Presentation PPT - West Virginia GIS Technical Center

Property Valuation Training &
Procedures Commission
Tax Map Advisory Committee
Kurt Donaldson, GISP
• Member, Property Valuation Training & Procedures Commission
• Manager, WV GIS Technical Center, WVU
WV Assessors Conference
Tax Map History in WV
First Tax Maps: County surface tax maps created on linen or mylar sheets
and maintained by WV DTR
State transfers map making responsibilities to counties. First uniform
statewide mapping standards approved by the Property Valuation Training
and Procedures Commission (PVC)
Mineral Lands Mapping Program: WV DTR begins creating digital surface
parcels and mineral parcel maps for all coal bearing lands
Tax Map Advisory Committee of PVC recommends new tax map rules
which includes digital mapping guidelines
Kanawha County Circuit Court orders State Tax Department to provide
Seneca Technologies with electronic copies of all county tax maps. New
Tax Map Sales Legislative Rule (WV CSR 189-5) withdrawn.
Seneca Lawsuit Overturned
Revised procedural rule WV CSR 189-3 “Statewide Procedures for the
Maintenance and Publishing of Surface Tax Maps” becomes effective.
PVC appoints Tax Map Advisory Committee to review mapping regulations.
WV Tax Maps
Tax Map History in WV
The State Tax Department issues a memorandum that it will no longer
provide tax map sales to “other” authorized county agents
The State Tax Department issues a memorandum that it will no longer sell
cadastral GIS data (ArcGIS Shapefiles, Maplnfo files, etc.) without first
receiving written permission from the County Assessor(s) to do so.
A business plan is developed by the WV Office of GIS Coordination and
Rahall Transportation Institute as to how to finish, maintain, and share the
statewide cadastral dataset, including both surface and mineral parcels.
Property Tax Division published Tax Map Submission Guidelines for the
submission of digital and manual tax maps to the State Tax Department.
A PVC subcommittee was charged review to PVC regulations and
WV Tax Maps
§11-1C-4. [PVC] Commission
powers and duties; rulemaking
• Make Rules: The commission shall have the power to make
such rules as it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of
this section, which rules shall include procedures for the
maintenance, use, sale, and reproduction of microfilm,
photography and tax maps.
• Devise Training: Devise training and certification criteria for
county assessors and their employees and members of county
• Evaluate Performance of Assessors & Tax Department: The
commission shall establish objective criteria for the evaluation of
the performance of the duties of county assessors and the tax
WV Tax Maps
Members of PVC
Jeff Amburgey
Director, Property Tax Division
Chairman, PVC
Hon. Janice LaRue
Hon. Mickey Brown
Mineral County Commissioner
Boone County Commissioner
Hon. Cheryl Romano
Hon. Eddie Young*
Hon. Jason Nettles*
Harrison County Assessor
Fayette County Assessor
Calhoun County Assessor
Dr. Calvin Kent*
Mr. Kurt Donaldson*
Citizen Member
Citizen Member
* PVC Subcommittee appointed to review regulations and monitoring
WV Tax Maps
Tax Map Advisory Committee
(2013) (2007)
• PURPOSE: Provide
recommendations for updating the
WV Code of State Rules relative to
the maintenance, publishing, and
sale of surface tax maps.
replace existing procedural rules
with new guidelines for both manual
and digital mapping
WV Tax Maps
Committee Members (2006-07)
Deputy Assessors
County Mappers
WVDTR Tax Personnel
WV GIS Coordinator
Geospatial Professionals
Preston Gooden
Assessor - Berkeley County
Larry Clifton
Assessor - Braxton County
Frank Whitacre
Assessor - Hampshire County
Joseph Alongi
Assessor - Hancock County
Jim Priester
Assessor - Marion County
Ron Hickman
Assessor - Mason County
Terri Funk
Assessor - Preston County
Dreama Evans
Assessor - Raleigh County
Steve Sluss
Deputy Assessor - Kanawha County
Bill King
Mapper - Berkeley County
Daniel Tassey
Mapper - Brook/Hancock Counties
JD Adkins
Mapper - Cabell County
Vince LaNeve
Mapper - Hancock County
Jeff Tuttle
Mapper - Marion County
Dave Tarbett
Mapper - Mason County
Connie Ervin
Mapper - Preston County
Doug Shahan
Mapper - Preston County
Cindy Gorman
Mapper - Raleigh County
Matthew Mullenax
Planner - Berkeley County
Chris Fletcher
Planner - City of Morgantown
Yi-Ning Chen
WV DTR GIS Analyst
Craig Neidig
WV GIS Coordinator
Kurt Donaldson
WV GIS Technical Center
Sam Hicks
Commissioner - Lewis County
WV Tax Maps
Charge to Tax Map Advisory Committee
• Regulations: Review all mapping regulations.
