
October 28, 2009
Presented to:
Project Certification Committee
Project Certification Close-Out
General Services Department
Building Services Division
Property Control Division
FacilityMAX Costs
• Current Status: Project Close Out
– All deliverables have been satisfied
– IV&V has been completed
– System is in production and is being utilized by both
• Expenditures to Date: $729,521.13
• Funding Sources:
– BSD General Fund
– PCD Project Admin
• Recurring Costs:
– Annual Maintenance: $52,000
Justification, Objectives and
Source: Asset Lifecycle Model for Total Cost of Ownership Management
Core Working Group: APPA, Federal Facilities Council, Holder Construction, IFMA, NASFA.
Project Goals/Objectives
Enhance GSD’s ability to better manage operation, performance and life
cycle of equipment and facilities
Improve and automate the work flow processes
Eliminate separate automated and manual systems and processes to
improve operating efficiencies
Leverage FMax’s features to track key operational performance measures
Improve work management processes - building maintenance, custodial
services, project management, and leasing
Move agencies from leased space to State owned Campus Settings, with
leased and owned facilities and land in one integrated system.
Reduce energy costs by facilitating improved data flow and management on
energy consumption in state buildings.
Implement an Integrated Facilities Management System, retiring an old end
of life system
– reduce system support costs
– provide system failover
– provide higher levels of security
– provide a central data repository
Project Accomplishments
Successfully implemented all modules in original scope
Little to no customization required
System is in production and is being utilized
Successfully completed all project requirements
Project was under budget
Project was within project schedule
Benefit to Agency/Stakeholders.
– Reduction in manual processing
– Capability of interfacing to SHARE for the purpose of performing a cross check
against the SHARE accounting system, for financial information.
– Provides ability to now track dates on the different phases and timeline of an
architect contract. i.e., how long did it takes for the architect to do the
programming phase, schematic phase, design development phase, etc.
– Central data repository for building inventory, property, deeds and leasing
information. Eliminates stand alone data bases for this information.
– Scanned project and property documents, such as contacts, deeds, etc., are now
being placed into the FM central repository.
Business Performance Measures
June 2006
Purchase FacilityMAX
software/hardware. Install
April 2007
Define schedule, budget, resource
requirements, staffing to support
system, develop as-is and to-be
work process flows, define data
elements and fields, install
May 2008
Complete software installation, set
up database and input data, train
end users and sys admin, test,
user acceptance conduct IV&V
Close Out
June 2009
IV & V Final Report, Transition to
Operations, Maintenance,
Implement Redundant DB server
Total Costs
Lessons Learned
The IV & V reports documented several recommendations. These
recommendations will serve as the basis to insure that FacilityMAX remains
useful for years to come.
The Building Services Division will likely require another “Workflow
Specialist” in order to keep up with Time Card Entry, Work Order Creation
and Equipment Inventory. Currently Building Services Division has two FTE
dedicated to this issue with one vacant position.
Additional expertise will be required to develop BIRT reports in order to fully
utilize data in FacilityMAX.
Upfront training and identifying and documenting custom report
requirements for quicker implementation is required
Higher levels of attention must be paid to developing training documentation
and requirements
User Satisfaction Survey activities should become a separate section in
project schedules
Train System Administration and end users on Security Policy and
Approval of Close Out
• Requesting approval to close the
FacilityMax Project out
• Questions?