Power of We Consortium (PWC) AmeriCorps State Program Host Site Application Program Year 2015-2016 Cover Page Organization Name: EIN: Site Supervisor Name: Title: Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Email: We are interested in hosting ____ quarter time AmeriCorps State member(s) at our organization. We understand each member requires a member host site match. Our organization understands and agrees to ALL requirements presented in the Request for AmeriCorps Member booklet: Yes No Authorization: The applicant certifies to the best of her/his knowledge that this data is true and correct, that the filing of this application has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and that the applicant will comply with the assurances required if the proposal is approved. Name______________________________________ Title_________________________________ Signature ___________________________________ Date ________________________________ This application is for the placement of a 2016 Summer member. Applications are due on January 8th, 2016 by 5p.m. Applications should include page 14 to the end of the document. Please submit applications to Andrea Villanueva, AmeriCorps State Program Director via email at avillanueva@ingham.org. I. Application: Organizations seeking to host one or more AmeriCorps members may apply by answering the questions below. Keep in mind that not all reviewers are familiar with these programs. 1. Organizational Information: Briefly describe your organization’s mission and history. If your organization has hosted or is hosting AmeriCorps members, how many and when? 2. Goal Area: Which of the goal areas will the proposed AmeriCorps member(s) serve? Healthy Futures #1. PWC AmeriCorps members will increase the consumption of healthy food and reduce food insecurity through gardening, food distribution and/or referrals. #2. PWC AmeriCorps members will teach community members the importance of eating healthy foods and strategies to adopt better diets. Describe how the AmeriCorps member(s) will support your organization in addressing the goal(s) selected above: 3. Target Population: Describe all locations where the AmeriCorps member(s) will likely perform their duties. Who will be the beneficiaries of the AmeriCorps service? 4. Tracking Outputs: AmeriCorps members are required to produce databases of people served, which will be fulfilled through the program’s database system. How will you ensure members are removing duplicates within site? How will you incorporate the AmeriCorps reporting requirements into your organization’s established reporting systems? 5. Demonstrating Impact: AmeriCorps members are required to gather written community feedback by surveying the unique individuals they serve. Certain clients will have to be pre and post surveyed with program specific questions. How will you ensure the collection of survey results? Once data is collected, how will you determine if AmeriCorps-supported projects have been successful in impacting the community? 6. Avoiding Duplication: If you are requesting multiple AmeriCorps members, describe how they would maintain separate and unique roles. Summarize the basic differences between their duties, characterized by topic, population characteristics, geography, or other factors. 7. Sustainability: If you have hosted AmeriCorps members in the past, how will this service term’s activities be different? How are you moving towards sustainability? Current member activities should significantly build upon past projects and/or create new programs for the community. 8. Recruiting Members: It is important to the program that the Lansing community is accurately represented in the applications submitted as well as the members selected for service. The PWC program will facilitate program wide recruitment to its networks but does not have the capacity to reach all host site’s networks. How will your organization aid in member recruitment? Once selected, how will you ensure that the member at your site is connected to the community he or she will serve? 9. Choosing Members: PWC Staff plans to coordinate the schedules for all candidate interviews. At least one PWC staff member and at least the organizations site supervisor must be present at all interviews. Are you willing to create a joint interviewing session with the AmeriCorps Program? 10. Supervision: Describe how the selected site supervisor is the appropriate choice for member supervision; describe their role within the organization, time with the program & organization, connections to the community and other applicable information. How will you and/or the site supervisor ensure that the member is prepared to overcome challenges in project implementation? Additionally, you are required to provide the equipment necessary to complete the duties listed on the position description. Describe your organization’s capacity to manage the AmeriCorps member(s), including the provision of adequate desk space with phone/fax/computer/internet connection. 11. Host Site Match: What funding source will your organization utilize to secure the required host site match? Include the amount of any unpaid host site match from previous and/or current AmeriCorps placements. Please note, paying the Host Site match with federal dollars is prohibited, unless you receive written permission. II. Position Description: Include a separate position description for each AmeriCorps member requested using the template provided on the last 2 pages. Each position description can be no longer than 1 page, and should be attached to the end of proposal application. Do no remove any text in RED. If the requested position(s) are awarded, this document will be used to recruit candidates and to structure daily activities once service begins. Since it is referenced by the AmeriCorps Member Agreement, members may ONLY do activities listed in the position description. The position description may be updated after submission if necessary. Describe the activities each member will perform for your organization. Include the specific daily tasks of the proposed AmeriCorps member. Tasks should follow the list of approved activities: Recruitment and mobilization of community volunteers Community education Supporting and modeling direct service for community members III. Budget: Please include a summary of your organization’s annual budget from the previous year. Power of We Consortium AmeriCorps State Program Summer Position Description Position Title: Category: Host Site: Site Supervisor: AmeriCorps Service Member Stipend: $3,200 Position Type: Quarter time, 450 hours HR Contact: AmeriCorps Program Manager Dates of Service: April 25 – September 2, 2016 Position Description Organization Information: [Type a brief description of your organization if desired.] Role and Responsibilities: [Type a description of the essential roles, responsibilities and activities a candidate can expect to assume in this position, using a Details style description. For additional duties use the Bulleted List style. If travel is required include how much in description:] Bulleted list item Bulleted list item Minimum Qualification: Be at least 17 years of age. Minors must have guardian permission. Applicants must have HS diploma, GED or working toward the completion of one. U.S. citizen, U.S. national or lawful permanent resident of the U.S. Pass the following checks: State of Michigan, DHS Central Registry Clearance, FBI Fingerprinting, and State & National Sex Offender Registry [Add any additional work experience and educational background that a candidate should have when applying for position. These requirements should be in addition to the AmeriCorps requirement of having at least a high school diploma/GED upon starting service. ] Preferred Skills [Type a description of any additional skills or experience that would be considered favorable for a candidate who is applying for this position if applicable.] Compensation: Members will receive a living allowance of $3,200 distributed bi-weekly from April 25th-September 2nd, 2016 and receive student loan forbearance for qualified loans. Upon successful completion of service an education award in the amount of $1,527.78 will be issued. Members will serve ~25 hours/week. All interested candidates must submit a cover letter and resume to Power of We Consortium AmeriCorps Program Director, Andrea Villanueva at avillanueva@ingham.org no later than February 22nd, 2016 by 5p.m.