March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 4G Neighborhood Area Networks Date: 2005-03-11 Authors: Name R. R. Miller Company AT&T Address Florham Park, NJ Phone 973-236-6920 email Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <http://>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair <> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at <>. Submission Slide 1 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Abstract Completing a practical broadband access network alternative comparable to cable or DSL for residence, remote/small business, and public service environments requires the realization of multi-tier diffuse-field wireless networks that functionally-parallel and interwork with their wired multi-tier counterparts. Fortunately, the sophistication and economy of radio systems have at last progressed to permit consideration of multi-tier approaches that can augment the established paradigm of wireless links that extend exclusively from a wired network POP directly to a device. Like wired networks, each component of a multi-tier wireless network must be designed to meet a specific teledensity demand, Shannon envelope, and capital affordability to establish a complete performance- and cost-effective broadband access network supporting Ethernet-like user expectations. Current network paradigms, such as LANs and MANs, already provide means to effectively extend networking toward the backbone from devices, and toward devices from the backbone, respectively. However, a critical segment is missing from a practical, complete tiered structure: Neighborhood Area Networks or NANs. NANs are characterized by outdoor diffuse-field coverage areas smaller than MANs and larger than LANs, hosting fixed or nomadic links from moderate AP heights such as street utility structures. These ~1000 foot-radius, ~100BaseT-equivalent coverage areas can be designed to support increased link predictability and higher teledensities compared to MANs due to reduced multipath, improved propagation predictability, and higher link margins, while encompassing ~100-200 premises for acceptable costscaling. The small-cell characteristics optimally-balance throughput/link and premises-passed costs mimicking node “reach” and size of cable, VDSL, or fiber neighborhood-serving facilities. Likewise, NANs cannot optimally address the teledensity, link throughput capabilities, and battery limitations of portable LAN devices, but can connect them to higher tiers without starving. Since NANs are required to complete multi-tier operation with other established tiers, networking architecture, airlink properties, and protocols must integrate wired and wireless standards elements into a single coherent solution. This presentation proposes creation of a study group to formulate a standards framework for the wireless NAN, with companion air interface, protocol, and spectrum use components. It is believed that this standard-setting can leverage knowledge bases and expertise from both Ethernet and wireless standards communities to establish the foundation for new equipment and services while enriching broadband access choices for consumers, businesses, and municipalities worldwide. Submission Slide 2 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Preparing for True Broadband Wireless Shannon Zone Submission Slide 3 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 A View of Carrier Connectivity Options 300,000 185,000 45,000 1,000 100 1 20,000 Typical Houses-Passed Fiber to the Home Fiber to the Home Fiber to the Curb VDSL BPL VDSL BPL Fiber to the Neighborhood SONET Fiber to the Neighborhood WMAN Fiber to the Serving Area Fiber to the Serving Area DSL Fiber to the Serving Area Street-Level Cable Fiber to the Serving Area 10 9 8 7 6 Street-Level Cable 5 4 3 2 1 0 ROM User Assignable Peak Throughput Distance from User to Network POP, Miles “Transport” 1G 100M Active Fiber PON “Middle Mile” Active Fiber PON “Last Mile” Active Fiber PON Active Fiber PON Active Fiber PON Cable Cable Cable VDSL 10M DSL WMAN 1M Submission “Sub Connect” “Premises-Net” Slide 4 BPL DSL WMAN Cable Ethernet VDSL WLAN PLC DSL WMAN T/P R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 What is a Neighborhood Area Network? • New architectural system element for broadband wireless local distribution applications • Service area smaller than Metropolitan, larger than Local Area Networks – – – – – – “Street Level” Distribution Similar to VDSL wiring radius, cable branch node breakout size Usually part a of multi-tier distribution architecture May interface with radio or wired facilities at both ends Application in residential, campus, public environments Consistent with community aesthetics • Extends the distribution network edge to the premises gateway Submission Slide 5 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 The NAN: Form Follows Function PANs Air Interface Backhaul Prems passed# Cell Size Cell Thruput Teledensity Terminal