Semester 1 Study Guide

Semester 1 Study Guide – US/AZ History
UNIT 1 -Exploration and Settlement (Ch 1-3)
1. What were the characteristics of the Anasazi people settled in the Americas?
2. What were the characteristics of the Hopewell people settled in the Americas?
3. What group were the first to settle in the Americas?
4. What was the importance of the Roanoke colony?
5. List European Countries who settled in N. America.
6. What are the characteristics of the French settlements? (Where? Trade?)
7. What are the characteristics of English colonies?
8. How many English Colonies were there and where were they located?
9. What were the characteristics of Jamestown? What role did tobacco play in the colony?
10. What was the importance of John Smith?
11. What is the Northwest Passage? Why was it important?
12. What is the Middle Passage? Why was it important?
13. Who were the Mound Builders? What region did they settle in?
14. List French Trading Posts/Forts.
15. Why did the French and Indian War occur? What were the key battles? Why was it important?
16. Characteristics of Pennsylvania Colony.
17. List/locate Dutch Colonies in N America.
18. List characteristics of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
19. List characteristics of Plymouth.
20. What did the Charter of 1606 allow? Who issued it?
21. Why was there interest in settling the Frontier?
22. What are some key differences between the English settlers and American Indians?
23. What important skill did American Indians teach settlers?
24. What is mercantilism? Why were settlers opposed to it?
UNIT 2 & 3 – American Revolution (Ch. 4-6)
1. What were the three Colonial Geographic Regions?
2. What were the economic characteristics of the three regions?
3. What types of colonial protest were used in the 1760’s?
4. What was the Stamp Act?
5. What were the Declaratory and Townshend Acts?
6. What was the Boston Tea Party and why did it occur?
7. What were the Intolerable Acts?
8. What was the Proclamation Line of 1763? Why was it passed?
9. Who were the radical group that opposed British rule?
10. What was the purpose of the 1st Continental Congress?
11. Who was Paul Revere and why was he important?
12. What was the Boston Massacre? Why was it important?
13. What events transpired at Lexington/Concord and why was it important?
14. What was the purpose of the 2nd Continental Congress?
15. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? What did it say? How was it influential?
16. List the Continental Army’s advantages and disadvantages going into the Revolutionary War.
17. List the British Army’s advantages and disadvantages going into the Revolutionary War.
18. What role did the French play in the Revolutionary War?
19. What role did the Hessians play in the Revolutionary War?
20. What was the turning point in the Revolutionary War?
21. What was Washington’s military strategy in the Revolutionary War?
22. What was the importance of the Treaty of Paris of 1783? What were the terms?
23. What were the Constitutional Convention compromises? Plans? Structure? Branches?
24. What are checks and balances?
25. What were the Federalist Papers?
26. What is the Bill of Rights?
27. What rights does the 1st Amendment guarantee?
28. What rights does the 4th Amendment guarantee?
29. What are characteristic s of the Federalists? Antifederalists?
30. What was the Judiciary Act of 1789?
31. What were the Articles of Confederation? Why were they so weak? Disadvantages?
32. How was the Constriction different from the Articles of Confederation?
33. What was the Virginia Plan? What power did they favor? (State or federal)
34. What are a Presidents duties/responsibilities? Biggest limitation?
35. What are some characteristics of Washington’s Presidency?
36. What are some characteristics of the Early Presidents from Virginia?
37. What are some characteristics of Adams Presidency?
38. What are some characteristics of Jefferson’s Presidency? Importance of Louisiana Purchase?
39. What is the importance of the Election of 1800?
40. What is the importance of Judicial Review? Marbury v Madison? John Marshall?
41. What is the importance of the Louisiana Purchase? Lewis and Clark?
42. What are the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?
43. Why did the War of 1812 occur? Key Battles? Outcome?
44. What is Nationalism?
UNIT 4 - Era of Good Feelings, Age of Jackson (Ch. 7)
1. What are the characteristics of the Era of Good Feelings?
2. What is the importance of the Adams-Onis Treaty?
3. What is the importance of the Missouri Compromise?
4. What are the characteristics of the American System?
5. What was the Corrupt Bargain?
6. What were the characteristics of the Democratic Party? Who founded it?
7. What was the importance of the Spoils System?
8. What was the significance of the Tariff of Abominations?
9. What was the importance of Nullification and States’ Rights? (in this era)
10. What was the Nullification Crisis?
11. What are Pet Banks? What was the importance of Jackson and the US Bank?
12. What is the basis of capitalism?
13. What was the Indian Removal Act? What was the importance of the Trail of Tears?
14. What is Sectionalism?
15. What impact did the beginning of the Industrial Revolution have on slavery?
16. As the US expanded west what was the largest controversy?
17. What was the significance of the Louisiana Purchase to the US?
18. What was the Homestead Act and the Pacific Railway Act?
19. What sparked the industrial revolution?
20. What is the significance of the Erie Canal completed in 1825?
21. What was the Transportation Revolution? What advances came out of it?
22. What caused the adoption of the Compromise of 1850?
UNIT 5 - Antebellum Period (Ch. 8-11)
1. What was the importance and characteristics of the Texas Revolution?
2. What was the importance of the Alamo?
3. What was the outcome of the Battle of San Jacinto?
4. What is Manifest Destiny? Why is it so important?
5. What are the characteristics of Polk’s Presidency? What is significant about the Mexican War?
6. What is Mexican Cession? Why is it important?
7. What is significant about the Annexation of Texas?
8. What are some characteristics of the Oregon Crisis?
9. What were some characteristics of the Abolitionist Movement?
10. What are the characteristics of the Compromise of 1850?
11. What was the importance of the Fugitive Slave Act?
12. What was the importance of Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
13. What was the importance of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? And “Bleeding Kansas”?
14. What was the significance of Dred Scott vs. Sanford? What was it about? Outcome?
15. What are the characteristics of the Republican Party? Where was it founded? By whom?
16. Who was John Brown? Why was he important? What did he do?
17. What are some characteristics of the Presidents in the 1850s?
UNIT 6 - Civil War & Reconstruction (Ch. 12 & 13)
18. What are some characteristics of Abraham Lincoln’s presidency? Importance? Assassination?
19. What are some characteristics of Jefferson Davis?
20. What are the causes of the Civil War? Long term? Immediate?
21. What was the importance of Ft. Sumter?
22. What battle is considered the turning point of the War? Why?
23. What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
24. What is the importance of Appomattox Court House?
25. What is the importance of the Battle of Antietam?
26. What was Lincoln’s 10% Plan?
27. What were the advantages and disadvantages of the Union?
28. What were the advantages and disadvantages of the Confederacy?
29. What was the significance of Johnson’s impeachment?
30. What was Lincoln’s reasoning against secession by the Southern States?
31. How did Lincoln justify the Civil War?
32. What were the outcomes of the Civil War?
33. What are sectional differences and why did they emerge?
34. What are Jim Crow Laws?
35. What did the 14th Amendment do?
36. How did the South respond to the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments?