METHODS AND TECHNIQUES OF TEACHING MATHEMATCS IN COLLEGES OF ENGINEERING IN IRAQ Muhammad Fadhel Jaf Tula State University, Tula Learning mathematics is a key fundamental in every education system that aims to prepare its citizens for a productive life in the 21st century[1]. Mathematics is important to an individual and for national and international development [2].Many countries are paying attention to the quality of their mathematics education. At the individual level, mathematics underpins many aspects of our everydayactivities, from making sense of information in the newspaper to making informed decisions about personal finances. It supports learning in many fields of study, whether it is in the sciences or in business. A good understanding of basic mathematics is essential wherever calculations, measurements, graphical interpretations and statistical analysis are necessary. The learning of mathematics also provides an excellent vehicle to train the mind, and to develop the capacityto think logically, abstractly, critically and creatively. We must imbue these important 21-century competencies in our students, so that they can lead a productive life and be life-long learners. Students have different starting points. Not all will have the same interests and natural abilities to learn mathematics. Some will find it enjoyable; others will find it challenging. Some will find the theorems and results intriguing; others will find the formulae and rules bewildering. It is therefore important for the mathematics curriculum to provide differentiated pathways and choices to support every learner in order to maximize their potential. The curriculum must engage the 21-century learners, who are digital natives comfortable with the use of technologies and who work and think differently. The learning of mathematics must take into cognizance the new generation of learners. It is the goal of the national mathematics curriculum to ensure that all students will achieve a level of mastery of mathematics that will serve them well in their lives, and for those who have the interest and ability, to pursue mathematics at the highest possible level. Students begin to learn mathematics from the day they start formal schooling, and minimally up to the end of secondary education. This gives every child at least 10 years of meaningful mathematics education[1]. A classroom teaching experiment intended to elicit a high frequency of creative mathematical thinking is reported [4]. To indicate that the skill and the professional knowledge of the teacher who mediates the interaction, and facilitates the development of pupils’ creative responses at the interface of technology, which is critical to the enhancement of the whole-class teaching and learning processes [5]. For the gifted mathematics student, Traditional teaching methods involving demonstration and practice using closed problems with predetermined answers insufficiently prepare students in mathematics and discuss the issues and implications for the teaching of mathematics [6]. Teaching experiment’ as “a series of teaching episodes and individual interviews that covers an extended period of time”. The teaching experiment is part of a broader study of the role of optimism in collaborative problem solving. To gain insights into group ‘collaboration’ in class, access to collaborative activity was required. ‘Collaboration’, for the purposes of this study involves groups working together beyond their present conceptual level to explore questions they spontaneously set themselves because of identifying unfamiliar complexities and deciding to unravel them [4]. Creativity" is a highly complex phenomenon, and for some people it seems to be somehow incompatible with mathematics teaching. The traditional style of working in the mathematics classroom seems not to allow many creative ideas. To develop and further creativity in mathematics education teachers and students need more than a correct and solid mathematical knowledge [7]. All students can learn math through acting out math problems; for instance, go on Internet fieldtrips with a typically able peer and manipulate tangible objects that help them to concretize abstract concepts. By using the strategies and approaches in this article, teachers can help support the teaching of language acquisition while teaching the content area. In reality, these strategies really are just best practice for the teaching of mathematics in general [8]. The first thing to understand is that mathematics is an art. Part of the problem is that nobody has the faintest idea what it is that mathematicians do. The common perception seems to be that mathematicians are somehow connected with. Science perhaps they help the scientists with their formulas, or feed big numbers into computers for some reason or other. There is no question that if the world had to be divided into the “poetic dreamers” and the “rational thinkers” most people would place mathematicians in the latter category. Nevertheless, the fact is that there is nothing as dreamy and poetic, nothing as radical, subversive, and psychedelic, as mathematics. It is every bit as mind blowing as cosmology or physics (mathematicians conceived of black holes long before astronomers actually found any), and allows more freedom of expression than poetry, art, or music (which depend heavily on properties of the physical universe). Mathematics is the purest of the arts, as well as the most misunderstood [9]. Many students dislike classes in mathematics. They give a wide variety of reasons for this and among the most, mentioned ones are that mathematics is hard, mathematics is boring and mostly irrelevant. Part of this problem stems from misconceptions about mathematics. It is described as inflexible and formulaic as opposed to fun and creative [10]. The early years are especially important for math development. Given that early math learning Predicts later math and reading achievement, math appears to be a core component of learning and thinking [11]. Creativity enters mathematics in three important ways different ways, are: abstraction, connection, and research. The creativity of abstraction concerns the creation of models that reflect the real world and can be solved with mathematical tools known to the individual. The creativity of connection is the realization that known mathematical tools can be applied to new problems, allowing problems to be viewed in a new way. Connections are also made when mathematical and other knowledge come together to understand and solve problems from a variety of areas. The creativity of researching is the discovery