Understanding the Terrain of the Mid

Charting Your Path Workshop
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
May 12, 2014
Understanding the Terrain of the
Mid-Career Faculty Experience:
Implications for Faculty and
Deborah DeZure, Ph. D.
Assistant Provost for Faculty and
Organizational Development
Michigan State University
Learning Objectives
• At the close of this session, participants will be able to
 A framework for supporting faculty success
 Needs, interests and challenges of mid-career faculty
 Productive strategies to support them
 The need to cultivate the next generation of academic
 Promising practices to build a pipeline into leadership
 Implications for participants and their institutions
What Motivates Faculty at Work?
Blackburn, R. & Lawrence, J. (1995) Faculty at Work: Motivation, Expectation, Satisfaction. Baltimore, MD, Johns
Hopkins University Press.
Intrinsic Interest: (Intrinsic Motivator)
 Long-standing or emerging personal beliefs/values/interests
 Ideological origins
Social Knowledge: (Extrinsic Motivator)
 Perception of what is valued and rewarded in the
 Institution, college/school/department expectations and
 Disciplinary values, expectations and rewards
 Perception may/may not be accurate but is still powerful
Self-Efficacy: (Belief in Competence)
 Personal belief that you know how to do what is expected.
 “I know how to do it and I can do it well.”
Bottom Line
 Make the most of existing intrinsic interests.
 Address needs for BOTH
 Social Knowledge (accurate understanding of
expectations and rewards) AND
 Self-Efficacy (training to fulfill all roles)
Faculty Career Stages
• Academic careers progress through stages
• Each offers new experiences and challenges
• Each requires professional development/support.
• Challenges and development needs may vary
• Academic discipline and sub-field
• Type of institution
• Life situation: Family, health, finances
• Individuals vary within each stage
• Best TO ASK, not assume, what faculty want and/or
The National Picture: Mid-Career Faculty
– Associate Professors (Post Tenure)
• Mid-career faculty are a large and important
component of the academic workforce.
• Mid-life and mid-career are transition periods with
distinctive challenges leading to reflection and
Academic life has a very short career ladder.
• Extrinsic motivators (tenure, promotion)
decrease at mid-career.
• Mid-career faculty often reach a plateau when
opportunities for growth and advancement
• Continuous learning helps prevent professional
Need for A Study of
Mid-Career Faculty
 National Context
 Limited research on mid-career faculty
 Institutional Context
• Large, public research university (MSU)
• F&OD Mission: “To support faculty across the
career stages and across the tripartite mission
of teaching, research, and outreach
• F&OD Advisory Board said to “map the
terrain of the mid-career experience.”
• MSU Research Team: Baldwin, DeZure, Shaw & Amoretto
• 2007 POD Menges Award for Outstanding Research in Faculty Development
Study Goals & Participants
• To identify the expectations, experiences,
challenges and support for mid-career faculty
perceived by mid-career faculty and chairs at
• To identify promising practices,
recommendations and implications for practice
• Interviewed 20 Chairs, 20 Mid-Career Faculty
(1-5 and 6-20 years post-tenure) about their
needs, experiences, and challenges.
Findings: Themes
• Expectations of mid-career faculty
• High or enhanced performance (especially in
research and grants)
• New roles, new duties (especially service; also
leadership, administration)
• Newly tenured faculty surprised by the increase in
• High Performers
• Network, collaborate, build teams
• Exhibit adaptability, flexibility
• Obtain external grants
Findings: Themes (cont.)
• Experiences Post Tenure
• Tenure was liberating (1-5 years post tenure)
• Energy level varied post tenure
• Chairs “tolerated” up to two years disengagement (1-5)
• Confusion/Now what do I do? (1-5, 6-20)
• Time to reassess directions (1-5), priorities (6-20)
• Evolving/renegotiating roles (1-5, 6-20, chairs)
• Move from short-range to longer-range projects (1-5)
• Unclear expectations for promotion to full professor
(1-5) (6-20)
Participant Voices:
Achieving tenure was “liberating.”
• “I just relaxed. I wasn’t going to be fired. I just
stopped being so nervous.”
• “The ax is removed from your back.”
• “They need ways to recover from the hazing
ritual. It was bad.”
“What do I do now?”
