
Developmental Personality Physiological Sensation Learning
Psychology Psychology
Psychology and
Perception Ethology
Tests, and
Social - 1
• The performance of which of the following
activities is LEAST likely to be facilitated by the
presence of an audience?
– (A) speed of winding a fishing reel
– (B) memorizing a script
– (C) running
– (D) adding numbers
– (E) taking a final examination
Social - 2
• Which of the following theories is
characterized by the assumption that
individuals have a need to evaluate their own
attitudes and abilities?
– (A) Social facilitation
– (B) Social comparison theory
– (C) Social influence
– (D) Social exchange theory
– (E) Equity theory
Social - 3
• The prisoner’s dilemma is used to study
– (A) the autokinetic effect
– (B) recidivism in former convicts
– (C) affiliation and attraction
– (D) need complementarity
– (E) cooperation and competition
Social – 4
• According to inoculation theory, a person’s belief
can be inoculated against a persuasive attack by
– (A) providing arguments to support the ineitial belief
prior to the attack
– (B) providing arguments to support the initial belief
subsequent to the attack
– (C) warning the individual that there will be an attack
– (D) anticipating the attacker’s arguments and
discrediting those arguments
– (E) refuting the persuasive attack subsequent to its
Social – 5
• Lewin and his colleagues in their 1939 study of
leadership styles found that
– (A) laissez-faire groups had the greatest productivity
– (B) the productivity of the democratic groups was
greater than that of autocratic groups
– (C) autocratic leaders were better liked that
democratic leaders
– (D) autocratic leaders created more hostility than
democratic leaders
– (E) the personality traits of a leader had a greater
effect than his leadership style
Development - 1
• Which of the following is commonly referred
to as the father of developmental psychology?
– (A) G. Stanley Hall
– (B) Sigmund Freud
– (C) Erik Erikson
– (D) William James
– (E) John Locke
Developmental – 2
• According to Piaget, the attainment of formal
operations is characterized by
– (A) understanding of object permanence
– (B) preoperational thinking
– (C) beginning of symbol usage
– (D) ability to manipulate abstract concepts
– (E) tertiary circular reactions
Developmental - 3
• “Give me a group of infants, and if I could control the
world in which they are raised, I could predict which
will become doctors and which will become sculptors.”
This statement is most likely based on:
– (A) the utilization of the methods of classical conditioning
– (B) the Freudian explanation of human behavior
– (C) an early behaviorist conception of the nature of human
– (D) a functionalistic emphasis on the adaptive nature of
– (E) a firm opposition to determinism
Developmental – 4
• Which of the following is NOT a morpheme?
– (A) the “s” in “dogs”
– (B) the “dog” in “dogs”
– (C) the “ed” in “learned”
– (D) the “ou” in “soup”
– (E) the “bio” in “biology”
Developmental – 5
• Who first showed that contact comfort was
necessary for the formation of the motherinfant attachment bond?
– (A) Sigmund Freud
– (B) John Bowlby
– (C) Mary Ainsworth
– (D) Konrad Lorenz
– (E) Harry Harlow
Personality and Abnormal - 1
• Delusions, flat affect, and catatonic behavior
are all symptoms of
– (A) schizophrenia
– (B) bipolar disorder
– (C) multiple personality disorder
– (D) schizoid personality disorder
– (E) somatoform disorder
Personality and Abnormal - 2
• An investigator used a test to measure masculinity and femininity in
a large sample of college students, consisting of equal numbers of
males and females. The test showed that 30 percent of the sample
was androgynous. This finding is most relevant to which of the
following propositions?
– (A) genotypic sex exerts the greatest influence on gender identity
– (B) gender roles become less differentiated after puberty, as hormone
levels reach equilibrium
– (C) adults who model both “masculine instrumentality” and “feminine
expressiveness” are the ones most likely to raise androgynous
– (D) rather than being at two ends of a spectrum, masculinity and
femininity are two separate traits that can coexist within an individual
– (E) men are not more likely than women to be androgynous
Personality and Abnormal - 3
• The learned helplessness model put forth by
Seligman is a model of which of the following?
