be influenced to include many people from different parts of the globe. A research problem must include some data collection and data analysis that is in order to solve the problem. Go to the External Link, Go to the EPA site or click on URL See the Tips for Writing Grant Proposals and discuss the Project Summary, Introduction of the Organization , Problem Statement , Project Objectives, Project Methods or Design, Project Evaluation, Future Funding, and Project Budget. If the link is not available, please see the link below: The following is the format and description of each of the sections that go towards writing a grant proposal. 1. Executive Summary- Usually one page Proposed program summary Solution- What the program will accomplish Program cost Organization experience and capacity- Brief statements to establish credibility with similar programs 2. Statement of Need- Two pages Reason(s) proposed program is needed, supported with statistical information Reasons the organization is the right candidate to fulfill those need(s) 3. Program Description- Three pages Program design and implementation Goals and Objectives Methods- Steps taken to accomplish program objectives Program Evaluation- The methods for reporting program results, by whom and when. How will you measure success? What are your plans for improvement? Plan for sustainability- How will the program continue once funding is gone? Program staff 4. Organizational Information- One page Mission and History Summary of past and former programs Accomplishments 5. Program Budget- One page Provide an outline of all program costs and expenses. Be sure to review their guidelines on what they do not fund. 6. Attachments- Varies 501 © 3- Tax exemption letter Organization Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation List of Board members Financial Statements Letters of support When you have compiled all these elements you will now have a basic draft or model to use for future grant writing projects. Of course, this is to give you an idea of what most foundations ask for. You should always follow their grant guidelines and instructions. Visit the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey, Frequently Asked Questions at: Read and discuss the following questions on the Discussion Board Forum 13: 1. How large is the labor force? 2. How are seasonal fluctuations taken into account? 3. 4. What do the unemployment insurance figures measure? 5. Is there a measure of underemployment? 6. How are the unemployed counted in other countries? 1. The labor force is not a fixed number of people. It increases with the long-term growth of the population, it responds to economic forces and social trends, and its size changes with the seasons. On average in 2008, there were roughly 145 million employed and 9 million unemployed making up a labor force of 154 million persons. There were about 80 million persons not in the labor force. 2. The seasonal fluctuations in the number of employed and unemployed persons reflect not only the normal seasonal weather patterns that tend to be repeated year after year, but also the hiring (and layoff) patterns that accompany regular events such as the winter holiday season and the summer vacation season. These variations make it difficult to tell whether month-to-month changes in employment and unemployment are due to normal seasonal patterns or to changing economic conditions. To deal with such problems, a statistical technique called seasonal adjustment is used. When a statistical series has been seasonally adjusted, the normal seasonal fluctuations are smoothed out and data for any month can be more meaningfully compared with data from any other month or with an annual average. Many time series that are based on monthly data are seasonally adjusted. 4. The UI figures are not produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Statistics on insured unemployment in the United States are collected as a by-product of UI programs. Workers who lose their jobs and are covered by these programs typically file claims ("initial claims") that serve as notice that they are beginning a period of unemployment. Claimants who qualify for benefits are counted in the insured unemployment figures (as "continued claims"). Data on UI claims are maintained by the Employment and Training Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, and are available on the Internet at: These data are not used to measure total unemployment because they exclude several important groups. To begin with, not all workers are covered by UI programs. For example, self-employed workers, unpaid family workers, workers in certain not-for-profit organizations, and several other small (primarily seasonal) worker categories are not covered. In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following: Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force) Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits 5. Because of the difficulty of developing an objective set of criteria which could be readily used in a monthly household survey, no official government statistics are available on the total number of persons who might be viewed as underemployed. Even if many or most could be identified, it would still be difficult to quantify the loss to the economy of such underemployment. 6. The sample survey system of counting the unemployed in the United States is also used by many foreign countries, including Canada, Mexico, Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Economic Community. More recently, a number of East European nations have instituted labor force surveys as well. However, some countries collect their official statistics on the unemployed from employment office registrations or unemployment insurance records. Many nations, including the United States, use both labor force survey data and administrative statistics to analyze unemployment. Do you know of any research that has been conducted without a QUESTION or OBJECTIVE? How long would it take to conduct a seemingly simple research such as "finding the reasons for students tardiness? What do we need to conduct such research? Do we need a questionnaire? Do we need to pilot test that questionnaire? Do we need to identify a sample? Do we need enough time to send and receive surveys if needed? 1. All research requires a question or an objective. 2. This depends on the scope of the research. A simple research that could take just a week or so if you were finding the reasons for student tardiness for a specific class could be conducted with a simple survey or questionnaire. However, if you wanted to do a research that covered the entire university, then the research would take months to fully interpret the results. 3. We could conduct a survey or a questionnaire. Is there enough time to send and receive surveys? That depends on when the final report needs to be completed. For one specific classroom, we do not need to identify a sample because the sample size is already small enough. Why should we submit the mini-thesis or grant proposal now? We should submit a mini-thesis or grant proposal now, that way when the time comes around for us to make our thesis, we will already have knowledge of how to set up the initial report. This way, we won't have to waste a ton of time researching how to organized a research report, because we will already have had experience writing one.