Ensure mapping definitions and rules consistent and
unambiguous for all mapping regulations.
– WV State Code
– Statewide Procedures for the Maintenance and Publishing of
Surface Tax Maps (189 CSR 3) effective 2009
– Tax Map Sales (189 CSR 5) effective 1992
• Monitoring: Review County Monitoring Plans
• Training: Review training resources and guidelines
• Enforcement: Review enforcement procedures for those
entities which illegally distribute tax maps (189-3-7.8.c.6)
WV Tax Maps
Tax Map Regulations & Monitoring
• Regulations
– WV State Code
• Chapter 11. Taxation
• Article 1c. Fair and equitable property valuation
– Statewide Procedures for the Maintenance and
Publishing of Surface Tax Maps
• (189 CSR 3) effective 2009
– Tax Map Sales
• (189 CSR 5) effective 1992
• County Monitoring Plans
WV Tax Maps
WV State Code
Chapter 11. Taxation
Article 1c. Fair and equitable property
WV Tax Maps
WV State Code - Review
§11-1C-2. Definitions.
For the purposes of this article, the following words shall have
the meanings hereafter ascribed to them unless the context
clearly indicates otherwise:
(d) "Valuation commission" or "commission" means the
commission created in section three of this article.
(h) "Electronic” means relating to technology having electrical,
digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic or similar
capabilities. Electronic tax maps consist of the digital mapping
files, aerial photography, and other mapping data layers
associated with tax maps.
(i) "Paper” means a tax map or document that is not electronic.
WV Tax Maps
WV State Code - Review
§11-1C-4. [PVC] Commission powers and duties;
(3d) The commission shall have the power to make such
rules as it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of
this section, which rules shall include procedures for the
maintenance, use, sale, and reproduction of microfilm,
photography and tax maps reproduction, and distribution of
paper and electronic tax maps.
WV Tax Maps
WV State Code
11-1C-7. Duties of county assessors; property to be
appraised at fair market value; exceptions; initial
equalization; valuation plan.
(e) (1) The county assessor shall establish and maintain as
official records of the county tax maps of the entire county
drawn to scale or aerial maps, … ascertained by reference to
the appropriate records: Provided, That all such records shall
be established and maintained and the sale, and reproduction
of microfilm, photography and tax maps reproduction, and
distribution of paper and electronic tax maps shall be in
accordance with legislative rules promulgated by the
WV Tax Maps
WV State Code - Review
11-1C-7. Duties of county assessors; property to be
appraised at fair market value; exceptions; initial
equalization; valuation plan.
(2) The following fees apply in addition to any fee charged by the
assessor or the map sales unit of the property tax division of the
department of revenue for the sale or reproduction of microfilm,
photography and paper and electronic tax maps pursuant to the
legislative rules referenced in subdivision (1) of this subsection:
(A) For a full map sheet, an additional fee of three dollars per
copy shall be charged, which shall be deposited in the
courthouse facilities improvement fund created by section six,
article twenty-six, chapter twenty-nine of this code;
WV Tax Maps
TITLE 189 PVC Rules
Tax Map Sales
Procedures for
the Maintenance
& Publishing of
Surface Tax Maps
WV Tax Maps
Statewide Procedures for the
Maintenance and Publishing of
Surface Tax Maps
(189 CSR 3) effective 2009
WV Tax Maps
Finished Tax Maps
Manually drafted or computer generated
WV Tax Maps
Finished “Surface” Tax Maps
• Show the property and lot lines, set forth
dimensions and/or areas, and other
cadastral and cultural features that
assessors are required by state law to
maintain and publish for the public.