– (A) Schizophrenia
– (B) Autism
– (C) Depression
– (D) Obsessive-compulsive disorder
– (E) Mania
Personality and Abnormal – 4
• A person gets a good grade on a midterm
exam and believes that the good grade was
due to an easy test. This statement is most
relevant to which of the following theorists?
– (A) Abraham Maslow
– (B) Julian Rotter
– (C) Sandra Bem
– (D) Gordon Allport
– (E) Raymond Cattell
Personality and Abnormal – 5
• The Myth of Mental Illness was written by
– (A) David Rosenhan
– (B) Dorothea Dix
– (C) Albert Ellis
– (D) The American Psychiatric Association
– (E) Thomas Szasz
Physiological - 1
• REM sleep is characterized by which of the
– (A) sleep walking
– (B) delta waves
– (C) night terrors
– (D) dreams
– (E) sleep spindles
Physiological - 2
• Which of the following describes the correct
sequence of electrical activity as it passes
through a single nerve cell?
– (A) Axon, dendrite, soma, vesicle
– (B) Soma, cell body, dendrite, vesicle
– (C) Soma, vesicle, dendrite, axon
– (D) Dendrite, soma, axon, vesicle
– (E) Dendrite, cell body, vesicle, axon
Physiological - 3
• After suffering a stroke that damaged his LEFT
OCCIPITAL LOBE, Bill’s ability to speak and understand
language remained intact. Nevertheless, he was
unable to identify simple visual stimuli, such as letters
from the alphabet. He was able to accurately copy
these visual stimuli on a piece of paper. Bill’s
symptoms suggest which of the following disorders?
(A) apraxia
(B) aphagia
(C) aphasia
(D) agnosia
(E) amnesia
Physiological – 4
• John goes out on a date with Lisa. He orders a
bowl of soup, which, unknown to him, is spoiled.
After eating the soup, he feels slightly lightheaded. John attributes his light-headedness to
being in love with Lisa. This can be best
explained by which of the following theories?
(A) James-Lange
(B) Cannon-Bard
(C) Schachter-Singer
(D) Hubel-Wiesel
(E) Wever-Bray
Physiological – 5
• Disturbances in nerve tracts for certain
neurotransmitters have been linked with various
psychiatric disorders and degenerative diseases.
Which of the following pairings is NOT correct?
(A) Dopamine and schizophrenia
(B) Norepinephrine and depression
(C) Serotonin and mania
(D) Acetylcholine and Alzheimer’s disease
(E) GABA and Parkinson’s disease
Sensation and Perception - 1
• The tendency to perceive continuous patterns
in stimuli is called
– (A) good continuation
– (B) closure
– (C) proximity
– (D) similarity
– (E) linear perspective
Sensation and Perception - 2
• In an experiment on vision, stimuli of different
magnitudes are presented to a subject who is
then asked to respond “yes” if he sees the
stimulus and “no” if he does not. Using this
procedure, the experimenter is likely to find that
a subject with HIGH sensitivity will
(A) say “yes” more times than “no”
(B) have more hits than false alarms
(C) have a high absolute threshold
(D) have a low difference threshold
(E) also have a high response bias
Sensation and Perception - 3
• Which of the following determine perceived
– I. Retinal size
– II. Perceived distance
– III. Pupil size
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) II and III only
Sensation and Perception – 4
• The dispute between the place theory and the
frequency theory has to do with the action of
– (A) basilar membrane
– (B) ossicles
– (C) inferior colliculus
– (D) somatosensory cortex
– (E) fovea
Sensation and Perception – 5
• Staring at a red stimulus for a while leads to a
green afterimage. This supports
– (A) Békésy’s theory
– (B) Hering’s opponent-process theory
– (C) Helmholtz’s trichromatic theory
– (D) Wever’s volley principle
– (E) the duplexity theory
Learning and Ethology - 1
• You turn on the can opener to open the dog
food and your dog begins to salivate. The
sound of the can opener is a(n)
– (A) unconditioned stimulus
– (B) conditioned response
– (C) unconditioned response
– (D) conditioned stimulus
– (E) neutral response
Learning and Ethology - 2
• Which of the following is NOT based on
operant conditioning?
– (A) contingency management
– (B) behavioral contracting
– (C) implosion
– (D) token economics
– (E) Premack principle
Learning and Ethology - 3
• If it works as planned, which of the following is
the best example of escape?
