Muhammad Ali Institute for Peace and Justice at the University of

Table of Contents
Goals for 2009-10
Muhammad Ali Scholars
Campus and Community Programs
Faculty in Residence
Faculty Resource Group
Campus Events
Trip to England and Ghana
Third Year Ali Scholars and Ali Scholars Alumni Association
Just Act Day
RSO Advising
Relationship with the Muhammad Ali Center
Trip to Bangladesh
2009-2010 Goals
Raise at least $20,000 through joint programming with the Ali Center
and through direct Ali Institute fundraising efforts
Ali Scholars
Training in August
Co-teach course in Spring 2010
Sponsor international trip in Summer 2010
Establish a research component for Ali Scholars
Incorporate Ali Scholars into more Ali Center programs
Establish faculty resource group and faculty in residence
Formalize relationship with at least 1 local community agency and
develop and begin to execute a concrete work plan for Institute in
Louisville community
Launch Champions and Service for Social Change in cooperation with the
Ali Center
Establish a viable, comprehensive plan for SeeRedNow
2009-2011 Muhammad Ali Scholars
In the fall of 2010, the 20092011 Ali Scholars began their
first full year in the program
We began the year with an
August retreat at Essence
House in Corydon, Indiana to
get to know one another and
lay a solid foundation for
understanding basic social
justice and peace building
Back row: Gwen Rucker, Mohamad Ndiaye, Amanda Simmons, Jonathan
Front row: Kathriena Greenwell, Bristol Mann, Janessa Siegel, Whitney Newell
Ali Scholars Campus Events
In November, the new Ali Scholars
stretched their programmatic muscles
and created a performance of the
SeeRedNow manifestations of violence.
Using drama, poetry, readings and
personal stories, the Scholars brought
domestic, community, economic,
political, environmental and hate
violence to life.
In the spring, the Ali Scholars planned a
series of Brown Bag Lunches including
topics such as human trafficking, to
gang violence, and the media in
activism. They also participated in the
Anne Braden Institute’s commemoration
of the sit-ins of the Civil Rights
Social Change Course
In the spring semester of 2010, Stacy BaileyNdiaye co-taught a one credit course, Social
Change 399 – Lectures in Social Change, with
Dr. Cate Fosl, Director of the Anne Braden
There were 18 students enrolled, including all
8 Ali Scholars
In addition to discussions on the main text, the
course featured four public lectures:
Unbowed, by Nobel Peace Prize winning
environmentalist and human rights activist
Wangari Maathai served as the primary text for
the course.
For the Ali Scholars, the course was meant to
provide a foundation in social justice issues and
give a context for their trip to Ghana in the
summer of 2010.
•Land and Politics in Kenya: What Makes Wangari Maathai
•Environmental Justice and Ecological Disasters Throughout
•African Women Writing Resistance
•So What’s Race for Anyway? Smokescreens, Exploitation,
and the State
International Learning Journey
May 14-June 9, 2010
Why We Went
The International Learning Journey, which takes place during the summer between Ali
Scholars Program years, is a cornerstone of the program. The experience is meant to
give the students a global understanding of social justice issues and a different
perspective on the United States and their local communities. Goals for the 2010
International Learning Journey included:
Explore social justice issues in England and Ghana, especially those related to women, children, community
violence, political power, economic justice, environmental justice, health and intergroup relations
Learn about the history and culture of Ghana
Learn about the impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade by making the Europe-Africa-Americas journey
Further develop Ali Scholars’ expert areas
Have meaningful interaction with university students in Ghana
Develop an intellectual understanding of and gain practical experience in development
Examine the impact of urbanization and modernization in Ghana
Meet with local, regional and national leaders and organizations working on social justice issues
Further the development of the Ali Scholars program internationally
Participate in the Ali Scholars Peace and Justice Academy
Participate in field work with Ghanaian students under the direction of the University of Development Studies
The Team
Dwain Archer
Safety and Security
Dr. Mordean Taylor-Archer
Vice Provost for Diversity and International Affairs
Stacy Bailey-Ndiaye
Director, Muhammad Ali Institute
Brodrick Clarke
Deputy Director of Programs, Ali Center
Dr. Anita Harris
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Dr. Muriel Harris
Assistant Professor, Public Health
Dr. Liz O’Brien
Assistant Professor, Public Health
Ali Scholars
Kathriena Greenwell
Jonathan Krigger
Bristol Mann
Mohamad Ndiaye
Whitney Newell
Gwen Rucker
Janessa Siegel
Amanda Simmons
School of Public Health
Trinidad Jackson
Alecia Kennedy
Galyna Pavlenko
Lauren Rollins
Our Hosts
In England, we were hosted by the Youth Charter for Sport, Culture and Arts, a
United Nations recognized NGO based in Manchester, UK. The Ali Institute has
a longstanding relationship with Youth Charter, as they hosted our first group of
Ali Scholars in 2006, and chairman, Geoff Thompson, visited Louisville in 2007
as the Ali Institute’s World Changer in Residence.
