The Punnett Square Shuffle

Lesson components with an asterisk are required. Before preparing your lesson plan, we strongly advise teachers to
review the Lesson Plan Criteria Checklist that will be used to judge Lesson Plan quality for posting to ALEX.
*Author Information:
E-mail address (will not be published)
School System
Chastity Bradford, Ph.D., Lauren C. Jackson,
Tiffany Robinson – Undergraduate (General
Science Education Majors), Dee Dee
Canionero, MS.
Tuskegee University
Undergraduate Studies
*Title: May be plain or designed to grab attention!
The Punnett Square Shuffle
A three to five sentence description of the lesson. Your annotation may describe the
primary nature (such as hands-on, inquiry, technology-based, project, lecture), whether interdisciplinary or singlesubject, and/or its relationship to other lessons (such as part of a unit, follows or precedes another submitted
lesson, remediation or extension of another submitted lesson) or courses (such as a Career-Tech course lesson
addresses embedded credit content). Being clear, descriptive, and specific will help in keyword searches.
This hands-on activity serves as an excellent way to teach students the basics of the
Punnett Square! Students will be required to understand how Punnett squares are created
and their relation to trait inheritance and developmental diseases. This lesson plan serves
as part three to a series of lesson plans under the “Sickle Cell the Sticky Cell” module,
created for seventh grade students.
*Content Standard(s):
One or more of Alabama's course of study content standards. The content standard stem and bullets would be
included, although the bulleted format need not be retained. A lesson may address a single content standard, a
portion of a content standard, two or more content standards from the same subject area, or content standards
from two or more subject areas.
Course of Study: Life
Grade Level: 7th grade
Course: Science
Content Standard # 11
Content Standard:
Identify Mendel’s laws of genetics.
 Recognizing sickle cell anemia as an inherited genetic disorder
 Using a monohybrid Punnett square to predict the probability of traits passed from
parents to offspring
National/Other Standards:
(Optional) National standards may be provided to assist teachers that may require them. Place a standard here to
align the lesson with national or other standards.
National Science Education Standards for Life Science Content,
Standard C, grades 5 – 8 (structure and function in living systems, reproduction and
*Primary Learning Objectives(s):
The concept, knowledge, skill, or application students can demonstrate at the lesson's completion. This may be
the same as or very similar to the content standard; however, it could be narrower or perhaps broader. Objectives
may be stated in the form of critical questions students should be able to answer.
Students should have previously learned the terminology associated with Punnett squares
and have some understanding of genetics before participating in this activity. Students
should be knowledgeable of the difference between homozygous and heterozygous
genotypes. Students should know the role of alleles in trait inheritance.
Punnett Square
A probability diagram that illustrates the possible offspring of a mating.
This is an alternate form of a gene.
A gene from one parent can cause a phenotype/disease. When there is both a
dominant and recessive allele, the dominant trait is expressed. It is represented by a capital
Both genes in a pair must be present in order for the phenotype/disease to be
present. It is represented by a lowercase letter.
A unit of inheritance that usually is directly responsible for one trait or character.
The genes represented by the letters.
The expression of the genes, or what the traits look like.
The same alleles, are either either dominant or both recessive, for example bb or BB.
Both dominant and recessive alleles are expressed, for example Bb.
Additional Learning Objective(s):
(Optional) These may be incidental, related outcomes that are not assessed; they may be smaller steps students
need to take to lead to the Primary Learning Objective; or they may be broader objectives that extend beyond the
scope of the lesson but that the lesson partially addresses (e.g., critical thinking).
Determine what possible gene combinations can be passed from parents to
Students should become familiar with using a Punnett Square to determine
offspring genotypes and phenotypes.
Students should understand the difference between genotypes and phenotypes.
Students should be able to identify basic patterns of inheritance (e.g.,
dominance, recessive, and codominance).
*Total Duration:
The anticipated time of the entire lesson (including assignments and assessment) stated in minutes.
This activity requires one or two 45-50 minute class periods.
*Materials and Equipment:
Those required by teacher and/or students, with pertinent notes to guide preparation or other special instructions
needed such as safety considerations. Please list technology items in the next field.
7th Grade Life Sciences textbook
2 Large tables
2 Large bowls or 2 Wacky Noodles (representing the chromosome structures)
Parent (Paper Alleles) 60 total [15 SS & 15 ss in each bowl or pinned to the
wacky noodles]
Name tag stickers
Positive attitude
*Technology Resources Needed:
Examples of technology tools might include: slideshows, digital cameras, Interactive Boards, podcasts, laptops,
Photostory, web sites, demonstrations, experiments with probeware, etc.
Laptops and/or iPad are optional, PowerPoint, and website.
Background information /prerequisite learning material needed by the students or teacher and/or advanced
preparation required.
This lesson plan is most effective after students have been introduced to the concepts of the
Punnett square and how it used to predict offspring and inheritance. Teachers should know
how to draw a Punnett square. Teachers should know the difference between phenotype
and genotype. Teachers should become familiar with probability. Students should
understand chromosomes and chromatids.
A clear, succinct description of the activity. It should be divided into steps or sections. Include web links and file
attachments as needed to strengthen your lesson. NOTE: For tips on uploading files, videos, and attachments,
check the FAQ’s.
Step 1
The Punnett Square Shuffle Engagement
to be
Title: Pre-Test, Introduction of Disease Inheritance
Annotation: The videos that are attached, are brief clips from the
documentary “Crazy, Sexy, Cool” where one of the TLC members finds out she
has sickle cell anemia.
Suggested Engagement Clips:
(Attach files
TLC Movie Clip
as needed)
a. 1. Students will watch a video that illustrates a real life
example of an inherited disease.
