
Chinese Empires
Chapter 11 Section 1
Pages 309-315
Chinese Empires
Main Idea
The Sui dynasty reunified China, after which the Tang and Song
dynasties produced an age of prosperity and achievement.
Reading Focus
• How did the Sui and Tang dynasties reunify China?
• How did the Song dynasty strengthen China?
• What were some Tang and Song cultural achievements?
• How was this period a time of prosperity and social change?
Sui and Tang Dynasties
The Han dynasty ruled China from 206 BC to AD 220—more
than 400 years. After the dynasty collapsed, military leaders split
China into rival kingdoms. These events began a period of
disorder and warfare that historians call the Period of Disunion.
The Period of Disunion
• Nomads invaded northern
China, formed own kingdoms
• Many northern Chinese fled
south to region of Yangzi River
• A number of southern dynasties
rose, fell
Civilization Thrived
• Despite these events, Chinese
civilization thrived, developed
• Nomadic invaders in north
adopted aspects of Chinese
• Northern Chinese immigrants’
culture blended with local
cultures in south; arts,
philosophy flowered
The Period of Disunion lasted more than 350 years, ending when a
northern ruler named Wendi reunified China, founding the Sui dynasty.
The Sui Dynasty
Centralized Government
• Wendi worked to build
centralized government
• Restored order, created new
legal code, reformed
• Created policies to provide
adult males with land,
ensure availability of grain
Grand Canal
• Greatest accomplishment of
Sui dynasty, completed
during reign of Yangdi,
Wendi’s son
• 1,000 mile waterway linked
northern, southern China
• Yangdi forced millions of
peasants to work on canal;
led to discontent, rebellion
• 618, Yangdi assassinated,
Sui dynasty ended
The Grand Canal
What are
the benefits
of this
The Tang Dynasty
Period of Brilliance
• Tang dynasty ruled 618 to 907; Chinese influence spread
• China experienced period of brilliance, prosperity, cultural
• Government, other institutions served as models across East Asia
Built on Sui Foundations
• Established capital at Chang’an, Sui capital
• Second capital located at Luoyang
• Government control remained centralized, based on bureaucracy
of officials
Civil Service
• To obtain talented officials, Tang expanded civil service
examination system
• People had to pass written exams to work for government
• Created flexible law code; model for law codes in Korea, Japan
Foreign Affairs
• Tang expanded China, Chinese influence
• Regained western lands in Central Asia, gained influence over
• Contact with Japan increased; Japanese scholars came to
China to study
• Expansion, increased contact with others grew foreign trade
• Much of expansion occurred during reign of Taizong, 626 to
• Taizong relied on talented ministers to help govern
• In addition to military conquests, Taizong had schools built to
prepare students for civil service exams
• After his death, one of his sons became emperor
Wu Zhao
New emperor was weak, sickly
• Emperor’s wife, Wu Zhao gained power
• Following death of husband
– Wu Zhao ruled through her sons
– Eventually became emperor herself—the only woman to
do so in Chinese history
• Wu Zhao overthrown, 705
– Dynasty reached height under Xuanzong
– During reign, 712 to 756, empire prospered
The Age of Buddhism
From India
• Buddhism first came to China from India during Han times
• During Period of Disunion many Chinese turned to Buddhism
• Taught people could escape suffering, appealed to people in
State Religion
• Under Tang rule, Buddhism became state religion
• Buddhist temples appeared across land, missionaries spread
• 400 to 845 in China, Age of Buddhism; ended when lost official favor
Tang Decline
• 750s, decline began, government weak, nomadic invasions,
• Military defeats lost Tang lands in Central Asia and the north
• 907, emperor killed, Tang dynasty ended
How did the Sui and Tang dynasties unite
and expand China?