From Accra to Tamale, the Aya Centre for Intercultural Awareness and
Development handled our lodging, tours and lectures.
In Northern Ghana, we were under the care of the University for Development
Studies. UDS arranged our lodging and transportation and hosted the Peace
and Justice Academy and the field experience. UofL has a partnership
agreement with UDS and the Ali Scholars International Learning Journey was the
first formal activity between the two institutions.
London and Northern England
Weary travelers at Heathrow Airport
Our new friends from the British Council
Youth Charter, our host organization,
arranged for young people from northern
England to share the experience of our
visit. The trip would not have been the
same without them and the Ali Scholars
hope to host them on a visit to Louisville.
At the International Slavery Museum in
Geoff Thompson, Chairman of Youth
Charter, gives Janessa a few pointers at
Huggy’s Gym in Bradford
On the tube in London
Ali Scholars at Trafalgar Square
On the street in London
A taste of social justice action in London
Accra, Ghana
Ali Scholars getting closer each day
The whole crew at breakfast in Accra
Akwaaba! Welcome to Ghana!
Our home in Accra, the Aya Centre
Ghana, the Black Star
Amanda and Sonny, our tour guide
Street Scenes in Accra
Around Accra
At the home of former Vice President
Aliu Mahama
W.E.B. DuBois Center
Ah, the food at Chez Afrique…
Presidential Palace
Kwame Nkrumah Memorial
At the beach
Making Our Way North
At the Kente craft shop
Contemplating a painful past at Cape Coast
and Elmina.
At the Adinkra craft shop
Adinkra stamps
At the Kente craft shop
Making Our Way North
At the University for Development
Studies Central Administration, Tamale
Meeting with UDS Pro Vice Chancellor,
Registrar and Dean of Integrated
Studies, Tamale
Meeting the Regent Chief in Tamale. We
presented a goat to the Chief as a gift.
Sorry Mr. Goat, you’ll make a great dinner!
Janessa and young ladies in Tolon
With UDS faculty and students after
Peace and Justice Academy, Wa
In the Field – Sakai and Kong
Children in Kong enjoying
bubbles they received
from Public Health group
Community entry – Dr. Frank Teng-Zeng, our UDS
host, introduces us in Kong
Playing cards, making
Getting to know Sakai
Interviewing Young People in Sakai
During their fieldwork, the Ali Scholars focused on youth,
women, education, agriculture, leadership, physical fitness,
spirituality, and health.
The Public Health Group and two Ali Scholars did a
research project on malaria in the Kong community using
Photo Voice.
We were able to help Sakai identify a solution to a
problem with their school feeding program. They decided
to farm a communal plot of land to provide lunch for the
school children. A successful school feeding program
directly correlates to increased school attendance.
In the Field - Sakai
UDS students share their
community profile of Sakai
UDS students’ map of
Sakai community
Community notice board
What would we have done without our friends from UDS?
Lone Farmer
In one of the most iconic photos, we captured the life of a lone woman farmer. She is pregnant and must still spend hours
alone in the sun working her plot. Our meeting with her led to discussions with other women in Sakai about the
possibilities of communal farming.
Making Shea Butter
And We Danced…
The Hippo Sanctuary
On the Volta River with the hippos
The hippos put up with us for quite a while. They had enough
and we got out of there. Hippos are one of the most
dangerous animals in Africa. What were we thinking?!
Well done Ali Scholars!
Third Year Ali Scholars and
Ali Scholars Alumni Group
Two 2007-09 Ali Scholars, Lecia Brown and On’Draya Green, while they had completed the program, were still
at UofL. As they wanted to stay connected to the program, the Institute established the Third Year Ali
Scholars Program.
About the Third Year Ali Scholars
The Third Year Ali Scholars Program is designed to provide continuing undergraduate students who have
completed the two year Ali Scholars Program with opportunities to strengthen their skills and provide further
service through Muhammad Ali Institute programs. The Ali Institute values the experience, perspective, and
abilities the Ali Scholars bring to social justice, peace building and violence prevention work. Third Year Ali
Scholars, who are in their senior year at UofL, take on greater leadership in Ali Institute initiatives and work
more closely with the Ali Center than current Ali Scholars. In addition to the professional development the
Third Year Scholars gain through their enhanced responsibilities and visibility, the students receive financial
compensation for their work and stay connected to the Ali Scholars Program that has nurtured them.
Ali Scholars Alumni Association
In 2009-10 the Third Year Ali Scholars laid the foundation for the Ali Scholars Alumni Association. In 20102011 the Alumni Association will be activated. The purpose of the Ali Scholars Alumni Association is to:
Keep up-to-date information on past scholars
Create a network of support for new Scholars so they have guidance each year
Support work or goals of the Scholars post scholarship years
Campus and Community Programs
The 2009-2010 academic year saw a return to
high quality educational programs from the Ali
Institute. Under the leadership of new Program
Coordinator Mikal Forbush, we hosted Peace
and Justice Week and a variety of Brown Bag
Lunches. The Ali Institute also collaborated on
a number of events with campus organizations
and departments.
Peace and Justice Week
Let’s Talk Lunch:
“What is Economic Violence?”
The state of the economy is improving and the
recession is finally over according to economists, but
the unemployment rate remains the same and even
rises in some areas. Let’s look at the real world
implications of economic violence and discuss what, if
anything, can we do. Co-sponsored by BFSA, Cultural
Center, and Society of Porter Scholars
Held on November 4th and was attended by about 40
Conversation Cafe:
Legal Issues in Immigration
UofL law professor Enid Trucios-Haynes, a leading
scholar in immigration and immigrant rights, discussed
the local, national, and international implications of
immigration law. Co-Sponsored by the Office of First
Year Initiatives Book-in-Common program.
Held November 5 and was attended by about 30
students, faculty, and staff
Social Justice Theater
Dr. Burton and the African American Theater Arts program provided a scene from the recent production of
“Come Down Burning” highlighting the effects of poverty and the rights of women. Then theater Arts graduate
student K. O. Ewing Roush performed a one-man production of an original screenplay dealing with the
educational attainment of Muslims around the world, followed by the Ali Scholars who used their talents to
raised awareness about violence using the See Red Now campaign. Co-sponsored by the African American
Theater Dept.
Held on November 5 and was attended by about 20 students.
Journey of Hope (Panel discussion)
Journey of Hope, an organization led by murder victim family members joined by death row family
members, family members of the executed, the exonerated, and others with stories to tell. Journey of
Hope was conducting a public education speaking tour and addressing alternatives to the death penalty
and was co-sponsored by the American Civil Liberties Union, Anne Braden Institute, the University of
Louisville chapter of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, Pan African Studies Graduate
Association, the University of Louisville chapter of Amenity International, as well as the student chapter of
the NAACP. Attended by 60 students, faculty, and community members.
