Study Guide – Modified from Ch 26 Sect 1 & 2 of AGS Textbook

Student Practice # 1 - Study Guide – Modified from Ch 26 Sect 1 & 2 of AGS Textbook
Directions: Use the text to answer the questions below.
The 1930s brought crisis, or danger, to the whole world. Once again, the countries of Europe stood ready to
fight. In Chapter 23, you learned that nationalism, imperialism, and militarism caused World War I. They also
led to World War II.
Why Did Nationalism Lead to War?
Italy's Mussolini and Germany's Hitler were nationalists. So were the military leaders of Japan. Mussolini
promised to make Italy as great as the Roman Empire. Hitler called the German people the "master race." He
preached that all other people were inferior. Italy, Germany, and Japan thought that they were superior. They
believed that they had the right to rule all the inferior people in the world.
Why Did Imperialism Lead to War?
These three countries were also imperialistic. They wanted to take over the land and resources of other
countries. Japan tried to create a new empire. Italy expanded into Africa and tried to make the Mediterranean
Sea into an "Italian lake." Germany annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia.
Why Did Militarism Lead to War?
Italy, Germany, and Japan tried to form a military axis around which the world would turn. An axis is a
make-believe line that goes through the middle of an object. The object spins on the axis. For this reason,
historians called the three nations the Axis Powers.
Why didn’t the League of Nations prevent WWII?
The failure of the League of Nations was a cause of World War II. The League was never strong. Its more
powerful members refused to cooperate. It had little power to use against countries that broke its rules. The
United States never joined the League. Germany and Japan dropped out in 1933. Italy left it in 1936. The
League expelled Russia in 1939.
All of these set the stage for World War II.
1. ___________ was one cause of World War II.
a. Communism
b. Monarchy
c. Revolution
d. Nationalism
2) Germany, Japan, and Italy formed
the___________ Powers.
a. Allied
b. Axis
c. European
d. democratic
3) All three countries felt
___________to other
a. superior
b. inferior
c. weaker
d. less powerful
4) The___________ was a cause of World War II.
a. failure of the League of Nations
b. Great Depression
c. Treaty of Versailles
d. all of the above
5) The___________ never joined the League of
a. Russians
b. Germans
c. Americans
d. Italians
Fascism Threatens Other Countries
As you know, Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931. The League of Nations ordered Japan to remove its troops.
Instead, Japan dropped out of the League. You also know that in 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia and the League
did nothing. Italy then made Ethiopia a colony. Then, in 1939, Italy invaded Albania, a nation between Italy and
Greece. Five days later, it became part of the Italian Empire.
What Did Hitler Want?
You know a lot about the Treaty of Versailles. It limited the size of Germany's army and the number of
weapons it could have. However, Hitler ignored the Treaty of Versailles. He ordered all young German men to
serve in the army. Then he ordered Germany's factories to produce guns, tanks, airplanes, and other
weapons. Hitler said, "Today, Germany; tomorrow, the world!"
How Did Hitler Break the Treaty of Versailles?
The Treaty of Versailles barred German troops from the Rhineland, an area of Germany that bordered France.
But in March 1936, Hitler sent troops there. Great Britain and France protested, but did nothing because they
feared war.
The Treaty of Versailles also said that Germany and Austria-who were allies in World War I-could not unite
again. But in 1938, Hitler said that all German-speaking people should be one. He ignored the treaty again by
invading and annexing Austria. (However, he did not ask the Austrians what they wanted.) Once again, Britain
and France took no military action.
What Did the Munich Pact Give Hitler?
The British and the French had promised to protect Czechoslovakia against its enemies. On September 29,
1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain met with Hitler in Munich, Germany. Chamberlain invited
French and Italian leaders to participate in the conference, or meeting. However, he did not invite leaders from
the Soviet Union or from Czechoslovakia.
At the conference, the leaders signed the Munich Pact. It gave Hitler control of the Sudetenland. In return, he
promised not to attack the rest of Czechoslovakia. When Chamberlain returned to England, cheering crowds
greeted him. He said that now they would have "peace in our time." However, six months later, Hitler took over
the rest of Czechoslovakia.
Why Did Appeasement Fail?
Great Britain and France did not help Ethiopia, Austria, or Czechoslovakia. They hoped to avoid war. They
followed a policy of appeasement. That is, they gave in to the fascist dictators. Britain and France hoped that
the dictators would be happy with what they had and would not attack other countries. This policy failed. It did
not satisfy the dictators' desire for new lands. Instead, it made them demand more because they thought
Britain and France were weak and inferior.
Answer the questions using the lines below. Number your answers.
1) What countries did Italy and Germany invade during the 1930s?
2) What are three ways in which Germany ignored the Treaty of Versailles?
3) Why did France and Great Britain do nothing to stop Hitler's annexation of Austria and