Sentence Outlines Introduction Explain the ideas behind your topic

Sentence Outlines
A. Explain the ideas behind your topic- While many people think of passion as
a strong feeling of attraction to someone, passion is actually any
intense emotion whether it is affection, annoyance, or melancholy, and
this sense of passion overwhelms any glimpse of logic that the young
lovers may have.
B. Thesis statement- While some people argue that the deaths of the two
young lovers in Romeo and Juliet results from accidents and chance,
Shakespeare actually demonstrates that their deaths are the result of
immaturity and passion.
Topic Sentence- Early in the play, both Romeo and Juliet demonstrate their
intense, youthful emotions.
A. Evidence detail- Just hours after the two teens see each other for the first
time, Juliet voices to Romeo that she wishes to marry him.
B. Evidence detail- Just hours after the teens wed, Romeo’s emotions
overtake his logic in a challenge to fight.
Topic Sentence- In the final act of the play, both characters continue their
vortex of emotion into the abyss of loneliness, desperation, and suicide as
a result of their passions.
A. Evidence detail- When Romeo receives misinformation that Juliet is
dead, his emotion immediately seizes him and leaves no room for
anything other than thoughts that he must die with his wife.
B. Evidence detail- When Juliet awakens in the tomb to Romeo’s limp body,
her only thought is immediate death.
Thesis statement restated- Therefore, while the circumstances and choices
that other characters make for the young teens do contribute to their
choices to commit suicide, it is ultimately their passionate feelings and
their inability to realize logically that the situation and feelings will change
that drive them to their untimely deaths.