Moss Middle School - Warren County Schools

Moss Middle School
Table of Contents
I. Course Objectives
II. Grading Policy
III. Standards of Behavior & Consequences
IV. Class Requirements & Purchases
V. Parent Involvement
VI. Tentative Calendar
VII. Agreement Form
I. Course Objectives
• The primary objective of the Henry F. Moss Middle School band program is to
enrich the lives of the students with music. Music has been proven to enrich
lives beyond that of normal, everyday experiences. I hope to create an
appreciation for music and a desire to be involved in music, which reaches
throughout high school and beyond. Each student will be exposed to positive
musical experiences, be taught the basic knowledge of musical concepts, and
be offered a guided direction of study. Through the aesthetics of music, the
appreciation of human creativity, and the direct connection to emotions
through music, each student can be led to an enriched human experience.
• A second objective of this class is to offer opportunities to grow individually
through human relations. Students in a band program are exposed to more
opportunities for individual and group responsibilities. Band students learn
essential skills like working with others while sharing a common goal. Being in
a band program can help the students mature socially, which is an important
part of adulthood.
II. Grading Policy
Students will be graded daily, weekly and monthly. The following is an
outline of how students will be graded throughout the course of the year:
 Participation = 10 points a day {5 pts - having instrument; 2 pts –
having all other materials; 3 pts - behavior (see also: Section III)
 Practice Records = extra credit given for practicing; required to retake a playing test
 Playing Tests = 100 points
 Written Exams = number of points will vary with each test
-given at the end of every quarter/semester & as needed
 Performances = 500 points (see also: Section V)
 Extra Credit opportunities (points determined upon event)
*All-District Band - tryouts in Nov.; performance in Jan.
*WKU Solo & Ensemble Festival – March
*Attending chorus or band concerts (other than our own), musicals, marching
competitions, etc. See Mrs. Graham if you plan to attend something.
*As other opportunities arise, they will be posted on the board and/or told
*Bringing in any of the following items for our classroom:
~hand sanitizer, tissues, dry erase markers, etc.
III. Standards of Behavior & Consequences
Students of the Moss Middle School Band program are required to obey the following
rules while in our band room or on any band function. Along with these rules,
students are required to follow all Moss Middle School/Warren County Board of
Education Rules and Policies.
1.) Be Prepared
*Have all necessary equipment each day – instrument, band book, music, notebook
paper, pencil, agenda book, any handouts, valve oil/reeds/sticks, etc.
*Be in your seat when Mrs. Graham gets in front of the band, with all the abovementioned items, & stay there unless given permission to get up.
2.) Be Respectful
*Show respect to each other, Mrs. Graham, and everything else in the band room.
*Talking & playing the instruments should only occur at designated times.
*No gum, food, drinks, or candy allowed in the band room unless specified by Mrs.
Graham (it will ruin your instrument!)
III. Continued.....
**Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior:
1st warning - “w” in grade book (no points deducted)
2nd warning - 1 point deducted from participation
3rd warning - 3 points deducted from participation
4th warning - all the above, plus conference w/ student after class;
phone call to parent; & detention given
5th warning - office referral
**Tardy = if a student is not in his/her seat when Mrs. Graham steps in
front of the band, they receive a tardy.
*3 tardies = 1 detention*
~detention will be served on Thursdays with a Related Arts teacher~
**If a student continually disobeys the Moss Band rules, he/she and the parent(s)
will be asked to conference with Mrs. Graham about exiting the band
IV. Class Requirements & Purchases
A. Being prepared for class everyday.
Coming to class unprepared will result in the deduction of daily participation points.
B. Weekly practice records.
Students can get extra credit for turning in a weekly practice record (amount will vary). Turning in a practice
record also gives the student the opportunity to retake a test that they might not have done so well on.
C. PERFORMANCES - ALL performances are REQUIRED (i.e. concerts, parades, etc.).
~Students (and parents) will be given plenty of notice as to when each performance will occur.
~Attendance is mandatory; arrangements should be made in advance.
~Concert Performance dress consists of white top, black bottom (pants, skirt), black socks/shoes.
~Parade dress will be blue jeans, tennis shoes, & a Moss Band Sweatshirt (to be purchased in Oct. or Nov.).
D. All playing and written exams.
E. All school pep rallies and assemblies where the band is asked to play.
F. Materials Needed
Each student will need the following things while in the Moss band:
^Standard of Excellence Book - this book will be available through Mrs. Graham for use or they can be
purchased at Royal Music (7th grade – continue Book 1, then move to Book 2; 8th grade – continue
Book 2, then move to Book 3)
^Moss Band Sweatshirt - to be worn at the parade; must be purchased from Mrs. Graham before Dec. The
sweatshirt should last both years at Moss (unless there’s a major growth spurt!) = $20 (S-XL); $23 (XXL)
^Reeds, oil, sticks, etc. - any materials needed for the instrument to function properly. These may be
purchased from Royal Music or from Mrs. Graham - I keep an “in-house store” for those emergency
situations. A list of prices can be provided if needed.
^Pencils – one will be provided by Mrs. Graham
^Folder – provided by Mrs. Graham (thanks to Royal Music!)
^Loose notebook paper - for class notes
V. Parent Involvement
Parent involvement is so important throughout a
child’s life, especially during middle school when they
are “changing”. You being involved in your child’s
I need for all parents to encourage and assist in
their child’s music experience. Practicing is important!
~ As is you knowing what they are doing in
band. Encourage them to practice and then you can
attend our performances to hear how we are
There will be several opportunities throughout the
year when parents will be needed to help
chaperone. If you are available & have been through
the parent/volunteer training, please let me know.
VI. Tentative Calendar
(as these events get closer, letters will go home with more info.)
November - All-District tryouts (optional)  Nov. 16
December - Bowling Green Christmas Parade  Dec. 7
- Christmas Concert  December 17
January - All-District Band Concert (for those that make the band)
February/March – joint concert with WCHS and the elementary
schools (held at WCHS) - TBA
March - Solo/Ensemble Festival (optional)
April - 8th gr. participate in Concert Band Festival
May - final concert  May ?? (TBA)
VII. Agreement Form
I have read and understand the material contained in the Henry F.
Moss Middle School Band Handbook for the 2013-2014 school year. I
agree to abide by all policies listed within.
Student Signature:_____________________________________________
Parent Signature:______________________________________________
Parent’s email:________________________________________________
Parent’s daytime phone number:__________________________________
Date: August _____, 2013
Please return this signed document to school by August 14, 2013.