Held on November 2nd and was attended by about 60 students, faculty, staff, and community members.
Michael Honey: “From Civil Rights to Economic
Justice: The Freedom’s Movement’s Unfinished
Scholar-activist Mike Honey is a distinguished historian and
professor at U-Washington/Tacoma with 3 award-winning books
linked the civil rights and labor movements. He also lived and
worked for a time in Louisville with Carl and Anne Braden and the
Southern Conference Education Fund (SCEF) and discussed how
that influenced his work.
Held on November 10th and was attended by about 60 students,
faculty, staff, and community members.
How Can We Best Serve? Working With
Immigration and Refugee Population
This program focused on UofL students who are interested in volunteering with our immigrant
and refugee community or who want to learn more about this community. Sessions included
Literacy, Health, and Legal Issues. Presenters include staff from Americana, Backside
Learning Center at Churchill Downs, JCPS: English as Second Language Office and the
Newcomer Academy. Sponsored by the Office of Civic Engagement, Leadership, and
Held on November 7th and was attended by about 100 students.
Brown Bag Lunches
The Brown Bag Lunch Series, held at the Ali Institute, is meant to create discussion around
local, national, and global issues. Topics vary, but all discussions are lead by an individual
knowledgeable about that specific subject. While trying to keep the Brown Bags as varied
and broad as possible, we ensure that they are both relevant to the audience and focused
on social justice. The audience numbers range from a 10 to 20, allowing the us to
completely fill the small venue.
Fall 2009
Economic Violence and A Conversation with
Alaina Watson
Alaina Watson was featured in the June 3, 2009
edition of the LEO weekly where her life story was
used as an example of the new face of homelessness.
Her compelling story highlighted the economic
hardships that the working poor are dealing with on a
daily basis. Held on October 6th.
New Roots
The Muhammad Ali Institute hosted Karyn Moskowitz,
founder of New Roots, an agency that works tirelessly to
bring fresh produce to areas within Louisville’s food
desert. Karyn was able to discuss the need for fresh food
in not only these areas but the need for more of an
inclusion in everyones diet. Held on November 3rd.
Spring 2010
“Media In Activism: The Role of Media and
Film in Social Justice and Peace Activism”
Stephon "JohnDoe" Barbour led a discussion about his
experiences filming protests in conflict zones such as Palestine.
Stephon also talked about the importance of looking at national
media critically. Held February 23rd.
“Look Beneath the Surface Human
Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery”
This discussion was led by Khristina Greenwell Contrary to common
assumption, human trafficking is not just a problem in other countries.
Cases of human trafficking have been reported in all 50 states and
the discussion provided students with valuable knowledge on human
trafficking going on nationally and locally.
Held on March 3rd.
“Impact of Genocide: One Woman’s
Yvette Ineza, a student here at the University of
Louisville as well as a Rwandan refugee, discussed her
personal story about the violence that she
experienced during the Rwandan genocide and its
impact on her and her country. Held on March 8th
“Gangsta Talk”
Gansta Talk brought a local police office who
specialized and trained police cadets about both local
and national gangs.The discussion explored not only
how gangs operate but also the human side of gangs
and gang violence. Looking at the culture of gangs
attendees were able to begin to explore how
changing the cultural environment that produced gangs
could reverse the trend and better the community. Held
on March 23rd
“Environmental Justice: Individual
and Collective Responsibility”
Dr. Ede Warner brought his unique
perspective on the impact of multi-national
corporations on the environment and the
importance of individuals as well as groups
and organizations in the struggle to
improve our planet. He also provided
insight on how debate could be used to
further the fight for social justice.
Held on April 6th
Service for Social Change: A SeeRedNow Approach to Transformational Volunteerism
In 2009-10 the Ali Institute made significant progress toward the development of the Service for
Social Change Toolkit. It will be finalized in October 2010 and piloted by the Ali Scholars in
collaboration with a local community based organization in the 2010-11 academic year.