• Created by either manual or automated
methods in accordance with standards
approved by the Property Valuation
Training and Procedures Commission
Cartographic Design / Layout Specifications
Map Content
Maintenance Procedures / Map Currency
Submission Requirements / County
WV Tax Maps
WV Tax Maps
WV Tax Maps
WV Tax Maps
§189-3 Tax Map Rule - Review
§189-3-17 References.
– 17.1. International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO). 2002
2008. Standard on Contracting for Assessment Services. Website:
– 17.2. International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO). 2003
2012. Standard on Digital Cadastral Maps and Parcel Identifiers.
– 17.3. International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO). 2004.
Standard on Manual Cadastral Maps and Parcel Identifiers.
– 17.4. Federal Geographic Data Committee’s (FGDC) Cadastral
Data Subcommittee. 2006 2012. Cadastral NSDI Reference
Document. Website:
WV Tax Maps
§189-3 Tax Map Rule Review
(Text Font Size/Symbol Sets)
WV Tax Maps
§189-3 Tax Map Rule Review
(Text Font Size/Symbol Sets)
WV Tax Maps
§189-3 Tax Map Rule
(Symbol & Annotation Sizes)
§189-3-7.6a Symbols. -- Throughout the finished tax maps, the symbol sets
shall be consistent, conforming to the standard mapping symbols and
cartographic specifications shown in the Appendix of the Standard on Manual
Cadastral Maps and Parcel Identifiers (IAAO 2004). Computerized mapping
systems shall follow a similar cartographic standard. All symbols shall be
legible when reduced to 50%.
§189-3-7.6a Annotated Features. -- Unless otherwise denoted in these
specifications, all lettering on finished cadastral maps shall conform to the
character height and orientation shown in the Appendix of the Standard on
Manual Cadastral Maps and Parcel Identifiers (IAAO 2004). Computerized
mapping systems shall follow a similar cartographic standard. All annotated
features shall be legible when reduced to 50%.
WV Tax Maps
Sample Feedback from County Mapper
I have said it before, and I will say it again. I am thinking of joining Virginia,
Maryland or Pennsylvania's GIS group because from what I see they are
way ahead of WV in all areas, especially [GIS] training.
…The other issue I have is that the Statewide Procedures for the
Maintenance and Publishing of Surface Tax Maps needs to updated to the
21st century. No, this time [the] 20th will not do. I am working on moving to
the parcel fabric and using the ESRI templates. In many areas these
maps do not meet the standards set forth in the standards even though
they are much nicer, more modern, easier to read, prettier, etc.
I feel there is far too much written into the standards and how you should
do things. Much of it just needs to be deleted. There needs to be a set of
standards but these go too far and, theoretically, prevent me from
modernizing. The rest of the state can stay in the past if they want to I am
compelled to move forward.
WV Tax Maps
Sample Feedback from County Mapper
The surrounding states are far more advanced and our constituents
expect the same from us. I am working hard to deliver that to them with or
without the rest of the state. I would prefer that the standards were written
to allow me to do that. This is the way we have always done it is not a
good reason for anything.
It needs to be examined and reworked. There needs to be input at ALL
stages from ALL the parcel mappers and not a select few as it was the last
time. I know I was not consulted and the result is that it is already out of
date. I would be glad to head up this effort if that is what it takes.
WV Tax Maps
Tax Map Sales
(189 CSR 5) effective 1992
WV Tax Maps
§189-5 Tax Map Sales – PVC
• PAPER MAPS: The existing base fees ($5.00 for map sheet, $1.50
for copies) will remain the same.
• DIGITAL PRINT-READY IMAGES (PDF, JPEG, etc.) Same fees as for
paper maps, or $5 per map sheet.
• DIGITAL PARCEL POLYGONS (GIS files: Esri Shapefiles, AutoDesk
Drawing files, etc.) Calculate the fee based on the total number of tax
map sheets ($5 per map sheet) that covers the area of interest.
