The Role of the School Counselor and School Social Worker in the

The Role of the Student
Assistance Professional in
the New Era of RtI
Dee Kempson LSW, ACSW
IDOE School Social Work Consultant
Amanda Snobarger MS
IDOE School Counseling Consultant
Overview of Presentation
What is RtI?
Legal Authority and Policy Support for RtI
The Framework
Implications for Student Assistance
Presentation Goals
Increase your understanding of RtI and the
opportunities this process will create for student
service providers.
 Allay concerns about implementation
 Seek your feedback so that we can develop
resources that will assist you in this process
Definition of RtI
“Response to Intervention is, simply put, a
process of implementing high-quality,
scientifically validated instructional practices
based on learner needs, monitoring student
progress, and adjusting instruction based on the
student’s response.”
Bender & Shores, 2007
Where did it come from?
President’s Commission on Excellence in Special
Education Report:
Commission formed in 2001
Held 13 hearings across the country.
Published “A New Era: Revitalizing Special
Education for Children and their families (July 2002)
Commission’s Key Findings
“Too often, simply qualifying for special education
becomes the end-point – not a gateway to more
effective instruction and strong intervention”
“The current system uses an antiquated model that
waits for a child to fail, instead of a model based on
prevention and intervention.”
“General education and special education share
responsibilities for children with disabilities. They are
not separable at any level – cost, instruction or even
Commission’s Key
Identify and Intervene early:
Implement research-based, early identification and
intervention programs to better serve children with
learning and behavioral difficulties at an earlier age.
 Include early screening, prevention and intervention
practices to identify academic and behavioral
problems in young children.
Commission’s Recommendations
Incorporate Response to Intervention:
Implement models during the identification and
assessment process that are based on response
to intervention and progress monitoring. Use
data from these processes to assess progress in
children who receive special education services.
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
PL 107-110
…(9) promoting school-wide reform and ensuring the
access of children to effective, scientifically based
instructional strategies and challenging academic
(January 2002)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
August 14, 2006 Final Regulations
Sec. 300.307. Specific Learning Disabilities. A State
must adopt criteria for determining whether a child has
a specific learning disability. Those criteria
(a) Must not require the use of a severe discrepancy
between intellectual ability and achievement;
(b) Must permit the use of a process based on the child's
response to scientific, research-based intervention; and
(c) May permit the use of other alternative research-based
511 IAC 7
“Article 7”
Indiana’s Interpretation of the
Federal Special Education Legislation
(IDEIA 2004)
511 IAC 7-40-2 Comprehensive and Coordinated
Early Intervening Services
(b) In implementing comprehensive and coordinated early
intervening services under this section, a public agency may carry
out activities that include, but are not limited to, the following:
 (1) Professional development (which may be provided by
entities other than public agencies) for teachers and other
school staff to enable such personnel to deliver scientifically
based academic and behavioral interventions, including
scientifically based literacy instruction, and, where
appropriate, instruction on the use of adaptive and
instructional software.
 (2) Providing educational and behavioral evaluations, services,
and supports, including scientifically based literacy
511 IAC 7-40-5 Conducting an Initial
Educational Evaluation
(g) For a student with a suspected learning disability, the
educational evaluation report must include:
2 (A) whether the student:
(i) does not achieve adequately for the student’s age or
meet state grade level standards in one or more of the
areas identified in 511 IAC 7-41-12(a)(1), when
provided with learning experiences and instruction
appropriate for the student’s age or state grade level
standards; and
(ii) meets the criteria in sub-items (AA) or (BB) of this
(AA) The student does not make sufficient progress to meet age
or state grade level standards in one or more of the areas
identified in 511 IAC 7-41-12(a)(1), when using a process
based on the student’s response to scientific, research-based
(BB) The student exhibits a pattern of strengths and weaknesses
in performance, achievement, or both, relative to age, state grade
level standards, or intellectual development, that is determined
by the multidisciplinary team to be relevant to the identification
of a specific learning disability. The multidisciplinary team is
prohibited from using a severe discrepancy between
academic achievement and global cognitive functioning to
meet this requirement.