The Service for Social Change Toolkit℠, based on the Institute’s SeeRedNow℠ Campaign, offers an
intellectual framework for understanding some of the tough issues facing communities and
guides practitioners through a process of designing service projects that seek to change
conditions instead of just alleviating symptoms. The toolkit incorporates critical thinking,
research, planning, and project management and helps individuals and organizations do
transformational community-based work.
The toolkit will contain:
SeeRedNow Social Change Project Planning Workbook
The workbook will walk participants through planning a Service for Social Change project using the
SeeRedNow Disciplineas a guide.
Six Manifestations of Violence Cards
Each card will feature a SeeRedNow manifestation of violence (domestic, community, economic,
political, environmental, and hate violence) image on the front and the definition, list of related
terms, and sources of information on the back.
Critical Questions Card
The Critical Questions Card will guide participants as they analyze their community issue through a
social justice lens.
In addition to designing all of our
educational programs around the
SeeRedNow framework, the Ali Institute
staff conducted a number of
presentations outside of the university on
SeeRedNow, most notably:
Louisville World Affairs Council guests of
the US State Department from Syria and
Youth in Social Innovation Conference in
Washington, DC – January 2010
Ali Scholars Peace and Justice Academy
in Wa, Ghana – May 2010
Faculty Resource Group
The University of Louisville Muhammad Ali Institute Faculty Resource Group (FRG) facilitates, engages in, and disseminates theoretical and
empirically-based teaching, research and service related to social justice, peace building and violence prevention, and Muhammad Ali
themes to the University, local community, nation, and the world. The group fosters viable collaboration among its members as well as with
colleagues in various academic units both within and outside of the University of Louisville. The FRG is further committed to training both
current and future Ali Scholars, which equips the next generation with the necessary tools to contribute to the aforementioned themes.
As the academic and research arm of the Muhammad Ali Institute for Peace and Justice at the University of Louisville, the Ali Institute
Faculty Resource Group (FRG) advances social justice, peace building and violence prevention through its empirically-based work. The
FRG brings together a diverse group of scholars while taking an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to studying critical social
issues and Muhammad Ali themes for the purpose of providing practical information to support social change.
In addition to engaging in research activities, members of the MAI Faculty Resource Group mentor the Muhammad Ali Scholars, providing
expertise in their subject areas, teaching excellence in conducting research, supporting the students’ community based projects, and
grooming them for graduate study and professional careers. As the Ali Scholars Program expands globally, the FRG plays a critical role
in promoting collaborative research by linking with their faculty colleagues in partner universities, creating a worldwide network of
dynamic academicians who work for social change.
The dissemination of the global faculty networks’ findings through publications and local, national and international gatherings provides an
evidence-based understanding of the global nature of local issues, creates a platform for the sharing of resources, and highlights practical
solutions to social challenges. Because of the work of the Muhammad Ali Institute Faculty Resource Group, practitioners - individuals,
community based organizations, international NGOs, service providers, educational institutions, businesses, and governments - are better
equipped to make decisions and design programs that move communities toward equitable access to resources and opportunities, non
violent solutions to problems, cross cultural understanding, and the promotion of human dignity.
Faculty Resource Group
Mentor Ali Scholars
Conduct and disseminate research related to Ali Institute/Center initiatives such as:
Equip Ali Scholars with tools to conduct research in their respective fields (with the potential of retention for
graduate study)
Ali Scholars will assist faculty in research projects as appropriate
Ali Core Values
Create courses related to Ali Institute/Center themes
As the Ali Scholars Program expands internationally, interact and collaborate with Faculty Resource
Groups on partner campuses
Seek opportunities to write grants relevant to Ali Institute/Center themes
Faculty Resource Group
Danielle Brown
Jennie Burnet
Barbara Burns
Nefertiti Burton
Kevin Chapman
Thaddeus Dumas
Cate Fosl
Anita Harris
Muriel Harris
Riffat Hassan
Joy Hart
Mark Leach
David Owen
Jesse Owen
Tommy Parker
Riaan Van Zyl
Rus Vandenbroucke
Psychological and Brain Sciences
Psychological and Brain Sciences
Education and Human Development
Women’s and Gender Studies
Public Health
Professor Emeritus, World Religions
Counseling Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Social Work
The Ali Institute was deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Dr. Thaddeus Dumas, member of
our Faculty Resource Group in July 2010.
