1 CSD 3357 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Fall 2011 Instructor: Karen Colson, Ph.D. Office: 230 NMH Phone: (254) 710-6370 E-Mail: Karen_Colson@baylor.edu Office Hours: By appointment Course Description and Objectives The purpose of this course is to increase your knowledge of the anatomical structures and functions involved in the processes of speech, language, and deglutition. By the end of the course, you will be able to: 1. identify the anatomical structures associated with the aforementioned processes, 2. describe their functions as they relate to the communication and/or deglutition processes, 3. contrast the physiological substrates of vegetative processes with those used for communication, and 4. demonstrate mastery of the vocabulary required to become a competent professional in communication sciences and disorders. Upon completion of this course, the student will have met the following requirements for certification in speech-language pathology: Standard III-A. Biological Sciences Standard III-B. Basic Human Communication Processes: Biological, neurological, and acoustic Textbooks Kapit, W. & Elson, L. (2002). The anatomy coloring book, 3rd ed. Harper Collins. (recommended) Seikel, J. A., King, D. W., & Drumright, D. G. (2010). Anatomy and physiology for speech, language, and hearing, 4th ed. Thomson Delmar Learning. (REQUIRED) 2 Course Structure The course will be lecture based with use of multimedia resources. It will be divided into four sections as follows: I. Introduction, Orientation and Respiration II. Phonation III. Articulation and Resonance IV. The Nervous System Course Requirements You are responsible for reading the text and all supplemental material assigned and/or handed out during the semester. You are expected to attend all class sessions and to participate fully in class discussions/activities. Attendance will be taken for each class and credit will be given only to students who are present for the entire class. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure he/she signs the attendance sheet. There will be four examinations, including the final, each totaling 100 points. Each exam will cover only the information presented in its respective section. The exams will involve labeling, short answer and multiple choice questions. Six quizzes, each worth 10 points, will be given in class during the semester. Each quiz will be given at the beginning of class. The date of each quiz will be announced one class prior to its occurrence. The quizzes will have a similar format as the exams and will cover only the information presented in a specific section as follows: o o o o Quiz 1 Introduction, Orientation and Respiration Quiz 2 and 3 Phonation Quiz 4 and 5 Articulation and Resonance Quiz 6 The Nervous System Make-up exams and quizzes will be given only in instances of University excused absences. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the instructor with written verification for an excused absence, such as a copy of a physician’s note/excuse. (Also refer to Attendance Policy section) 3 Your course grade will be based upon the total points accumulated for the four exams and six quizzes. The following scale will be used: Grade Percentage Range Point Range A B C D F 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 < 59 412 - 460 366 - 411 320 - 365 274 - 319 < 273 Extra credit assignments will not be available. Personal computers brought to class should be used strictly for taking notes. Other use, such as sending e-mail and surfing the internet, should not take place in class as it is distracting and disrespectful to your peers and the instructor. Likewise, texting others will not be permitted in class. You will be asked to leave the class if you engage in these activities. If, at any time, you have any questions that have not been adequately addressed during regular class meetings, please do not hesitate to schedule an appointment to meet with me in my office. Attendance Policy: The attendance policy of the College of Arts & Sciences states: “To earn course credit in the College of Arts and Sciences, a student must attend at least 75% of all scheduled class meetings. Any student who does not meet this minimal standard will automatically receive a grade of “F” in the course. Any University-related activity necessitating an absence from class shall count as an absence when determining whether a student has attended the required 75% of class meetings.” “In the event you are unable to attend a class session, it is your responsibility to obtain (a) class notes from another student, and (b) any changes in the class schedule. You are also expected to take tests on time. If you are ill, it is your responsibility to notify the instructor prior to the time of the test. If you miss a test without prior approval from your instructor, you will be subject to receiving a zero for the test. When returning from the illness, it is the student’s responsibility to take the makeup exam within 3 days or the student will automatically receive a zero for the test.” In addition, the following will apply to your attendance: Excessive unexcused absences (more than 6) during the semester will result in a 50 point deduction from your total exam score for the course. 4 Disabilities Statement: Baylor University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 regarding students with disabilities. Eligible students seeking accommodations should contact the Office of Access and Learning Accommodation (OALA) (x3605). Accommodations are not retroactive. Therefore, students should contact the OALA as soon as possible in the term for which they are seeking accommodations. Students with emergency medical information or needing special arrangements in case a building must be evacuated should discuss this information with me as soon as possible. 5 CSD 3357: ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY FALL 2011 CALENDAR AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 22 24 26 29 31 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 23 26 28 30 3 5 7 10 12 14 17 19 21 24 26 28 31 2 4 7 9 11 14 16 18 21 23 25 28 30 2 5 8 Chapters 1 Overview & Basic Elements Continued Continued Chapters 2 & 3 Respiration Continued Continued Holiday – No Class Continued Continued Continued Continued Continued Continued EXAM 1 Chapters 4 & 5 Phonation Continued Continued Continued Continued Continued Continued Continued EXAM 2 Chapters 6, 7, & 8 Articulation & Resonance Fall Break Continued Continued Continued Continued Continued Continued Continued Continued EXAM 3 Chapter 11 & 12 The Nervous System Continued NSSLHA Conference Continued Continued – (ASHA convention) Continued – (ASHA convention) Continued Holiday – No Class Holiday – No Class Continued Continued Continued Continued EXAM 4 2-4 PM 6