Rates of Reaction and Chemical Equilibrium

Rates of Reaction and
Chemical Equilibrium
Ms. Piela
Rates of Reaction
 A rate is any change that occurs within an interval of
 Collision theory states that particles will react to
form products when they collide
This requires a certain amount of kinetic energy
As an example, imagine throwing clay balls at one another
 Without enough force, they will ricochet off from one another.
When they have enough kinetic energy, they will smash and fuse
into something entirely new.
 This is the same in chemical reactions
Activation Energy
 Activation energy (Ea) is the minimum amount
of energy required for a chemical reaction to
Activation Energy Diagram
 Diagram can be used to
determine in reaction is
exothermic (- ∆H) or
endothermic (+∆H)
 Activated complex (or
transition state) is the
arrangement of atoms at
the peak of the Ea barrier
Unstable and only appears
Activation Energy Diagram
Factors Affecting Rates of Reactions
Four Major Factors
Particle Size
Factors Affecting Rates of Reaction
 Temperature
Generally, an increase in temperature will increase the rate of
a reaction, and vice versa
Increasing temperature speeds up particles, increasing kinetic
 This allows a reaction to overcome its activation energy
 Example
 Popcorn
Factors Affecting Rates of Reaction
 Concentration
Increasing the number of particles (thereby increasing
concentration) will increase the reaction rate
 Explanation:
 More
particles will increase the collision frequency
 More collisions will mean more chances for a reaction to
 Example
 Wooden splint in pure oxygen
Factors Affecting Rates of Reaction
 Particle Size (aka Surface Area)
The smaller the particle, the larger the surface area for a given
mass of particles
An increase in surface area will increase the rate of reaction
With more exposed area to react, this increases the rate of reaction
 Example
 Fine Dust Explosions (1902 Chicago Fire)
 Lycopodium dust explosion
Factors Affecting Rates of Reaction
 Catalysts
Any substance that
increases the rate of a
reaction without being
Catalysts allow a reaction
to occur at lower
activation energy
Enzymes are biological
Activation Energy Diagram
Factors Affecting Rates of Reaction
Review of Factors Affecting Rates
• Increase causes higher kinetic energy
• Higher concentration causes more collisions
Particle Size
• More surface area leads to more exposed spaces to react
• Substances that increase the rates of reaction without being spent
Chemical Equilibrium
 Reversible reactions are reactions that
simultaneously occur in both directions
 Chemical equilibrium is the state in which
the forward and reverse reactions take
place at the same rate
 Sample
2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g)  2 SO3 (g)
Chemical Equilibrium
 Differences between rates and concentration
One doesn’t imply the other!
 Although rates of forward and reverse reactions are equal
at chemical equilibrium, the concentrations are not
necessarily the same
 Example
1% 99%
If A reacts to give B and the equilibrium mixture contains 99%
B and only 1% A, the formation of B is said to be favored
Effect of Catalyst on Equilibrium
 Although catalysts speed up a reaction rate, they
will not affect the concentration of reactants and
products at equilibrium
Catalysts can only decrease the time required to reach
Affects speed,
Meep meep!
Le Châtelier's Principle
 When a stress is applied to a system
at equilibrium, the equilibrium will
shift in order to relieve the stress
Factors Affecting Equilibrium
Three Major Factors
Le Châtelier's Principle
 Concentration
 Changing the amount, or concentration, of any reactant or
product in a system at equilibrium disturbs that equilibrium
Example equilibrium:
2 H2CO3 (g)  2 H2O (l) + 2 CO2 (g)
Adding CO2
Shifts equilibrium to the left
 Concentration of H2O will decrease
 Concentration of H2CO3 will increase
Le Châtelier's Principle
Example equilibrium:
2 H2CO3 (g)  2 H2O (l) + 2 CO2 (g)
 Removing
Shifts equilibrium to the right
Concentration of H2O will increase
Concentration of H2CO3 will decrease
Le Châtelier's Principle
 Temperature
 Increasing the temperature causes an equilibrium position of a
reaction to shift in the direction that will absorb the heat.
Consider heat as if it were a part of the reaction
2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g)  2 SO3 (g) + heat
 Adding heat
 Shifts equilibrium to the left.
 Concentration of SO2 and O2 will increase.
 Concentration of SO3 will decrease.