The Courthouse Facilities Improvement Authority, not the PVC, shall set
the additional tax map fees (e.g., $3 per full map sheet, $1.50 per copy)
for the courthouse facilities improvement fund.
WV Tax Maps
§189-5 Tax Map Sales - Review
(Surcharge CFI)2
Printed Copies or Print-Ready Images of Finished Tax Maps
Full Map Sheet
18” x 24” or larger
Small Map Sheets
11” x 17” or smaller
8.5” x 11” or 8.5” x 14”
Digital Parcel Polygons (GIS files: Shapefiles, DWG files, etc.)
Individual Map Sheets
of digital parcel
per map sheet
Countywide Set of
$8.00 x total number
digital parcel polygons
per map sheet
of maps in County
1 An
WV 189CSR5
(Base fee)
additional processing fee may be applied for customized map services.
The percentages of tax map sales revenue submitted to the Courthouse Facilities Improvement
Fund range from 37.5% (full map sheet) to 50% (reproductions).
WV Tax Maps
§189-5 Tax Map Sales – PVC
• The PVC sets the MAXIMUM charge for tax map sales, while the
Assessor sets the MINIMUM charge. An assessor may choose not to
charge tax map sales for other governmental agencies, economic
development projects, etc.
• Don’t plan on tax map sales being a revenue generator. Tax map
sales help to cover costs for consumables like paper and ink, but will
not generate enough revenue to pay for mappers’ salaries.
• Generally, assessors charge the public a nominal amount for map
services that require human involvement to distribute the maps. Many
assessors choose not to charge for Internet-based Web map
applications that allow the public to view parcel maps remotely.
WV Tax Maps
Taylor County Web Map Application
WV Tax Maps
Web Map Application – Photo View
WV Tax Maps
Tax Map Distribution by
• via Internet
– Online Map Viewers (print screen only)
– Download finished tax maps (PDF, TIFF)
– Subscription based
• via Office
– Assessors Office (paper access, map kiosk)
– State Tax Sales Office (mail map requests?)
WV Tax Maps
County Monitoring
WV Tax Maps
County Monitoring Plan
(Existing Monitoring Questionnaire)
WV Tax Maps
County Monitoring Plan
(Proposed Monitoring Questionnaire)
Inspection Item
Last Year in
MAP DESIGN & CONTENT: Are the paper or electronic
“finished” tax maps created in accordance with the
cartographic design, map content and layout specifications
set forth in PVC Procedural Rule 189-3? Are the tax maps
legible, easily interpreted, visually appealing, and
communicate effectively the cadastral information to the map
reader? (§189-3-5 to §189-3-7 )
MAP CURRENTNESS: Is the map maintenance current for
all parcel split transfers inspected? (§189-3-11)
TRAINING: Last map training attended by assessors or
county mappers. (§ 11-1C-4)
WV Tax Maps
County Monitoring Plan
(Proposed Monitoring Questionnaire)
Inspection Item
Last Year in
(1) Revised Tax Maps. Revised tax map copies shall be
submitted to the Property Tax Division as follows: transfers
occurring between July 1st and the following June 30 shall be
reflected in the maps and submitted to the PTD no later than
February 1 of the subsequent calendar year. Revised finished
maps shall be submitted as a hardcopy or print-ready digital
image in accordance with exchange specifications set forth by
the PVC (§189-3-11.8)
(2) GIS Files. During the month of April, all county assessors
who maintain automated systems shall submit their digital parcel
boundary files and associated metadata to the State Tax
Department in accordance with the prescribed format and
submission guidelines. (§189-3-15)
WV Tax Maps
County Monitoring Plan
(Objectives of New Monitoring Guidelines)
• Synchronize assessment and mapping
monitoring during same visitation
• More responsive and early detection in
reporting deficiencies to PVC
– Annual monitoring of content and submission
guidelines do not require visits to counties
– Identify automated ways to review map
maintenance through IAS and other means
without visiting counties
WV Tax Maps
Recommendations - Property Tax Div.
• STAFFING: Minimize staff changeover. Identify Lead GIS
Manager for Surface Tax Maps and Program Supervisor. Provide
outreach and technical support services.