• “Some hit this wall and it’s
like ‘what am I going to do now?’”
• “You reach a certain plateau and you’ve been
aiming there for a long time and you get there
and you look around and say, ‘What’s next?’”
• “How do you know what your options are? I
• Challenges for Faculty
• Defining goals, not pre-established (both
• What should I do now? What’s next? (1-5)
• Unclear expectations (both 1-5, 6-20)
• Unclear criteria (for promotion to Full)(1-5)
• More and different demands on time (both)
• Dramatic increase in service/leadership roles without
leadership training (1-5)
• Mid-career faculty often neglected/ignored (both)
• Joint appointments can be very difficult (1-5)
“Neglected” and “Ignored”
• “I think mid-career faculty are feeling unloved
and unwanted, and I think they are hitting tough
walls… to get funding.”
• “Mid-career faculty are off the radar screen.
The theory is the ball will bounce by itself and
have momentum.”
• “To sum it all up, you’re pretty much left to your
own devices.”
Themes (cont.)
• Challenges for Faculty (6-20)
• Changes in field, Staying on top (6-20)
• Maintaining their motivation (6-20)
• Need to broaden criteria for promotion to full
professor to accommodate those who take
alternative paths into administration, outreach,
national organizational leadership, teaching (6-20,
• “The biggest challenge is staying interested, staying
alive, staying engaged. It’s difficult to do after 20
• “How am I going to do another 20 years of this?”
• “Most of the mid career faculty I know have lost grants
… and find it difficult to continue.”
• “You’re chained to your equipment.”
• Challenges for Chairs
• Time: Goes to early career faculty
• Budget: Few discretionary dollars
• Understanding needs of mid-career faculty
• Lack of training in personnel and HR issues
• Lack of clarity and info about what support and
options are available for career development
• Lack of flexibility in promotion system
• Motivating later mid-career faculty (6-20)
• Special Challenges Related to Gender, Race,
Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, Age
• Women and faculty of color continue to have challenges
in mid-career
• Higher service demands
• Less access to information
• Women have challenges with child-bearing (1-5) and
aging parents (6-20)
• Men and women have challenges with child-rearing
• Cultural conflict for some international faculty to lead
committees with elders from their culture (sciences)
“Higher Stresses”
• “There’s a burnout factor for highly talented women
with kids… They’ve gone through so much to get
tenure, they’re just burned, just depleted.”
• “Anyone who is not mainstream has higher stresses.”
• “They (faculty from under-represented groups) are the
hardest to protect.” (from service demands)
Themes (Support)
• Chair role:
• Can be instrumental in providing support, guidance,
funding, motivation & jumpstarting careers at all stages
Annual reviews are helpful when well implemented
(Standardized Forms/Protocols)
Chairs and Mid-career faculty unclear about options and
institutional support for mid-career faculty
Sabbaticals could provide renewal/retooling but not
working for many (expense, mobility of family, quality
Need to individualize/diversify support, options, rewards
Themes (Support Continued)
• Training and development: Unmet needs
• Leadership training for mid-career faculty
• Orientation/workshops for newly tenured faculty
on what to expect, what is expected, how to
succeed, options
• Mid-career faculty may also need and want
• Mid-career faculty want training in how to
mentor effectively
• Chair training in personnel issues
Findings: Themes
• Disciplinary differences
• STEM: difficult to change areas due to funding and
lab and equipment investments
• Disciplines rooted in performance and collaborative
work (labs, music ensemble) keep faculty engaged
• Programs within departments can differ with
regard to mid-career faculty experiences
Contested Topic
In the context of a research university,
expectations for promotion to full
professor and merit increases should
be broadened and differentiated.
“Diversify Expectations”
• “When you get to be 62, I don’t think the expectations
should be what they were when you were 30.”
• “…taking seriously the notion that people’s interests in
research and publishing might change over a life span and
…not penalizing someone who says ‘I don’t want to do
research anymore. I’ve done enough of it. I’d rather
focus on teaching, and outreach’… I don’t see why people
shouldn’t have broader options.”
• “We still say that everybody does the same thing
(teaching, research and service) and we know that most
people aren’t good at everything. At some point it would
be better to allow some specialization.”
• “We need to re-engineer faculty jobs.”
Contested Topic:
Audience Poll
1. Expectations for promotion to full professor should be
broadened and differentiated.
2. Expectations for merit increases for senior faculty
should be broadened and differentiated.
New MSU Initiatives
Orientation for Mid-Career Faculty
“From Associate Professor
to Professor: Productive
Decision-making at MidCareer”
Winner, POD Innovation Award
New MSU Initiatives Cont.
• Leadership Development for Faculty
• Workshops for Faculty on Leadership and Academic
Life (4-6 per year)
– Designed for faculty who want to learn more about
leadership and managerial skills and possible paths into
academic administration
– For past topics:
New MSU Initiatives Cont.
• Review of Alignment of Expectations and Processes
for Promotion to Associate Professor and to Professor
• Annual Performance Review Toolkit:
– http://www.adapp-advance.msu.edu/annual-performance-review-tenure-system-toolkit
• RP&T Toolkit:
– http://www.adapp-advance.msu.edu/reappointment-promotion-and-tenure-toolkit
• Faculty Search Toolkit:
– http://www.adapp-advance.msu.edu/project/faculty-search-and-selection
• Efforts to Promote Faculty Mentoring
• Mentoring Toolkit:
– http://www.adapp-advance.msu.edu/Faculty-Mentoring-Toolkit
• Establishment of a Mentoring Policy:
– http://www.adapp-advance.msu.edu/files_adapp-advance/content/Mentoring%20PolicyFinal%203-2-11.pdf
NETWORKING: A High Priority
and Valued Dimension of Mentoring
• Using the Assessing Your Mentoring Networks sheet,
identify each dimension of your appointment,
responsibilities, and priorities.
• For each dimension, identify your
existing formal and informal mentors.
• For each dimension, identify possible
additions to your mentoring network.
• With your Mentor, discuss strategies to build your
network over time.
Recommendations and Promising Practices*:
Institutional Efforts, Chairs/Heads, RP&T Committees,
and Mid-Career Faculty
• When time allows, review the Promising Practices and
Recommendations Sheets: (Yellow)
• Identify:
• Approaches you think your institution currently employs
• New approaches you think merit consideration
• Recommendations for mid-career faculty
• Compare your responses with colleagues from your home
institution or unit and identify priorities for future
consideration by your institution.
*Materials reflect views of interview participants.
MSU Initiatives Continued
Study of the Pipeline into
Leadership and Academic
MSU Research Team:
Deborah DeZure, Ph.D., Assistant Provost for Faculty and Organizational
Allyn Shaw, Ph.D., Formerly Director, Leadership Development; Now
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Services
Julie Rojewski, Program Director, NSF ADVANCE Grant; Ph.D. candidate,
Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education (HALE) Program
Need to Understand and Cultivate the Next
Generation of Academic Administrators
• Demographic Trends
• Projected retirements
• More non tenure-track faculty
• Financial cuts in early 1980s
• Administrative roles more difficult
• Fewer mid-career faculty who wish to pursue
academic administration
• Proliferation of leadership development programs
• Universities need to support the leadership
“I am totally worried about the pipeline.” (chair)
Goals of the Pipeline into Leadership Study
• To identify:
• The experiences, motivations, and trajectories of:
• Administrators (chairs) who effectively identify,
cultivate and nurture future leaders
• Faculty who are emergent leaders in formal or
informal leadership roles
Their beliefs about what makes an effective leader
How administrators identify leadership potential
Factors that promote or impede pursuit of roles in
academic administration
Whether and how gender, race, ethnicity, age, and sexual
orientation affect the leadership pipeline
The case for pursuing academic administration
Administrators’ Leadership Trajectories
• Administrators – all Chairs (16 Prof., 3 Assoc. Prof.)
• All had numerous informal and formal leadership roles
prior to their appointment
• Leadership role(s) in professional associations, associate or
interim chair, dept. or college advisory committee, ass’t/assoc.
dean, graduate director, search committee chair, curriculum
committee, academic governance, program/clerkship director,
dean’s office role
• These roles were critical stepping stones
• Building capacity, credibility, networks, interest in
pursuing leadership, self-efficacy.