– (A) A client misses a session, so the therapist charges
an extra fee
– (B) A teacher gives detention to all late students
– (C) A parent rescinds a curfew because a child gets
good grades
– (D) A doctor gives a lollipop to all children who do not
cry when they get a shot
– (E) A child is warned that if he doesn’t clean his room,
he will be punished. The child cleans his room.
Learning and Ethology – 4
• Köhler’s experiment on chimpanzee problem
solving demonstrated that
– (A) insight can be explained by trial-and-error
– (B) not all learning is trial-and-error
– (C) trial-and-error learning never occurs
– (D) chimpanzees used cognitive maps to find the
– (E) chimpanzees do not learn by trial-and-error
Learning and Ethology – 5
• Which of the following best states John Garcia’s
major contribution to classical conditioning?
– (A) Classical conditioning is based on contingency
– (B) Classical conditioning is due to instinctual drift
– (C) Classical conditioning is actually a type of operant
– (D) Classical conditioning is affected by the animal’s
biological makeup
– (E) Classical conditioning is based on contiguity alone
Cognitive - 1
• According to the stage theory of memory, information
can go through memory in which order?
– (A) Sensory memory, long-term memory, short-term
– (B) Iconic memory, short-term memory, long-term memory
– (C) Echoic memory, iconic memory, long-term memory
– (D) Short-term memory, long-term memory, sensory
– (E) Long-term memory, sensory memory, short-term
Cognitive - 2
• You hear an excerpt of music and your
companion asks you who wrote it. You’ve never
heard it before, but reply that it’s likely that Bach
wrote it. Your judgment can be best explained on
the basis of
(A) proactive inhibition
(B) divergent thinking
(C) representativeness
(D) the method of loci
(E) procedural memory
Cognitive - 3
• Upon being asked to list various uses for a
blanket, Lillian responds, “a parachute, a
basketball net, and fake icing for a small
sculpture of a cake.” Lillian is using
– (A) parallel distributed processing
– (B) metacognition
– (C) crystallized intelligence
– (D) divergent thinking
– (E) transformational rules
Cognitive – 4
• A student learned a monologue from
Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and then, a month
later, learned a monologue from King Lear. Every
time he tried to recite the monologue from Lear,
he began reciting the Twelfth Night monologue.
This is known as
(A) the Method of Loci
(B) the method of savings
(C) proactive inhibition
(D) encoding specificity
(E) retroactive inhibition
Cognitive – 5
• For Noam Chomsky, the semantic
interpretation of a sentence comes from
– (A) surface structure
– (B) inhibition theory
– (C) deep structure
– (D) divergent thinking
– (E) transformational rules
Research, Design, Statistics, Tests, &
Measurements - 1
• What is the mean of the following
distribution? 1,1,7,8,8
– (A) 1
– (B) 2
– (C) 5
– (D) 7
– (E) 8
Research, Design, Statistics, Tests, &
Measurements - 2
• When a person says, “Molly is smarter than
John,” she is employing which measurement
– (A) Nominal
– (B) Ordinal
– (C) Interval
– (D) Ratio
– (E) Categorical
Research, Design, Statistics, Tests, &
Measurements - 3
• A Type II error occurs
– (A) whenever a true null hypothesis is accepted
– (B) whenever a false null hypothesis is rejected
– (C) whenever a false null hypothesis is accepted
– (D) whenever a true null hypothesis is rejected
– (E) whenever a statistically insignificant result is
Research, Design, Statistics, Tests, &
Measurements – 4
• What type of validity hinges largely on actions
and decisions made before any test items are
actually administered?
– (A) Criterion
– (B) Construct
– (C) Content
– (D) Predictive
– (E) Convergent
Research, Design, Statistics, Tests, &
Measurements - 5
• A 4-year old, Mary, has an IQ score of 200. an 8year old, Jimmy, has an IQ score of 100. a 10-year
old, Johnny, has an IQ of 90. assuming that these
are not deviation IQs, which child has the highest
mental age?
(A) Mary
(B) Jimmy
(C) Johnny
(D) None, all the children have the same mental age
(E) mental age cannot be determined from the
information given