Taguchi Loss Function pp. 110-111, 604-607 1 Quality is variation from desired mean expressed as an economic loss function 2 Function is Loss at measure x = constant times distance from desired measure to x squared. Lx = k((x-T)^2) • k is the part of a Parabola equation that controls how flat or vertical the wings are 3 Find k with a known cost at some measure, usually cost when out of specification (scrap, warranty) 4 Can determine average cost per unit with a process with a given mean and standard deviation • expected loss for process with mean x = k times (variance+square of distance from mean to target) 5 Can utilize this for one sided situations (better if bigger or smaller) • smaller is better than target L at x = k times x^2 • bigger is better than target L at x = k time 1/x^2 6 Set parameters to make sure to minimize cost to company and customers 7 Truncated curves, see accompanying excel sheet 8