Epic Hero Essay

DUE: Thursday, November 12th, 2015
An epic is “A long poem describing the deeds of heroic or legendary figures of the past history of a
nation.” (Compact Oxford English Dictionary) The Odyssey is named for and traces the experiences of
Odysseus, the storyʼs protagonist. Odysseus is considered by many to be the “archetypal hero”--that is, the
model or prototype of an epic hero. Your task is to write an essay where you argue whether or not
Odysseus fits the characteristics of an epic hero. Complete the chart below to gather your ideas.
QUESTION: How does Odysseus meet the criteria for an epic hero? Using the definition provided use at
least three specific examples and properly cited textual evidence to support your argument.
Essay should be organized with an INTRODUCTION, 2-3 BODY PARAGRAPHS, and a CONCLUSION
Paragraphs should have at least 5-7 sentences
Introduction should include: title of text, author, brief plot summary and a THESIS STATEMENT.
THESIS STATEMENT == should be a concise statement that proves Odysseus is an Epic hero using 2-3
of the criteria provided
Body paragraphs should use evidence from the text (properly cited quotes) and your own analysis
to prove your thesis statement
Conclusion should – restate your THESIS STATEMENT, summarize main points from essay and end with
a strong concluding statement about the topic of your essay.
You will be graded on the following:
An interesting introduction draws the reader into the paper, and a satisfying conclusion leaves the reader with
a sense of resolution.
Smooth, effective transitions exist among all elements (sentences, paragraphs, and ideas).
Paragraphs are developed and have at least 5-7 sentences
The thesis is clear and concise.
The thesis is strongly supported by well-chosen and integrated details.
Paper has little to no errors in: Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Sentence structure, Verb tense/use
Some minor errors may exist, but they do not detract from the overall quality of the paper.
Body paragraphs use at least one properly cited passage from text to support thesis
Body paragraphs provide at least 2-3 concrete examples to support thesis
Essay balances use of textual evidence with original analysis
Demonstrates understanding of the total text
Shows a thorough understanding of the Epic Hero
Shows thorough understanding of the characters, themes and conflicts from text