I. History of the Law School and University

I. History of the Law School and University
1. The completed Annual Questionnaire for the current and previous two
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
1. Provide:
(a) A brief history of the law school, including the year in which it received ABA
(b) Identify whether the law school is public, private non-profit, or private for profit.
Identify any university or other entity with which the law school is affiliated and the
institutional accrediting body, if any, for that entity. State when the law school or the
entity of which it is a part was last reaccredited.]
2. From the law school’s last ABA accreditation review, list any matters on which the law
school was required to report back to or provide further information to the Accreditation
Committee, and any matters to which the law school’s attention was directed. Explain or
attach any assurances, commitments, or changes that were made in response.
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
II. Self-Study
1. A document or documents that comprise: (1) a statement of the law
school’s mission and of its educational objectives in support of that
mission; (2) an assessment of the educational quality of the law school’s
program; (3) an assessment of the law school’s continuing efforts to
improve educational quality; (4) an evaluation of the law school’s
effectiveness in achieving its stated educational objectives; and (5) a
description of the strengths and weaknesses of the law school’s program
of legal education. [Standard 204(b)-(f)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
1. Describe the processes that were used to prepare each of the components of the law school's
self-study, including a description of the dean's and faculty's involvement in the
processes. [Standards 201(a), (c), 204(b)-(f)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
III. Program of Legal Education
1. Current law school catalogue or equivalent (Provide the URL if your catalogue or
equivalent is available only on the web). If the law school does not publish a
catalogue, indicate this here. [Standards 301-307]
2. For schools with more than one enrollment or scheduling option, class schedules
for the current and preceding academic years [Standard 312]
1. The law school’s applicable standards for
Good standing, advancement
Academic probation
Academic integrity
Academic dismissal
Readmission [Standards 308, 501(c)]
2. The law school’s written due process policies with regard to taking action that
adversely affects a student’s good standing or graduation [Standard 308(b)]
3. Any law school grade distribution policy, mandatory or otherwise [Standard
4. The law school’s written policy requiring regular class attendance [Standard
5. The law school’s written policies and procedures for determining the credit hours
that it awards for (a) coursework involving classroom or direct faculty instruction
and (b) coursework involving out-of-class student work [Standard 310]
6. A list of all courses that are included in the law school’s course offerings,
however published, but which have not been offered during the previous two
academic years and are not being offered in the current academic year [Standard
509(c), Interpretation 509-1]
Supplementary: [Materials should be sent to team member(s) reviewing clinical
course of study and field placements]
1. For any law clinic, a syllabus or other document demonstrating compliance with
Standard 304(b) [Standard 304(b)]
2. For any field placement program, a syllabus or other document demonstrating
compliance with Standard 305(e), (f) [Standard 305(e), (f)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
3. For field placements that award three or more credits, a list of all current
academic year field placement site supervisors with addresses, emails, and phone
numbers [Standard 305(e)(5)]
1. Any manuals or instructions developed for the training of site supervisors
involved with field placement programs [Standard 305(e)(4)]
2. Examinations and course syllabi for the previous academic year [Standards
301(a), 314]
The following reports are generated in the on-line SEQ:
1. Curriculum
2. Course Hour Summary
3. Academic attrition rates for the past three years
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
Note: All references to the Standards are to the 2014-2015 Standards, except where the 20132014 Standards are indicated. Standards 301(b), 302, 303, 304, 314, and 315 are not applicable
until 2016-2017. In the interim, the pertinent 2013-2014 Standards remain applicable.
A. J.D. Program
1. Requirements for the J.D. degree [Standard 301(a), Standards 308(a), 311(b),
Interpretation 311-2]
(a) How many credit hours must a student complete to earn a J.D.?
(b) How many of these credit hours must be earned in courses that require attendance in
regularly scheduled classroom sessions or direct faculty instruction as defined by
Interpretation 311-2?
(c) What is the minimum GPA required for the J.D. degree?
(d) Use the chart below to indicate required courses or menu requirements students must
complete to receive the J.D. degree. If courses are offered in multiple credit formats,
list the range of credits for those courses.
Required 1L Courses (or
Menu of Courses)
Credit(s) (range if variable
credits for course)
Number of courses that must
be completed to satisfy menu
Required Upper Level
Courses (or Menu of Courses
Credit(s) (range if variable
credits for course)
Number of courses that
must be completed to
satisfy menu
(e) If the law school imposes additional or different requirements based on a student’s
GPA, state of bar examination, or other factor, describe those differences here.
(f) Describe any other requirements (e.g., pro bono participation, number of semesters) a
student must complete to receive a J.D. degree.
2. For the following items, indicate how the law school adheres to its applicable standards
and how it communicates them to students:
(1) good standing, advancement;
(2) academic probation;
(3) academic integrity;
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
(4) academic dismissal; and
(5) readmission.
[Standards 308(a), 501(c)]
3. Indicate how the law school adheres to its written due process policies with regard to
taking action that adversely affects a student’s good standing or graduation, and describe
how it communicates them to students. [Standard 308(b)]
4. Describe how the law school communicates its academic standards and graduation
requirements to students and provides guidance on course selection. [Standard 309(a)]
5. Describe the academic support services provided to students, including program content,
goals, staffing, selection process, and evaluation methods. [Standard 309(b)]
6. (a) Indicate the number of days on which classes and examinations are regularly
scheduled during the academic year.
(b) Indicate the number of calendar months in which classes and examinations are
regularly scheduled during the academic year.
[Standard 311(a)]
7. (a) Describe how the law school ensures successful completion of not fewer than 83
credit hours, of which not fewer than 64 credit hours are earned through attendance in
regularly scheduled classroom sessions or direct faculty instruction as defined by
Interpretation 311-2.
(b) If the law school offers an on-campus summer or intersession program (or an offcampus field placement program) for degree credit, describe how the school ensures
compliance with the requirements of 7(a) with respect to those program(s).
(c) If the law school has a joint or concurrent degree program, describe how the school
ensures that students in these programs complete at least 64 credit hours through
attendance in regularly scheduled classroom sessions or direct faculty instruction in the
law school per Interpretation 311-2(a), (b).
[Standard 311(b)]
8. (a) Describe how the law school ensures that the course of study for the J.D. degree may
be completed no earlier than 24 months and, except in extraordinary circumstances, no
later than 84 months after a student has commenced law study at the law school or a law
school from which the school has accepted transfer credit. [Standard 311(c)]
(b) Indicate whether (i) any student has been allowed to exceed the 84-month limitation
in Standard 311(c), and (ii) if so, whether a statement is in the student’s file. Describe any
circumstances (and the documentation in the student’s file) in which the law school has
allowed a student to exceed the 84-month limitation in Standard 311(c). [Interpretation
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
(c) Indicate if the law school awards credit toward the J.D. degree for coursework taken
before the student matriculated in a law school (including coursework completed in a preadmission program). Describe any circumstances in which this occurs. [Standard 311(e)]
9. Describe how the law school publishes and adheres to its written policy requiring regular
class attendance. [Standard 311(f)]
10. Describe how the law school ensures that a student is not permitted to enroll at any time
in coursework that exceeds 20 percent of the total credit hours required by the school for
graduation. [Standard 311(d)]
11. Indicate how the law school publishes and ensures adherence to written policies and
procedures for determining the credit hours that it awards for (a) coursework involving
classroom or direct faculty instruction and (b) coursework involving out-of-class student
work. [Standard 310; Interpretation 310-1]
12. Describe how the law school maintains a rigorous program of legal education that
prepares its students, upon graduation, for admission to the bar and for effective, ethical,
and responsible participation as members of the legal profession. [Standard 301(a)]
13. Describe how the law school ensures that each student receives substantial instruction in
the substantive law generally regarded as necessary to effective and responsible
participation in the legal profession. [2013-2014 Standard 302(a)(1)]
14. Describe how the law school ensures that each student receives substantial instruction in
legal analysis and reasoning, legal research, problem solving, and oral communication.
[2013-2014 Standard 301(a)(2)]
15. (a) Describe how the law school ensures that each student receives substantial instruction
in writing in a legal context, including at least one writing experience in the first year and
at least one additional writing experience after the first year. [2013-2014 Standard
(b) To demonstrate the rigor of these writing experiences, include factual detail such as
class size, the number and nature of the writing assignments, opportunities to meet with
the writing instructor, reliance on teaching assistants, use of peer assessments, and the
extent of faculty supervision. [2013-2014 Standard 301(a)(3), Interpretation 302-1]
16. Describe how the law school ensures that each student receives substantial instruction in
other professional skills generally regarded as necessary for effective and responsible
participation in the legal profession. List all courses used to satisfy this requirement.
[2013-2014 Standard 302(a)(4), Interpretations 302-2, 302-3]
17. Describe how the law school ensures that each student receives substantial instruction in
the history, goals, structure, values, rules, and responsibilities of the legal profession and
its members. [2013-2014 Standard 302(a)(5), Interpretations 302-6, 302-9] Indicate
whether the law school requires each student to complete a course of at least two credit
hours in professional responsibility that includes substantial instruction. [Standard
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
18. Describe how the law school offers substantial opportunities for law clinics or field
placements. [Standard 302(b)(1).
19. Describe how the law school offers substantial opportunities for student participation in
pro bono activities and whether they include opportunities for law-related service to
persons of limited means or the organizations that serve them. Indicate the degree to
which any pro bono activities are credit granting. [2013-2014 Standard 302(b)(2),
Interpretation 302-10]
20. If academic credit is given for participation in the law school’s law review(s), moot court
program(s), and any other competition(s), indicate for each such program the number of
credit hours permitted and how each student’s academic achievement is evaluated by a
faculty member. [Standard 305(a)-(d)]
21. As to each field placement program, including field placements outside the United States,
provide the following:
(a) a statement of the general nature of the program, and its educational objectives and
methods, including how those are communicated to students and site supervisors;
(b) the name(s) of the full-time or part-time faculty member(s) who supervise the
(c) the experience or other qualifications that the law school generally requires of
potential site supervisors;
(d) the methods for selecting, training, and evaluating site supervisors and for
communicating with site supervisors;
(e) if the field placement awards three or more credit hours, the process or schedule for
any means of regular contact between the faculty supervisor (or law school
administrator) and the site supervisor that will ensure the quality of the student
educational experience (in-person visits or any other methods of communication);
(f) the prerequisites for student participation;
(g) the number of hours of credit given;
(h) the number of students participating in each placement;
(i) any classroom components;
(j) how student work is evaluated by a faculty member and the site supervisor;
(k) how and when students are provided an opportunity to reflect on their field placement
experience; and
(l) how the program is reviewed or evaluated to determine whether its goals are being
[Standard 305(a)-(f), Interpretations 305-1, 305-2]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
22. Respond to the following about distance education at the law school.
(a) If the law school allows credit for distance education courses, describe the process by
which the academic content, method of course delivery, and method of evaluating
student performance is approved. If this process differs from that used for reviewing
other courses, explain the difference.
(b) Describe how the law school’s technological capacity, staff, information resources,
and facilities are sufficient to ensure the educational quality of distance education.
(c) Describe the process the law school uses to verify the identity of students in distance
education courses.
(d) Describe how the law school complies with the limitations on the awarding of credit
for distance education courses specified in Standards 306(e) and 306(f).
(e) Describe how the law school ensures there is opportunity for regular and substantive
interaction between the faculty member and students and among students in distance
education courses.
(f) Describe how the law school ensures there is regular monitoring of student effort by
the faculty member and that there is opportunity for communication about that effort
in distance education courses.
(g) Describe the learning outcomes for each distance education course offered by the law
school and state how they are consistent with Standard 302. Learning Outcomes.
[Standard 306, Interpretations 306-1, 306-2]
23. Describe how the law school ensures that there will be periodic review of the curriculum
to ensure that it prepares the school’s graduates to participate effectively, ethically, and
responsibly in the legal profession. [Standard 301(a)]
24. If the law school has more than one enrollment or scheduling option (e.g., day, evening,
weekend, spring or summer start) for students, respond to the following for each
enrollment or scheduling option [Standard 312]:
(a) Describe any differences in curricular requirements for students in each enrollment or
scheduling option.
(b) Describe how the law school ensures that students, in each enrollment or scheduling
option, have reasonably comparable opportunities for access to:
(1) the law school’s program of legal education;
(2) courses taught by full-time faculty;
(3) co-curricular programs;
(4) other educational benefits.
25. If the law school does not have an ABA-approved part-time division or enrollment
option, indicate how many students in the law school are currently permitted to be parttime students. [Standard 105(a)(12)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
B. Studies, Activities Outside the United States [Standard 307; Criteria for Approval of
Semester and Year-Long Study Abroad Programs; Foreign Summer and Intersession
Programs; Student Study at a Foreign Institution]
1. (a) For any program outside the United States that requires ABA approval under the
Criteria for Approval of Foreign Summer and Intersession Programs Established by
ABA-Approved Law Schools; Criteria for Approval of Foreign Semester and Year-Long
Study Abroad Programs Established by ABA-Approved Law Schools; and Criteria for
Accepting Credit for Student Study at a Foreign Institution, identify the program and
provide the date of the most recent ABA approval.
(b) Does the school grant credit for student study at a foreign institution (including dual
degree programs)? If so, describe how the school complies with the Criteria for Student
Study at a Foreign Institution.
2. Describe how the law school ensures that students do not earn credits exceeding one-third
of the credits required for the J.D. degree for participating in (a) studies or activities
outside the United States that are approved in accordance with Criteria as adopted by the
Council, and (b) field placements outside the United States that are not held in
conjunction with such programs.
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
C. Degree and Certificate Programs in Addition to J.D. [Standard 313, 506]
1. If the law school offers one or more degrees other than the J.D., or certificates (other than
to J.D. students), provide the following information for each degree or certificate
(a) the name of the degree (e.g., LL.M. in Taxation) or certificate, and the date of ABA
(b) the number of students enrolled in each degree or certificate program during the
current and preceding two academic years; and
(c) the name of the faculty member or administrator who has primary responsibility for
each degree program.
(d) the number of students in the program who are /have enrolled in J.D. courses during
the current and preceding two years. If students in the program are permitted to enroll in
J.D. courses, what are the school’s policies concerning such enrollment? [Standard 313, 506]
2. List the J.D. classes that were more than 10% enrolled with non-J.D. students during the
current and preceding two academic years. [Standard 506]
3. Provide the URL for any mention of the ABA in reference to any non-J.D. degree or
certificate program. [Interpretation 313-1]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
IV. Faculty
1. The law school faculty handbook(s), by-laws, and constitution, if any
[Standards 404, 405]
2. Law school (as distinct from university) policies with respect to a faculty
member's responsibilities in teaching, scholarship, service to the law
school community, and professional activities outside the law school, if
any [Standards 404, 405]
3. The law school's academic freedom, tenure, and promotion policies and
procedures [Standards 404, 405]
4. A copy of any written university or law school policies that are different
for clinical or legal writing and research faculty from those applicable to
full-time tenure/tenure-track faculty [Standard 405]
5. A copy of the law school’s and/or university’s (if the law school is covered by
the University’s) nondiscrimination/EEO policy. If the policy is located on the
law school’s or university’s website, also provide the URL. [Standard 205]
6. A copy of a current resume/CV for every full-time faculty member,
including scholarship and service. [Standard 404]
The following reports are generated in the on-line SEQ:
1. Faculty Profiles
a. All
b. Full-time Profiles
c. Part-time Profiles
2. Faculty Summary
3. Tenure Summary
4. Composition of Full-time Faculty
5. Faculty Recruitment
6. Student Contact Hours – Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty
7. Course Hours Report
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
1. State whether full-time faculty members devote substantially all their working time to
teaching, scholarship, service, and governance. Explain any exceptions. [Standard 402]
2. List any faculty member who also has a full teaching load at another law school.
[Interpretation 402-1]
3. List any full-time faculty member who:
a. regularly engages in law practice; or
b. has an ongoing relationship with a firm or other business.
[Standard 402, Interpretation 402-2, Standards Definitions (7)]
4. Instructional Role of Faculty. For the previous two years and the current year, list any
courses in the first one-third of each student’s coursework that have been taught by
faculty other than full-time faculty. [Standard 403(a)]
5. Indicate which methods set forth in Interpretation 403-1, and which other methods, are
used by the law school to ensure the teaching effectiveness of full-time faculty. [Standard
403(b); Interpretation 403-1]
6. Indicate which methods set forth in Interpretation 403-1, and which other methods, are
used by the law school to ensure the teaching effectiveness of non-full-time faculty.
[Standard 403(b); Interpretation 403-1]
7. Responsibilities of Full-Time Faculty.
a. Describe how the law school has adopted, published, and adheres to written policies
with respect to full-time faculty members’ responsibilities consistent with the core
responsibilities listed in Standard 404(a). [Standard 404(a)]
b. Describe how the full-time faculty collectively (i) is involved in teaching, preparing
for classes, being available for student consultation about those classes, assessing
student performance in those classes, and remaining current in the subjects being
taught; (ii) is involved in academic advising, creating an atmosphere in which
students and faculty may voice opinions and exchange ideas, and assessing student
learning at the law school; (iii) is actively engaged in scholarship as defined by the
law school; (iv) provides service to the law school and university, if applicable,
including participation in law school governance, curricular development, and other
institutional responsibilities described in the Standards; (v) provides service to the
profession; and (vi) provides service to the public, including pro bono activities.
[Standard 404(a)(1)-(6)]
c. Describe the steps that the law school takes to support research and scholarship by
faculty members. [Standard 404(a)(3)]
d. Describe the steps that the law school takes to encourage faculty members to meet
their responsibilities of service to the law school, university, the profession, and the
public, including participation in pro bono activities. [Standard 404(a)(3)–(5)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
e. Describe how the law school periodically evaluates how each faculty member
discharges his or her responsibilities in teaching, scholarship, service to the law
school community, and professional activities outside of the law school. [Standard
404 (b)]
8. Describe the role of the dean and the faculty in determining the educational policies of
the law school. [Standard 201(c)]
9. Describe the process for granting tenure and promotion of faculty, indicating the role of
the faculty, dean, and central administration. If the policy differs from that of the parent
university, describe. [Standard 405(a), Interpretation 405-3]
10. Since the last site evaluation, explain any situation when the recommendation of the law
faculty and dean relating to promotion or tenure was not followed. [Standard 405(a),
Interpretation 405-4, Standard 201(b)]
11. If the security of position or non-compensatory perquisites of clinical faculty members
differ from those afforded to full-time tenured/tenure-track faculty, describe the
differences. [Standard 405(c), Interpretations 405-6, 405-8]
12. Explain the steps the law school takes to attract and retain a faculty well-qualified to
provide legal writing instruction as required by Standard 405(d). [Standard 405(d)]
13. Describe how the law school safeguards the academic freedom of all faculty, including
clinical and legal writing faculty and any other non-tenured faculty. [Standard 405(b)]
14. (a) State the names and ranks of those who have left the full-time faculty, including
clinical, legal writing, and any other full-time faculty, for the previous two academic
years and the current academic year. [Standard 405(a)]
(b) State the names and ranks of those who have been added to the faculty for the
previous two academic years and the current academic year. [Standard 405(a)]
(c) If offers have been declined during the previous two academic years and the current
academic year, state the number, position, and the circumstances. [Standard 405(a)]
15. Explain how the law school has demonstrated by concrete action during the previous two
academic years and the current academic year a commitment to having a faculty
(including non-full-time faculty) and staff that are diverse with respect to gender, race,
and ethnicity. Describe the results of these efforts. [Standard 206(b)]
16. Quote the applicable (university or law school) nondiscrimination policy on race, color,
religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, and disability regarding faculty
and staff. If the law school has a religious affiliation or purpose, state whether it has
adopted and applies policies of admission of students and employment of faculty and
staff that directly relate to this affiliation or purpose. If so, please describe. Describe how
notice of these policies been given to students, faculty, and staff prior to their affiliation
with the law school. [Standard 205(b) and Interpretations 205-1 through 205-5]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
V. Students
1. The application for admission [Standards 501, 502]
2. The published statement of equal opportunity in placement [Standard
Supplementary: [Materials should be sent to team member reviewing the
student section]
1. The published statement of the law school’s standards for admission
[Standards 501-503]
1. Provide all necessary backup data for Standard 316 compliance reporting
The following reports are generated in the on-line SEQ:
Summer Admits
Admissions and First-Year Class Profiles
Minority Admissions and First-Year Class Profiles
Interpretation 503-3 Report
Financial Aid
a. Placement (Employment) Summary
b. Employment Data by Graduating Class
7. Student Listings
a. Entering Students (Current Year, Previous Year, and All)
b. Transfer Students (Current Year, Previous Year, and All)
c. Readmitted Students (Current Year, Previous Year, and All)
d. All Students (Current Year, Previous Year, and All)
8. First-Time Takers Bar Passage Data
9. First-Time Bar Passage Summary
IMPORTANT: ALL schools must complete the first-time bar passage information
required in the online SEQ and attach the bar passage reports generated by the
online SEQ.
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
1. Explain the role of the faculty, dean, and central administration in defining and
implementing the law school’s admissions policies. [Standards 201(a) and 501(a)]
2. Describe how the law school ensures that it does not admit applicants who do not
appear capable of completing its educational program of legal education and being
admitted to the bar. [Standard 501(b)]
3. During the current academic year or the previous two academic years, has the law
school readmitted one or more students who has been disqualified for academic
reasons from the law school, or admitted one or more students who has been
disqualified from another law school? If so: (a) identify the number of students
previously disqualified for academic reasons it has readmitted or admitted; (b) for
each student, provide the name of the student’s previous law school, law school GPA,
LSAT score, and UGPA; and (c) state whether the student’s file includes the
documentation used to make an affirmative showing that the prior disqualification did
not indicate a lack of capacity to complete its program of legal education and be
admitted to the bar. [Standard 501(c)]
4. For the current and previous two academic years, if the law school has admitted students
without baccalaureate degrees awarded by an institution that is accredited by an
accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education,
describe the circumstances under which such students were admitted and explain how the
law school complies with the requirements of Standard 502(a)-(c). State the number of
students admitted and enrolled as first-year students as of October 5 in each year who did
not hold a baccalaureate degree awarded by an institution that is accredited by an
accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education before
matriculation in law school. [Standard 502(a)-(c)]
5. Describe the processes used to ensure that within a reasonable time after a student
registers, the law school has on file the student’s official transcripts verifying all
academic credits undertaken and degree(s) conferred. [Standard 502(d)]
6. Describe any admissions test used in addition to or in place of the LSAT as permitted by
Interpretation 503-3 to assess an applicant’s capability of satisfactorily completing the
school’s educational program and how the law school uses the test results. [Standard 503;
Interpretation 503-3]
7. Does the law school use the LSAT or other test results in a manner that is consistent with
the current guidelines regarding proper use of the test results provided by the agency that
developed the test? If not, explain. [Standard 503]
8. If the law school has a religious affiliation or purpose, has it adopted and applied policies
of admission of students and employment of faculty and staff that directly relate to this
affiliation or purpose? If yes, describe such policies and indicate how the school provides
notice of these policies to students, faculty, and staff prior to their affiliation with the law
school. If these policies are published on the law school’s website, also provide the URL.
[Standard 205(c)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
9. Explain how the law school has demonstrated by concrete action a commitment to
providing full opportunities for the study of law and entry into the profession by members
of underrepresented groups, particularly racial and ethnic minorities, and to having a
student body that is diverse with respect to gender, race, and ethnicity. [Standard 206(a)(b)]
10. Describe how the law school communicates to every employer to whom it furnishes
assistance and facilities for interviewing and other placement services the school’s firm
expectation that the employer will observe the principles of non-discrimination and
equality of opportunity on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual
orientation, age, and disability in regard to hiring, promotion, retention, and conditions of
employment. If this information is published on the law school’s website, also provide
the URL. [Standard 205(d)]
11. Describe the law school’s policies and procedures for determining whether ensuring
equality of opportunity under Standard 205 for qualified students, faculty, and staff with
disabilities requires the provision of reasonable accommodations. [Standard 207(a)-(b)]
12. (a) Provide the URL where the law school publishes on its website the statement
required by Standard 504.
(b) Describe the additional steps the law school takes, as soon after matriculation as is
practicable, to apprise entering students of the importance of determining the
applicable character, fitness, and other requirements for admission to the bar in each
jurisdiction in which they intend to seek admission to the bar.
[Standard 504(a)-(b)]
13. Does the law school admit applicants with credit for courses completed at a non-ABA
approved law school located in the United States?
(a) If yes, how does the law school determine that the non-ABA approved law school’s
graduates are permitted to sit for the bar examination in the jurisdiction in which the
non-ABA approved school is located? [Standard 505(b)]
(b) How does the law school determine that the studies at the non-ABA approved law
school were toward a J.D. degree and that the content was such that credit would
have been granted toward degree requirements at the admitting school? [Standard
(c) What is the maximum number of credits allowed for courses completed at a nonABA-approved law school? [Standard 505(f)]
14. Does the law school admit applicants with credit for courses completed at a law school
outside the United States?
(a) If yes, how does the law school determine that it would have granted credit toward
satisfaction of J.D. requirements for courses completed at the foreign law school?
[Standard 505(c)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
(b) What is the maximum number of credits allowed for courses completed at a foreign
law school? [Standard 505(f)]
15. Does the law school admit applicants with credits for credit hours earned in an LL.M.
or other post-J.D. program it offers?
(a) If yes,
(i) Explain how the school determines that the credit hours earned were pursuant
to successful completion of a J.D. course or courses while the student was
enrolled in a post-J.D. program.
(ii) Does the law school have a grading system for LL.M. or other post-J.D.
students in J.D. courses that is comparable to the grading system for J.D. degree
students in the courses?
[Standard 505(d)]
(b) What is the maximum number of credits allowed for credit hours earned in an LL.M.
or other post-J.D. program?
[Standard 505(f)]
16. For the current and previous two academic years, if non-J.D. degree students were
allowed to enroll in J.D. classes, list the courses in which such students enrolled, the
number of such students enrolled, and the total enrollment in each course. Indicate how
the law school ensures that such enrollment does not interfere with the ability of the law
school to operate in compliance with the Standards and to carry out its program of legal
education. [Standard 506]
17. Provide the URLs for the locations on the law school’s website where the following
information is published:
(a) Standard 509 Information Report;
(b) Employment Summary Reports;
(c) The information required by Standard 509(c).
[Standard 509(b), (c)]
18. Describe how the law school obtains, verifies, and distributes consumer information that
is complete, accurate, and not misleading to a reasonable law school student or applicant.
[Standard 509(a)]
19. Does the law school publicly disclose its status as approved by the Council? If so,
(a) provide the URL;
(b) indicate if it accurately discloses its status; and
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
(c) indicate it includes the name and contact information of the Council.
[Standard 509(e)]
20. How does the law school satisfy the ABA requirement to provide debt counseling to
students? (mark all that apply) [Standard 507]
(a) Entrance counseling
_____group session conducted, wholly or in part, by school/university representative
_____group session conducted, wholly or in part, by lender/non-institutional
_____individual counseling
_____online counseling (provide URL)
_____written materials sent by mail
_____written materials distributed in person
_____other, describe: __________________________________
(b) Exit counseling
_____group session conducted, wholly or in part, by school/university representative
_____group session conducted, wholly or in part, by lender/non-institutional
_____individual counseling
_____online counseling (provide URL)
_____written materials sent by mail
_____written materials distributed in person
_____other, describe: ___________________________________
(c) Describe any additional counseling activities that are taken to minimize student loan
21. For law schools not affiliated with a university, provide the three most recent years of
student loan default rates. [Interpretation 507-2]
22. For law schools not affiliated with a university, is the school in full compliance with Title
IV of the Higher Education Act? Explain any areas of non-compliance, indicating the
date from which the institution has been out of compliance. State the result of all
financial or compliance audits and program reviews since the last site visit.
[Interpretation 507-2]
23. For students in each enrollment or scheduling option offered by the law school, describe
how the law school provides basic student services, including career services counseling
and maintenance of accurate student records. [Standard 508]
24. Describe the law school’s student complaint and appeals procedure and describe where
and how complaints are maintained. If the policy or procedure is published there, also
provide the URL. [Standard 510(a)-(b)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
VI. Administration
1. An organizational chart of the university
2. An organizational chart of the law school
3. For an independent law school, the school’s basic governance documents
(such as institutional by-laws)
4. Current resume of the dean
5. The most recent dean’s report(s) to the president, board of trustees,
and/or alumni, if any
6. The list of current law faculty committees, together with membership
rosters for each
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
1. Do the dean and the faculty have the primary responsibility and authority for planning,
implementing, and administering the program of legal education of the law school,
including curriculum; methods of instruction and evaluation; admissions policies and
procedures; and academic standards? If not, explain. [Standard 201(a)]
2. If separate policies at the law school are used to address any inconsistencies between the
university’s policies and ABA Standards, describe them. [Standard 201(d)]
3. If the law school is not part of a university, is it governed by a board with responsibility
and authority for ensuring operation of the law school in compliance with the Standards?
[Standard 201(e)]
4. Does the dean devote full professional time to the law school? If not, explain. Does the
dean have the authority and support necessary to discharge the responsibilities of the
position? If not, explain. [Standard 203(a)]
5. Does the dean hold appointment as a member of the faculty with tenure? If not, explain.
[Standard 203(b)]
6. Was the dean selected following a procedure that ensured meaningful involvement by the
faculty or a representative body of the faculty? If not, explain. [Standard 203(c)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
VII. Library and Information Resources
General: none
Supplementary: [Materials should be sent to team member reviewing the
library section]
1. Collection Development Plan
2. Law Library Organizational Chart
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
1. Describe how the law library provides expertise, resources, and services that enable the law
school to carry out its program of legal education, accomplish its mission, and support
scholarship and research. Include as appropriate:
(a) reference and instructional services (e.g., formal teaching, informal teaching and
training, and publications), providing examples of topics covered during the past
year, methods of publicizing programs, methods used to determine the effectiveness
of the services, and any changes in the services in light of this evaluation;
(b) access services (e.g., hours, interlibrary loan, document delivery, circulation, and
remote access to the catalog);
(c) bibliographic services (e.g., acquisitions, cataloging, classification, and indexing
(d) other services that demonstrate responsiveness to faculty and students; and
(e) methods used to assess student and faculty satisfaction with library services (e.g.,
focus groups, faculty advisory committee, student advisory committee, and print or
online surveys).
[Standard 601(a); Standard 605]
2. Describe how the law library, working with the dean and the faculty, engages in a regular
planning and assessment process, including written assessment of the effectiveness of the library
in achieving its mission and realizing its established goals. [Standard 601(a)(3)]
3. Describe how the law library keeps abreast of, and adopts as appropriate, technological and other
developments affecting the library’s support for the law school’s program of legal education.
Include descriptions of personnel assigned to these tasks, the roles that they play, and
methodologies used. [Standard 601(a)(4)]
4. Describe the formats by which the law library provides a core collection, through ownership or
reliable access, of essential materials as described in Standard 606(b). [Standard 606(a); Standard
606(b); Interpretation 606-2]
5. Describe how the law library provides a collection that, through ownership or reliable access:
(a) meets the research, curricular, and educational needs of students;
(b) meets the teaching, scholarship, research, and service interests of the faculty;
(c) meets the law school’s special teaching, scholarship, research, and service objectives;
(d) supports the library in preparing students for effective, ethical, and responsible
participation in the legal profession; and
(e) is complete, current, and in sufficient quantity or with continuing access to meet
faculty and student needs; include in the response a description of collection
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
maintenance efforts, such as updating, repair, and preservation of materials and
resources in both print and electronic formats.
[Standard 606]
6. If the law school offers one or more degrees other than the J.D., or certificates (other than to J.D.
students), describe the law library resources and services that support each such program.
Describe the impact, if any, of such programs on the library’s ability to operate in compliance
with the Standards and to support the law school in carrying out its program of legal education.
[Standard 313]
7. Describe the method of formulating and periodically updating the law library’s collection
development plan. When was the library’s collection development plan last reviewed and
updated? [Standard 606(d)]
8. Describe the means by which the law library provides suitable space and adequate equipment to
access and use information in whatever formats are represented in the collection. [Standard
9. Is the library a party to any cooperative agreement or a member of any consortia providing
resource sharing, mutual access to services, cooperative collection development, or other
collaborative activities among the participating libraries? If so, describe how this allows the
library to provide access to the resources needed by faculty and students [Interpretation 606-4]
10. (a) Describe the law library’s relationship to the university library. Indicate how administration
of the law library is sufficiently autonomous from the university library to allow the law school to
direct its growth and development and control the use of its resources. [Standard 602(a)]
(b) Describe how the director of the law library and the dean, in consultation with the faculty of
the law school, determine law library policy. [Standard 602(b)]
(c) Describe how the director of the law library and the dean are responsible for the selection and
retention of personnel, provision of law library services, and collection development and
maintenance. [Standard 602(c)]
11. (a) Is the law library administered by a full-time director whose principal responsibilities are
managing the law library and providing information resources in appropriate formats to faculty
and students? [Standard 603(a)]
(b) Describe the process for the selection and retention of the director of the law library,
including whether the law school determines the selection and retention of the director. [Standard
(c) Does the director of the law library have a law degree and a degree in library or information
science? If not, describe how the director has knowledge of and experience in law library
administration sufficient to support the program of legal education and enable the law school to
operate in compliance with the Standards. [Standard 603(c); Interpretation 603-1]
(d) Does the law library director hold a law faculty appointment? If not, explain. [Standard
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
(e) Does the law library director have security of faculty position? Explain. [Standard 603(d)]
12. Describe the staff of the law library, including its expertise and number, and any significant
changes since the last site evaluation. Indicate whether the staff is sufficient in expertise and
number for the law library to provide appropriate library and information resources services to the
law school. [Standard 604]
13. Describe significant responsibilities law library personnel have in the law school or university
that are in addition to their law library responsibilities and whether those responsibilities have an
impact on the ability of the law library to provide appropriate library and information resources
services to the law school. [Standard 604; Interpretation 604-1]
14. (a) Describe the preparation, submission, determination, and administration of the law library
budget. [Standard 602(d)]
(b) Describe any significant changes to the law library’s expenditures since the last site
evaluation. [Standard 601(b)]
(c) Describe whether the law school has provided, on a consistent basis, sufficient financial
resources to the law library to enable it to fulfill its responsibility of supporting the law school
and to realize its established goals. Explain any exceptions. [Standard 601(b)]
15. List any new services for faculty or students that the law library has implemented since the last
site visit. List any services for faculty and students that the law library has discontinued since the
last site visit. [Standard 601(a)(1); Standard 605; Interpretation 605(1)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
VIII. Computer Technology and Information Delivery
Attachments: none
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
1. Describe the technology available to support the teaching, scholarship, research, service, and
administrative needs of the students, faculty, and staff of the law school. Include hardware and
software resources and technology infrastructure. [Standard 701; Interpretation 701-1(1)]
2. Describe the staff support and space for staff operations available for technology used to support
the teaching, scholarship, research, service, and administrative needs of the students, faculty, and
staff of the law school. [Interpretation 701-1(2)]
3. Describe the financial resources available to the law school to maintain and, as appropriate, adopt
new technology. [Interpretation 701-1(3)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
IX. Law School Finances and University Support
General: none
Supplementary: [Materials should be sent to team member reviewing the
finances section]
1. Provide the previous three fiscal years’ audited financial statements,
including supplementary schedules and management letters, for the law
school’s parent university or for the independent law school or its parent.
[Standard 202]
2. Provide the budget for the university and the law school for the current
fiscal year. [Standard 202]
3. If future-year(s) budgetary projections are available, supply these
projections. Include law school projections as well as university
projections. [Standard 202]
4. Provide a copy of the most recent budget to actual report and the written
report of the analysis of the variances, if available. Include law school
reports as well as university reports. [Standard 202]
5. If a law school is part of a university, provide copies of accountings and
explanations as required by Standard 202(b) for each of the previous
three fiscal years. [Standard 202(b)]
6. Provide a summary of the endowment and quasi-endowment funds (and
those acting as endowments), or permanently and temporarily restricted
investment funds for not-for-profit entities, held by or on behalf of the
law school for the previous two previous fiscal years and the current
fiscal year. [Standard 202]
7. Provide a summary of the law school’s current long-term debt, including
debt service schedules. [Standard 202]
The following reports are generated in the on-line SEQ:
1. University Income/Expenses
2. Expenditure Summary
3. Operating Expenditures Summary
4. Revenue Summary
5. Library Operations Summary
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
A. University Budget (if applicable)
1. Describe how the law school is provided an opportunity to participate in the university
budget process prior to the adoption of the law school budget by the university and/or
governing board. [Standard 202(e)]
2. List the individual(s) responsible for university budgeting, including contact information.
[Standard 202(e)]
3. Describe the manner in which and frequency with which the law school receives an
accounting and explanation from the university for all charges and costs assessed against
resources generated by the law school. [Standard 202(b)]
4. Are resources generated by the law school used to support non-law school activities
and/or university services? If so, explain. [Standard 202(b)]
5. Describe the university financial projection process, detail how many years are projected,
list the key assumptions used, and describe how future projected deficits, if any, will be
met. [Standard 202]
6. Describe how any university current fiscal year operating deficit would be met. [Standard
7. Describe any significant litigation affecting the university and summarize the applicable
insurance provider, policy limits, and deductibles. Provide a summary as to how the
university will fund the deductible and any potential losses outside of the insurance
policy coverage, if applicable. [Standard 202]
B. Law School Budget and Resources
1. Describe the law school budget process, including which persons or groups are involved
in the process. [Standard 202]
2. Describe the process for monitoring and comparing actual financial results to budget, and
list the individual(s) responsible for analyzing variances. [Standard 202]
3. Describe how current financial resources available to the law school are sufficient to
allow it to operate its program of legal education. [Standard 202(a)]
4. Describe how anticipated financial resources available to the law school are sufficient to
allow it to operate its program of legal education. [Standard 202(a)]
5. Describe any current financial condition of the law school or the university that has or
could have a negative and material effect on the law school’s ability to operate its
program of legal education. [Standard 202(c)]
6. Describe any anticipated financial condition of the law school or the university that has or
could have a negative and material effect on the law school’s ability to operate its
program of legal education. [Standard 202(d)]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
7. Describe the law school’s financial projection process, detail how many future years are
projected, and list the key assumptions used. [Standard 202(d)]
8. If a deficit were incurred by the law school, describe how it would be covered. [Standard
9. Identify any funds held outside the law school and/or university for the benefit of the law
school. [Standard 202(a)]
10. Describe any significant litigation affecting the law school and summarize the applicable
insurance provider, policy limits, and deductibles. Provide a summary as to how the law
school will fund the deductible and any potential losses outside of the insurance policy
coverage, if applicable. [Standard 202]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
X. Facilities
1. Floor plans, maps, or similar guides of all law school facilities that will
assist site team members while on site
2. Provide a copy of the lease documents for any portion of the facilities
used for law school programs that are subject to a lease. [Standard 202]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
1. When was each law school building constructed? If a law school building has been
remodeled or enlarged since the last inspection, state the date(s) and describe generally
the work done.
2. State separately the number and capacity of classrooms and seminar rooms.
(a) Describe how these facilities are suitable to permit the reasonable scheduling of
classes, skills offerings, and seminars.
(b) Explain how the classrooms and seminar rooms are suitable in regard to size,
acoustics, sight lines, seating, lighting, temperature, ventilation, and available
educational technology, etc. [Standard 702(a)(1), Interpretation 702-3]
3. Describe how the law library is suitable and sufficient in size, location, and design in
relation to the law school’s programs and enrollment to accommodate the needs of the
law school’s students and faculty and the law library’s services, collections, staff,
operations, and equipment. [Standard 702(a)(2)]
4. Describe the office space provided for staff providing support services to the school’s
program of legal education, including office space provided for student support services.
[Standard 702(a)(3)]
5. Describe the office space provided for full-time faculty members. [Standard 702(a)(4)]
6. Describe the office space provided for part-time faculty members. [Standard 702(a)(4)]
7. Do all facilities and equipment meet all applicable health and safety codes? If not,
describe any plans to address these deficiencies and the time in which they will be
addressed. [Standard 702(a)(5)]
8. Describe the space provided for equipment and records. [Standard 702(a)(6)]
9. If the law school offers an in-house clinical program, describe how the space provides
sufficient and suitable confidential space for client interviewing, working on and
discussing client cases, and security for client files. [Standard 702(a)(1) and (7)]
10. Describe how the law school provides suitable and sufficient space for students and
faculty for quiet study and research. [Standard 702(a)(8)]
11. Describe how the law school provides suitable and sufficient space for group study and
other forms of collaborative work. [Standard 702(a)(9)]
12. Describe any part of the law school facilities that does not provide reasonable access and
accommodations to persons with disabilities consistent with applicable law. Describe any
plans to address any deficiencies and the time in which they will be addressed. [Standard
13. If all or part of the facilities used by law school programs are not owned free and clear
(e.g., leased, subject to a mortgage, pledged as security), describe the terms of occupancy,
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association
including the overall lease or financing terms, duration, lease renewal terms, conditions,
and termination or foreclosure provisions. [Interpretation 702-1]
14. If any of the law school’s facilities are not under the exclusive control and reserved for
the exclusive use of the law school, explain how and by whom the facility is controlled.
Describe how the arrangements permit the proper scheduling of all law school classes
and all other law school activities, and indicate who schedules classes or other activities.
[Interpretation 702-2]
15. If some of the law school facilities are used by others, state generally the hours per week
of such use, indicating day and night use separately. [Interpretation 702-2]
Copyright 2015 American Bar Association