
function [Ary,Hdr] = readZMX(F,SkipLines)
%USAGE: [Ary,Hdr] = readZMX( Zemax_File,SkipLines )
%Reads data from Zemax text-output files
% such as are written by the 'text'
% option on most Zemax windows.
%The function works by ignoring the text
% headers of the file, and scanning down
% to the data.
%MODIFICATION: 13 May, 2008:
% Code changed so that it can also read ZMX files with
% only a single number per line. The function now
% assumes the data start is at the first line that
% contains only numbers.
%MODIFIATION: 31 May, 2008:
% Optional input argument "SkipLines" added. If this argument
% is entered, the function skips the requested number of lines,
% then reads as numerical with testing.
F: The Zemax-generated text file
% SkipLine: If entered, the function skips this many lines,
and reads the rest without error checking.
% Ary: The 2-D data in the Zemax file
% Hdr: If requested, this is a character matrix where each
row is a header line.
%Test for file:
fid = -1;
Fa = exist(F);
if Fa == 2
%Open file:
fid = fopen(F,'r');
if fid == -1
disp(['File: ' F ' Not Found!'])
%Test for requested "Fast Mode" read:
if nargin == 1 %Not asked to skip lines
SkipLines = -1;
if SkipLines == -1 %Evaluate all lines
%-- proceed with 'safe' read
%Make array of valid ASCII codes for numbers only:
Ncodes = '+-.0123456789Ee';
%Add space and tab to Ncodes (ASCII 32 and 9):
Ncodes = [char(9) char(32) Ncodes];
%ASCII code for space:
spc = double(' ');
Ary = [];
Hdr = [];
%Scan File:
I = 1;
while 1
%Read next line in file:
line = fgetl(fid);
%Test for End of Data:
if ~isstr(line)
%End of Data: quit function and return
break %(jump out of while loop)
%Check for Headder Lines:
if isempty(line)
%Line is blank -- add to header array:
Hdr = char(Hdr,line);
elseif all(double(line)==spc)
%Line is all spaces: add to header array:
Hdr = char(Hdr,line);
elseif isempty(setdiff(line,Ncodes))
%Line is all numbers: add to data array:
Tmp = sscanf(line,'%f')';
Ary(I,:) = Tmp;
I = I+1;
else %Must be text header line:
%Add to header array:
Hdr = char(Hdr,line);
end %(check line)
end %(while: safe read)
else %Fast Read:
if SkipLines >=1 %Skip the header lines:
for ii = 1:SkipLines
line = fgetl(fid);
%Read Data:
Ary = [];
Hdr = [];
I = 1;
%Scan File:
while 1
%Read next line in file:
line = fgetl(fid);
%Test for End of Data:
if ~isstr(line)
%End of Data: quit function and return
break %(jump out of while loop)
Tmp = sscanf(line,'%f')';
Ary(I,:) = Tmp;
I = I+1;
end %(while: fast read)
end %Fast Read
%Close file and exit: