Article Analysis Exercise

Metro RESA Teacher Leader Endorsement
Course 1: A Foundation for Teacher Leadership
Class Assignments
Weekly Reflection Exercise
Due at the end of each class session (except Class #10)
Name ____________________________________________ Date _________________
Please reflect on the class activities and respond to the following questions. You may use
the back of the sheet if needed.
1. From today’s class, I learned or was reminded that . . .
How will this learning inform your attitude and/or practice?
What questions, if any, do you have about today’s topic?
Additional comments may be written on the back of this sheet.
Metro RESA Teacher Leader Endorsement Program
Article Analysis Exercise
Due: Session 2
Name ____________________________ Date________
After reading the assigned article, respond to the questions below.
Title of Article: Change from Within
Summarize the steps taken by Curtis Middle School to facilitate school improvement.
As a Teacher Leader, which of these strategies could you implement at your school?
Outline the steps you would follow to implement one of the strategies identified in
question 2.
Metro RESA Teacher Leader Endorsement Program
Article Analysis Exercise
Due: Session 2
Name ___________________ Date________
After reading the assigned article, respond to the questions below.
Title of Article: The Many Faces of Leadership
Referring to the article, identify the school conditions that promote teacher leadership.
Assess your school on each of the conditions. Briefly justify your assessment.
Metro RESA Teacher Leader Endorsement Program
School Vision Exercise
Due: Session 3
After reviewing the school’s vision statement, answer the questions below. Candidates
should attach a copy of their school’s vision statement to the Vision Exercise.
Name ______________________________________________ Date_______________
In your own words, summarize your school’s vision? (Please attach a copy of the vision
When was the vision statement written? By whom? When was the last time it was
Randomly ask 5 teachers to articulate the school’s vision. Report your findings.
How visible is the school’s vision statement?
What impact, if any, has the school vision had on the school program? Cite specific
evidence to support your response.
As a Teacher Leader, what recommendations would you make to increase the likelihood
that the school’s vision will be realized?
Metro RESA Teacher Leader Endorsement Program
Article Analysis Exercise
Due: Session 8
Name ____________________________________________Date__________________
After reading the assigned article, respond to the questions below.
Title of Article: Ten Roles for Teacher Leaders
Harrison and Killion identify the following ten roles for Teacher Leaders. Rate yourself
on how comfortable you are assuming each role with 1 = not at all comfortable and 10 =
extremely comfortable.
Data coach
Catalyst for
Identify strategies you might use to address one of the roles that you are less comfortable
Metro RESA Teacher Leader Endorsement Program
Teacher Leader Interview Exercise
Due: Session 8
Each Candidate will select someone whom he or she regards as a Teacher Leader to
interview. Prior to the interview, the Candidate will develop a list of questions he or she
will ask. These questions should be based upon readings and class discussions about the
roles of Teacher Leaders. The Candidate will conduct the interview, summarize the
salient points, and then provide a thoughtful analysis of the responses in light of class
discussions about Teacher Leaders.
Interviewer ___________________________________________________________
Interviewee: __________________________________________________________
Current Position of Interviewee __________________________________________
Date and Time of Interview: _____________________________________________
Location of Interview: _________________________________________________
Why did you select this person to interview? Why do you regard him/her as a Teacher
Based upon your readings and class discussions, is this person fulfilling the roles
associated with Teacher Leadership? Explain.
Summarize the important points from the interview (Please attach the list of questions
that you asked.)
What did you learn about Teacher Leadership from this interview?
What, if any, new knowledge/understanding did you gain from this interview? How will
you use this knowledge as a Teacher Leader?
Metro RESA Teacher Leader Endorsement Program
Georgia School Keys Strand Assessment and Analysis
Part A: Group Presentation Feedback Form
Groups assigned to report on the Georgia School Keys are expected to be able to 1) explain the
elements in the assigned strand and 2) review the rubric for their strand with their classmates.
Groups must include a handout on their presentation for all class members. Each group will be
assessed by class members using the Group Presentation Feedback Form.
Topic: __________________________________________Date: _________________
Total Points Earned
Metro RESA Teacher Leader Endorsement Program
Georgia School Keys Strand Assessment and Analysis
Part B: Assessment of Leadership Strand
Each Candidate will assess his or her school using the Georgia School Keys rubric for
Leadership (L.4 only). If there are multiple Candidates who work at the same school,
the rubric for the Leadership strand may be completed as a group assignment.
Metro RESA Teacher Leader Endorsement Program
Georgia School Keys Strand Assessment and Analysis Form
Part C: Summary and Analysis of Assessment
Each Candidate will complete the Georgia School Keys Strand Assessment and Analysis Form
for the Leadership strand. The purpose of this form is to provide the Candidate with the
opportunity for reflection and analysis. This form should be completed and submitted with the
rubric completed in Part B. Please note that while multiple students may complete a single
rubric in Part B, each Candidate must complete this form.
Leadership (L.4)
Identify the data sources used to evaluate this strand.
What data sources did you need that were not available?
Based upon the rubric, identify the school’s strengths.
Based upon the rubric, identify the school’s opportunities for growth.
Provide a few research-based strategies the school might use to address its opportunities for
growth. (See Implementation Resource Guide)
What did you learn about your skills as a Teacher Leader from completing this assignment?
Metro RESA Teacher Leader Endorsement Program
Sign-Off Form: A Foundation for Teacher Leadership
Teacher Leader Candidate Name _____________________________________________
Dates of Course:
_____________________Instructor: ________________________
The above-named participant has/has not completed A Foundation for Teacher Leadership satisfactorily
as reflected in the Assignment Completion Summary below:
Attendance: (No more than 5 hours of missed class)
Dates and Hours of class missed: _________________________________
Written make-up work assigned for missed class time: ________________
Weekly Reflection Exercise (45 points required for 9 assignments)
Total Points Earned (0-54):
Article Analysis Exercise (25 points required for 5 articles)
Total points earned (0-30)
School Vision Exercise (5 points required)
Total points earned (0-6)
Teacher Leader Interview (6 points required)
Total points earned (0-8)
Georgia Keys Assessment
o Group Presentation (12 points required)
Points earned (0-16)
Assessment of Strand (0 points required)
Summary and Analysis: Leadership (12 points required)
Points earned (0-14)
Total points possible = 128
Total points required = 105
Total points earned:
Included in Part B
Instructor‘s Signature ____________________ Completion Date: ______________________