Senior Seminar - Pinellas County Schools

Sophomore Seminar
Graduation Requirements
 24 credits
 Must meet all subject level credit requirements!
 Minimum 2.0 unweighted
 Testing
 Must PASS Grade 10 ELA Reading
 Earn a concordant score on SAT or ACT (score TBD)
Must PASS Alg 1 EOC (399 or higher)
 Get 97 or higher on PERT
Graduation Requirements
 English
 4 credits
 Math
 4 credits, must include Algebra 1 (1.0) and Geometry (1.0)
 Science
 3 credits, must include Biology (1.0)
 Social Studies
 American Government (0.5)
 Economics with Financial Literacy (0.5)
 US History (1.0)
 World History (1.0)
Graduation Requirements
 Fine Arts
 1 credit in fine/performing or approved practical art
 CCC, Journalism, Intro Info Tech, Design Services, TV Prod
 Online Course
 Complete one FULL online course
If sign up for 1.0 credit class, must do full 1.0 credit online
 If sign up for 0.5 credit class, must complete online
 NovaNet does NOT count
 Gradpoint DOES count (but must complete full course)
4 Year College/University Requirements
 All of the FL graduation requirements AND
 Algebra 2
 2 consecutive years of a Foreign Language (Also BF
 Colleges look for RIGOR, should have:
Academic based courses
NCAA Requirements
 D1 and D2 have different requirements
 D1 requirements:
 4 years English
 3 years Math (Alg 1 and higher)
 2 years Science
 1 year of additional English, Math, or Science
 2 years of Social Studies
 4 years of additional courses (any of above and including
foreign language, religion/philosophy)
 2.30 minimum GPA
 Graduate from HS
NCAA Requirements
 D2
 3 years English
 2 years Math (Algebra 1 and higher)
 2 years Science
 3 years of an additional English, Math, or Science
 4 years of additional courses (any area above, and including
foreign language, religion, philosophy)
 2.0 GPA
 NCAA GPA calculated through core courses ONLY!
 Send ACT/SAT directly to Clearinghouse (9999)
 Pinellas Virtual does not count towards NCAA yet!!!!
Credit Recovery/Grade Forgiveness
 Mondays and Wednesdays 2:00-5:00
 Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:50-3:30
 Room 4-107, see counselor for a referral to program
 Monday & Wednesday tutoring
 In cafeteria 6-8pm, see website for schedule
 Stay after with teacher if struggling!
 Pinellas Virtual School
Post Secondary Options
What are your choices?
4 year college/university
2 year college
Tech/Trade school
Military—test required
Right to work
College Admissions
 Now is the time to start thinking about college
 Chose courses that are rigorous and challenging
 Keep your grades up, take courses you will be
successful in
 Put in the time and do the work, you will be
College Admissions
 Start your research now:
 Make a plan
 Future Plans, being done through HOPE classes
 College/Career program, create a plan for HS/College/Career
 Take career assessments
 All 9th and 10th graders will take redesigned PSAT
 October 14th, 2015: Periods 1-4
 Room assignments posted cafeteria in few weeks
 Study guide provided through World Hist class
 Additional Resources:
PSAT: Benefits
 Prepares you for the SAT (preliminary SAT)
 Provides your personalized strengths and areas that
need improvement
 Gain access to mycollege quickstart-great resource!
 Important to take next year as a Junior
To qualify for National Merit Scholarship
To qualify for additional scholarships:
Telluride Association
 National Hispanic Recognition Award
 National Scholarship Service
Dual Enrollment/Early College
 Sophomore year is crucial for DE/EC admissions for
junior year
 Qualifications:
3.0 unweighted GPA (by deadline for paperwork)
qualifying PERT scores
106 Reading
 114 Math
 103 Writing
Upperclassman (rising junior/senior)
Early College
 Program at SPC
Can complete 2 years of college and earn associate’s degree by HS
All courses will be on SPC campus
Will have college counselor assigned at SPC
Must meet qualifications and be chosen from lottery
Must complete HOPE prior to starting ECP
 What should I do now?
Go to and enroll as a student (select for high school
program) to get SPC ID #
Bring SPC ID # to counselor to receive pink PERT card to test at SPC
Attend mandatory meeting in January to receive application
Complete and turn in application before deadline of February 10th
 College qualifying exam
 Must take to apply for DE/ECP
 Obtain SPC ID #, bring to counselor, receive pink card
 Bring pink card to SPC testing locations to take PERT
Testing hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:30pm; Friday 8:30am10:00am
Locations: SPC Tarpon Springs, Clearwater, St. Pete, Seminole
 First time is free, 2nd time $15.00
Can only take PERT twice a semester
Important to study, especially if do not receive qualifying score first
Resources:; or google PERT practice
 Never too early to start!
 Leadership
 Opportunities
 Pinellas Ed Foundation $500 to $10,000
 Individual Schools
 Scholarships updated regularly on school website
 College essay workshops
 Scholarship drawer Ms. LaChance’s office
Bright Futures
 3 levels
 All require:
 Community Service hours (different amount for each)
 4 credits English
 4 credits Math (Alg 1 and higher)
 3 credits Science
 3 credits Social Studies
 2 credits World Language (sequential, same language!)
 SAT/ACT scores
 Students can take ACT/SAT until June 30th to
qualify, no limit number of times
Bright Futures
 Florida Academic Scholar (FAS)
 100 hours community service
 3.5 weighted GPA, calculated from required coursework only
Electives are not factored into BF GPA
29 ACT composite score (includes Reading, English, Math,
1290 SAT composite score (includes Critical Reading and Math
Bright Futures
 Florida Medallion Scholar (FMS)
 75 hours community service
 3.0 weighted GPA, calculated from required coursework only
Electives are not factored into BF GPA
26 ACT composite score (includes English, Reading, Math,
1170 SAT composite score (includes Critical Reading and Math
Bright Futures
 Gold Seal Vocational Scholar (GSV)
 3.0 weighted GPA
 Take at least 3 full credits in a single Career and Technical
Education program
 Achieve the required minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA in the
career education courses
 30 hours community service
 Achieve the required minimum score on the ACT, SAT, or
ACT- 17 English, 19 Reading, 19 Math
 SAT-440 Critical Reading, 440 Math
 PERT-106 Reading, 103 Writing, 114 Math
Bright Futures, how do I volunteer?
 Everyone should be working on community service or
beginning a project THIS YEAR if have not already done
First-> pick a site to volunteer at and contact person at
that site
Second-> if site approves you, must fill out Community
Service proposal form and get approved by your
counselor before beginning hours
Third->start volunteering and logging hours on
Community Service hours log form
Fourth-> once complete, bring hours log and completed
reflection to your counselor
Bright Futures paperwork
 Where can I find the paperwork?
 Proposal, hours log, and reflection are all located on our school
>resources->guidance->bright futures
 Scroll to bottom, click Bright Futures Forms, and print 
 If you have any questions about volunteer sites, contact your
Scholar Diploma Designations
 Recognition for additional course work/EOC testing
 Sticker on your diploma
 In addition to grad. requirements must:
 Algebra 2, upper level math (higher Alg 2), pass Alg 1 EOC and
 Chemistry or Physics, upper level science, pass Bio EOC
 Pass US Hist EOC
 2 credit foreign language (same lang)
 Earn 1 credit in DE, AP, or IB course
 Exempt from Bio or US Hist EOC if enrolled in AP Bio or AP
US Hist, take AP exam, and earn 3 or higher
Make Good Choices!
 Everything you do is based on the choices you make.
It’s not your parents, your past relationships, your
job, the economy, the weather, an argument or your
age that is to blame. You and only you are
responsible for every decision and choice you
make. Period. -Unknown