Faculty Resource Group Participation
In 2009-10, several members of the Faculty Resource Group participated in Ali Institute-related activities:
•Dr. Jennie Burnett - organized “Reconciliation and Co-existence after Genocide in Rwanda” a lecture co-sponsored
by the Ali Institute
•Dr. Kevin Chapman – Ali Institute Faculty-in-Residence (see next slide) , served on the Ali Center’s Character
Education Curriculum team
•Dr. Thaddeus Dumas - served on the Ali Center’s Character Education Curriculum team
•Dr. Cate Fosl – co-taught Social Change Lecture with Stacy Bailey-Ndiaye
•Dr. Anita Harris – accompanied the Ali Scholars on their trip to England and Ghana and taught “Diaspora,
Globalization, and Culture, ” making it possible for the Scholars to earn academic credit for their trip
•Dr. Muriel Harris – accompanied the Ali Scholars on the trip to Ghana, presented at the Peace and Justice
Academy and along with another School of Public Health faculty member, led students in a study on malaria in
Kong, Ghana
•Dr. Tommy Parker – gave a public lecture related to Lectures in Social Change course
Faculty in Residence
In 2009-10, the Ali Institute recruited our first Faculty in Residence, Dr. Kevin Chapman of
Psychological and Brain Sciences. His research interests include mental health and wellness in
historically under-served families (ethnic and cultural minorities, the poor); anxiety and related
disorders in historically under-served families; and violence exposure and resiliency in underserved families. Dr. Chapman is Director of the Community and Family Excellence Center at
UofL. In 2009-2010, Dr. Chapman:
•played a key role in establishing the Ali Institute Faculty Resource Group
•served on the Ali Center’s Character Education Curriculum team
•arranged for the Ali Institute to sponsor its first research project – Screening
Aggression Violence Expression (SAVE) Project, a project of CAFÉ. The Institute
provided $1250, which allowed for 50 participants, a powerful sample, to be included
in the research project
•included the Ali Institute in a conference presentation in Maryland; it was the first
research credited to the Ali Institute
The CAFÉ Project: Anxiety Disorders in a Community
Based Sample of African American Families
Dr. Chapman and 2009 CAFÉ Seniors
L. Kevin Chapman, Ph.D., Lauren Vines, B.S., Jenny Petrie, B.A., Shon
Goodwin, M.S., Erica Buckner, Shelley Kakar, Maria Gurren, James K
Burke, & Stacy Bailey-Ndiaye2 University of Louisville
Muhammad Ali Institute for Peace and Justice2
Just Act Day
As students, faculty, and staff of the University of Louisville - an urban university part of a community deeply impacted by the many
forms of violence - we have a responsibility to do something to address social injustices in our community. Each year the
Muhammad Ali Institute invites faculty, staff and students to participate within the larger community beyond the university
walls. In 2010, our focus was on economic injustice and how to get fresh produce into food desert neighborhoods, such as
Russell and Newburg.
Faculty, staff and students worked with a local non-profit organization, New Roots, which makes affordable fresh produce
available to low income communities. On Just Act Day, we helped to get the word out about the "Fresh Stop” by canvassing
the neighborhoods and talking to the residents about the program and their access to healthy food.
The activities on Just Act Day were the first of many the Ali Institute plans to have with New Roots. We have chosen to work with
New Roots during the 2010-11 academic year to help strengthen the organization. In particular the Ali Scholars and Ali
Institute staff plan to pilot the Service for Social Change Toolkit with New Roots and assist with community organizing and
organizational development.
