First Exam Feedback [Spring 2011]

What is the most important thing you’ve gotten out of this course so far?
(February-March 2011)
Study Habits or Skills-Related Comments (Notes, effort, writing, etc.)
1) I realized that not all college classes are going to be multiple choice answers and fill-inthe-blanks. Reading the material is important to my learning.
2) For sure my writing and thinking outside the box—looking at the bigger picture.
3) How to take sufficient notes from readings
4) The stress put on time management pushes me to be accountable for all my life’s
responsibilities. This is a time-poor society, time management and focus should be a
paramount value to today’s student.
5) I’ve learned more in this class than any other class I’ve ever taken. My note taking skills
have definitely improved, and I think I’ve learned how to study for exams better.
6) Timed writing getting a complete summary written quickly
7) I’ve learned how to take good notes and to not put off my homework until the last
8) How to work hard, search for meaning besides face value, hard work does pay off. This
class is definitely challenging. On top of working and other homework it may be tough to
find the time to do the reading, but it is always worth it. It’s great that you reward us
for doing the work. The way this class functions and the way the exams are set up
honestly make me an overall better student.
9) Just making sure to come to class & do the work & it pays off.
10) Taking notes over the reading assignments is important and reading instead of skimming
through it.
11) I have learned that the reading is very important & you must take consistent notes &
attend class.
12) I really enjoy this class you get out what you put in. I enjoy learning about any kind of
history. I also think that the note taking and just general responsibility for ourselves in
this class has helped.
13) Time management is the big one! Setting aside the right amount of time to complete all
of the requirements, and actually retain the information.
14) No room for procrastination. Reading and notes must always be done.
15) Better study habits.
16) Time management & how to organize my notes for an exam. Along with figuring out how
to focus my thoughts properly for an essay exam.
17) Taking better notes and being prepared
18) Better time management
19) Better note taking, I used to never be able to take correct notes but now I have done
pretty well at it.
20) Maybe the most important thing I learned was how to be a better student.
21) Amazing study habits. This might be the hardest class I have taken, but I’m grateful for
the challenge, as well as for the discipline it requires.
22) I’ve liked all the topics in class so far. Note taking and critical thinking reading skills are
improving I think.
23) That I need to spend more time on the course to do better in it.
24) As per study habits, I’ve been improving my time management.
25) Note taking and keeping up with homework, with almost daily quizzes one must be
prepared for every class period.
26) Time management, reading better.
27) Learning preparedness skills. I like this class.
28) How to think, maybe growing up a bit.
29) Time management, improving reading. Even though this class is difficult for me, I am
learning different way of studying course materials. I have never taken a history class in
my country and never had lots of reading. For me, this class is a challenge but I am
learning to improve my reading and trying to understand the subject matter. This class is
a great example of learning in a good way.
30) I have learned that I need to read and take notes as assigned in order to pass this class. I
have improved my homework and reading skills.
31) Doing your studying every night and reviewing before each class.
32) Doing the exam in an essay format has extended my ability to learn, how to comprehend
and transfer ideas and material.
33) This course in general has taught me what is expected of a college student. I believe I
34) It takes time and dedication to do well. You have to be serious with such a serious topic.
35) I’ve never had to take an essay exam before. So although I don’t actually know how well
I did yet, I think that I learned how to study for and actually take an essay exam pretty
36) I think taking exams in essay form & continuing to practice those will be one of the best
things I learn. I haven’t really had any exams like that before. Smaller, shorter versions,
but not to that extent.
37) That you have to keep up with reading & assignments (as well as be at every class) to
keep up. This has transferred over to my other classes & helped me in them as well!
38) How to take better notes and understand the material more through those notes.
39) Historical perspectives & context.
40) Write everything and anything down that may be important. Quiz questions can be about
one particular thing about an event in which I know the event however not that exact
name for example. [this isn’t really the case if you utilize the study guides]
41) I absolutely love this class. It’s very challenging but it’s a good class to take to learn the
truth of our history.
