Pregnancy Plan for Happy Healthy Moms and Babies

Pregnancy Plan
for Happy Healthy Moms
and Babies
With: Jo Coogan
Hannah Sharapan
Barbara Lagoni
Harper Guerra
Katie Odom
Special guests Beth Kaniuk
Abby Reynolds
Harper’s Story
• Importance before pregnancy of creating a toxic-free home
• 2 healthy wonderful pregnancies with Shaklee
• Now sharing what I have learned with other moms
Children Exposed to More Brain-Harming Chemicals
Than Ever Before
A new report finds the number of chemicals contributing
to brain disorders in children has doubled since 2006
In recent years, the prevalence of developmental disorders such as autism,
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD) and dyslexia have soared.
While greater awareness and more sophisticated diagnoses are partly
responsible for the rise, researchers say the changing environment in which
youngsters grow up may also be playing a role.
“Our very great concern is that children worldwide are being exposed to
unrecognized toxic chemicals that are silently eroding intelligence, disrupting
behaviors, truncating future achievements and damaging societies, perhaps
most seriously in developing countries,” they write. “A new framework of
action is needed.”
Time Magazine Feb 14, 2014
Study --287 industrial pollutants found
in blood of umbilical cords of newborn babies.
Before you become pregnant:
For Mom: Beth’s Story
Pre-Shaklee: Getting Pregnant
• I didn't ovulate on my own and birth control was masking that diagnosed PCOS (without obvious signs, besides ovulation)
• Husband had a borderline low sperm count, so IUI was
• Six rounds of fertility treatments before getting pregnant with my
Pre-Shaklee: Pregnancy
• Gained 65 pounds!!!
• Tired all the time
• Craved bad foods
• Swelled up about 20+ pounds
Before you become pregnant:
For Mom: Beth’s Story
Found Shaklee when my boys were 8 months old and switched
my husband and myself to the Vitalizer, all of our cleaning
products and started drinking an Energizing Soy Protein shake
for a snack each morning.
Without trying (assuming we would need fertility again!!), we
were blessed with a positive
pregnancy test when my boys
were 13 months old!
Before you become pregnant:
For Mom: Beth’s Story
Shaklee Pregnancy:
• Gained less than 25 pounds
• Had enough energy to still run after my twins EVERYDAY (and took them
• Fewer cravings
Post Pregnancy:
• Lost all the baby weight within weeks
• Producing crazy amounts of milk (although I did do that with the twins,
but the milk has to be good since my son is just 2 months and double his
birth weight)
• Have enough energy to make it through the days with 2 entering the
terrible twos and a newborn AND had my best month ever in Shaklee in
Preparing for Pregnancy continued
Healthy Weight –obesity increases risk for miscarriage,
pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and hypertension.
more likely to need a cesarean delivery.
Also serious risks to the babies, including a greater chance
of neural tube defects, stillbirth, large-for-gestationalage, and higher rates of childhood obesity.
Maternal obesity has a significant impact on maternal
metabolism and offspring development.
Insulin resistance, glucose homeostasis, fat oxidation and
amino acid synthesis are all disrupted by maternal
obesity and contribute to adverse outcomes.
( )
Before pregnancy: For Mom
B Complex --Folic acid has been shown to help
prevent birth defects ( as well as morning sickness later)
Omega Guard --Omega 3 Fatty Acids EPA and DHA—
especially between pregnancies – critical for baby’s brain
& visual development ( 95% of Americans are deficient ).
• First born children tend to speak earlier, and perform better
in school ( presumably because they use up their mother’s
supply ).
• Omega 3’s have been shown to help fertility by helping to
regulate hormones in the body, increase cervical mucous,
promote ovulation and overall improve the quality of the
uterus by increasing the blood flow to the reproductive
• DHA and EPA have been shown to help many forms of
disease. Low levels of DHA have been linked to depression
and other mental health issues
Vita D- 3
Vitamin D is needed to help the body create sex hormones
which in turn affects ovulation and hormonal balance. Yale
University School of Medicine conducted a study of 67
infertile women, where it was discovered that a mere 7%
had normal Vitamin D levels.
Zinc -- In women, zinc works with more than 300 different
enzymes in the body to keep things working well.
Without it, your cells can not divide properly; your estrogen
and progesterone levels can get out of balance and your
reproductive system may not be fully functioning
Low levels of zinc have been directly linked to miscarriage in
the early stages of a pregnancy, according to The Centers for
Disease Control’s Assisted Reproductive Technology Report.
Vita Lea with Iron Multi – a complete
multivitamin/mineral, clinically proven to increase blood
levels of essential vitamins and minerals, bio-activated
absorption system for folic acid in special coating on outside
of tablet.
