Outline for class activities 05/04/12

Outline for Friday, May 4, 2012
Keyboarding Practice. Use either the “resident” keyboarding program on
your lab computer (TypeFaster) or one linked to whijor.weebly.com
Homework Check: Outstanding assignments and homework for today:
 Resume—made using MS-Word template. It doesn’t have to be
finished, but at least show good progress. Should be finished by next
class (May 11).
 Table showing searches listed on last week’s outline.
Review of search questions, go over answers together.
Internet Searches: Use the best search tool to find. . .
 The symptoms/indications of a listeria infection
 Diagnosing “depression” vs. “anxiety”
 List of family planning services in Oregon
 Asthma specialists in Marion & Polk counties
 Types of eating disorders & descriptions
 Medical definition(s) of “obese”
 The gluten-free diet: Is it really beneficial?
 Recommended child immunizations before age 10
Exploring a Specialized Employment Database: OLMIS (Oregon Labor
Market Information System)
Hand in completed OLMIS lab activity worksheet.
More on Online Searches: Chemeketa Library & Databases
 What is an article database and what is the difference between
searching library databases and searching the internet?
 Use your internet browser to go to library.chemeketa.edu
 choose “article databases”
 databases by type
 databases by subject
 databases in alphabetical order
 example databases: Academic OneFile, INFOTRAC Nursing & Allied
Health, MEDLINE, OVID Nursing Full-Text Plus
ACTIVITY: doing a search in an article database. Use each of the
databases below:
 Academic OneFile
 INFOTRAC Nursing & Allied Health
OVID Nursing Full-Text Plus
You want to find the latest information about Seasonal Affective Disorder
(SAD). Try to find articles or information in each of these different databases.
Which one(s) have the most information? Which did you like best?
Fill in the table below:
Database search on SAD (seasonal affective disorder)
search terms
number of
articles found
Title, author, source, etc. of
first article on the list
Nursing &
Allied Health
OVID Nursing
Full-Text Plus
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT for next Friday, May 11
Online Research on Health-Related topic:
1. Choose another health-related topic that interests you.
2. Make a table like the one above. Do a search for information about this topic of
your choice—something you’re interested in or that is of interest to people living
here in Oregon. Choose something interesting to you—a topic that you may have
“discovered” in one of your other classes or in your reading.
3. Use at least two (2) of the library data-bases above, AND a specialized online
directory (e.g. Yahoo, BOTW) AND a standard search engine (e.g. Google, Bing,
dogpile, etc.)
4. In your table, show the results of your search—just as you did in the exercise
above. Save the table to your flash drive. Call it yourname_healthtable
ALSO—don’t forget to finish your resume to print and turn in next Friday