BSM(OMi) and Service manager Integration

BSM (OMi) and Service manager Integration Troubleshooting and Verification Steps
Hi Team
Friedmund Lassmann has added additional checkpoints for Service manager integration on Wiki Site.
You can use his update in addition to currently available BSM( OMi) Service manager Integration
interactive Guide to troubleshoot any Service manger Integration issues.
STEP 1: Use BSM ( OMi) Service manager Interactive Guide from support site
Document name :
STEP 2: Once you follow all the steps from BSM (Omi) Interactive Guide and use following steps to verify
I created a Internal Knowledge base Article for both Service manager and BSM ( Omi) Knowledge
Document "KM00213193"
Here is the article and link is at the bottom of the page
SM event integration checkpoints
These "checkpoints" are supposed to help you in case the integration does not work but
there is no error message which points you to the point where it fails.
BTW There is a step-by-step OMi-SM integration guide from Remzi:
Does the "transfer of control" from OMi to SM
If you right-click on an OMi event then perform the "transfer of control" to SM, the event
should be forwarded to SM and a related incident should be created there. The same
forwarding can be achieved with forwarding rules.
What you should see in the OMi logs
Make sure you enable DEBUG on the OMi gateway, in (in
EJB and wde) and (in wde).
Check if you find the similar DEBUG entries like the ones below in your opr-event-syncadapter.log for the SM and OMi event IDs (OMi Event ID can be got from the General tab
and the SM event ID can be got from the External tab of the event details). This is from
wde/opr-event-sync-adapter.log (stripped the timestamps):
ExternalProcessSender.send(304) - ExternalProcessSender forwarding to: acffe0ed-897c4fb6-a76e-22bacf312814
ExternalProcessSender.send(316) - External Event created with ID: IM20150 for event
ExternalProcessSender.sendUpdate(444) - sendUpdate():
ExternalProcessSender.getChanges(651) - Processing 'version' change.
ExternalProcessSender.getChanges(658) - Ignoring unsupported property change with
name: version
ExternalProcessSender.getChanges(651) - Processing 'timeChanged' change.
ExternalProcessSender.getChanges(658) - Ignoring unsupported property change with
name: timeChanged
ExternalProcessSender.getChanges(651) - Processing 'eti' change.
ExternalProcessSender.getChanges(658) - Ignoring unsupported property change with
name: eti
ExternalProcessSender.getChanges(651) - Processing 'controlTransferredTo' change.
ExternalProcessSender.sendUpdate(478) - Forwarding change for event: 3d12e30f-5e804fe2-8af0-855be4d5b4fc to: Service_Manager_1
ExternalProcessSender.sendUpdate(1034) - sendUpdate():
ExternalProcessSender.sendUpdate(1046) - Forwarding changes to connected server:
ExternalProcessSender.sendUpdate(1057) - Changes successfully delivered to connected
server: Service_Manager_1
How to test the SM interface
The forwarding from OMi to SM is using an SM REST web service interface, so if for example
you get some error on the OMi side like
ERROR ExternalProcessSender.send(332) - Exception while trying to send message.: HTTP
request to Connected Server 'SM' on node '' failed with HTTP status: (400)
Bad Request.
then you can try to directly access the SM web service with a Rest client (like firefox with
the RESTClient addon installed) you can test whether SM is accepting events at all.
Using firefox, you need to start the REST client from the "Extras" menu then select "POST"
with the URL "http://your-sm-server:13080/SM/7/rest/1.1/incident_list" and in the Body
field you need to paste some <incident> like this:
<incident relationships_included='false' type='urn:xhp:2009:software:data_model:type:incident' version='1.1'
<impact_scope label='Enterprise'>site-dept</impact_scope>
<name>test incident</name>
<description>test incident for the SM web service</description>
<is_registered_for target_role='urn:xhp:2009:software:data_model:type:incident:is_registered_for:configuration_ite
<target_global_id />
I got this sample incident by sniffing my OMi->SM traffic using wireshark on OMi, using a
"host" then click on the first package then select Analyze->Follow TCP
Stream which will show you the TCP stream in one window. The stream content should start
with "POST /SM/7/rest/1.1/incident_list" followed by some <incident> XML tag. The
interesting information is this <incident> thing.
Are incident updates on SM propagated back to OMi
Note that the "external info" tab on OMi events does not tell you whether event changes
have been propagated from SM to OMi! This tab is populated via web service call, each time
you open it, and does not mean that the changes have been properly synced from SM to
OMi before!
Prerequisite: Open Incident in SM and change status and
How to identify where the problem is
On SM check the sm.log for the following debug entries if the problem.status is mapped
to incident_status and action to description (see highlighted logs)
<problem.status type="string">Resolved</problem.status>
<action sctype="string">LovelyTesting7</action>
5880( 4140) 04/02/2012 11:44:06 RTE D (0x2645FAB0) DBACCESS - Select against file
contacts in 0.016000 seconds
5880( 4140) 04/02/2012 11:44:06 RTE D DAOThread generated response: <incident
type="urn:x-hp:2009:software:data_model:type:incident" version="1.1"
E05E67F56AD7</global_id><name>PassAfter40:Synthetic User Transaction Performance
status changed from No Data to
y>error message</sub_category><is_recorded_by><person><display_label>bacadmin
istered_for target_role="urn:xhp:2009:software:data_model:relationship:indident:is_registered_for:configuration_item">
with len 1496
5880( 4140) 04/02/2012 11:44:06 RTE D setResponseXml() entered: size = 1496,
response = <incident type="urn:x-hp:2009:software:data_model:type:incident"
version="1.1" relationships_included="false"
xmlns=""><global_id>urn:xhp:software:servicemanager:incident:id:9FA3A10F-B362-41F4-A70BE05E67F56AD7</global_id><name>PassAfter40:Synthetic User Transaction Performance
status changed from No Data to
y>error message</sub_category><is_recorded_by><person><display_label>bacadmin
istered_for target_role="urn:xhp:2009:software:data_model:relationship:indident:is_registered_for:configuration_item">
5880( 4140) 04/02/2012 11:44:06 RTE D setResponseXml() finished
5880( 4140) 04/02/2012 11:44:06 RTE D requestProcessed() entered
5880( 4140) 04/02/2012 11:44:06 RTE D requestProcessed() finished
If you dont see it mapped to incident_status or description then there is a problem with the
BDMMapping on the SM side.
Then check the wde/opr-event-sync-adapter.log on the OMi gateway if the change is
OprBaseResource.createErrorResponse(334) - createErrorResponse()
OprEventResource.changeEvent(265) - changeEvent() Exit
OprEventResource.changeEvent(175) - changeEvent() Enter
OprBaseResource.getLocale(113) - Locale: en_US
OprBaseResource.getLocale(114) - Language: en=English
OprBaseResource.getLocale(115) - Country: US=United States
OprEventResource.changeEvent(179) - changeEvent():
<incident type="urn:x-hp:2009:software:data_model:type:incident" version="1.1"
xmlns=""><global_id>urn:xhp:software:servicemanager:incident:id:9FA3A10F-B362-41F4-A70BE05E67F56AD7</global_id><name>PassAfter40:Synthetic User Transaction Performance
status changed from No Data to
y>error message</sub_category><is_recorded_by><person><display_label>bacadmin
istered_for target_role="urn:xhp:2009:software:data_model:relationship:indident:is_registered_for:configuration_item">
OprEventResource.getChanges(493) - getChanges() Enter
OprEventResource.getChanges(539) - getChanges() Exit
OprEventResource.changeEvent(226) - Changes:
EventSubmitter.sendOmEventUpdates(224) - ENTER: public void
sendOmEventUpdates(List<IncidentUpdate> omEventUpdates)
EventSubmitter.sendOmEventUpdates(237) - EXIT: public void
sendOmEventUpdates(List<IncidentUpdate> omEventUpdates)
OprEventResource.changeEvent(265) - changeEvent() Exit
Finally the change must appear in the OMi event browser. You can also check this with the
Rest WS:
If all the values are mapping correctly and the events are not still updated, there could be a
problem in the groovy script which does the mapping from the SM incident attributes to the
OMi event attributes.
Apply the attached ServiceManagerAdapter.groovy script and try again.