Answer(s): built centralized government;
reformed laws and policies; built Grand Canal;
Tang regained land in Central Asia and gained
influence over neighboring states; increased
contact with other peoples
The Song Dynasty
After Tang Dynasty
• China split apart after Tang
• Did not reunify until 960 with
Song dynasty
• Song ruled for about 300
years, created achievement,
• Under Song, Chinese
civilization became most
advanced in world
Government and Civil Service
• Song established capital at
Kaifeng, restored centralized
government control
• Enlarged government
bureaucracy, reformed civil
service examination system
• Neo-Confucianism gained
favor, emphasizing
Confucian ethics, spiritual
Civil Service Exams
• Extremely difficult to pass; those who did became scholarofficials
• Scholar-officials received good salary, were respected
• Civil service exams became more open to ordinary people
• Exams became pathway to gaining wealth, status
Southern Song
• Song rulers never regained northern, western lands lost by Tang
• Tried to buy peace with threatening nomads by sending lavish
• 1120s, nomadic people, Jurchen, conquered northern China,
founded Jin empire
• Song continued in south as Southern Song dynasty 150 more
How did the Song strengthen China’s
Answer(s): established capital at Kaifeng and
restored centralized government control, enlarged
bureaucracy, reformed civil service exam
Cultural Achievements
The Tang and Song dynasties were periods of great cultural
achievement. Art and literature flourished, and many inventions
and advances occurred in science and technology.
Literature and Art
• Tang period
produced some
of China’s
greatest poets
• Du Fu, Li Bo, two
most famous
• Poems of
Confucian ideals,
joys of life
• Reached new
• Exquisite objects
made from clay
• Wu Daozi, murals
Buddhism, nature
• Tang: pottery
figurines, often to
go in tombs
• Landscapes of
great beauty
• Song: excelled at
making porcelain
• Some used only
black ink
• Admired, sought
after worldwide
Inventions and Innovations
• Indian Buddhist temples
influenced design of Chinese
• During Tang, Song periods,
China became a world
leader in technology, science
• Featured roofs at each floor
curving upwards at corners
• Gunpowder major invention,
used in fireworks, weapons
Magnetic Compass
• Major Tang technical
• Uses Earth’s magnetic field
to show direction
• Revolutionized sea travel,
contributed to world
• Paper, ink invented earlier
• Tang period, developed
woodblock printing
• Text carved into wood,
coated with ink, pressed on
Moveable Type
• Song dynasty invented another type of printing, moveable
• Uses blocks on which letters, characters carved
• Blocks rearranged, reused to print many things
• Faster than woodblock, spread to Europe, revolutionized
Paper Money
• Another Song invention
• Had used bulky metal disks placed on strings
• As economy grew, lighter, more useful form of currency
• Paper money light, easy to use, quickly spread in use in China
Identify Cause and Effect
How did Chinese innovations affect world
Answer(s): Gunpowder dramatically affected how
wars were fought; the compass allowed for world
navigation; printing innovations led to increased
sharing of ideas.
Prosperity and Society
In addition to cultural achievements, the Tang and Song periods
were a time of growth and prosperity.
• Chinese agriculture became
more productive
– New irrigation
– New variety of rice
– Production of cotton, tea
• Increased food production
contributed to population
• Tang population 60 million,
Song population 100 million
• Improvements in roads,
canals increased trade
within China
• Foreign trade expanded,
mostly over land routes like
Silk Roads
• Late Tang: advances in
sailing, shipbuilding helped
sea trade
• Song: merchants became
important in society; money,
banking began to develop
City Life
• As farming, trade grew so did China’s cities
• China had largest cities in world at the time
• Tang capital, Chang’an, population more than 1 million, many
• Song dynasty, several cities had million or more; sea trade
caused port cities to boom
• Despite urban growth, most Chinese still lived, farmed in
Power of aristocratic families
• Status of women declined, most
declined during period
visibly in upper classes
New class developed, gentry
• Desire for small, dainty feet led
Included scholar-officials,
to custom of footbinding
leading landowners
• Painful process to keep feet
Most still peasants, farmers
from growing, deformed feet
Paid most of taxes, little
over time
• Symbol of husband’s authority
Foot-Binding in Tang China
 Broken toes by 3 years of age.
 Size 5 ½ shoe
on the right
Foot-Binding in Tang China
Mothers bound their daughters’ feet.
Foot-Binding in Tang China
 For upper-class girls,
it became a new
The Results of Foot-Binding
The Results of Foot-Binding
 Women would have difficulty walking or
performing anything physical
 Showed husbands authority over wife
 Why was then done mostly to upper
class women?
Draw Conclusions
How did footbinding reflect changes in
attitudes toward women in China?
