Open Earth Systems: An Earth Science Course For Maryland Teacher Professional Development EARTH HISTORY AND THE FOSSIL RECORD DAY 1 - Weds. July 8 AM Instruction: Solar System Origin Activity 1: Period of planetary orbits Activity 2: Planets on your birthday Instruction: Early Earth & Habitability -lunchtimePM Instruction: Major Events in Earth History Activity 3: Exploring Geologic Time with TS-Creator Instruction: Concepts in Radioisotope-dating Activity 4: Simulating Radioactive Decay DAY 2 - Thurs. July 9 AM Instruction: Climates of the Past Activity 5: JHU Soil Profile Instruction: Fossil Record of Life -lunchtimePM Instruction: Conversation with Steven Stanley Activity 6: Fossil Identification LINDA HINNOV, Instructor OUTLINE Origin of Moon Late Heavy Bombardment Plate Tectonics Great Oxidation Event Eukaryotes Snowball Earths Macrofossils Cambrian Explosion Plants on Land Tetrapods Dinosaurs Mammals Introduction Earth history highlights J. Valley, Wisconsin Geologic TIme Scale The Geologic Time Scale Chaotian/ Hadean Origin of Moon Canup, 2013 Late Heavy Bombardment Late heavy bombardment Ocean vaporizing event Earth craters (filled boxes) Chiron (future) From 4.0 to 3.8 Ga, the Late Heavy Bombardment occurred, which would have vaporized the ocean and exterminated any pre-existing life; accordingly, we name the upper Neohadean period Promethean. Moon craters (open boxes) Kasting and Catling, 2003 Apex Chert Fossils (Bacteria) BUT DEBUNKED IN 2011 AS HEMATITE-FILLED FRACTURES Schopf Locality 3 of 11 discoveries Schopf, 1993 Plate Tectonics (maybe early as Mesoarchaen) “Faint young sun paradox” “Faint young sun paradox” One solution: Kasting, 1987 Another solutions: Earth was closer to Sun Sun wasn’t as faint as assumed Great Oxidation Event • Stromatolites – 3.5 Ga – Suggest photosynthesis • Biomarkers for cyanobacteria – 2.7 Ga – free maybe later (1.7atmosphere Ga) Release of oxygen into the GOE Great Oxidation Event Great Oxidation Event Supercontinent cycles With the assembly of continents, there is increase in erosion, and more nutrients fluxing to the oceans, leading to blooms of photosynthesizing organisms (cyanobacteria, algae), increasing O2. Campell and Allen, 2008 First eukaryotes Single-celled eukaryote acritarchs, appear at 2.1 Ga. Acritarchs are the most common fossils of the late Proterozoic. May be resting stages, or cysts, of dinoflagellates, which are one of the most prominent groups of planktonic algae today. The large size of many acritarchs (60 to 200 microns or larger) indicates they were eukaryotes. Multi-cellular vendotaenid algae from Namibia. Image from D. Erwin, NMNH. The boring billion Secular variation in marine d¹³C from 2.5 Ga to present indicate unusual stability of the Earth’s carbon cycle. Note extreme Neoproterozoic isotopic variability and correlation of negative excursions with glaciations. boring billion glaciation Snowball Earths boring billion Hoffman and Schrag, 2000 Macrofossils Ediacaran biota mya Elevated atmospheric oxygen The Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event (NOE) GOE NOE Wiese and Reitner (2011) Cambrian (and Ordovician) explosions of marine life Cambrian explosion – shelly faunas Worm tubes? conodontomorph Tommotian fauna – oldest known diverse skeletonized fauna Primitive mollusk Sponge spicule C-E: unknown forms Millimeter-sized shelly fossils from China, Siberia (actually end-Vendian) Ordovician explosion – diversification ALL SPECIMENS ONLY A FEW MM! A-Nautiloid (mollusk) B-Spiny trilobite C-Smooth trilobite D-Gastropod (mollusk) E, F-Brachiopods G-Bivalve (mollusk) H-Bryozoan colony I-Tabulate coral colony J-Stromatoporoid colony K-Rugose coral (tetracoral) Stanley (2005) Silurian land invasions Vascular plants – innovations to capture water and nutrients Cross section of stem showing vascular structure • Invaded land in the Late Silurian by developing rigid stem and root system • Vascular plants – Tubes deliver water and nutrients – Rhynia – swampy habitat Stanley (2005) Animals - millipedes, wingless insects, and scorpions Fossil scorpion (Palæophoneus nuncius) found in the Silurian rocks of the Island of Gotland of Sweden. Devonian greening of continents; fish radiation Seed and spore plants, gymnosperms • Gymnosperms –Upland habitat –Cordaites • Lycopods (spore plants) –Swamp habitat –Lepidodendron (up to 30 m tall!) Fish radiation • Seed ferns –Abundant –Small bushy plants –Large and treelike – Glossopteris (‘tongue leaf’) ANCESTORS OF ALL TERRESTRIAL VERTEBRATES! Stanley (2005) Carboniferous tetrapods Amphibians and reptiles Dimetrodon Eryops • Amphibians -aquatic, semi-aquatic -first onto land –Eryops • Reptiles –amniote egg –Protect embryo –Not aquatic –Ectothermic –Dimetrodon Dimetrodon predator of Eryops? Winged insects •Winged insects –Dragonflies –Mayflies By Late Carboniferous foldable wings had evolved. Stanley (2005) Permian life Divergence of reptiles [Dinosaurs-Triassic] Thecodonts Archosaurs [Mammals-Triassic] Therapsids Pelycosaurs (Most dominant) Diapsids Synapsids Anapsids increase in jaw musculature In the Late Carboniferous two major clades of reptiles diverged from the original Anapsid reptiles (A), the Synapsids (B; ‘fused arch'-one temporal fenestra) and the Diapsids (C; ‘twin-arched’-two temporal fenestrae). Both groups are extremely important: the synapsids led to the evolution of mammals; the diapsids gave rise to the dinosaurs. Triassic tetrapod evolution Dinosaurs Bird-hipped Note: birds evolved from reptile-hipped Reptile-hipped Pelvic structure different Dinosauromorphs Lagosuchus mammal Stanley 2005 Mammals First mammal was Megazostrodon, a small shrew-like insectivore from the Late Triassic. It had cheek teeth differentiated into premolars (which are replaced once) and molars (which erupt as permanent teeth). Absence of molar teeth from the “milk set” is indication that Megazostrodon (like recent mammals) provided milk for their young. Jurassic dinosaurs; marine primary producers Dinosaurs By Late Jurassic, bird-hipped herbivores, and lizard-hipped carnivores and herbivores were diverse and abundant. LARGEST group were sauropods, lizard-hipped herbivores. Late Jurassic sauropods Camarasaurus Diplodicus Stanley 2005 Stegosaurus Allosaurus Pterosaurs Marine phytoplankton Calcareous nannoplankton Dinoflagellates Diatoms Cretaceous dinosaurs; rise of angiosperms Pterosaurs Social Maiasaurs Corythosaurus Tyrannosaur Chasmosaurs Kritosuarus Monoclonius Edmontonia Angiosperms Pollen Leaves Stanley 2005 • Greek word “angion” meaning container • monocts (25%; seeds have 1 cotyledon; orchids, lilies, grasses, palms); dicots (2 cotyledons; 75%; oaks, maples, roses, peas) • double fertilization • flowers attract pollenators; produce fruits • oldest ~125 Ma (but could be >200 Ma) Double fertilization explained here: Cenozoic mammal radiation; grass evolution Stanley (2005) Mass Extinctions 1. Short event (~1 Myrs) 2. Disappearance of > 60% Glaciation of species (> 10% families) Bolide impact 3. Global in scale End-Ordovician Volcanism (Siberian Traps) Permian/Triassic 80-96% marine loss Glaciation? Devonian Cretaceous/Tertiary 60-75% marine loss Volcanism (CAMP*) End-Triassic Shaded band indicates the normal range of extinction rates, known as "background extinction." The peaks show the "Big Five" mass extinction events at the end Ordovician, Late Devonian, Permian/Triassic (P/Tr) boundary, the end Triassic, and Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary. * CAMP=Central Atlantic Magmatic Province) Phanerozoic History Summary