• Faculty roles provide leadership experiences
Why Administrators Pursued/Agreed to
Take Their Formal Leadership Roles
• Many reluctant to take chair role
• Service to the department, part of their role, obligation
• No one else could or would do it
• They were the best or only choice, their turn
• Concern about other candidates
• They enjoy leadership, felt they could do it well
• Wanted to leave their mark
• Wanted to nurture talent
• After a productive research career, research had dried up
Benefits of Formal Leadership Roles:
Why do It?
• Make a positive difference
• Nurture, empower and help people
• Help the unit move forward
• Problem-solve and address challenges
• Work with different types of people
• Do things faculty cannot do
• Build positive collaborations among faculty and
• “It is the ability to do good on a larger scale.”
Faculty: Leadership Trajectories
• Faculty all served in several informal and formal
leadership roles (6 Prof., 10 Assoc. Prof.)
• Interim chair, program director, dept./college advisory
committee, etc.
– “There is no way I would have become chair if I had
not been interim chair.”
• All moved in and out of leadership roles.
• Many were deeply ambivalent about pursuing formal
leadership roles.
• 25% DO NOT aspire to formal leadership roles (chair,
dean), although they will continue to engage in informal
and interim leadership roles.
Challenges/Barriers (Administrators & Faculty)
 Takes you from the things you most love about
academia: research, teaching, students
 If leave research, you can’t return (STEM)
 May keep you from promotion to full professor
 Time demands, loss of control of time
 Amount of work
 “Grinding amount of work.”
 “People look at me all the time and say, “Oh, my God,
I’m glad I am not doing your job.” (Chair)
 Work-life balance is lost; Difficult for families
 Harder to lead due to budget cuts/regulations
Challenges/Barriers (Administrators & Faculty) Cont.
• Difficult personal interactions; Tough decisions
• Change in relationship with colleagues
• Few thanks
• “Faculty don’t thank you for anything.
You could drag it out of them –maybe.”
• Pathways into leadership not clear
• Transitions to leadership not clear
• The initial move from faculty into
administration is the most difficult
“The first step into
management is the hardest.”
Challenges/ Barriers (Identified by Faculty Only)
• Expectations for formal dress, appearance and
behavior: Conformity, Hierarchy
• “You have to behave yourself”
• “Less independent” “You lose autonomy”
• “If I don’t walk in with a suit, I’m not perceived as
knowing as much.”
• “More and more formalized and buttoned up. It’s pretty
• Disillusionment with leadership (having tried it)
• “I now know how the sausage is made. I have a lot less
respect for it”
Leadership Traits Most Valued
(by Administrators & Faculty)
People skills (Most frequently mentioned)
Communication skills (Listening, Speaking, Writing)
Respected scholar in the field, Credibility
Honesty, Integrity
Able to take multiple perspectives, Value others’ viewpoints
Able to relate to and value faculty
Able to make decisions, able to make tough decisions
Efficient and Effective
Knowledge of budget and financial management (important
but not essential in selection of leaders)
How Administrators Identify Future Leaders
 Often hard to know who will be successful leader
 Observe them with colleagues, in meetings
 Future leaders care about the welfare of the unit
• They offer suggestions, try to problem-solve, ask questions
• They spend time thinking about problems
• They are motivated to make a difference
• They speak up and express their views
 Give them a task and see how they do
• “When you look at people, you don’t always know the potential
until you give them something to do.”
• They follow-through, complete tasks, reliable, timely
• They value multiple perspectives beyond their own views
• They are pleased when others succeed
How Administrators Encourage and
Incentivize Faculty to Pursue Leadership
 Administrators see this as part of their roles
 Encouragement but not succession planning
 Provide positive role models of effective leadership
 Direct encouragement to validate their potential/skills
 Encouragement raises self-awareness of their
potential, affirms, validates, boosts morale
 “I respected their opinions… If they were recommending me, they
must believe that I have the skills that are needed. So it was a
confidence boost…It’s not just me saying I can do this. It’s other
people actually supporting and saying we think you can do this.”
 “Pointing out a potential I had that I really didn’t think I had.”
How Administrators Encourage and
Incentivize Faculty to Pursue Leadership
 Open doors, help network, suggest opportunities
• “Maybe you should put your name in for this? Maybe take on a
leadership role in this? …It would be very simple, not a long
 Offer and/or pay for leadership training or cover lost clinical billing
hours to compensate medical faculty who participate in leadership
 Offer small leadership roles, e.g. 10%, 20%, 30%
“Putting my toe in the water enabled me to see what I am good at
and what I am not good at.”