RtI Core Principles
Principle 1: We believe that we can effectively teach ALL
Principle 2: We believe that effective leadership is essential
to support student success.
Principle 3: We believe in the use of an effective and
collaborative decision making process that utilizes
assessment data.
Principle 4: We believe it is essential to intervene at the first
indication of academic, social-emotional, or behavioral
Principle 5: We believe in providing an integrated and
focused system of instructional interventions and resources
that is applied to successfully meet all students’ academic,
social-emotional, and behavioral needs.
Principle 6: We will use research and evidence-based
instruction and interventions that are implemented with
The Promise of RtI will be Influenced by:
Correlates of Highly Effective Schools:
 Family and Community Partnerships
 Cultural Responsivity
 Assessment, Data-driven Decision Making, &
Progress Monitoring
 Evidence-based Core Curriculum and Intervention
Key to:
Consensus Building
Developing an Infrastructure
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each
--John F. Kennedy
Family and Community Partnerships
“Partnerships are about building relationships between
individuals or groups that are characterized by mutual
cooperation and responsibility as for the achievement of a
specified goal.”
-American Heritage Dictionary, 2000
Implications for:
 Family involvement
 Community Partners
Cultural Responsivity
Changing demographics
What are the implications for schools?
 How do schools determine if they are culturally
 What additional resources may schools need?
“If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we
must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so
weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human
gift will find a fitting place.”
-Margaret Meade
Assessment, Data-driven Decision
Making, & Progress Monitoring
Data Collection and Analysis
Goal Setting
Data-driven decision making
Collaborative problem-solving
Goal Setting
Ongoing progress monitoring
Evidence-based Core Curriculum
and Intervention
 Examples:
Olweus Bully Prevention and PBIS
 Example:
Student Success Skills
A New Framework for
Student Assistance?
Early intervening services may be new to general
& special education but are not new to Student
The process for student service delivery is
articulated in IAC 4-1.5-5, which authorizes that
(a) “School corporations shall provide student
assistance services at the elementary and secondary
school levels.”
Article 4:
“The Student Services Rule”
This rule prescribes what those services must consist of and who
must provide them. 511 IAC 4-1.5-6
a. prevention
b. assessment
c. intervention
d. referral
Professionals:- Student assistance services shall be coordinated
by a:
(1) certified school counselor;
(2) certified school psychologist; or
(3) certified school social worker (master’s level).
Article 4:
Health Services
Health Services:
a. prevention
b. assessment
c. intervention
d. referral
Professionals:- Health Services shall be
coordinated by a registered nurse.
How do student service professionals enact
this legislation in schools to better serve
students and improve performance?
Provide appropriate behavioral instruction and prevention
Analyze school and student data to identify impediments to
academic and behavioral achievement.
Use a multi-disciplinary team to identify learning, behavioral, and
health difficulties for those students not meeting standards.
Use a problem solving method to determine most appropriate
intervention for those students.
Provide research-based social, emotional, and behavioral
supports as needed
Progress monitor , document, evaluate, and adjust interventions
in light of the student’s response.
Implementation of Article 4 and Article 7 (RtI)
- the overlap
RtI is a “general education intervention process” for all
Both laws require services that include:
- prevention
- assessment
- intervention
- referral
Both are implemented by “highly qualified
The standards for both require a problem solving,
progress monitoring process.
RtI and Article 4 Align
with Student Service
Professional Standards
School Counselor Performance
Standards – Aligned with
ASCA National Model
Standard 1: Program Organization
Standard 4: Responsive Services
Designed to meet the needs of the school
Individual and group counseling – Targeted Interventions
Referral Process
Standard 8: Use of Data
School-wide Prevention Programs
Classroom Guidance
Targeted Interventions
School Counselor Performance
Standards cont.
Standard 9: Student Monitoring
Standard 11: Results Evaluation
“The Professional School Counselor develops appropriate
interventions for students as needed and monitors their
Evaluate Guidance Program; Share results
Standard 13: Infusing Themes
“The Professional School Counselor uses data to recommend
systemic change in policy and procedures that limit or inhibit
academic achievement.”
