Fulfilling Physical Therapy School Pre

Fullfilling Physical Therapy School Pre-Requisites at Duke
*Disclaimer 1: Not all PT schools have all of these courses as pre-requisites, and every PT school’s pre-reqs are slightly
different. When selecting courses, please look at the pre-reqs for the specific PT schools in which you are interested in
*Disclaimer 2: If you have a specific question about whether or not a class and/or AP credit will fulfill a PT school’s
pre-req, my best advice is to contact the admissions department of the PT school to which you are applying with the
course synopsis and get the answer from them in writing so that you can attach that to your application.
*Disclaimer 3: Courses that are not offered Fall 2012 may be listed by their old course numbers.
Prerequisite: Statistics
STA 30 (STA 10) Basic Statistics and Quantitative Literacy- stat placement exam required
STA 102 Introductory Biostatistics- stat placement exam required
STA 101 Data Analysis and Statistical Inference- stat placement exam required
STA 111 (STA 103) Probability and Statistical Inference- stat placement exam required
EVANTH 161 Biometry- offered spring semester only
PSY 201 (PSY 117) Introduction to Statistical Methods in Psychology
Prerequisite: Chemistry
CHEM 101DL (CHEM 31L) Core Concepts in Chemistry
CHEM 210DL (CHEM 32L) Mod App of Chem Prin- CHEM 101DL (31L) pre-req
Other considerations: CHEM 99D (CHEM 20D) Intro Chemistry & Chemical Problem Solving- NO LAB
CHEM 91 (CHEM 83) Chemistry, Technology, and Society- NO LAB
CHEM 110 DL (CHEM 43L) Honors Chem: Core Concepts in Context- fall only
CHEM 201DL (CHEM 151L) Organic Chemistry- CHEM 101DL (31L) pre-req
Notes: Check to see if PT school requires lab.
Organic chemistry is not required but may strengthen an application. (I did not take orgo. ~RC)
Prerequisite: Physics
PHYSICS 141L (PHYSICS 53) General Physics I- calculus pre-req
PHYSICS 142L (PHYSICS 54) Gen Physics II- PHYSICS 161L/151L/141L (41L/61L/53L) pre-req
Other considerations: PHYSICS 151L (PHYSICS 61l) Introductory Mechanics- for engineers
- MATH 111/112 (31/32) pre-req
PHYSICS 161L (PHYSICS 41L) Fundamentals of Physics- for physics majors
- MATH 111/112(31/32) pre-req
PHYSICS 162L (PHYSICS 42L) Fundamentals of Physics- for physics majors
- PHYSIC S161L (41L)pre-req
Notes: Not all PT schools require calculus-based physics. All of Duke’s courses are calculus-based.
Prerequisite: Biology
BIOLOGY 201L (BIO 101L) Gateway to Biology: Molecular Biology- CHEM 101DL (31L) pre-req
BIOLOGY 202L (BIOLOGY 102L) Gateway to Biology: Genetics and Evolution
Other considerations: NEUROSCI 101/PSY 106 (PSY 101RE) Biological Bases of Behavior: Introduction and Survey
Prerequisite: Human Anatomy and Physiology
EVANTH 333L (EVANTH 133L) The Human Body- EVANTH 101 (93) pre-req
EVANTH 155 Human Anatomy & Physiology- spring only but not every spring
Other considerations: BIOLOGY 329D (BIOLOGY 151L) Principles of Animal Physiology
CELL BIO 503 (CELL BIO 203) Intro to Physiology- grad school class not offered every semester
Notes: Most schools require both Anatomy and Physiology and if taken as a combined course, then 2
semesters worth of credits are required.
Check to see if PT schools require labs with these courses.
This has traditionally been the hardest pre-req to fulfill as a Duke undergrad. EVANTH 155 was offered for the
first time in Spring 2011. It is expected that this class will be offered during Summer Session I in 2013, 2014, and 2015.
It may be offered with a lab the next time that it is available.
Other common ways that Duke undergrads/alums have fulfilled these requirements include taking courses at
UNC/NCCU during the semester/summer.
Other Interesting Classes:
-PHYSEDU 89S (PHYSEDU 49S) Hot Topics in Health
-BIOLOGY 89S (BIOLOGY 49S) Medical Biology- Cardea only
-PHYSEDU 94 Athletic Injuries (0.5 credits)
-EVANTH 334L (EVANTH 134L) Anthropology of the Skeleton
-EVANTH 530 (EVANTH 135) Human Functional Anatomy
-EVANTH 151 Anatomy of the Lower Extremities
-NEUROSCI 380L (NUEROSCI 173L) Functional Neuroanatomy
Courses Offered at the Marine Lab:
-BIOLOGY 201L (BIOLOGY 101L)- fall
-PHYSICS 141L (PHYSICS 53L)- fall, summer session 1
-PHYSICS 142L (PHYSICS 54L)- summer session 2
Summer Courses at Duke (based on 2012):
-BIOLOGY 201L (BIOLOGY 101L) Gateway to Molecular Biology- summer session 1
-CHEM 101DL (CHEM 31L) Core Concepts in Chemistry- summer session 1
-CHEM 210DL (CHEM 32L) Modern App of Chem Principles- summer session 2
-CHEM 201DL (CHEM 151L) Organic Chemistry- both summer sessions
-EVANTH 333L (EVANTH 133L) The Human Body- summer session 1
-PHYSICS 141L (PHYSICS 53L) General Physics I- summer session 1
-PHYSICS 142L (PHYSICS 54L) General Physics II- summer session 2
-PSY 105 (PSY 100RE) Abnormal Psychology- both summer sessions
-PSY 201 (PSY117) Statistical Methods- both summer sessions
-STA 30 (STA 10) Basic Stats & Quantitative Literacy- summer session 1
-STA 101 Data Analysis & Statistical Inference- summer session 1
-STA 111 (STA 103) Probability & Statistical Inference- summer session 1