• Create titles and opportunities, select faculty as “point people”
• Rotate associate chairs so not only one heir apparent
How Administrators Encourage and Incentivize
Faculty to Pursue Leadership, Cont.
 Ask about faculty member’s interest in leadership or leadership development
at Annual Review and RP&T meetings
• “I ask them ‘What do you plan to do in five years?’”
• “I would evaluate what I know about them and talk about how that might
fit into their personal goals, and if it fit their goals, it would be easy to
encourage them.”
 Talk about leadership in department meetings
 Clarify what leadership role entails
 Discuss pathways into leadership
 Provide administrative mentors
 Enable administrators to continue research, e.g., Post-docs, RAs, staff
 Step in to reward administrative work:
“Colleagues sometimes don’t value the work of administration. Make sure it is
acknowledged. I have overridden recommendations of peer review committees
because I appreciate more what they (faculty who take on administrative roles) are
doing that take time and effort.”
Sources of Discouragement to Pursue Leadership
Roles (Both Administrators & Faculty)
• Family members
• Concerned about work load and work-life balance
• Colleagues
• Questions: “Why are you doing this?” “Why would you
want to do this?” “What will it mean for you?”
• Skepticism about the value of leadership roles:
• “There is a fair amount of skepticism on the part of faculty,
particularly successful faculty, about the value of academic
Sources of Discouragement to Pursue Leadership
Roles (Both Administrators & Faculty), Cont.
• Advice not to pursue leadership:
– “It will keep you from promotion.”
– “You need to NOT do this!”
– “Are you crazy? Don’t you know that this will suck
the life blood out of you?”
– “The things that make you able to do research are not
administrative things. The NIH doesn’t care about
how many memos you are writing.”
Impact of Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Sexual
Orientation on Pursuit of Academic Leadership
 Widespread agreement:
• We need more women & people of color in
higher ed. leadership.
• For most (not all) participants, these are
factors in how they think about leaders.
• Women and faculty of color are already overtaxed in service.
–Cultural taxation
Impact of Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Sexual
Orientation on Pursuit of Academic Leadership, Cont.
 Gender is a major factor for women in
leadership roles.
• “Tremendous gender hurdles” that many men don’t recognize
• “I think there are tremendous gender hurdles. I think we still
live in an age when people see strong women as dangerous and
unappealing. So that’s a hurdle and it is one that I think male
faculty are completely blind to – that they really don’t see.”
• Women don’t feel administrators have their backs
• “Step in when women are bullied by more senior
male faculty”
• Only qualified women should be selected
• Women feel undercut by other women
• Women should ASK for leadership opportunities, not wait
• If first woman leader in a unit, “you have to create your own model”
Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Age and Sexual
Orientation, Cont.
 Race continues to be a factor in leadership in
higher ed.
• Leaders of color face extra challenges and may need support,
encouragement & guidance in navigating among many options.
• Faculty of color value administrative mentors of color.
• Women, faculty of color and other minorities in
leadership roles may need support and
encouragement to take care of themselves (“selfcare”).
Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Age and
Sexual Orientation, Cont.
 Age
• Frequently cited as a factor in whether a person is
“ready for leadership,” e.g., not having sufficient
authority, experience.
• Tied to rank and promotion
• Older white men often challenged legitimacy and
authority of younger women leaders.
 Sexual Orientation
• Climate is “heterocentric, but not homophobic”
Disciplinary Differences In Leadership Roles
• Clinical health sciences have complex financial and billing models
• Cost of engagement in leadership development
• STEM and health sciences have responsibilities for:
• Labs, regulatory compliance, export control
• Disciplinary differences based on:
• External constituencies
• External accreditors
• Availability of external funding
• Availability of discipline-based leadership development
• Ability to return to faculty as active researcher after administration
• Reporting lines
– Units that report to more than one dean
– Units with many joint-appointment faculty
• An interdisciplinary background is helpful
A Contested Topic
• Whether it is productive to “protect” faculty from
service and leadership roles until they have
attained the rank of full professor.
• Productive to “Protect”
• Protects faculty time to enable them to do the work required to
attain the rank of full professor when they will have the
credibility, authority and freedom to pursue leadership and
administrative roles.
• Counter-productive to “Protect”
• The unintended consequence is that faculty are socialized to
think that leadership is not their job, beneath the work of
faculty, and not worthy of their time and effort.
• By the time they are promoted, they are not willing to serve in
these roles and have not developed the requisite skills.
Audience Poll
Please rate the degree to which you agree or disagree
with the following statement:
“It is productive to ‘protect’ faculty from
leadership roles until they have attained the rank
of full professor.”
A. Agree
B. Neutral
C. Disagree
Thought-Provoking Theme
Several participants noted that they would not
want a leader who wanted the job.
“You wouldn’t want someone in the job who
really wanted it.”
• What do you think is meant by this?
• What assumptions may undergird this?
• What are the implications for cultivating and
selecting leaders?
The Perception that Going into
Administration is “Going to the Dark Side”
• All but one participant had heard the phrase; all
the rest indicated it is widely used by their
colleagues and commonly believed among
• Most administrators in this study challenged and
disagreed with this perception.
• Only some of the faculty in this study challenged
this perception.
What does “Going to the Dark Side” Mean?
• “Us” against “Them”
• “There is a tendency to divide the University into Us against
• Administrators forgot where they came from
• “Administrative work is non-intellectual” and “anti-
• “There are people who feel that once you go beyond chair,
you are not a faculty anymore… and that you are a traitor to
your discipline.”
What does “Going to the Dark Side”
Mean? Cont.
• Administrators impede rather than support
• “You are a gatekeeper rather than a facilitator.”
• “We are all Darth Vadar … and make
decisions without faculty input.”
The Case for Academic Administration
What would you say to counter the image of going into
administration as “going to the Dark Side?”
“Just say NO. This is not the ‘dark side.’”
“It’s the ability to do good on a larger scale.”
“Enables you to help people” and “to nurture talent”
“Enables you to solve problems that affect you and your
• “It’s service.”
• “It’s a collaboration between faculty and
• “You get to do things you cannot do as faculty.”
The Case for Academic Administration cont.
• “I just love all the different things I get to learn about”
• “If you love science, you get to work in so many different
• “It is the best job on campus.”
• “I just love it.”
• “If we look at students, we would want our students to be
leaders. Well then, wouldn’t you want them to be taught
by leaders?”
• “Administrators are those who can create the best possible
world for the academics. There needs to be people who
understand how the whole thing operates and that is not
‘Us’ against ‘Them’. It is an enterprise for everybody.”
Implications for Professional Development
• Supporting a pipeline into academic leadership is
timely and productive.
• Recommendations include:
• Raise awareness about the need to support a pipeline into
academic leadership
• Engage academics in a discussion of the costs/benefits of
“protecting” early and mid-career faculty from administration.
• Help administrators learn how to identify and cultivate faculty
to pursue leadership and administration.
• Help faculty learn how to segue from faculty roles to leadership
and academic administration, if and when they wish to do so.
Productive Practices and Recommendations
When time allows, review Productive Practices Sheet:
Recommendations for Administrators and Faculty
Read More About It
For a summary of faculty career stages, related
interests/needs/goals and challenges, and
relevant professional development materials,
“Needs/Interests/Challenges of Academic
Career Stages and Relevant Professional
Development Opportunities”
Q and A
I invite your
questions and comments.
Related Literature on Faculty Career Stages
 Austin, A.E., Brocato, J.J., & Rohrer, J.D. Institutional Missions, Multiple Faculty Roles:
Implications for Faculty Development. In D. DeZure (Ed.), To Improve the Academy, Vol. 16 (pp. 320). Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press and POD Network.
 Austin, A. E., & Sorcinelli, M. D. (Eds.) (1992) Developing new and junior faculty. New Directions
for Teaching and Learning Series, No. 50. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
 Baldwin, R.G. (1990). Faculty Career Stages and Implications for Professional Development. In J.H.
Schuster, D.W. Wheeler, & Assoc. (Eds.). Enhancing faculty careers: Strategies for Development
and Renewal (pp. 20-40). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
 Baldwin, R.G., DeZure, D., Shaw, A., & Amoretto, K. (2008, Sept./Oct.). Mapping the Terrain of
Mid-Career Faculty at a Research University: Implications for Faculty and Academic Leaders.”
Change, (pp. 46-55). (Copy Provided)
 Baldwin, R.G., & Zeig, M.J. (2012, Sept./Oct.). Making emeritus matter. Change: 44:5, 28-34.
 Blackburn, R.T., & Lawrence, J.H. (1995). Faculty at Work. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press.
 Bland, C.J., & Berquist, W.H. (1997). The vitality of senior faculty members: Snow on the roof-fire
in the furnace. Washington, D.C.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education.
 DeZure, D. (1996, February). Closer to the Disciplines: A model for Improving Teaching within the
Disciplines. AAHE Bulletin, 48 (6): 9-12.
 Finnegan, D.E., Webster, D., & Gamson, Z.F. (Eds.). (1996). Faculty and Faculty Issues in Colleges
and Universities. 2nd Edition. ASHE Reader Series. Needham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster.
Related Literature on Mid-Career Faculty
Buch, K., Huet, Y., Rorrer, A., & Roberson, L. (2012). Removing the barriers to full
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Hall, D. T., & Mirvis, P.H. (1995) The new career contract: Developing the whole
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Related Literature & Resources on Mid-Career Faculty Cont.
Karpiak, I. (2000a). Over rocky roads and stepping stones; women academic in midcareer. Initiatives the journal of NAWE, 59 (2), 1-8.
Karpiak, I. (2000b). The ‘second call:’ Faculty renewal and recommitment at midlife.
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Newton, P. M. (1983). Periods in the adult development of the faculty member.
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Nottis, K. E. (2005). Supporting the mid-career researcher. Journal of Faculty
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Advance Grant - http://www.adapp-advance.msu.edu/
Related Literature on Cultivating the Next Generation of
Academic Leaders
Appadurai, A. (2009, April 10). Higher education’s coming leadership crisis. The Chronicle of Higher
Education, 54 (29). Retrieved from Http://chronicle.com/weekly/v55/i31/31a06001.htm
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Buffone, N. (2009). Leadership Continuity: Enhancing the Cycle of leadership in Academic Departments.
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DeZure, D., Shaw, A., & Rojewski, J. (2014, January/February). Cultivating The Next Generation of
Academic Leaders: Implications for Administrators and Faculty. Change, 6-12. (Copy provided.)
Kezar, A. (Ed.) (2009). Rethinking Leadership in a Complex, Multicultural, and Global Environment.
Sterling, VA: Stylus Press.
Related Literature on Cultivating a
Pipeline into Academic Leadership Cont.
Kezar, A. (2009). Leadership development on campus within the corporate new marketplace. In J.
Knapp & D. Siegel (eds). The Business of Higher Education. (pp. 53-73), Westport, CT. Praeger
Kezar, A., & Lester, J. (2009). Leadership in a world of divided feminism. NASPA Journal About
Women in Higher Education, 1 (1), 49-73.
Mansbach, J. (2012, August). Early Career Faculty and Leadership Development: An Intersection.
Independent Study. Michigan State University. Unpublished Manuscript.
Leubsdorf, B. (2006, September 1). Boomers’ retirement may create talent squeeze. The Chronicle
of Higher Education, 53 (2). Retrieved from Http://chronicle.com/weekly/v53/i02/02a05101.htm
Luna, G. (2012). Planning for an American higher education leadership crisis: The succession issue
for administrators. International Leadership Journal, 56.
Maxwell, D. (2009). Engaging the Next Generation of Faculty. Presidency, 12(1), 3.
Prigge, G.W. (2010). Traits and Development Needed by Leaders for Success in the Complex World
of Higher Education. The Journal of Higher Education Management, 25 (1), 3.
Reille, A., & Kezar, A. (2010). Balancing the pros and cons of community college “Grow-YourOwn” Leadership Programs. Community College Review, 38 (1), 59-81.
Wergin, J. (2007). Leadership in Place. Boston: Anker Publishing.
Zemke, R., Raines, C., & Filipczak, B. (2000). Generations at work: Managing the clash of
veterans, boomers, xers, and nexters in your workplace. NY: AMACOM.
To Connect…
Deborah DeZure
517 432-5125