
Lesson 29:
Paul’s Defense Before the Sanhedrin & Armed
Transfer to Caesarea (22:30-23:35)
I. Overview of the Passage & Helpful
Facts for Further Bible Study
A. Paul was taken before and made his defense to the
Jewish Sanhedrin (22:30-23:10).
1. The Roman commander (at temple), Claudius Lysias,
summoned the Sanhedrin (22:30).
2. Paul began his defense before the Sanhedrin but was
harshly struck (23:1-5).
a) As Paul looked at the Sanhedrin members, he may have known
some of them.
b) Paul affirmed that he had “lived in all good conscience before
God” (23:1).
II. Significant Truths from this
Passage for Our Understanding
A. One’s conscience is not a safe or trustworthy guide
in religious matters!
1. Paul said, “I have lived in all good conscience before God
until this day” (Acts 23:1; 26:9).
a) He thought what he was doing was right. He was wrong!
2. God plainly taught that blindly following one’s conscience
has serious consequences (Prov. 16:25; Rom. 10:2-3).
3. One’s conscience is his inner guide to the rightness or
wrongness of his behavior.
a) One’s conscience is only as good as the standard used to train it.
b) In order for one’s conscience to be trusted, it must be trained by
God’s Word!
c) Our thoughts (1 Cor. 4:6), words (1 Pet. 4:11) and actions (Col. 3:17)
must be governed by His Word.
I. Overview of the Passage & Helpful
Facts for Further Bible Study
A. Paul was taken before and made his defense to the
Jewish Sanhedrin (22:30-23:10).
1. The Roman commander (at temple), Claudius Lysias,
summoned the Sanhedrin (22:30).
2. Paul began his defense before the Sanhedrin but was
harshly struck (23:1-5).
a) As Paul looked at the Sanhedrin members, he may have known
some of them.
b) Paul affirmed that he had “lived in all good conscience before
God” (23:1).
c) After only one sentence, the high priest ordered Paul struck on
the mouth (23:2).
d) Paul pronounced God’s judgment on Ananias for his corrupt
behavior (23:3-5).
I. Overview of the Passage & Helpful
Facts for Further Bible Study
A. Paul was taken before and made his defense to the
Jewish Sanhedrin (22:30-23:10).
3. Paul used the sharp divide between Sadducees &
Pharisees against them (23:6-9).
a) The Sadducees were essentially “materialists”—not believe in
the resurrection of the dead, immorality of the soul, angels or
spirits (23:7). But, the Pharisees did.
b) Sadducees held majority in Sanhedrin; high priest was Sadducee.
c) Paul announced that he was a Pharisee, on trial for the
resurrection (23:6).
d) The Pharisees, agreeing with Paul, said, “Let’s not fight against
God” (23:9).
4. Claudius Lysias had Paul forcefully returned to the
barracks (23:10).
II. Significant Truths from this
Passage for Our Understanding
B. Tradition is a powerful motivator, blinding men to
God’s will and condemning souls!
1. The Pharisees & Sadducees were so locked into their
traditions, they rejected truth!
2. Following man-made tradition will cause men to violate
God’s will (Mark 7:1-13).
3. Following man-made tradition will condemn the souls of
others (Matt. 23:15).
4. Following man-made tradition will please self and others
but not God (Gal. 1:10-15).
I. Overview of the Passage & Helpful
Facts for Further Bible Study
B. Forty Jews conspired to have Paul killed, devoting
themselves to the task (23:11-22).
1. Perhaps (we don’t know) Paul was feeling great stress and
even fear for his life.
2. The Lord came and stood by Paul (23:11). Every indication
is that He was really there!
3. Forty men bound themselves under oath (of death) to kill
Paul (23:12, 14, 15, 21, 27).
4. Perhaps by providence, Paul’s nephew heard the details of
the plot (23:16-22).
I. Overview of the Passage & Helpful
Facts for Further Bible Study
C. Paul was dispatched to Caesarea, where Felix the
governor lived (23:23-35).
1. Claudius Lysias mobilized 470 of his troops as an armed
escort for Paul (23:23-24).
2. Claudius Lysias wrote a letter to the Roman governor of
Judea, Felix (23:25-30).
3. Paul arrived in Caesarea and awaited trial before Felix
III. Practical Points of Application
for Our Lives
A. Our conscience must be properly trained by God’s
Word before we can trust it!
B. Let us remember that we live before God every day,
so let His Word be our standard!
C. Man will divide himself into varying doctrines and
practices, but let’s stick with God!
D. Regardless of what others do, even plotting against
us, the Lord will always be with us!