
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
STEM Education Survey
+Please check your email. By now you
should have received an email
from/titled: “Spencer Nedved (Google
Groups) Google Groups Invitation:
STEM-LIT Summer 2015 Workshop“
+Please find and complete the STEM
STEM Education Survey
(Back up)
+Please check your email. By now you
should have received an email
from/titled: “Spencer Nedved (via
Google Forms) <>“
+Please open and complete the survey.
+When complete with the survey, come
snag one piece of printer paper from
STEM Education Survey
(Back upx2)
+Enter the following link
+Please open and complete the survey.
+When complete with the survey, come
snag one piece of printer paper from
STEM Education Concept Map
+ Please print your Name, grade level and subject
you teach in the upper right corner (Landscape)
+ Your concept map prompt
“Your view and/or
understanding of STEM
STEM-LIT Advisory Team
Kristin Lesseig
Alex Dimitrov
Dave Slavit & Tamara Nelson
ESD 112
Kathy Whitlock
Sue Bluestein
Vickei Hrdina
Adam Noar
James Cantonwine
Corrine Williams
Dawn Stickney
Teacher Leaders from Frontier:
Randy Bergstrom
Spencer Nedved
Erin Pinning
Nilda Trone
and Wyeast:
Sarah Lang
Beaudie Stroebel
Kristine Lindeblad
Clark College
Gothard Grey
Big Ideas
+ STEM is not just science or technology or math or
engineering. STEM is a truly integrated approach to
these studies.
+ STEM engages students and increases motivation with
project-based learning, encourages students to solve
authentic problems, and asks them to work with
others to build real solutions.
+ Students and teachers can work together as learners
to create solutions to human problems.
Goals for This Week
Engage in a STEM challenge related to Prosthetic Limbs
+ Gain a deeper understanding of the engineering
design process and key components of a STEM
Design Challenge
+ Learn math (ratios and proportions) science (physics
and biology) and technology skills that support a
solution to the STEM challenge
+ Build confidence in implementing STEM Design
Challenges and integrating math and science
Theory of Action
If teachers and students engage in
activities that promote math and science
and engineering practices and integrated
math and science activities focused on core
math and science content, then student and
teacher STEM literacy will increase.
STEM Literacy
The ability to identify and apply
concepts, content and practices from
science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics to understand and solve
challenges or answer problems that
cannot be resolved by any one
disciplinary approach alone.
- Hays Blaine Lantz, Jr., Ed.D., 2009
This is not a Silly Icebreaker,
it is an awesome way to get to know one
another and to start thinking creatively!
To get started, we will get into three groups
of 10 to 12.
“Hi, my name is ____________, I teach
___________ at ____________ school.
This is not a _________, it is a
Randy Marshmallow Tower
See PPT in Marshmallow Tower Folder
An Exploration of Body Ratios
Think About Ratios
+ With your partner, measure the circumference of your
head, (at eyebrow level), the length of your shin, the
length of your forearm, your foot, and your height.
+ Record your information on the chart at the front of
the room.
+ Place a sticky dot on the poster representing your
(shin length, height).
+ Just wondering…
Think About Ratios
Thinking About Ratios
+ There are 24 cars parked in a lot that has room for 40
cars. Another lot has 56 cars parked in a lot that has
room for 80 cars. Which lot is more full?
+ DESMOS - an online graphing site
Ratio Debrief
+What Standards/ Learning Targets could be
addressed with the Body Ratio Activity?
+What skills and/or units of study does this support?
Kristine Norms
Our Focus This Week
+ Please meet Aimee Mullins.
+ What did you notice about Aimee? What did you
notice about her legs?
+ Your task will be to design a prosthetic limb for a
client that has specific requirement for the limb. You
will be asked to present the results of your work to
the large group on Friday.
+ Revisit the steps for a Design Challenge
This Is My Brother
Kris – Defining the Challenge
Thinking Tonight
+ What do you and members of your family need your
legs or arms to do?
+ What directions do your joints bend? Where does the
strength in your limbs come from?
+ Be ready to share out tomorrow.
Welcome Back!
+ Please find
your new seat.
+ Think back to
yesterday, what
were some key
ideas we learned
Where have we been?
+ Prosthetic questions
+ Google groups,
+ Desmos
+ Importance of prototyping
+Value of creativity
+ Body ratios
21st Century Skills
Norms of
Common Core
Claim, Evidence,
STEM Mini-Design Challenge #2
+ Where are we going now? stEm
+ Engineering – Design Process
+ Technology – K’nex
Design Process
+ ETS1-1 Define the criteria
and constraints of a design
+ ETS1-2 Evaluate
competing design solutions
+ ETS1-3 Analyze data from
test to determine
similarities and differences
+ ETS1-4 Develop a model
to generate data
K’nex Ping Pong Challenge
Use K’Nex to create a free standing machine
that will move a Ping Pong ball at least 5 feet.
+ Criteria & Constraints:
+ Materials: provided K’Nex
+ Moveable: free standing and be able
to move machine to the testing zone
+ Time: 20 minutes
Test & Evaluate
+ Share briefly about your group’s
design process.
+ Test your machine for the group.
Test & Evaluate
Setting the Norm Every voice should be
+ Affirmations –
+ Sincere
+ Focus on math, science, design
+ Questions –
+ For clarification
+ To push thinking for re-design
+ Why didn’t you . . .
Redesign - Add a criteria
+Meet original challenge
+Least number of K’nex pieces
+Shortest machine
+Lightest machine
+Accuracy rate
K’nex Ping Pong Challenge
Use K’Nex to create a free standing machine
that will move a Ping Pong ball at least 5 feet.
+ Criteria & Constraints:
+ Your own criteria
+ Materials: provided K’Nex
+ Moveable: free standing and be able
to move machine to the testing zone
+ Time: 15 minutes
Debrief – Into the Classroom
+ How did success for this design
challenge differ from yesterday’s
marshmallow challenge?
+ What skills do mini-design
challenges build to support
students in a complex challenge?
Please . . .
+ Gallery Walk
+ Disassemble your machine
+ Return and sort your K’nex back
into the containers.
+ Take a break until 10 am.
Prosthetic Limb Design
Challenge- Getting Started
Take two minutes to look at the Design Challenge
The Challenge:
+ Design a prosthetic limb with your team of biomedical
First Steps
+ Who is your client?
+ What do they do?
Time to Research
What do I know?
What do I need to know?
What questions, posted yesterday, can
you answer now?
Where Are We?
Star Wars Prosthetic
Refresh... WIK?
Redefine the problem
Our objective (problem) is design a prosthetic that
accomplishes a task.
What Drives our Research
What Drives our Research
What Drives our Research
What’s the Common Theme of Our NTK?
The Athlete Machine
NTK Drives Our Research!
Group Task:
Research the basic function of simple machines.
Create a simple, yet functional, poster that discusses:
+ Fundamental principles of your simple machine
+ Identify how said simple machine replicates the function
of the human body and/or prosthetic
Group has 8.13 min to research and create the short, yet
functional poster
The Human Body/Prosthetic
Simple Machine Gallery Walk
Make a claim, with a rationale, for which simple
machine you believe is most common within the
human body.
Ok… So now WIK?
Our objective (problem) is design a prosthetic that
accomplishes a task.
The human body is a system or network of simple
machines that helps accomplish a task.
How can we incorporate the function of a simple
machine into the design of our prosthetic that
needs to accomplish a task?
Biomechanics- Arm as a Lever
Take 4 Minutes to get to know the lab.
Biomechanics- Arm as a Lever
What you will need:
+1 computer/group (minimum)
+Model arm and load
+Vernier Labquest
+Force Sensor
Official data collection:
Table on Google Sheets
Team Reflection on Google Sheets
Scientific thinking and application of
How will this experience (simple
machines- Lever Lab) impact your
designing of your prosthetic to
accomplish its task?
Please input your answer into Google
Randy and Nilda - Brainstorming
+ Create a small prototype
+ Examine supplies
Randy Kahoot
Set up a free account.
+ You can build your own quizzes
+ you can access “millions” of public shared quizzes. Search by
+ copy and edit others’ quizzes to suit your specific needs
It is very easy to get up and running, just takes a little practice!
STEM-LIT 2015 by rbergstr is the quiz you took. Very searchable on
the kahoot public site.
+ Work time suggestions
+ How are you doing in recording
your groups’ process (booklet)?
+ How is your group doing honoring
+Putting forward ideas?
+Paying attention to self and others?
+Pursuing a balance between advocacy &
inquiry (open mindedness)?
Reflect / Formalize Today’s Work
One Reflection
a Goal
Design Project Characteristics
What are the characteristics of a
quality STEM project?
+ Make a list with your team. (Brainstorm)
+ Think back to our brainstorm discussion
Design Project Characteristics
What are the characteristics of a
quality STEM project?
+ Make a list with your team. (Brainstorm)
+ Think back to brainstorm discussion
+ As a group, what are the top 5 key
characteristics. (Design with a constraint)
Share Out
Tables share one idea from the top 5.
Put up posters.
A Working Definition
+ Two other viewpoints. (Research, RST.6-8.9)
+ Chapter 3: Guiding Principles*
*Resource: Vasquez, Jo Anne, Michael Comer, and Cary
Sneider. "Chapter 3: Guiding Principles." STEM Lesson
Essentials, Grades 3-8: Integrating Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics. 1st ed. Portsmouth, NH:
Heinemann, 2013. Print.
As you read, think about . . .
1. What characteristics are advanced by each
1. Which one characteristic is really resonating
with you? Explain.
Partner talk from another table
1. What characteristics are advanced by each
1. Which one characteristic is really resonating
with you? Explain.
1. In what way would you redesign your
(Evaluate & Redesign)
Panel discussion
Critical Friends
1. Presenter (3 min)
2. Clarifying Questions (2 min)
3. Discussion/ Feedback (< 5 min)
- Warm
- Cool
- Practical Suggestions
4. Presenter Respond
Critical friends
+ feedback on prototype warm and cool feedback
Kristin – finish work time
+ Journal of progress will be shared as well as
Kristine Share presentations
+ Questions and affirmations
Before you leave
Turn in clock hours and payment
Complete workshop evaluation --online
Thank you!
See you in August
August 10th - 14th Pacific
Middle school