Present simple - questions - 1.Základní škola T.G.Masaryka Milevsko

1. ZŠ T. G. Masaryka Milevsko
Mgr. Lenka Soldátová
Present simple - questions
Téma hodiny
Tvoření otázek v přítomném čase
Anglický jazyk
6. – 7. ročník
Mluvnický přehled a zároveň cvičení na tvoření
otázek v přítomném čase prostém, možnost
kontroly podle klíče, samostatné tvoření různých
otázek podle tabulky nebo podle obrázků.
Očekávaný výstup
Žáci kladou jednoduché otázky svým
spolužákům, naslouchají a stručně odpovídají.
Druh učebního materiálu
Present simple - questions
Yes, I do.
Yes, she does.
live in London?
No, I don´t.
walk to school?
No, she doesn´t.
• Where do your parents work?
• How often do you wash your hair?
• What do you do in your free time?
Always, usually, normally, sometimes, often
Do you always play tennis at the weekend?
Does Mike often work hard?
Do they sometimes speak English?
Write questions
1. How/often/you/watch/TV/?
2. your brother/speak/ English/?
3. for breakfast/you/usually/have/what/?
4. she/live/in a small village/?
5. how/you/go/often/to the cinema/?
6. he/go/ to bed/ late/ at the weekend?
7. they/do/their homework/when/?
8. where/Mr. Smith/travel/ on holiday/?
1. How often do you watch TV?
2. Does your brother speak English?
3. What do you usually have for breakfast?
4. Does she live in a small village?
5. How often do you go to the cinema?
6. Does he go to bed late at the weekend?
7. When do they do their homework?
8. Where does Mr. Smith travel on holiday?
Write the questions and answer short
your father/work/in a hospital?
you/take/ the bus/to school?
your sister/play/the guitar?
they/ play/ football?
• Write the next qustions!
Read the chart – positive, negative
sentences or questions
take the
Tidy the
Do the
Set the table
Make the bed
Clean the car
Mike and Tony
Complete the questions
I like chocolate. And your friend? __________
Tony speak French. And you? ___________
I do my homework every day. And you? ____
She walks to school. And your teacher? _____
I often ride a bicycle. And your friends? _____
They live in a big city. And you?___________
We like Science and Geography. And Sue?____
I and my sister play basketball. And they? ____
Write the questions for the answer!
1) I am from the USA. Where______________?
2) We have got two apples. What___________?
3) They have dinner in the kitchen.
4) I go skiing on Sunday. When___________?
5) He plays tennis at 5 o´clock. When/What__?
6) She is twelve. How___________?
7) She has lunch at school. Where_________?
8) It´s half past nine. What___________?
9) He doesn´t play football. __________?
10) I have got two sisters. How many______?
Make the questions and answer!
1) You/
2) When/
3) Where/
4) She/
5) They/
/ 7 : 15 ? (Yes)
/ he ? (7 : 35)
you ? (kitchen)
/14 : 30/ Wednesday ? (No)
/evening ? (Yes)