• OUTREACH: Develop and sponsors GIS training programs for
assessors and mappers. Publish resources on Web.
• DATA SHARING: Ensure there is reciprocal relationship between
the PTD and counties for sharing mineral and surface tax parcels.
• STANDARDS: Develop GIS database standards.
• GIS/IAS INTEGRATION: Supervise integration of county statewide
GIS parcels and IAS records into statewide layer for “viewing only”
purposes. Develop an easy process for counties to download IAS
data to merge with GIS parcels.
• MAINTENANCE: Establish a digital maintenance program for
counties that need to outsource parcel maintenance.
• MONITORING: Update monitoring procedures. When writing
county inspections cite appropriate regulations for deficiencies.
WV Tax Maps
§189-3 Tax Map Rule - Review
(Digital Parcel File/Shapefiles)
§189-3-15. Statewide Digital Parcel Boundary File. Once a year, as
part of the State Parcel Management Program, a state parcel boundary
file with minimum attributes shall be standardized across jurisdictional
boundaries to meet statewide business needs including emergency
response and economic development. To fulfill this annual requirement,
during the month of April, all county assessors who maintain automated
systems shall submit their digital parcel boundary files and associated
metadata to the State Tax Department in accordance with prescribed
submission guidelines. It is recommended that digital parcel files be
geo-referenced, seamless, topologically validated, and linkable to the
Integrated Assessment System and follow submission standards set
forth by the Property Tax Division. The State Tax Department may
provide this information to any federal, state, or local government
agency for their limited use. The further reproduction and distribution
shall be in accordance with paragraph 7.8.c.6 of this rule.
WV Tax Maps
Mapping Trends
WV Tax Maps
Surface Tax Mapping Status (2013)
75% of WV counties
have adopted GIS
WV Tax Maps
Surface Tax Mapping Status (2004)
Most counties
are migrating
to Esri GIS
WV Tax Maps
GIS Adoption – Most Populous Counties
WV Tax Maps
GIS Adoption – Most Populous Cities
WV Tax Maps
Future Trends…In Next 15 Years
• All 55 counties will have adopted GIS mapping
– Successful State Digital Maintenance Program
– Digital Conversion Funding Support from State
• The Property Tax Division will have integrated all
55 counties into a seamless GIS database linked
to the IAS and viewable to authorized users
• Map maintenance and publishing standards for
manually drafting paper tax maps will be dropped
WV Tax Maps
Digital Conversion
WV Tax Maps
Digital Conversion - Steps
• Conversion Method (Deeds & Plats, Best Fit, Hybrid)
• Conversion Guidelines
Geo-reference Tax Maps/Locate Plats
Create Base Road Centerlines
Build right-of-way widths
Add hydro and other reference features
Parcel Database Design
Build Topology Rules
Reconcile with IAS records
Electronic Map Books
Refer to training resources , standards, samples RFP’s for
best practices about digital conversion
WV Tax Maps
Digital Conversion - Challenges
• Maintaining two systems (manual and digital)
• Expense
• Time
• Technical Issues
• Organizational Issues
- Sharing resources and expenses with other entities can minimize
redundancy, ensure interoperability, and maximize benefits.
- Conduct pilots to resolve critical issues.
WV Tax Maps
Digital Map
WV Tax Maps
Digital Map Maintenance
• In House:
– Counties have their own mapper
– Multiple counties share a mapper (Hancock/Brooke,
• Out Source:
– Counties outsource directly with a qualified vendor for digital
maintenance services (Hampshire, Mineral, Pendleton, Lewis,
Taylor, Gilmer, Clay)
– Counties outsource maintenances services performed by a
vendor under contract with the Property Tax Division
WV Tax Maps
Map Request Change
WV Tax Maps
Attach Map Plat
WV Tax Maps
Staff Recommendations
IAAO 2012 Standard on Digital Cadastral Maps and Parcel Identifiers
3.11 Staff and Training
• An effective digital cadastral mapping and deed-processing program
requires approximately one staff person per 10,000 to 20,000 parcels.