Indiana Program Standards for
School Counseling
Standard 2:
Standard 3:
Standard 4:
Standard 5:
Standard 6:
Data-based Accountability
Student Guidance
Student Counseling
Student Advocacy
Program Management
Indiana Standards for School
Counseling Professionals
School Counseling Professionals are leaders who
promote educational success for all students by
developing and managing school counseling
programming related to academic, career, social, and
emotional growth.
School Counseling Professionals collaboratively
design, coordinate, implement, and evaluate student
assistance services.
School Counseling Professionals collaboratively
design, coordinate, implement, and evaluate
education and career services.
NASW Standards for School
Social Work Services
Standard 11
School social workers shall maintain accurate data
that are relevant to planning, management, and
evaluation of school social work service.
 Standard 12: School social workers shall conduct
assessments that are individualized and provide
information that is directly useful for designing
interventions that address behaviors of concern.
NASW Standards for School
Social Work Services
Standard 13: School social workers shall incorporate
assessments in developing and implementing
intervention and evaluation plans that enhance
students’ abilities to benefit from educational
Standard 9: As leaders and members of
interdisciplinary teams and coalitions, school social
workers shall work collaboratively to mobilize the
resources of local education agencies and
communities to meet the needs of students and
School Psychology Standards
Eleven domains of professional practice
articulated by the National Association of
School Psychologists (2000). Available at
Indiana adopted these national standards for the
Indiana School Psychologist standards.
Of the 11 domains, 4 are especially relevant to
the provision of student services.
Key School Psychology Standards
2.1 Data-based Decision Making & Accountability
School psychologists use such models and methods as
part of a systematic process to collect data and other
information, translate assessment results into
empirically-based decisions about service delivery, and
evaluate the outcomes of services.
2.2 Consultation & Collaboration
School psychologists have knowledge of behavioral,
mental health, collaborative, and/or other consultation
models and methods and …their application.
Key School Psychology Standards
2.4 Socialization and Development of Life Skills
School psychologists, in collaboration with others, develop
appropriate behavioral, affective, adaptive, and social goals
for students of varying abilities, disabilities, strengths, and
needs; implement interventions to achieve those goals; and
evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.
2.7 Prevention, Crisis Intervention, and Mental Health
School psychologists provide or contribute to prevention
and intervention programs that promote the mental health
and physical well-being of students.
Response to Intervention
Levels of Assessment & Intervention
(“RtI Triangle”)
Tier 3:
•Few Students
•Increased Frequency Individualized
•Longer Duration
Tier 2:
•At-Risk Students
•Small Group
Tier I:
•All Students
Targeted, Supplemental
Services across tiers are fluid and
District/Community Team
Building Core Team
Building Core Team
Core Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning
Grade Level Teams
Building Core Team
School Improvement Team
Addressing Barriers to Learning Through Tiered Prevention & Intervention: A Student Assistance Core Team Approach
Tier III: Intensive Interventions
School & Community resources
for students who did not respond
to Tier II interventions. Research
predicts approximately 5% of
GSP will be served in Tier III.
Tier II: Targeted Interventions
School & Community
Resources for students who have
been identified as in need of
support. At least two-thirds of
students referred to Tier II are
expected to respond well.
Research predicts approximately
15% of GSP will be served in
Tier II.
Tier I: Prevention / Baseline
School & Community programs
and supports available to all
students, specifically students
across all socio-economic,
cultural, and gender groups
establishing a positive learning
environment. Research predicts
approximately 80% of general
student population (GSP) will be
served in Tier I.
US Office of Special Education Programs—PBIS
Frequent Progress
Referrals to
MultiDisciplinary Evaluation
Relevant Special Ed.
Systems of Care
Linked Support Services
Strengths-Based Needs
Functional Behavioral
Progress Monitoring
Required Health Screens
Academic Data /
Attendance / Behavioral
Universal Academic
Standardized Tests
Small Group Instruction
Educational Support
Parent Consultation
Individual / Group
Collaborative Problem Solving:
Data based problem solving is on-going
with team membership that is responsive
to individual student need.