Answer(s): became symbol of husband's
authority over wife; women's status declined
GROG 11.1
Using your notes, fill in the interactive graphic
organizer by categorizing key facts about the
Tang and Song dynasties.
The Mongol Empire
Chapter 11 Section 2
Pages 316-321
Bell Ringer 11.2
You are a historian during the
Tang dynasty. Write a paragraph
explaining what Tang rulers
have accomplished. Consider
political, economic, and cultural
Crash Course
Wait For It...The Mongols!: Crash
Course World History #17 YouTube
The Mongol Empire
Main Idea
The Mongols built a vast empire across much of Asia, founded
the Yuan dynasty in China, and opened China and the region to
greater foreign contacts and trade.
Reading Focus
• How did the nomadic Mongols build an empire?
• How did China change under the Mongol rulers of the Yuan
• Why did the Yuan dynasty decline and finally end?
Mongolian Steppes
 Why were they nomads?
 Why would they need to move?
Mongols Physical Environment
 Our physical environment effects and
shapes how we live our lives.
 Can you name a few things in our/your
physical environment that has effect how
you live your life?
The Mongols
In the 1200s a nomadic people called the Mongols burst forth
from Central Asia to create the largest land empire in history.
Nomads from the Steppe
Fierce Warriors
• Vast steppes, grasslands,
stretch across north-central
Eurasia, home to nomadic
• Like Huns, Turks, the Mongols
emerged as powerful nomadic
people on Central Asian
• Steppes too dry for farming
• Herded sheep, goats
• Nomads relied on herds of
domesticated animals
• Skilled with horses
• Often traded; but also swept
down on settlements, took
what they wanted
• Accustomed to living in harsh
environment, competing for
scarce resources
• Tough people, fierce warriors
The Universal Ruler
Separate Clans
• Mongols divided into separate clans, each led by a khan, chief
• Khans rose to power through military skills, ability to lead
• 1100s, Temujin, powerful khan, began to conquer rivals, unite
Mongol clans
The Universal Ruler
Genghis Khan
• 1206, Temujin completed task, took name Genghis Khan,
“Universal Ruler”
• Set out to build empire, organized Mongols into powerful military
• Strict discipline, demanded loyalty, rewarded those who pleased
Campaign of Conquest
• Mongol forces began bloody campaign of conquest; highly mobile
• Employed brutality, psychological warfare; burned towns, killed
• Sent agents ahead to instill fear; soon people surrendered without
a fight
Mongol Brutality
 Exactly how nasty were the Mongols? Let’s be honest,
they would probably be the last people in world history
you would invite round for wine tasting and canapés.
One famous anecdote concerning their rule for
example claims that un-cooperative Russian nobles
were assembled and forced to lie on the ground. A
heavy wooden gate was then thrown on them and a
table and chairs set up on the top side of the gate.
Following this a victory banquet was thrown (which no
doubt involved some stamping and enthusiastic dancing)
and the unfortunate Russian princes were suffocated
under the weight of the platform. Ironically, in doing
so the Mongols were showing a certain degree of
respect by not shedding noble blood; a similar principle
was applied with the last Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad
who was executed by being rolled in a carpet and
kicked to death by horses.
The Mongol Empire
The Mongol Empire
• Genghis Kahn led Mongols
in conquering much of Asia
• Mongols learned art of siege
warfare, gunpowder in fights
against Chinese, Turks
• At Genghis Kahn’s death,
1227, Mongols controlled
much of northern China,
Central Asia
• Sons, grandsons took up
challenge of world conquest
• Genghis Kahn’s empire
divided into four khanates,
heir ruled each region; new
Great Khan ruled over whole
• Grandsons resumed efforts
to complete conquests of
China, Korea, Persia
• 1236, Golden Horde, or
Tartars, began conquering
Russia, Poland, Hungary
The Golden Horde
Golden Horde stood ready to invade western
• Grandson Batu learned of Great Kahn’s death, suddenly
turned back
• India, Western Europe escaped Mongol wrath
• Most of Eurasia devastated
• Millions had died, entire cities annihilated
The Mongol Peace
• Mongols built empire with brutality, ruled peacefully
• Tolerated local beliefs, ways of life, allowed local rulers to stay
in power as long as they paid tribute to Mongols
• Some Mongols adopted aspects of more civilized cultures;
Mongols in Central Asia, Persia, adopted Islam
Stability in Asia
• Mongol Empire established peace, stability across Asia
• Some historians call period Pax Mongolica, “Mongol Peace”
• Guarded trade routes across Asia, allowed trade to increase;
people, goods, ideas flowed across Asia
• Some believe Black Plague spread from Asia to Europe during
Identify Supporting Details
How were the Mongols able to build a vast
empire across much of Eurasia?
Answer(s): army was skilled and well organized,
rules promoted loyalty and obedience; tactics
involved brutality and psychological warfare; built
fear in those they conquered
The Yuan Dynasty
Great Kahn
• 1260, Kublai Khan became
Great Kahn of Mongol
• Determined to complete
conquest of China begun in
Southern Song
• Mongols ruled northern China
• Southern Song dynasty ruled in
south, fiercely resisted
• 1279, Song defeated; Kublai
Khan created Yuan dynasty
Kublai Kahn Rules China
• As emperor, Kublai Khan
tried to gain loyalty of
Chinese subjects
• Adopted Chinese practices,
gave dynasty Chinese name
New Capital
• Kublai Khan moved capital to
near what is now Beijing
• Built Chinese-style walled
city, lavish palace, adopted
Chinese court ceremonies
Mongol Archer
Early 11c
Late 13c
Kublai Khan Rules China
Mongol Identity
• Kublai Khan tried to rule as Chinese emperor
• But took care to see Mongols not absorbed into Chinese culture
• Mongols lived apart from Chinese, had little in common
• Individual friendships between Mongols, Chinese
• Mongols forbidden to marry Chinese
• Different laws, taxes for Chinese; could not own weapons,
serve in military
Kublai Khan Rules China
Limited Power
• Kublai Khan distrusted Chinese, limited power
• Chinese officials served at local level, could not hold
high government posts
• Mongols invited foreigners to hold government office
Taxes to Trade
• Mongols burdened Chinese with heavy taxes
• Large part of taxes supported public-works projects
• Chinese laborers built new roads, extended Grand Canal
• Improvements made shipping rice, other goods from southern
China to northern China easier, more reliable
Foreign Trade
• Mongols posted soldiers
throughout China to keep
• Foreign trade increased
• Feared rebellions,
particularly in south where
many Chinese remained
loyal to Song dynasty
• Sea trade improved; foreign
merchants welcomed to
China’s ports
• Pax Mongolica made land
travel safer for merchants
Europeans to China
As a result of Kublai Khan’s foreign trade policies, many merchants,
travelers and missionaries came to China. Most were from
Southwest Asia and India. However a few came from Europe as
well. One of the most famous of these Europeans was Marco Polo.
Marco Polo in China
• Marco Polo, Italian trader
visited Yuan court
• Kublai Kahn sent Polo on
several missions; traveled in,
around China for 17 years
• 1295, Polo imprisoned in
Venice, recounted tales to
fellow prisoner
Accounts of China
• Polo’s tales published as book
• Book fascinated many
• Polo described grand palace,
with walls covered in silver, gold
• Noted efficiency of postal
system, use of paper money
• Awed by size, splendor of cities
Some scholars question whether Polo reached China or just related
stories he heard in his travels, but his tales increased interest in
How did Mongol rule in the Yuan dynasty
affect life for the Chinese?
Answer(s): made the Chinese subordinate to the
Mongols; limited their power
End of the Yuan Dynasty
The Yuan dynasty weakened during the last part of Kublai
Khan’s reign. One cause was a number of military defeats. All
of his invasions into Southeast Asia failed, and Mongol armies
suffered huge losses.