of new mathematical tools that fit unsolved problems and add to the available tools for other users of mathematics [10]. Mathematics can be used to understand important issues and to solve meaningful problems, not just in school and colleges but also in life. By extension, the physical environment for mathematics learning should include: • spaces where students can use manipulative to solve problems and record their solutions; • board and/or wall space to display student solutions for Math Congress; • space to post co created reference charts such as glossary terms and past and current summaries of learning that specifically support the development of the big ideas currently under study; • instructional materials organized in such a way as to provide easy selection and access for all students; may include mathematics manipulative, calculators and other mathematical tools, mathematical texts, handheld technology [12]. Those compare the students’ success in mathematics between boys and girls in college of engineering in Kirkuk. Fig 3 classified Alignment chart boys/girls bass/fail in mathematics These suggest different, but not incompatible, ways to think about teaching mathematics in general and teaching mathematics to teachers in particular. Each of these perspectives brings a particular aspect of mathematics into sharp focus [13]. In this study belief questionnaire included four statements concerning students’ beliefs conceptions about mathematics, learning mathematics, teaching mathematics, and mathematics pass exams. For the Fig 3 Classification for the alignment chart boys/girls pass/fail classification, the statements of the in mathematics students by gender. To make comparisons, the students’ answers (beliefs) were classified in Alignment chart. The questionnaire based on their contents to the following five levels: 1. Makecomparisons, thestudents’ answers (beliefs) were classified by gender as showninfig 4. 2. Make comparisons, the students’ answers (beliefs) were classified by gender in oil department shown in fig 5. 3. Make comparisons, the students’ answers were classified by gender in mechanical department shown in fig 6.Make comparisons, the students’ answers were classified by gender in electrical department as shown in fig 7. 4. Make comparisons, the students’ answerswere classified by gender in all engineering department’s scheme as shown in fig 8. Develop creative mathematical thinking and problem solving or processes. By helping they build strong foundations for learning mathematics. At the same time, understanding of their development will grow [14]. Excellent teachers of mathematics have a strong knowledge base to draw on in all aspect of their professional work, including their decision making, planning and interactions. Their knowledge base includes knowledge of students, how mathematics is learned, and what effects student’s opportunities to learn mathematics and how the learning of mathematics can be enhanced. It also include sound knowledge and appreciation of mathematics appropriate to the grade level and/or mathematics subject they teach [15]. 1. Attitude toward Success in Mathematics The degree to which students anticipate positive or negative consequences as a result of success in mathematics. 2. Teacher Scale The student’s perception of his/her teacher’s attitudes toward them as learners of mathematics. 3. Mathematics as a Male Domain The degree to which students see mathematics as a male, female or neutral domain [16]. Modern math teaching methodology offers various possibilities for solving the problem of involving students in independent and research work; it develops their problem solving skills and develops their creative thinking processes and skills. One of those possibilities is in the area of scientific framework. The foundation of a scientific framework is the principle of science and scientific research methods [17]. The findings of this study however show that gender differences in marks in mathematics were not conclusive. The results also indicated that both male and female students. In college of engineering ‘special attention was paid to the emotional memories of the students’ math teachers, the percentage successes for boy is 57.72 % from 246 student and the percentage for the girls are 67.94 % from 234 student. The percentage results for girls more than percentage success for boys. Fig 4scheme for the pass/fail boys/girls in mathematics in civil department. Fig 5Scheme for the pass/fail boys/girls in mathematics in oil department. Fig 6 Scheme for the pass/fail boys/girls mechanical department. in mathematics in Fig 7 Scheme for the pass/fail boys/girls in mathematics in electrical department. Fig 8 Scheme for the pass/fail boys/girls in mathematics in the four departments. To achieve this more complete knowledge, this paper aim to provide college students opportunities: • to connect the mathematics they are currently learning to their previous mathematical knowledge, to applications within and outside the discipline, and to the history of the subject; • to communicate mathematics, not just in exam settings, but also in both informal and formal written assignments and oral presentations. • to explore mathematics, not just in homework problems, but also in non-standard examples, projects, and guided discovery, both inside and outside of the classroom. The influence of the curriculum, the practices of assessment and the dominating views and values of learning are connected. Those factors mentioned above have an effect on teacher’s instruction. Because of the uncertainty with mathematics, teachers mainly followed the order and the instructions of the mathematics books. The right answers were more important than solution procedures. They were both dependent on mathematics textbooks and they felt uncertainty with mathematics.In the end, some drawbacks in alignment chart students are mentioned which occur due to the inappropriate treatment of science in the teaching process. The results were inconclusive on whether there is or no statistically significant gender difference in the learning of mathematics among college of engineering students.Mathematics teachers need to incorporate in their teaching. The results of the present study give strong evidence that while girls surpass boys in flexibility dimension of mathematical creativity, in general there is no gender difference in mathematical creativity. Where found out that while girls surpass boys in some dimensions of mathematical creativity, boys surpass girls in other dimensions. References: 1. 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