The A-G U.C. Requirements A.V.I.D 2009-2010 A = History / Social Science 2 years required Breakdown QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. 1 year World History 1 year U.S. History 1/2 year Civics Classes Available World (CP/H) U.S. (CP/H) Extra Honors Credit Civics (CP/H) B = English 4 years required Breakdown QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. 4 years of C.P. English Only 1 year may be ESL / ELD English Classes Available English 1 (CP/H) English 2 (CP/H) English 3 (CP/H/AP) Extra Honors /AP Credit English 4 (CP/H/AP) Extra AP Credit C = Mathematics 3 years required 4 years recommended Breakdown QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. At least 3 years of C.P. Algebra Classes Available Algebra I Geometry Advanced Geometry Algebra II Math IV Calculus Extra AP Credit Statistics Extra AP Credit D = Laboratory Science 2 years required 3 years recommended QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Classes Available Lab Science Tech 2 Lab & Advanced Biology AP Biology Extra AP Credit Chemistry (CP/AP) Extra AP Credit Physics (CP/AP) Extra AP Credit Agricultural Biology E = Language Other than English QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. 2 years required in same language 3 years recommended Breakdown 2 years in the same language Classes Available Spanish 1,2,3,4 AP Spanish 4 Extra AP Credit AP Spanish Literature Extra AP Credit French 1,2,3 German 1,2,3 F = Visual & Performing Arts 1 year required Classes Available QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Advanced Drama Art & Art Design Concert Band & Choir Drama Jazz Band Madrigals Photography 1 & 2 G = Electives 1 year required NOTE: Some A-F courses cannot be used for the G Requirement Classes Available QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Honors Economics Forensics Lab Physical Science Lab Science Tech 1 AVID Senior Seminar Plant & Soil Science Animal Science Cornell Notes Brainstorm Groups of 4 1. How are lectures / notes different between classes? What styles do teachers have? 2. What are some of the toughest things about taking notes in classes? 3. What are some common abbreviations that you have used in taking notes? 4. How can you adjust to different types of note taking in your classes? A-G Poster Blue Print With a partner, take your 11x17 paper and design a rough draft of you’re A-G Requirement Poster Your goal is to create a poster that advertises clearly to other students what the A-G requirements are Some things to consider when you are designing your blueprint Layout / Organization Landscape / Portrait Text Font Type / Size What types of visuals will you use Background / Colors Used