Before Pregnancy: For Dad
Why is a healthy dad important?
--Male responsible for 40-50% of infertility
Causes of Male Infertility
--More than 90% of male infertility cases are due to
low sperm counts, poor sperm motility or quality.
Others are anatomical problems, hormonal imbalances,
and genetic defects.
--Obesity increases the risk of hormonal imbalance
Source: Infertility in men | University of Maryland Medical Center University of Maryland Medical Center
Nutrition for Dads continued
Vita E Complex
Has been shown in studies to improve sperm health
and motility in men. Studies have shown a diet
deficient in Vitamin E to be a cause of infertility in
rats. Vitamin E is also an important antioxidant to
help protect sperm and egg DNA integrity.
CoQ Heart
Necessary for every cell in the body having energy to
function, CoQ10 has also been shown in studies to
increase sperm motility in semen. It is also an
important antioxidant that helps to protect cells
from free radical damage. This may impact egg
health as well.
Nutrition for Dads continued
• Vita C Complex –
Vitamin C has been shown to improve sperm
quality and protect sperm from DNA damage;
helping to reduce the change of miscarriage
and chromosomal problems.
Vitamin C also appears to keep sperm from
clumping together, making them more motile.
• B Complex (B12)
Vitamin B12 has been shown to improve
sperm quality and production
Basic Program for Dads
– Vitalizer for Men/Vita Lea
– Zinc --study found a combination of
folic acid and zinc supplements increased sperm count by
74% in men with fertility problems. (March 2002 issue of
Fertility and Sterility)
Additional Options
– B Complex
– Vita C
– Vita E with Selenium
John’s Story – from one of our customers
“In 2011, before I was introduced to Shaklee I found out I had female
factor infertility issues and decided to have my husbands sperm
analyzed just in case there were any other factors we needed to
rule in.
His analysis came back great, we were happy and we moved on with
the help I needed to get.
In 2013/2014 as we are prepping to conceive again, we had his sperm
analyzed for a second time just to double check- this time he had
been on Vitalizer for Men and Zinc- and what came back shocked
us- his sperm count improved by 20 million!!! We were in awe since
as you age your count usually decreases- GO SHAKLEE!!”
During Pregnancy:
Prenatal Vitamins
Why does the brand of
prenatal vitamin you take
And the lifelong health of your child
depends on it
Research Study --Thompson et al.[19]
examined the relationship between
maternal supplementation of
folate and iron during pregnancy
and incidences of acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in
their children.
Increased rates of ALL were found in
children whose mothers did not take
iron and folate supplements.
Iron alone did not seem to reduce the
risk of developing ALL, however iron in
combination with folate was shown to
have a protective effect in decreasing
the risk for ALL.
Thompson and his associates (2001),
concluded that maternal folate
supplementation throughout
pregnancy plays an important role
in reducing the risk for childhood
ALL. Leukemia
2008 FDA Survey on Lead
Women’s and Children’s Vitamins.
374 Women’s, Prenatal and Children’s vitamins were tested.
The following, is over 70 prenatal vitamins that contained lead
Shaklee tests for over 320 different contaminates including lead
and has a
100% guarantee, always safe, always works always green. jo
During Pregnancy: Prenatal Vitamins
Over 100,000 quality tests
each year to ensure
greatest purity and
Over 350 tests on every
new ingredient to screen
for harmful contaminants
Purest, most potent
natural ingredients .
( 80 tests is standard in
industry )
2007 :Landmark Study
Backed by scientific and
clinical proof found in
over 90 peer-reviewed
Sustainable products that
are safe for you, your
home and your planet.
Leading the
environmental movement
with sustainable business
Abby Reynolds – Shaklee Story
Married in May of 2009 Pregnant with our first child, Will, in July of 2009
Pregnancy #1
First trimester
Taking prescribed pre-natal and fish oil, tons of Rolaids, and lots of Tylenol
Horrible morning sickness, ill 2-3 times per day from week 4-13
Migraine Headaches
Exhausted, went to work came home and slept
Second Trimester
Still had migraine headaches
Horrible sinus issues
Third Trimester
Severe swelling of ankles, hands, and face
Signs of Preeclampsia at week 35
Put on bed rest due to high blood pressure and severe swelling at the end of Week 35.
Was induced on the last day of week 36, and our son Will was born on the 1st day of Week 37.
William was a healthy 6lb 2 oz baby
Gained 65 pounds throughout pregnancy
Fast Forward 1.5 years
My husband Shawn and I started thinking about having a second child
--My periods never restarted after I had Will
--Normal? Not Normal?