This number may be modified depending on the following factors:
Degree of automation and efficiency in deed processing and mapping work flow
Economies of scale in larger jurisdictions
Need to create or recreate digital map layer
Volume of deed processing work
Ratio of ownership name changes to transfers that create new parcels
Volume of new subdivision and condominium plats filed
Need to respond to public requests for map and ownership information
Reliance on contracted mapping services
Need to create and maintain layers for non-assessment purposes, such as zoning,
transportation planning, and emergency response
– Ease of deed processing, especially if transfers contain an accurate parcel identifier
WV Tax Maps
Cadastral GIS
WV Tax Maps
GIS Training Resources
• Scheduled Training Courses
– Foundational Training
• ArcGIS I & II (June 10-14)
– Specialized Training
• ArcGIS Advanced Editing (June 19)
• ArcGIS Python (July 16-18)
• Training Resources
– WV Association of Geospatial Professionals (
WV Property Tax Division
WV Office of GIS Coordination
Academic & Research Institutions
Software companies
Other assessor offices
WV Tax Maps
What is the most important component
of a successful GIS program?
• Hardware
• Map Software
• Map Data
• People (the most important)
– Assessor is a champion and successful manager of
implementing, maintaining, and sustaining a digital mapping
– Qualified and trained mapping staff
WV Tax Maps
Elements of a
Successful GIS
WV Tax Maps
What Constitutes a GIS Program?
Seamless countywide parcel map files
Geo-referenced to a common coordinate system
Linked to an external database via the property
identification number
Topologically Validated (e.g., parcels closed, no gaps, and
do not overlap; lot lines covered by parcel boundaries)
Digital surface tax maps published according to state
guidelines. Electronic map books automate map
Continual maintenance of parcel files
WV Tax Maps
Linked to Assessment Database
A GIS links locational (spatial) and database (tabular) information
Tax Parcel Record: Anytown, West Virginia
Parcel Number:
Mr. John Sebastian Doe
3057 Apis Mellifera Road
Anytown, WV 20555
Appraised Value:
Mineral Rights:
Zoning Classification Single Family Residential (R1)
Tax District:
Trap Hill District
District Number:
Map Number:
Spatial Information
Tabular Information
Database links to parcels via: (1) parcel identifier or (2) standardized address
WV Tax Maps
GIS = Parcel Features + Database
• GIS are a combination of geographic
data and attribute data
– Parcel polygons are the spatial features
– CAMA/IAS records are the attributes
• GIS allow two key types of functionality
– Point at a graphic feature and retrieve
– Query attributes and see graphic result
of query on a map
WV Tax Maps
Topology (spatial relationships)
• How to model spatial relationships
– Parcels cannot overlap one another
– Building footprints must not overlap parcels
– Parcel lines cannot have dangles
Error / Validation Checks
WV Tax Maps
Topology – Define Relationships
Define Spatial Relationships
among different layers
WV Tax Maps
Not Seamless
WV Tax Maps
Seamless - countywide
Seamless between rural districts and corporations
WV Tax Maps
Electronic Map Books
WV Tax Maps
Digital Data Sharing
WV Tax Maps
Tax Parcel Web Map Service
WV Tax Maps
Surface tax parcels provided by Counties
for viewing purposes only
WV Tax Maps
Mixed Leaf-Off Imagery
Recently Received a
Broadband Grant to Update
Best Leaf-Off Imagery Service
High resolution (usually
6”) imagery for
Charleston, Huntington,
Morgantown, and Weirton
areas incorporated into
SAMB 2003 statewide
leaf-off imagery
WV Tax Maps
WV Spatial Data Infrastructure
Access to over $50 million dollars worth of spatial data
WV Tax Maps
WV Sheriffs Association
WV Tax Maps
Display of High-Resolution data in
Web Map Services (1:282 Scale)
• 2’ foot
• 4” imagery
WV Tax Maps
WV Tax Maps
WV Sheriffs Imagery – 12” & 4”
12 inch
4 inch
Scale 1:1,128
WV Tax Maps
WV Tax Maps
Kurt Donaldson
WV GIS Technical Center, WVU
Phone: (304) 293-9467
WV Tax Maps