World is Flat - Teaching Web Server

The World is Flat
Ch. 5 - The America & Free Trade
Ch. 6 - The Untouchables
Ch. 7 - The Right Stuff
Presented by:
Ann Sin
Brian Kwan
Kelvin Luk
Kenneth Lam
Is Free Trade/ Out-sourcing Good for US?
Current Situation
How to Be Untouchables
Key to Success in the Flat World
Outsourcing is good for US?
Opponent: Mr. Roberts
former assistant Treasury secretary for economic policy in the Reagan administration
companies are now freer to move capital and technology around the globe in
search of cheaper labor. E.g. India & China, harder for any industry to justify
investing in or employing people in the U.S. and other high-wage countries.
unemployment results
remaining capital is spread more thinly
E.g. shortage of nurses
importing foreign nurses
domestic nursing schools are unlikely to increase their enrollments.
decline in labor productivity and real incomes
domestic economy becomes a less efficient
Outsourcing is good for US?
Opponent: Mr. Roberts
The higher the value added, the greater the incentive
to outsource the work.
new industries and occupations will rise
outsourced as well.
First World wages and salaries can fall swiftly,
bring political instability
retraining is limited to domestic services, foreign
labor is brought in!
Outsourcing is good for US?
Opponent: Mr. Roberts
the U.S. has lost its lead in advanced-technology
products and now runs a deficit in advanced
technology with China
losing its superiority in advanced-technology
declining incomes
Americans are heavily in debt
Outsourcing is good for US?
Defender: Mr.Bhagwati
university professor at Columbia University in New York
growing ability to import services
radiologists in Bangalore read X-rays taken in
facts for 1999-2002. The Bureau of Labor Statistics
shows that, counting four IT-related sectors, the jobs
outsourced jobs: over the next 15 years has been
put at 225,000, which is less than 1.5% of the stock
of available jobs in 2002.
more people employed
Outsourcing is good for US?
Defender: Mr.Bhagwati
prodigious technical change.
Creates new skilled jobs, both by creating new products and
Maintain the technology also requires skilled labor.
obesity epidemic
diabetes management,
 aging women
cosmetic surgery
Outsourcing is good for US?
Defender: Mr.Bhagwati
 Other companies continue to outsource
If you don’t
become seriously uncompetitive and could
Current Situation
Free Trade
- Outsourcing
 Unemployment
Global Supply Chain
- More Specialization
Technology Advance
- More Tradable
 Lost Comparative
Advantage Easily
Lump of labor theory
is Wrong
Unlimited Wants
Growing Pie
 New Job opportunities
New Middle Jobs
Job Nature
Collaborating with Others
- Doing Integrates Globally
Putting Disparate Things
- in Depth Skills & Broad
- Learning & Growing
- Ready to do anything
More Personal Touch
Like People
How to be untouchable?
“ Special or Specialized”
E.g.: Michael Jordan, Madonna.
Never be replaced by anyone else
Their job must be done in specific location. It requires
face to face interaction or local knowledge
“ The New Middlers”
The New Middlers
Great Collaborators & Orchestrators
Great Synthesizers
Great Explainers
Great Leveragers
Great Adaptors
Passionate Personalizers
Great Localizers
Great Collaborators and
The key is the ability to be a good horizontal
E.g. able to run 24/7/7 supply chain
Feel comfortable working with a global
Being able to operate in, mobilize and
manage a multidimensional and multicultural
E.g. Sales, and management with the above
The Great Synthesizers
Creates value by putting together disparate
things that you would not think of as going
Dell’s value “ ability to synthesize much better
than everyone else
E.g. Search engine optimizing brings together
Mathematicians and marketing experts.
A Synthesizer:
In the past:
IBM system
Dell does little in design & manufacturing, but
brings all parts together from others to put
them in front of customers
Electronic Data Systems Corporation (EDS)
futurist Jeff Wacker predicted:
Chief Information Officer
Chief Integration Officer
The Great Explainers
Person who can see complexity but explain It
with simplicity
More important to be able to explain
something to someone else than to doing
technical work independently
Example: Howard Freeman case
E.g. Managers, writers, teachers, producers
who are also good explainers
An Explainer: Howard Freeman
PhotoImaging (1977)
& enlarging slides
Rise of digital
New career as
Explain how to
use DC & comp
to process film
The Great Adapters
Look for employee who are more adaptable
and versatile
Gaining new competencies by constantly
learning and growing
Able to see things from different perspectives
rather than being pure technicians
An Adapter: Marcia Loughry
Marcia Loughry – EDS enterprise architect
Studied accounting in college, dropped out to
work as a typist in EDS word-processing
center in 1978
PCs were introduced → Mainframe &
desktop publishing
Publishing software was introduced → Call
center and help desk
An Adapter: Marcia Loughry
Later realized constant learning was essential
Studied network operating systems, and the
became one of 1st Microsoft Windows NT server
technicians in SMC
Be an expert on 3 topics:
Core bread & butter right now
Another topic closely associated
What is going to be done next
The Green People
People from BRICK ( Brazil, Russia, India,
China, Korea) consume more and more.
Only way to survive: do more things with less
energy and fewer emission
E.g. person who focus on “ bio- inspired
solutions to looming energy and
environmental problems.
A Leverager: EDS SMC
System Management Center (SMC) had 100
people without any expertise full-time
monitoring data of other firms in the past
EDS leveraged more computing power to
identify the root cause of any problem
Specialized jobs: computer engineers who
can design precise programs to work
Keys to Succeed in Flat World
Get Ready to be a NEW MIDDLER!!
Right Kind of Education System
4 Aspects:
1. “Learn How to Learn”
 You know today is OUT-OF-DATE soon!
 Be EXCITED about learning & LOVE learning
2. “CQ+PQ>IQ”
 Passion & Curiosity
 Self-motivators & Self-educators
 When you was a kids, you want to be a …….
Right Kind of Education System
Four Aspects:
3.“Like People”
 Managing & Interacting with others
 Involve Personalized & High-touch Interaction
4.“Nurture More RIGHT BRAIN”
 Right Brain: Context, Emotion & Synthesis
 Tackling NEW challenges instead ROUTINE
 Synthesize the BIG Pic. Instead a SINGLE one
 Way of nurturing: Intrinsic motivation
Right Kind of Education System
E.g. in Georgia Institute of Technology:
“Good Engineer” = “Good Musician, Singer….”
 Able to Communicate
 Tie Thing Together from Different Disciplines
 Recital Room & Concert Area
 Music Building & Stage
 Exercise students TALENTS
Right Kind of Education System
E.g. in Georgia Institute of Technology:
 Creation of Students with Fixed Set of Skills
 Broad Collection Skills and Learning Experience
in Globally Competitive Conceptual Age
 Intuitive, Flexible & Mutually Strengthening
“The whole notion of separate dept is CRAZY!!”
 Run Through the Whole Curriculum
Right Education: Georgia Institute
of Technology, Atlanta
Selected students on a sort of Darwinian
weeding-out process, focused entirely on
Low graduation rates due to gray curriculum
& atmosphere
To get more students applying & graduating,
admission policies was changed to recruit &
admit engineering students with musical
Right Education: Georgia Institute
of Technology, Atlanta
People having other interests tend to
communicate more, tend to ask for help
readily, help others more who need help, and
think horizontally
Large increase in music courses
> 50% of students played musical instruments or
participated in musical groups
Graduation rates jumped from 65% to 76%
Right Education: Georgia Institute
of Technology, Atlanta
After dot-com bubble, computer science
enrollment at Georgia Tech started to drop
DeMillo and Furst redesigned the CS major
around 9 threads
Each thread is a combination of computing
with another field → synthesis of knowledge
Right Education: Georgia Institute
of Technology, Atlanta
Each student need 2 threads to get a CS degree
9 threads = Computing +
Computing Foundations
Right Education: Georgia Institute
of Technology, Atlanta
Aim: Put things together that make sense
Georgia Tech model: recognizes the world is
increasingly operate off the flat-world platform,
with its tools for all kinds of horizontal
collaboration → schools should embed these
tools & concepts of collaboration into the
education process
Right Country
“Free Market Economy”
 Competition btw States and Universities
 Tear Down & Build Up More
 Services Delivered Globally
”Protects Minority Interest”
 Intellectual Property Protection
 Enhances & Encourage New Ideas
Right Country
“Flexible Labor Laws”
 Fire & Hire
“Political Stability”
“High Level of Trust”
 Innovation, Currency & Justice
Questions & Answers