Le Châtelier’s Principle
2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g)  2 SO3 (g) + heat
 Removing heat
 Shifts
equilibrium to the right.
 Concentration of SO2 and O2 will decrease.
 Concentration of SO3 will increase.
Le Châtelier's Principle
 Pressure
 Changing
the pressure only affects an
equilibrium with an uneven number of reactants
and products
 Increasing pressure will shift an equilibrium in
the direction of the least number of moles
 Be aware that a change in volume also affects
Reducing volume will increase the pressure,
and vice versa
Le Châtelier's Principle
Example Equilibrium:
CO + 3 H2 (g)  CH4 (g) + H2O (g)
 Increasing pressure (reducing volume) will
shift the equilibrium to the…
 Decreasing pressure (increasing volume)
will shift the equilibrium to the…
Haber Bosch Process & Le Châtelier’s Principle
Equilibrium Constant Expressions
 A mathematical relationship exists between
concentration of the reactants and products
once equilibrium has been reached that is
independent of the initial concentration of
the participants
 Given the symbol Keq
 Can be used to determine whether products
or reactants are favored in an equilibrium
Equilibrium Constant Expressions
Steps for Determining Keq
 Make sure the chemical reaction is balanced and at
 Place the product concentrations in the numerator,
and the reactant concentrations in the denominator
Keq = [reactants]
 Concentrations of any solid or liquid is left out because
the concentrations never change
Water is always omitted in aqueous solution. Water is almost
constant during the reaction
Steps for Determining Keq
 To complete the expression, raise each substance’s
concentration to the power equal to the substance’s
coefficient in the balanced chemical equation
 For a general reaction: aA+ bB  cC + dD
 The equilibrium constant expression can be written
Keq =
 The equilibrium constant is unitless
Example #1
An aqueous solution of carbonic acid reacts to
reach equilibrium described below:
H2CO3 (aq) + H2O (l)  HCO3- (aq) + H3O+ (aq)
Write the equilibrium expression, Keq, for this reaction
[ HCO3 ][ H 3O ]
K eq 
[ H 2CO3 ]
Example #2
2. The brown gas, NO2, is in equilibrium with the
colorless gas N2O5. Write the equilibrium
expression for the following reaction:
N2O4 (colorless)  2 NO2 (brown)
Keq 
[ NO2 ]2
[ N 2O4 ]
Practice Problems
 Practice #1
[ NH 3 ]
K eq 
[H 2 ] [N2 ]
 Practice #2
[ SO3 ]
K eq 
[ SO2 ] [O2 ]
Calculating using Keq
 Example #1
H2CO3 (aq) + H2O (l)  HCO3- (aq) + H3O+ (aq)
The solution contains the following solute
concentrations: H2CO3; 3.3 x 10-2 M; HCO3- ion, 1.19 x
10-4 M; and H3O+, 1.19 x 10-4 M. Determine the Keq
expression, and the value of Keq
Example #1
[ HCO3 ][ H 3O ]
K eq 
[ H 2CO3 ]
[1.19 x10 4 M ][1.19 x10 4 M ]
K eq 
 1.1x10
[3.3x10 M ]
Example #2
 Keq for the equilibrium below is 1.8 x 10-5 at a
temperature of 25 °C. Calculate [NH4+] when
[NH3] = 6.82 x 10-3 M and [OH-] = 3.45 x 10-3
NH3 (aq) + H2O (l)  NH4+ (aq) + OH- (aq)
Example #2
[ NH 4 ][OH ]
K eq 
[ NH 3 ]
[ NH 4 ][3.45 x10 M ]
1.8 x10 
[6.82 x10 M ]
 3.56 x10 M
Practice Problems
 Problem #1
[ NO]
1.65 x10 
[1.8 x103 M ][ 4.2 x104 M ]
1.25 x10
 [ NO]
3.54 x10 M  [ NO]
 Problem #2
[1.98 x10 M ]
K eq 
 32752
[1.5x10 M ] [5.32 x10 M ]
Magnitude of Keq
 The meaning of Keq
If Keq is very large, products will be favored
 This
implies the numerator is large in the Keq
expression compared to denominator
If Keq is very small, reactants will be favored
 This
implies the denominator is large in the Keq
expression compared to numerator
If Keq is close to 1, then roughly equal amounts of
reactants and products are present at equilibrium