At two years (after birth of 1st son) still no periods
--Now ready to have second child
--Still no menstrual cycle
--Went to doctor and was put on Clomid
--Clomid caused severe cramping and irregular periods
--Clomid also caused ovarian cysts – never had these before
--Still NO ovulation!
2.5 years after Will
--Started trying to get pregnant
--Tracking periods and ovulation
--Periods occurring but ovulation not occurring
--Not fun
--No luck getting pregnant
3 Years After KinderMusik
Met Jinine Flynn Nipotnik at Kindermusik
I week later I met Hannah and my husband and I were both immediately
impressed by Shaklee’s products and business.
--One minute a consumer, the next a distributor
--Started using Shaklee products in August of 2012
Product use September, 2012
Still no periods, migraine headaches, mediocre energy
--Vitalizer Women
October, 2012
--My first period! All by myself!
--Diminishing Migraine headaches
--Crazy, fantastic, wonderful ENERGY!
--Currently using Vitalizer, GLA, Alfalfa, and CalMag ( Osteo Matrix )
Shaklee-ized our home and our lives!
October- December 2012
Fully embraced Shaklee lifestyle in our home, both of us using vitamins,
supplements, and Shaklee 180.
--All baby weight from first pregnancy plus another 20 lb gone
--Will taking Children’s Multi Incredivites and fish oil Mighty Smarts
--January 2013 Will’s 3rd Birthday
Finally, FINALLY pregnant with baby number 2!
+3 years after first trying to get pregnant again
This Time Is Different
First trimester
--Regularly taking Vitalizer Women, Alfalfa, CalMag ( Osteo Matrix)
--Headaches- gone
--Nausea- experienced some nausea at about 7 weeks used the Stomach
Soothing Complex and was only sick twice the entire pregnancy 
Second Trimester
--Still tons of energy
--No headaches
--Some heart burn- used Chewable CalMag
--Drank Shaklee 180 everyday for breakfast- wonderful energy and protein to
start the day
--Love Performance Hydration DrinkMix - kept me hydrated and was able to
keep up with my crazy three year old
Third Trimester
--Tons of energy, lots of gardening and playing outside
--No Swelling
--Lived on Performance during the record hot summer!
--Used Alfalfa to help maintain my blood pressure and keep sinus issues away
Welcome Baby Cooper
At 39 weeks
--Starting to swell
--Blood pressure slightly elevated
--Still working full-time as a special education teacher
--Interviewed and awarded a new job
--90- degree weather
--On my feet all day
At 39 weeks, 4 days
--Induced due to high blood pressure
--Cooper was born at a healthy and beautiful 8lb 8oz
--Very easy and complication-free labor and delivery
--I maintained my energy and health throughout the
entire pregnancy and only gained 30 lb.
During Pregnancy:
Prenatal Vitamins
Where do I start?
• Vita Lea: $10/mo
• B-Complex: $10/mo
• OmegaGuard: $14.95/mo
“I just had a girl tell me her insurance changed and now she
has to pay $75/month for her prescription prenatal!! I was
able to get her 4 months of Vita lea, B, and Omega guard
(taking 1 omega daily) for just under $29/month. She was
thrilled to be getting such a good product for much less
than what she was going to have to pay. It was the co-pay
for any prescription I guess.”
During Pregnancy: Prenatal Vitamins
Vita Lea with Iron/Vitalizer With Iron Multi
Vitalizer contains the following nutrients essential for pregnancy.
Each can also be taken in higher amounts individually as well.
B-Complex- may help to boost the endometrium lining
in egg fertilization, decreasing the chances of
miscarriage. Deficiency of B12 may increase chances
of irregular ovulation, and in severe cases stop
ovulation altogether.
Folic Acid: Helps prevent neural tube defects as well as
congenital heart defects, cleft lips, limb defects, and urinary
tract anomalies in developing fetuses.
Deficiency may increase risk of pre-term delivery, infant low
birth weight and fetal growth retardation -- may also
increase homocysteine level in the blood, which can lead to
spontaneous abortion and pregnancy complications, such as
placental abruption and pre-eclampsia katie
contains the
nutrients most
for pregnancy
Prenatal Supplementation-- continued
• Iron: Studies have shown that women who do not
get sufficient amounts of iron may suffer anovulation (lack of
ovulation) and possibly poor egg health, which can inhibit
pregnancy at a rate 60% higher than those with sufficient iron
stores in their blood. Iron essential for adequate oxygen to the baby
• Selenium: An antioxidant that helps to protect the eggs and sperm
from free radicals. Free radicals can cause chromosomal damage
which is known to be a cause of miscarriages and birth defects..