Prospect/ Goshen Rotary
Ali Institute director, Stacy Bailey-Ndiaye was recruited by Nat Green, a major friend of the Ali Institute, to join the Prospect/Goshen Rotary
Club. She serves on the International Service Committee and is working with the Rotary Club to design an international project that will
fund both the Ali Center and Ali Institute. The Ali Scholars made an excellent presentation to the Rotary Club, laying the foundation for
their support.
RSO Advising
Stacy serves as advisor to two RSOs – The African Student Union and the Muslim Student Association. Erika Stith also assists those organizations
through budget support, especially for large events.
Mikal Forbush serves as the advisor to the Ali Peace Builders. The Ali Peace Builders is an RSO designed to extend the work of the Ali Institute
and include other students beyond the Ali Scholars. The group found new life this year through the interest of a student, Clayton
Coleman, and Mikal will continue to help the group develop.
Just Act Day 2010
Ali Scholars, Ali Institute
staff and UofL students
worked with New Roots to
promote healthy eating in
Newburg and Russell
neighborhoods. We
canvassed the neighborhood
to educate the community
about the Fresh Stop
starting in the area.
Relationship with Ali Center
Beginning in September 2009, Ali Institute Director Stacy Bailey-Ndiaye began working
on Mondays and Thursdays at the Muhammad Ali Center in an effort to strengthen
the relationship between the two organizations. In addition to the major initiatives
listed below, Ms. Bailey-Ndiaye has participated in numerous Ali Center activities
and has worked with almost every department in the Ali Center.
Muhammad Ali Challenge Proposal
In cooperation with Ali Center staff, Stacy was the lead author of the Muhammad Ali
Challenge proposal, a 3 year, $9million initiative designed to create a social
networking platform for Muhammad Ali’s message and values, expand the Ali
Scholars Program internationally, and establish an international peace and justice
conference in Louisville. She has participated in a number of meetings with the U.S.
State Department, including several with Farah Pandith, Special Representative to
Muslim Communities. She continues to work closely with Greg Roberts, Ali Center
CEO, to identify funding for the project. The successful funding of the project will
have a profound impact on both the Ali Institute and the Ali Center.
Stacy with Muhammad Ali and Farah Pandith.
Character Education Curriculum
Stacy serves as the project director for Creating Our Future, the 9th Grade Character
Education Curriculum project based on Muhammad Ali’s Six Core Values. She
manages the team of UofL faculty, Jefferson County Public Schools and Ali Center
staff, a consultant based in Washington, DC and young people – members of
MACCS and one Ali Scholar. The curriculum is slated to be completed by September
30, 2010. As part of her duties, she communicates with and writes grant reports to
the funder, the Institute for Museum and Library Services, based in Washington, DC.
The curriculum will serve as the foundation of Ali Center programs in the future and
will have an international audience. Through her work on the curriculum project,
Stacy has brought $19,250 in resources to the Ali Institute.
Trip to Bangladesh
In August 2009, Stacy Bailey-Ndiaye was invited
to accompany of UofL faculty member, Dr.
Riffat Hassan on a State Department
sponsored trip to Bangladesh on an exchange
entitled “Religion and Society: A Dialogue.”
She, along with Dr. Hassan and Dr. John
McLeod of History and Mary Hora,
participated on panels at the University of
Dhaka and the University of Chittagong
exploring the strengths and challenges of
interfaith work and relations between the U.S.
and Muslims around the world. Stacy
presented a lecture on “Muhammad Ali and the
Muhammad Ali Institute” at Jagannath
University sponsored by the Islamic History and
Culture Department.
The trip was extremely successful and opened the
door to future collaborations with universities in
The Ali Institute’s budget is managed by Erika Stith, Program Coordinator Senior. The vast majority of
Ali Institute funds is allocated for salaries and benefits. The Institute is the process of developing a
fund raising plan that will allow for the expansion and sustainability of programs.
The Ali Institute’s biggest programming expense
in 2009-10 was the Ali Scholars trip to England
and Ghana, followed by campus and
community programming.