IQ Tests #1 -

Runninghead: How intelligent are IQ tests?
How intelligent are IQ tests?
Elizabeth Gamarra
February 3, 2013
English 2010
Runninghead: How intelligent are IQ tests?
“Knowledge is often mistaken for intelligence; this is like mistaking a cup of milk for a
cow.”, a well-known quote often repeated when referred to the real significance of knowledge
often affecting how intelligence is perceived as. Intelligence tests are rooted in the educational
system of the United States; they have taken a significant role in our society making us question
the benefits and disadvantages. One of the very recognized tests measuring intelligence is the I.Q
test (Intelligence Quotient test). Almost everyone has heard or taken an I.Q test, these tests
measure and assess the general ability to solve problems and understand concepts. Unfortunately,
the common misconception of I.Q’s implies that knowing a child’s I.Q score tell us exactly “how
smart” that child is and how bright their future appears to be. The I.Q score is based on a scale;
one-hundred is the most common score, and anything scoring over one-hundred-forty is
considered gifted. Anyone falling under a score of seventy is considered of limited mental ability
(Merchán, 2012, pg. 118). IQ tests should not be the “focus” of attention when it comes to
judging intelligence because it diminishes the concept of what intelligence means, sorts
individuals into stereotypical categories and may inhibit an individual’s level of aspiration.
IQ’s diminish the concept of what intelligence really means. Today’s students are
concerned with their future, leading to education and the concept of “intelligence” is brought up,
which is often difficult to define and even comprehend. Instead of thinking intelligence is an
entity described with an IQ score, Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard
University took another approach. He developed and established the Multiple Intelligence
Theory. The theory essentially suggests that the traditional concept of measuring intelligence by
I.Q testing is far too restricted. He developed seven or more primary intelligences with criteria
intrapersonal and lastly musical. An individual may learn better with one more than the other but
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not all of them. Some might argue that I.Q. tests have a strong correlation to success in life
because of the high qualified skills they received. However, a person’s IQ score and success later
on in the “real world,” vary according to the individual. There are simply many other factors that
impact success such as social skills, self esteem, motivation, leadership and attitude (Waisbren,
1987, pg. 354). Through a survey, students were asked to answer the question, “What makes a
person successful?” The majority of the students replied with a combination of the following
abilities: handling stressful situations, performing multiple tasks, working well with other people,
making intelligent group decisions, and handling pressure responsibly. All of the responses given
contribute to a person’s successes which are not included in intelligence tests. Reaching success
is often found in a diverse amount of qualities which do not permit much negative categorization
of individuals to take place.
IQ tests sort individuals into stereotypical categories. The assumption of intelligence
leads to students getting positioned into certain groups in relation to their I.Q score. The majority
of the time the I.Q score creates false impressions and assumptions of an individual. “I.Q tests
should be used to describe potential rather than used to categorize an individual” (Merchán,
2012, pg.119). Categorizing in relation to intelligence tests creates many stereotypes. Therefore,
when individuals are labeled according to their assumed level of intelligence, it is often difficult
to move beyond it. Some might argue that IQ tests are helpful predicators of scholastic
achievement. If some students score a high IQ then they could be given more challenging
assignments that would encompass their knowledge furthermore. Even though it is beneficial to
certain students, the potential and devotion of others is ignored. As well as the difference in the
way they were taught influences their results, either being "book smart" and/or "street smart.”
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Labeling people into these stereotypical categories often limits the amount of input that they
could have towards a desired carrier negatively.
IQ tests may inhibit an individual’s level of aspiration. I.Q’s are the tests that put
confidence and potential in jeopardy. For instance, when an individual aspires to study in a
certain field that they are interested and passionate about, their mindset towards their path to
getting there is essential (De Zeeuw, 2012, pg. 5). However, when an IQ score is representing
them, the individual may become close minded of what they will seek and become in life, in
relation to their I.Q score. Some might argue that IQ tests are valuable tools in developing a
sense of their strengths and weakness to a certain field that the person would excel at. Although
it is a good resource to use, people are much more complex than these tests suggest. What is
most critical is analyzing the results and fostering positive self-esteem, a good attitude and most
importantly developing a sense of competency (Waisbrein, 1987, pg. 353). Through the
implementation of an IQ test in schools, both positive and negative sides could be brought to
light and magnified to the fullest depending on the approach.
The information gained from the score of an IQ test is limited; it should be considered
only for a fraction of the overall picture regarding a person’s intelligence because it diminishes
the concept of what intelligence means, sorts individuals into stereotypical categories and may
inhibit an individual’s level of aspiration. Not fully understanding the different intelligences that
make up knowledge is the same as having a misconception of where milk comes from. To
understand both, we need to be aware of the components that each of them holds. IQ tests can
suggest overall ability level, but real life experiences will allow individuals to truly blossom in
their path to education. There are many varieties of intelligence encompassing talents often
ignored by traditional IQ tests, which should change. The U.S educational system is very
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important for the future generation, therefore if educators take the opportunity to recognize and
apply this knowledge in their teaching, students’ potential and strengths could be reached to their
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De Zeeuw, P., Schnack, H. G., Van Belle, J., Weusten, J., Van Dijk, S., Langen, M., &
Durston, S. (2012). Differential Brain Development with Low and High IQ in AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Plos One, 7(4), 1-11. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035770
Merchán-Naranjo, J., Mayoral, M., Rapado-Castro, M., Llorente, C., Boada, L., Arango, C., &
Parellada, M. (2012). Estimation of the Intelligence Quotient Using Wechsler
Intelligence Scales in Children and Adolescents with Asperger Syndrome. Journal of
Autism & Developmental Disorders, 42(1), 116-122. doi:10.1007/s10803-011-1219-8
Waisbren, S. E., Mahon, B. E., Schnell, R. R., & Levy, H. L. (1987). Predictors of Intelligence
Quotient and Intelligence Quotient Change in Persons Treated for Phenylketonuria Early
in Life. Pediatrics, 79(3), 351.