• Omega 3’s DHA and EPA -- lack of DHA associated with premature
birth, low birth weight, hyperactivity in children Helps increase
blood flow to reproductive organs and may help regulate
reproductive hormones.
Harper/katie (Hethir Rodriguez, BS Holistic Nutrition )
Vitamins, Minerals, Omega-3s, and Phytonutrients*
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Folic Acid
Berry Seed
Lutein &
*The nutrient content of a daily serving of Vitalizer™ is not the same as the amount of nutrients found in the
foods shown. Detailed nutritional information can be found on the Vitalizer supplement facts box.
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Folic Acid
Berry Seed
Lutein &
*The nutrient content of a daily serving of Vitalizer™ is not the same as the amount of nutrients found in the
foods shown. Detailed nutritional information can be found on the Vitalizer supplement facts box.
©2011 Shaklee Coporation. Distributed by Shaklee Corporation. Pleasanton, CA 94588. 11-705 (New 9/11)
During Pregnancy:
Additional Favorites
• Optiflora -- for healthy digestion, to
prevent candida yeast infections, for strong
immune system (80% of immune system is in
• OsteoMatrix -- calcium and minerals for
matrix of bones, muscles, nerves
• Vita-D
• Vita-C
• Stomach Soothing Complex –
Peppermint and ginger tablets, drop in mug
of hot water and sip.
• EZ Gest – comprehensive digestive enzymes
Healthy Pregnancy Collection
• Vitalizer with Iron/ Vita Lea with Iron
• High Quality Protein ( 60 to 70 grams/day )
--Shaklee 180 Protein Smoothees and Bars,
--Energizing Soy Protein Shakes
-- Mealshake Creamy Bavarian Cocoa and French Vanilla Shakes
• OsteoMatrix Calcium/Mineral Tablets
• Vita D-3 – especially if you live north of Atlanta
Also consider:
B Complex -Omega Guard
Stomach Soothing Complex and EZ Gest
Iron Plus C ( if additional iron needed )
Harper/ Katie
Performance Hydration Drink Mix ( especially for the hospital bag )
During Pregnancy:
Prenatal Nutrition
What you eat matters …
6-9 vegetables a day ( fiber )
Protein (60-70 grams/day)
Cut back on sugars and gluten
Affects your weight, your gut and gall bladder
During Pregnancy:
Prenatal Exercise
What should I bring
to the hospital?
Performance Hydration Drink Mix
Shaklee Energy Chews
After Pregnancy: Nursing
Osteomatrix: ( calcium and Magnesium + more minerals)
For deep sound sleep, bones, contains vitamin D & K,
assist in muscle contractions, helps reduce PMS symptoms! When
taken during pregnancy can prevent leg cramps, cavities, and helps
calm the baby after birth!
Lecithin: Lactation specialists recommend for preventing plugged milk
duct--which is a common occurrence for some - data recommended
taking 2 lecithin 3 times/ day until the plug dissolves. Lecithin is
safe/healthy for babies via breast milk.”
Lecithin is a natural compound that helps your body’s ability to absorb and make use of
fat-soluble nutrients, which are critical to a wide range of body functions. The natural soy
lecithin in each capsule contains linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that our bodies
cannot make; choline, a neurotransmitter component; and inositol, which plays a role in
metabolic regulation.
After Pregnancy: Nursing
Increases milk supply.
A natural decongestant. It’s wonderful to give to even very small
children to help clear up congestion from teething or a cold.
(And great and safe for pregnant moms to take to relieve sinus
pressure too!).
Optiflora Probiotic-- for babies gut health/colic and to prevent
After Pregnancy: Back to a healthy weight
• Shaklee 180 -- Not only will this program help moms return
to a healthy weight, but the protein content ( 23 grams per
smoothee) is essential for lactation ( recommended 70 grams
of protein a day )
• Get Clean Water Filtering Pitcher – increased water
essential to maintain healthy milk supply
Healthy Pregnancy Collection
• Vitalizer with Iron
• High Quality Protein ( 60 to 70 grams/day )
--Shaklee 180 Protein Smoothees and Bars,
--Energizing Soy Protein Shakes
-- Mealshake Creamy Bavarian Cocoa and French Vanilla Shakes
• OsteoMatrix Calcium/Mineral Tablets
• Vita D-3 – especially if you live north of Atlanta
Also consider:
B Complex -Omega Guard
Stomach Soothing Complex and EZ Gest
Iron Plus C ( if additional iron needed )
Performance Hydration Drink Mix ( especially for the hospital bag )