General Ed. Curriculum
Prevention & Incentive
Community Programs
Needs Assessment—School & community data collection to identify needs and resources
Delivery of Student Assistance Services
“Tier 1”
Tier One /School-wide/ 80% needs met
- for all students based on school data analysis
- research-based school-wide prevention
- examples:
* Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
* Olweus Bullying Prevention
- see research-based library of interventions at:
Tier 1/Primary Prevention (SchoolWide): Successful Programs Summary
Building Student Competencies:
Comprehensive Guidance Curriculum
Improving Safety: PeaceBuilders
Supporting Learning: Biological and
Environmental Factors
Career Development Education:
Center for School Counseling Outcome Research
Targeted – “Tier 2”
Tier Two/Targeted/15% needs met
- targeted interventions
- for students identified by individual data as being in need
of supplemental interventions /supports
- student data triggers a Core Team assessment
- Student Plan includes identified measureable goal (s)/progress
monitoring/a given time frame including a review date
- parent informed consent
- examples:
Student Success Skills; individual counseling ; group counseling
See research-based library of targeted interventions at:
Tier 2/Secondary Prevention (AtRisk): Successful Programs Summary
Academic Skill Development: Peer Tutoring
Small Group Guidance: Student Success Skills
Possible Selves Groups
Center for School Counseling Outcome Research
Intensive – “Tier 3”
Tier Three/Intensive/5% needs met
- intense individual support
- intensive supplemental interventions
- possible referral for special education services
- parent informed consent
- possible referral to community services
-possible increase in intensity of Tier Two
services i.e. time, duration.
Tier 3/Tertiary Prevention (High
Risk): Successful Programs Summary
Case Management
Individual Counseling: Cognitive-Behavioral
Therapy and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
Behavior Education Program
Center for School Counseling Outcome Research
Referral for Special Education and
Related Services 511 IAC 7-40-4
Section 4
 (a) Either a parent or a public agency may initiate a request for
an educational evaluation
 (b) If a “student has not made adequate progress after an
appropriate period of time, as determined by the parent and the
public agency, when provided with appropriate instruction .”
 (c) (1) provide the parent .. with written notice..
(2) obtain parental consent ..
Section 5
 (d) (1) After obtaining written parental consent, the public
agency must evaluate the student and convene the case
conference committee within twenty (20) instructional days.
Referral for Special Education and
Related Services 511 IAC 7-40-5
Sec. 5
(d) The initial educational evaluation must be
conducted and the case conference committee
convened within fifty (50) instructional days of the date
the written parent consent is received by licensed
Eligibility criteria other than SLD are listed under 511 IAC 741-1. These may not be appropriate for the response to intervention
process prior to identification.
How does this model
The Core Team Process
Core Team Definition
“The multidisciplinary problem solving team
which meets to assess needs and develop
strategies to meet those needs, using data, the
problem solving method, and progress
monitoring to remain accountable.”
Core Team Function
Compiles and analyzes the referral information through the
problem solving process
Develops a student plan that includes:
identification of needs and strengths –both academic and
short and long term goals
a timeline for review
a progress monitoring process
the identification of all necessary resources
a plan of implementation including the interventionist
a documentation protocol
Communicates with parents as partners in the early intervening
service process.
Core Team
Recommended Members:
 School Counselor
 School Social Worker
 Teachers
 Special Education Representative
 School Nurse
 Administrator
 School Psychologist
Problem Solving Method
Defining the Problem:
“Is there a problem”?
“What is it”?
“How significant”?
“Did the plan work”?
“What needs to
happen next”?
Implementing the
Plan with Fidelity
Analyzing the
“Why is it
What to Do:
“What shall we do about
What will this mean for
Student Assistance
Supporting the RtI Process
Existing Services include (Article 4):
Intervention, and
Maintaining existing services with an emphasis on:
Proactive Prevention
Research-based Interventions
Progress Monitoring
Professional Development
Needs may include:
 Data collection and analysis
 Assessment tools
 Core Team
 Problem solving process
 Research-based interventions
 Progress monitoring strategies
 Documentation
 Technology
Anticipated Outcomes
Include decrease in…
 Number of students waiting for services
 Special Education Identification
 Discipline Referrals
 Severe social/emotional/behavioral referrals
Anticipated Outcomes
Includes improved:
 Student time on task leading to improved student
academic outcomes
 School Climate
 Student Self-esteem, Self-efficacy
 Recognition of Student Service Professionals as integral
to the:
RtI Process
Core Team Process
Prevention, Assessment, Intervention, and Referral Services
for Social/Emotional/Behavioral Needs
“Response to Intervention offers the best
opportunity of the past 3 decades to
ensure that every child, no matter how
gifted or challenged, will be equally
valued in an education system where the
progress of every child is monitored and
individualized interventions with
appropriate levels of intensity are
provided to students as needed.”
Bill East (2007), Preface to RtI Handbook
Currently Posted:
 Student Assistance Services: Policy Considerations and Implementation – A
Companion Guide to Article 4
 The Role of Student Service Professionals in the New Era of RTI Power
 Indiana Student Assistance Initiative: Collaborating for Student Success 2007
 Research-Based/Best Practice Prevention and Intervention Resources for
School Social Workers/Counselors (Library)
 Frequently Asked Questions document
IDOE Office of Student Services:
Response to Intervention for Student Service Professionals:
To Be Posted:
 Student Assistance Training Manual
 Student Assistance Training Power Point
 Core Team Process Video
Intervention Websites
IDOE Library:
Intervention Central
CASEL – Collaborative for Social Emotional Learning
What Works Clearinghouse
National Center for School Counseling Outcome
Training Components
RtI Webpage for Student Student Service
Presentations at annual conferences, regional
Online Professional Development Series
Cohort Training
Core Team Training of Trainers
Key Websites
Indiana Department of Education: Office of
Student Services : Response to Intervention
IDOE Center for Exceptional Learners: html
Key Websites
Collaborative Problem Solving Project @ the Blumberg Center
National Center on Student Progress Monitoring (NCSPM)
National Research Center on Learning Disabilities (NCRLD)
Research Institute on Progress Monitoring
IRIS Center
Florida Center for Reading Research
Key Websites
Vaughn Gross Center for Reading and Language Arts
Center on Instruction
University of Oregon
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Kids Count Indiana
Bender, W., & Shores, C. (2007). Response to Intervention: A practical guide for
every teacher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Coleman, M., Buysse, V., & Neitzel, J. (2006). Recognition and response an
early intervening system for children at-risk for learning disabilities.
Retrieved March 18, 2008 from
Danielson, L., Doolittle, J., & Bradley, R. (2007). Professional development,
capacity building, and research needs: Critical issues for response to
intervention implementation. School Psychology Review, 36, 632-637.
Kovaleski, J. (2007). Response to intervention: Considerations for research and
systems change. School Psychology Review, 36, 638-646.
Kratochwill, T., Volpiansky, P., Clements, M., & Ball, C. (2007). Professional
development in implementing and sustaining multitier prevention models:
Implications for response to intervention. School Psychology Review, 36,
Hall, S. (2008). A principal’s guide: Implementing RTI. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Corwin Press.
Jimerson, S., Burns, M., & VanDerHeyden, A. (2007). Handbook of Response
to Intervention: The science and practice of assessment and intervention.
New York, NY: Springer.
Fixen, D., Naoom, S., Blasé, K., Friedman, R., & Wallace, F. (2005).
Implementation research: A synthesis of the literature. Tampa, FL:
University of South Florida, The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Helath
Institute, Department of Child & Family Studies.
National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE).
Response to Intervention: Policy Considerations and Implementation.
(2005). Available from NASDSE Publications
New Roles in Response to Intervention: Creating Success for Schools and
Children (Posted on Munger website)
Contact Information
School Counselors: Amanda Snobarger
School Social Workers: Dee Kempson
School Psychologists: Dr. Leah Nellis
or Greg Eaken
School Nurses: Phyllis Lewis
RtI (general information): Tara Rinehart