Howard Community College
Computer Forensics Program
Vinitha Nithianandam, MS
Professor of Computer Support Technology
Co-Director of Computer Forensics
Patrick J. O’Guinn, Sr., JD, MPA
Associate Professor Criminal Justice &
Co - Director Computer Forensics
Presentation 2009
Need for Computer Forensics
Law Enforcement
 Police
 Homeland Security
 Government Contracting Companies
Presentation 2009
HCC Computer Forensics Program History
Technology department partnered with Criminal
Justice program to develop computer Forensics
 2006 - CFOR Degree Program Started as Criminal
Justice Degree Option
 Initially, No University Programs existed in
Maryland for CFOR Degree Transfer
 Core Curriculum Consists of Four Intense
Hands-On Lecture/Labs, Case Studies & Lab
Analysis, Legal Considerations & Crime Scene
Investigation Projects
Presentation 2009
Common References to
Computer Forensics
Cyber forensics
 Cyber crime
 Digital Forensics
 However, all have the common
purpose of applying forensic
computer investigation and analysis
techniques to gather evidence
suitable for presentation in a court of
law or business matter
Presentation 2009
Forensic Science
The application of scientific
techniques for investigating,
preserving and examining evidence
in a particular field to establish an
evidentiary basis for use in court
Source: Merriam-Webster & [unnamed reference]
Presentation 2009
Computer Forensics
Computer Forensics involves the
preservation, identification,
extraction, examination,
documentation, and interpretation of
computer media for evidentiary use
in legal proceedings, administrative
hearings, and business
Presentation 2009
HCC Computer Forensics Program Philosophy
Marriage of Interrelated Disciplines –
a. Computer Forensic Procedures
b. File Structures of operating system
C. Operating System Artifacts
d. Laws of Evidence & Procedure
Hands – On “Learning by Doing” Approach
A “Quick Start” to Entry-Level CFOR Careers
Presentation 2009
HCC Computer Forensics Transfer Degree
2006 - HCC Established Transfer Articulation
Agreement with Univ. of Baltimore Criminal
Justice Program
2007- HCC Approved New IT Computer Forensics
Transfer Degree Option
2007 - Informal Articulation Agreement with
Stevenson University
Computer Technology Programs – Partnerships
Are Still Evolving
Presentation 2009
HCC Computer Forensics – Core Courses
CFOR I01 - Computer Forensics 1
CFOR 200 - Computer Forensics II
CFOR 210 -Computer Forensics III
CFOR 250 - Computer Network Forensics Technology
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Presentation 2009
Presentation 2009
CFOR I 01 Computer Forensic I
Basic CFOR Theories & Protocol
– Basic computer system
– Disk Geometry
– File system Structures
– Dos Tools (Disk editor, etc) & Windows
Forensic Tools
– Case Studies, Crime Scene
Investigation, Privacy/Privilege Laws
Presentation 2009
CFOR 200 – Computer Forensics II
Advanced CFOR Theory & Practice
– Windows Artifacts (Windows XP)
– Hash and Signature Analysis,
Restoring Deleted Partitions
– Case Studies, Report Writing
– Computer Forensics Laws
– Password Recovery
– CD/DVD analysis
– File System -NTFS
Presentation 2009
CFOR 210 – Computer Forensics III
Advanced CFOR Concepts & Analysis
Windows Forensic Tools
Cross validation
Cell Phone forensics
PDA & Hand Held Device Analysis Tools
Examiner Witness Preparation & Testimony
Advanced Report Writing
Presentation 2009
CFOR 250 –Network Forensics
Network Incident Response
Analyzing network traffic (sniffing)
Netbios/FileSharing attacks
Examining hacked system
IP and e-mail tracing
Network Protocols
Case Studies
Live Forensics analysis
Presentation 2009
HCC Computer Forensics – Enrollment
Approximately 50 students are currently
enrolled in HCC CFOR Courses
 Future Enrollment Increases Are Expected
to Continue as Program Expands &
Presentation 2009
HCC Computer Forensics – Student Profiles
Information Technology Professionals
a. Network Security, DB Admins, Programmers
b. Software Developers, Help Desk Engineers
c. Network Engineers, Intelligence, Consultants
d. Federal Agency IT Employees…
HCC Criminal Justice Students
HCC Information Technology Students
University IT Majors (Maryland, Hopkins, etc)
Public School Technology Teachers/Trainers
Registered Nurses
Law Enforcement Agents/Officers
Presentation 2009
HCC Computer Forensics – Student Backgrounds
Typical CFOR Student Credentials:
a. In Progress- HCC AA Transfer Degree Students
b. Bachelors Degree College Grads
c. Masters Degree College Grads
d. Retired Business Professionals
e. Holders of Multiple IT Certifications
f. Certified Public School Teachers
Presentation 2009
HCC Computer Forensics
Howard County Police CFOR Police
Academy Recruit Training
 JHU –Digital Forensics Challenge
Presentation 2009
HCC Computer Forensics – Student Examiners
Our Students Handle…
Incident Scene
Evidence Collection
Crime/Incident Scene Diagrams
Computer Forensic Lab Analysis
Expert Witness Testimony
Presentation 2009
HCC Computer Forensics – Q & A Session
Your Questions & Comments Are Welcome
Thanks to Dr. Davina Pruitt-Mentle for giving me an
opportunity to present
Presentation 2009