• Kublai Khan had
set sights on
conquering Japan
• Tried to invade
Japan twice
• Disastrous results
each time
• First attempt: 900
ships attacked
Japan, storm
destroyed fleet
• Second attempt:
Khan sent larger
fleet, severe
storm again
wiped out fleet
• After two fleets
destroyed by
storms, Mongols
never attempted
• Japanese called
storms that saved
them kamikaze,
“divine wind”
Military and Monetary Losses
End of Dynasty
• Huge military losses in
Japan weakened Mongol
forces that controlled,
protected China
• 1294, Kublai Khan died,
power struggles erupted;
Khan’s successors lacked
talent for leadership
• Large amounts spent on
public-works projects
weakened economy
• Floods, rising taxes further
increased discontent
• Weaknesses, Chinese
resentment of Mongols, left
empire ripe for rebellion
• 1300s, Chinese rebelled,
defeated Mongols
• Mongols fled to Manchuria,
ending foreign rule in China
Identify Cause and Effect
What factors led to the end of the Yuan
Answer(s): military defeats and failed invasions;
lack of good leadership; power struggles; Chinese
GROG 11.2
Using your notes, fill in the interactive graphic
organizer by comparing and contrasting the
accomplishments of Genghis Khan and Kublai
Japan and Korea
Chapter 11 Section 3
Pages 322-327
Bell Ringer 11.3
You are a member of a town that has just
surrendered to a Mongol army. Write a short
journal entry describing how the townspeople
learned of the coming Mongol force, why they
chose to surrender, and your thoughts and
feelings about the events.
Japan and Korea
Main Idea
Geography and cultural borrowing from China shaped the early
civilizations of Japan and Korea.
Reading Focus
• What factors shaped early Japanese civilization?
• How did foreign influences shape life in early Japan?
• What characteristics defined Japan’s Heian period?
• What were the main events in the history of early Korea?
Early Japanese Civilization
The Japanese call their country Nippon, meaning “Land of the
Rising Sun.” Japan sits on the eastern edge of the Pacific
Ocean, at what feels like the origin of the sunrise in the east.
This location and the geography of Japan has shaped life there
since the earliest times.
The Land
• The nation of Japan consists of
some 3,000 islands
• Largest four islands form an
archipelago, large island chain
• Chain extends more than 1,500
miles and lies on Ring of Fire—
zone of volcanoes, earthquakes
The Elements
• Japan home to hundreds of
volcanoes, many active
• Experiences frequent earthquakes
• Subject to tsunamis, huge waves
from underwater earthquakes
• Typhoons also strike late in
summer, early autumn
Only a small part of Japan is suitable for farming. Most Japanese
have always lived in the river valleys and coastal plains.
The Sea
• Nearness of sea has also shaped development of Japan
• People never far from sea, even on larger islands
• Early Japanese turned to sea for food, transportation
• Sea also protected, isolated Japan during much of history
Separated from Neighbors
• Japan separated from Korea by 100 miles of water, from China
by 400 miles of water—large enough distances to prevent
• Only successful invasion of Japan occurred in World War II
• Early Japanese developed own culture in relative isolation
• China, Korea close enough to influence Japan’s culture later in
Early Japan
• Scientists think first people to settle in Japan migrated from Asian
• Early people hunters, gatherers; developed societies with distinct
• Oldest known Japanese culture, Ainu
• Ainu’s origin unknown, did not resemble other East Asians
• More people migrated to Japan, Ainu driven onto northernmost
• Culture almost disappeared
Early Japan
• People on islands south of Ainu became the Japanese
• Clans developed, came to rule many villages
• Each clan worshipped nature spirits, kami, believed to be their
Shinto Religion
Religious beliefs developed into Shinto religion
• Shinto, “way of the kami”
• Shinto religion:
– Everything in nature has a kami
– No sacred text, formal structure
• Shrines:
– Built to kami, ceremonies performed there
– Located in natural settings; red gateway, torii, marks
The Yamato Clan
Powerful Clan
• Amaterasu, the sun goddess,
was one of most revered kami
• In time Japan’s emperors
claimed to be living gods
• First Japanese emperor said to
be grandson of sun goddess
• Other clans eventually
gained power over the
• Emperor member of Yamato
clan, which lived in rich farming
region on island of Honshu
• Did not remove Yamato
emperor, but controlled him
• Did not control all Japan, but
Yamato chiefs began to call
themselves emperors of Japan
• As result, emperor often had
no real authority, served as
figurehead; this political
system continued until 1900s
Identify Supporting Details
What geographic factors have influenced
Japan’s history and culture?
