Poster PresentatIon Judy Think Tank 1-31

Self-Regulation – Is it Really That Important to Wait?
Judy Osterhage
Santa Barbara City College
In our fast paced society, waiting has become a lost art. Our
society underestimates the benefits of waiting or developing
self-regulation and self-control. We live in a time of instant
messaging and instant response, this sets up an expectation for
immediate gratification. This learned behavior makes it
difficult for parents to teach children to develop selfregulation and impulse control.
The developmental benefits and skills learned through selfregulation set a child up for a lifetime of success. The
facilitator identified practical strategies a parent or caregiver
can use to support the development of self-regulation skills.
Materials and Methods
Through the process of creating this video, the facilitator
identified the paramount importance of self-regulation skills.
Developing self-regulation skills can predict school success,
social success, less anger, less tantrums, and less engagement
in risky behavior.
This video provides parents and caregivers with the tools to
help their children learn to calm themselves, take turns, wait
and develop self-control.
An unexpected result of this research showed there is a
downside to self-regulation if all influences are external. If
self-regulation is based on manipulation or fear it could lead
to a development of false self and create anxiety. Some
specialists believe when self-regulation is heavily external it
is from fear instead of internal control. Experts caution that
too much obedience may stifle the spirit and the spontaneous
nature of children. More research in this area is needed to
clarify these concerns.
The facilitator engaged in a thorough review of literature that
focused on self-regulation and impulse control. In addition,
the facilitator completed doctorate course work in this area.
The combination of these two activities helped shape the
video presentation.
This objective of this video is to help people working with
children from zero to three learn more about the importance of
the development of self-regulation skills.
The facilitator examined the important aspects of selfregulation and delayed gratification. The information obtained
was integrated into a video presentation dealing with the
“how, what, when , where and why” of self-regulation.
It is hope that caregivers watching this video will gain positive
strategies that can be used on a daily basis to help children
learn to:
teach children through play
become aware of temperaments
delay gratification
set limits
share and take turns
This video is intended to be watched by the parents and
caregivers of infants and toddlers, so they can reflect upon
how they helping their child to develop self-regulation skills.
Raising the awareness in this area could play an important role
in the future of our society.
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Judy Osterhage: