CEPF Regional Implementation Team (RIT) Duration: Five Years October 2014 – September 2019 Grant Amount: US $1,500,000 Maximum! Approximate!Photo 4.75” x 6.33” Expressions of Interest due: 17 July 2014 Position x: 0”, y: .0” Request for Proposals (RfP) release: 18 July 2014 Photo 4.75” x 3.61” Position x: 6.39”, y: .0” Proposals due: 29 August 2014 Click to edit Master subtitle style Submit to: cepfmadoi@conservation.org Caveat: The RIT is not eligible to receive any other CEPF grants in the hotspot! 1 Terms of Reference Component 1: Coordinate CEPF investment in the hotspot Component 5: Establish and coordinate a process for large grant (>$20,000) proposal solicitation and review Component 6: Manage a program of small grants ($20,000) Photo Photo 4.75” x 6.33” 4.75” x 3.61” Component 7: Monitor and evaluate the impact of CEPF’s Position Position large and small grants x: 0”, y: .0” x: 6.39”, y: .0” Component 8: Reporting Click to edit Master subtitle style 2 Terms of Reference Component 2: Support the mainstreaming of biodiversity into public policies and private sector business practices Component 3: Communicate the CEPF investment throughout the hotspot Photo Photo Component 4: Build capacity of local civil society 4.75”the x 6.33” 4.75” x 3.61” Position Position x: 0”, y: .0” x: 6.39”, y: .0” Click to edit Master subtitle style 3 Two Separate Agreements to One RIT RIT Grant Agreement • $1,500,000; staff; travel; all the components of the terms of reference • RIT coordinates awards of large grants • Large grants are agreements between Conservation International and the recipient Photo Photo • Cash flows 4.75” from the CI bank account in the United States4.75” x 3.61” x 6.33” directly to thePosition recipient Position x: 0”, y: .0” x: 6.39”, y: .0” Small Grant Fund Agreement • Per Component 6 • CEPF provides approximately $800,000 to RIT (in several phases) Clickand to edit Master subtitle • RIT manages the solicitation award process alonestyle • Small grants are agreements between the RIT and the recipient • Cash flows from RIT bank account to recipient 4 The Job of the RIT Total Less Less $7,500,000 (but possibly more) $1,500,000 for the RIT $ 800,000 (approximate) for small grants $5,200,000 remaining Typical large grant isPhoto $100,000 50+ large grants 4.75” x 6.33” Small grant maximum is $20,000 Position x: 0”, y: .0” $800,000 for small grants minimum of 40 small grants Photo 4.75” x 3.61” Position x: 6.39”, y: .0” Click to edit Master subtitle style 5 Management Approach for the RIT The placement and movement of people and resources across the hotspot in order to make 65 awards, supervise them, and make them into a cohesive whole Work backward: • How many proposals lead to 80+ awards? 200? Photo • Who reads thosePhoto proposals and advises on awards? 4.75” 6.33” 4.75” x 3.61” • How many calls for xproposals? • How long does Position it take to raise awareness (reach out), solicit Position proposals, andx:make 0”, y:awards? .0” x: 6.39”, y: .0” Timing: Most awards are made in Year 2, Year 3, and Year 4 Strategy for awards? • All KBAs and all technical areas once? Clickalltoatedit Master subtitle style • By technical area (strategic direction)? • Large, high capacity organizations first, then smaller groups? 6 The Fun of the RIT: Components 2, 3, 4 • • • • • • Engage the public sector (national and local government) Engage the private sector Mainstream conservation into policy and practice Build capacity of individual groups Build capacity of the civil society sector Communicate the CEPF message to stakeholders, media, Photo Photo and donors 4.75” x 6.33” 4.75” x 3.61” • Promote a long-term vision for the hotspot Position Position x: 0”, y: .0” x: 6.39”, y: .0” Click to edit Master subtitle style 7 Questions for an Organization to Consider Do we want this role or would we rather implement projects? How much does it cost to do Components 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 and who, specifically, in our organization will do them? How much does it cost to do Components 2, 3, 4? Does our Photo Photo organization have the skills to do these, or do we need 4.75” x 6.33” 4.75” x 3.61” individual experts or other organizational partners? Position Position 0”, y: .0” scope of the Hotspot? x: 6.39”, y: .0” How to cover thex:geographical Mauritius, Seychelles: potentially a small number of projects. Comoros a bit more. How to make sure adequate manpower and expertise is mobilized for these countries? Click to edit Master subtitle style Engaging regionally (including Reunion, Mayotte): does our organization have the skills, or do we need organizational partners, or do we need to set up another mechanism? 8