2. The teacher will hand out a Pre-Test to each student
before beginning the lecture. This pre-test will help
teachers gain an understanding of student’s prior
knowledge. Upon the completion of the pre-test, students
engage in a discussion about any previous knowledge
of an inherited disease and a Punnett square.
Suggested Engagement Questions:
1) What is a Punnett square?
2) What do Punnett squares look like?
3) How do you build a Punnett square?
4) How can the Punnett square be useful when
determining traits or inherited disorders?
Web Links
Title TLC Video Clip
Annotation This short clip should be used as an example of an inherited
disorder that can be determined through traits from parents.
Step 2
The Punnett Square Shuffle Explanation
to be
Title: Interactive Video Presentation/Lecture
Annotation: A Video Presentation will be given
(provided), and teachers can determine how to
modify/introduce it to meet their needs. The video
presentation will focus on a live example of how to
(Attach files
complete a Punnett square to the class, and offer tips
as needed)
for accuracy.
Title: The Punnett Square Shuffle
Annotation: Video presentation created by the module designers that
displays how to accurately make a Punnett square to song.
Web Links
Title: The Punnett Square Shuffle Clip
This link was created by the module designers to help illustrate how to create
a Punnett square using a familiar song's instrumental version.
Step 3
The Punnett Square Shuffle Exploration
to be
Title: Hands-on Experiment
a. 1. The teacher will walk around the room with 2 large
noodle chromatid structures labeled mother and father,
each containing alleles (letters).
(Attach files
as needed)
2. The students will select one pair from each large
noodle chromatid.
3. Each student will also receive a Punnett square and
complete it to determine their genotype.
4. The teacher will demonstrate how to determine
genotype using the Punnett square.
The Punnett Square will be drawn using the melody of the Cupid Shuffle. (Reference) The teacher has
the option to use the lyrics that are suggested, to enhance memorization.
To the right (4x),
Now dip (4x), Now that’s your Punnett square (2x)
Title: Interactive Game
Annotation: As previously stated, this portion of the module will consist of the teacher’s hands on interactive
game. This lesson plan will provide an opportunity to increase heart rate.
Web Links Title: Cupid Shuffle Reference (Song)
The link above is the music download that uses the Cupid Shuffle melody that goes along with the game.
It was adapted by Dr. Chastity Bradford.
Step 4
The Punnett Square Shuffle Elaboration
to be
Title: Discussion and Clarification
Review the Punnett square and all the concepts learned during the
exploration component of the lesson plan. Relate the Punnett square’s
importance to disease inheritance, one example being Sickle Cell Anemia.
(Attach files
(Open discussion, question and answer session)
as needed)
Web Links
No Web Link is Necessary
URL: ***
This portion of the module consists of discussion and clarification exercises, a
short review should take place along with time for students to ask questions.
Step 5
The Punnett Square Shuffle Evaluation
to be
Title: Post-test
The teacher will provide a Post-Test. This post-test will help teachers gain
an understanding of student knowledge after this lesson plan is complete.
Upon the completion of the post-test, students will watch a 5 min video of
(Attach files someone living with sickle cell anemia. Then, the teacher will begin to ask
as needed) questions referencing the video and connecting the modular concepts.
Title: Living with and Managing Sickle Cell Disease
This video—presented by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, part
of the National Institutes of Health—shows how Tiffany, a mother and
student, has coped with having sickle cell disease.
Web Links
Title: Living with and Managing Sickle Cell Disease
Annotation: This link was taken from the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute and illustrates an insight and personal story of a
mother living with sickle cell.
(Add additional steps if needed.)
*Assessment Strategies:
This may simply indicate the type of assessment most appropriate, or it may provide sample questions, entire
tests, or rubrics.
We have provided a pre and post assessment for the teachers to give to their students
before and after the lesson plan, to assist with the “Evaluation” step of the lesson plan.
Name: ______________________________
The Punnett Square Shuffle
Pre/Post Test
If a dog has a black fur coat, is that the dog’s phenotype or genotype?
o Genotype
o Phenotype
o Both
o Neither
A penny is tossed 6 times and has landed on heads each time. Knowing those
results is the penny going to land on heads the next toss?
o Yes, 100% chance
o No
o 50% chance for heads, 50% heads for tails.
After Mendel died scientists began to recognize the importance of his ideas.
They called him a name. What was the name that they called him?
o Father of the Square
o Father of Genetics
o Father of the USA
o Father of Heredity
If the probability of something is 75% the event really occur 75% of the time.
o True
o False
What is the purpose of the Punnett Square?
o To prevent unwanted genes
o To predict gene characteristics
o To determine shoe size
o To play DNA games
When two identical alleles for a trait are in an organism, the organism
is said to be ____________?
o Heterozygous
o Homozygous
o Hybrid
o Sugarcane
When two identical alleles for a trait are in an organism, the
organism is said to be ____________?
If the father and mother are both heterozygous for sickle cell anemia
(Ss), what is the probability of the child being heterozygous as well?
o 50%
o 25%
o 0%
o 100%
Explain how the lesson might be modified for students who already know or can do the Primary Learning
Objective, such as activities that apply the concept to new content.
Students who have prior knowledge and/or can complete the primary learning objective
can build their own punnett squares and train their peers.
To ensure that students can apply the knowledge, they can recognize other diseases such
as Down Syndrome as inherited disorders.
Teachers can include more complicated punnett squares (dihybrid crosses) and include
more probability challenges.
Explain what may be done for students who need extra preparation before or extra assistance after the lesson.
Special education students will receive accommodations by working in small groups
during the course of the interactive game. This will allow these students to participate in
the same games, yet work at their own pace. The special education students will also be
given additional time with completing their Punnett squares, either an additional timeline
or option to respond and finish their own squares at home.