Content or Course-Related Comments (Europe: Age of Monarchy, Europe: Age of Nationalism,
History of Science, Holocaust & Genocide)
1) The background of my religion from a historical point and not just what I’ve learned in
2) I’d learn how and where all this sign and rituals came from on religions and why there’s
so many different religions promoted the same God or believe in the same God.
3) I was really interested in all the information about Christianity.
4) The struggle between the different religions; mostly the monotheistic religions, their
emergence and interaction with polytheists
5) The relationships between powers as time & civilization have progressed
6) A lot of knowledge of the world. Also it has opened my mind to a lot of things. I
misunderstood your approach to teaching at first. Now I’m understanding it a little
7) I’ve learned a lot more about how Rome didn’t fall but rather it changed.
8) Really understanding the origins of the religions.
9) An understanding, especially about religion. Like why things are like they are today, and
why certain religious groups act, and believe the way they do.
10) When and where Islam started. I don’t ever remember learning about in past history
11) I enjoy learning fact based history as opposed to faith and opinion based history. I have
never really been religious so maybe I don’t have much of a religious education.
12) I have learned so much about Jesus and Christianity that I honestly had no idea about. It
was really interesting to learn about how Christianity started and the practices of it.
13) Why Christianity is what it is today
14) I greater understanding of Roman history and how it lasted much longer than previously
15) I’ve learned more about the transformation of the Roman Empire.
16) Looking forward to studying evolution.
17) I learned that all of the great philosophers and scientists were not perfect, they all had
flaws in their work and in their personal characteristics.
18) I’m legitimately interested in the subject, so most importantly the information taught.
19) Knowledge different from commonly believed history.
20) I have enjoyed learning about the evolution of scientific ideas/methods and the effects of
outside forces on the process. I am enjoying class.
21) A better understanding of the history of science.
22) The most important thing I have gotten so far out of this class was the conflict of how the
universe should look like. I had the notion that once the sun was put at the center of the
universe then everyone started accepting it, but in reality no one really could accept it
for many years because of the lack of evidence.
23) The fact that not only the Jews suffered, but many others as well.
24) This course is supplementing what I learned in Germany/Austria. I didn’t know much
about the political “nitty-gritty”
25) Awareness and knowledge of the meaning of the word genocide and the word holocaust.
I have learned a lot about anti-semitism and religious affects on culture worldviews.
26) Everything. I’m learning so much about the history and how everything becomes
intertwined. Everything (WWI, inflation, Great Depression, Hitler to power, WWII,
concentration camps) is all connected. Butterfly effect!
27) The Jews weren’t the only people targeted by the Nazis.
28) Hitler didn’t just come in & brainwash Germany like a tidal wave.
29) About Hitler’s rise to power. Coming into this class I had no knowledge of the politics or
economic situations in Germany. I had also never heard of the Armenian genocide.
30) There are a lot more elements to the Holocaust than I thought there were.
31) I’ve gained a ton of knowledge about preconditions to WWII, something extremely
important to know but H. S. class glossed over & I never took the initiative to study it on
my own.
32) The reasons for why the holocaust happened in the first place. The history of antisemitism.
33) I knew what the Holocaust was but the specifics and how Hitler came to power is very
34) I always thought the Holocaust was just about Jews, but knowing that’s not at all true is
very surprising and to see how they killed innocent deformed children was very
35) Learning about the Armenian genocide. I didn’t know what it was until this class.
36) There were other genocides other than the Holocaust and several events that led up to
these mass killings.
37) Understanding what built up to result in the Holocaust. The events that made it occur.
38) It is important to learn preconditions of anything you study, especially a specific topic.
39) I’ve learned so many things already in this course that I never would have known. I think
the most important thing would be that I’ve gained more of an understanding of why
these things happened.
40) I always thought I knew a lot about the Holocaust, but after this class there’s a chapter I
didn’t! Also, I could fall under the category of believing a lot of the misconceptions.
41) I learned that the Holocaust wasn’t just about killing Jews. I had a better knowledge
about all the events that happened before WWII where I have never really known before.