Answer(s): geologically active region; steep
mountains, thick forests, limited but fertile
farmland, islands surrounded by the sea
Foreign Influences on Japan
By the mid-500s, Japan had increased contact with its
neighbors, Korea and China. Their cultures began to influence
Korean Influences
• Korean traders, travelers
brought foreign influences;
most originated in China
• Korean scribes introduced
Chinese writing to Japan
• Korean monks introduced
religion of Buddhism
• Buddhism influenced
Japanese art, architecture
Chinese Influences
• Prince Shotoku helped
spread Buddhism in Japan
• Served as regent to
Japanese empress, his
• Shotoku admired China,
sent scholars to learn from
• Knowledge from missions
to Tang dynasty changed
Japan in many ways
Changes in Japan
Tang Influences
Confucian Influences
• Chinese fashions, foods, tea
became popular in Japan
• Japanese adopted many
Confucian ideas about family
• Tang styles of art, music,
dance, gardening also
• Wives should obey
Government Influences
• Japanese adopted Tang
ideas, including stronger
central government,
• Adopted law code similar to
China’s, not civil service
• Children should obey
End of Influences
• 800s, Tang dynasty declined,
Japanese stopped sending
missions to China
• Transformed what they had
learned, to create own
culture, society
Find the Main Idea
How did Chinese influences affect Japan
during this period?
Answer(s): gave Japan a written language;
Buddhism spread from China to Japan; Chinese
fashion and foods became popular; Japanese
adopted some Chinese ideas about government
The Heian Period
In 794 Japan’s emperor moved the capital to Heian, now called
Kyoto. Many nobles moved to Heian, where they developed an
elegant and stylish court society. At the Heian court, Japanese
culture flowered.
Life in the Heian
• Heian nobles
lived in beautiful
palaces, enjoyed
lives of privilege
• So removed from
common people,
many called
selves “dwellers
among the
• Rules governed all
aspects of court
behavior, dress
• Women enjoyed
writing, reading
fictional prose
• Elaborate silk gowns
for women
• Lady Murasaki
Shikibu greatest
writer; The Tale of
Genji, world’s first
full-length novel,
describes court
life- monogatari
• Proper way to write
note, an art form
• Everyone expected
to write poetry
The Fujiwaras
Fujiwara family controlled Japan for most of Heian period
• Many Fujiwaras served as regent
• Fujiwaras often married daughters to heirs of throne
• Rich landowners with private armies eventually challenged
Fujiwaras, Japan’s central government
Why was the Heian period a golden age of
culture in Japan?
Answer(s): A court culture grew; writing and art
Korean Peninsula
• Juts from East Asian mainland, China to southwest, Japan to east
• Location made Korea bridge for passage of people, culture, ideas
• Also left region open to invasion
• Much of peninsula covered by rugged mountains, limits land for
• Mountain ranges run north and south along east coast
• Main population centers in west; land flattens to plains
Early Korea
• First Koreans nomadic peoples from northeastern Asia; formed
• Developed own culture; but influenced by China’s Han dynasty, 108
• Adopted Confucianism, Chinese writing, political, agricultural
• After China’s Han dynasty, three rival kingdoms controlled
• 600s, rulers of one kingdom, Silla, allied with China, conquered
• Silla then turned on Chinese; ruled all Korea by 670
• Agreed to pay tribute to China to ensure harmony, good will
• Embraced many aspects of Chinese civilization, promoted
Buddhism, created central government, bureaucracy based on
Tang model
The Koryo Dynasty
• 935, rebels defeated Silla
Kingdom, founded Koryo
dynasty, which lasted until
• Continued to adopt Chinese
ideas, worked for distinct
Korean features
• Civil service exam like China’s
but only nobles could take test
Society, Culture
• Society divided between
powerful nobility and the rest of
the people
• Culture thrived, artisans created
pottery covered with celadon
• Improved on Chinese woodblock
printing, created moveable type
• Printed Buddhist texts
Mongol Occupation
1200s, Mongols of Yuan China invaded, occupied Korea
• Forced Koryo’s rulers to pay immense tributes, enslaved many
– Took artisans to China
– Forced men to serve in Yuan military
• 1300s, Yuan dynasty weakened
– Koreans rebelled against Yuan
– 1392, Korean general founded new dynasty
What were the major events and periods in
early Korean history?
Answer(s): period of Han dynasty influence;
period when Silla kingdom allied with Chinese;
Koryo dynasty
GROG 11.3
Using your notes, fill in the interactive graphic
organizer by explaining how China influenced
Japan and Korea.