ECR* Client ECR* 802.11 Wi-Fi Ethernet 1 premises (2.3 clients) 17000 sq-ft (75’ radius) 6-30 Mbps peak 350-1700 Kb/sq-ft 2.5-13 Mb 2.5-13 Mb 4G Broadband Fiber, PTMP Microwave 100 premises (230 clients) 315,000 sq-ft (1000’ radius) 120 Mbps peak (4 sectors) 380 Kb/sq-ft 1.2 Mbps 500 Kbps 802.16 Wi-Max/3.5G Cellular Fiber/PTP Microwave 10,000 premises (23,000 clients) 300,000,000 sq-ft (3 Km radius) 70 Mbps peak (6 sectors, 5 MHz, TDD) .23 b/sq-ft 7 Kbps 3 Kbps WANs “The Missing Architectural Element” User Rate Neighborhood Area Network 100-300 terminations Nanocell LOS/NLOS ft Local Area Network 1-100 clients Picocell LOS/NLOS •Lowest Base Stations •Mostly Portable Clients •Little Client Directivity •Very High Throughput •Very Limited User Group •Pedestrian Mobility • • • • • • PTMP Fixed/Nomadic Part of Multi-Tier Network Low Base Stations Some Directivity at Terminal High Throughput Limited User Group kft 10,000-30,000 terminations Macro/Microcell LOS/NLOS • • • • • PTMP Fixed and Mobile Highest Base Stations Sophisticated Directivity at Terminal High Point Throughput Large User Group Effective Link Reach km/mi # Assumes 30,000 sq-ft lot size, 2.3 active users/premises * ECR – Equivalent Circuit Rate with all clients active simultaneously + Derived from Reference 2 Submission Metropolitan Area Network Slide 6 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Why the Time is Right for NANs: Multi-Tier Networking • • • • • • • Radio No Longer Confined to Wired POP-to-Client Link More Throughput, Higher Quality,, QoS Parallels to Hierarchy of Wired Networks Each Layer Demultiplexes Throughput from Layer Above “Network of Networks” Approach, Like Internet “Mix and Match” Architectural Elements TCP/IP Convergence Layer, Software Defined Interfaces Core Fiber Backbone Transport Metropolitan Distribution Local Distribution Drop/Inside Wire Device Connect Submission Backbone 802.16+, mmWave, FSOC Metro Fiber H/S Facilities (Coax, Fiber) 802.16+ PTMP Local PTMP L/S Facilities (PON, xDSL, 100BT) 802.11 WLAN Metallic (T/R, 10BT, 100BT) Cord (RJ-11.RJ-45) 802.15 Slide 7 LOS H/S Systems NLOS Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) Wireless Neighborhood Area Networks (NANs) Wireless Local Area Networks (LANs) Wireless Personal Area Networks PANs) R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Why Formalize the NAN? • Different solution space vis-à-vis existing access MAN/LAN frameworks: – – – – – • • • • New small cell outdoor propagation environment, physical plant New wireless distribution network economic paradigm New spectrum and resource assignment options Mix of MAN, LAN, and Ethernet-like network management LAN-like RF power levels, consistent with small cells, high rates Key to new local broadband distribution opportunities New performance bar: Wireless as good as wired Next level of access network cell size reduction Next-generation Ethernet synergies Submission Slide 8 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Moving Toward a 4G Broadband Common Air Interface First-Generation Wireless LANs F1 F1 F1 Peer/Peer and Client/Server Small User Population Isolated "Cells" and User Groups Non-Contiguous Coverage Indoor Operation Limited Mobility Mostly Asynchronous Traffic Slower than Ethernet Fourth-Generation BB Wireless Communications (LAN/NAN/MAN) LAN and NAN Architectural Elements 100BT Ethernet Speeds Seamless Mobility Contiguous Coverage in Dense Areas Organic Growth Model Data, Voice, Multimedia Higher System Utilization/Reuse Enhanced Security Automatic Radio Resource Management F1 F1 Second-Generation Wireless LANs F1 F1 Data-Centric Internet/Intranet 10BT Ethernet-Compatible Speeds RF Channel Interference Control F4 F1 F3 F3 F2 F3 F3 F1 F1 F4 Third-Generation Wireless LANs/MANs F1 F2 F3 Submission F1 F4 F2 F1 F3 Quality of Service Cellular-Like Radio Resource Reuse Handoffs Slide 9 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Cell-Based Coverage Area Trends • • • • • Maritime Mobile HF Radio Service (~300 mi) Increased Bandwidth Demand/User Battery/Dissipation Device Constraints Moore’s Law Radios Increased Edge Intelligence Distributed Control Techniques 1,000,000 100 Watts 1G Macrocellular Systems (~8 mi) 10,000 mi2 100,000 700 mi2 Cell 10,000 Radius (Feet) MJ-MK Mobile Telephone (~60 mi) Metroliner Train Telephone (~15 mi) The 3G/Wi-Max “Sweet Spot” The 2G “Sweet Spot” 2.5G Microcells (~2 mi) 1,000 .01 mi2 30 mW WNAN/LAN Nanocells (~.06 -.2mi) 100 1960 1970 1980 1 Watt Mobile/ Portable Maximum Power Output 100 mW PCS Microcells (~0.5 -2 mi) 1950 10 Watts 2G Cellular Expanded Service (~4 mi) 1990 2000 The 4G “Sweet Spot” 2010 Year Submission Slide 10 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 Peak Data Rate doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 The Right Tool for the Right Job (in the Shannon Zone) Higher Rate, Less Mobility Megabits per Second/User 100 4G H/S Wireless LAN UWB 2.4 & 5 GHz Unlicensed 10 4G Wireless NAN 2.4 & 5 GHz 1 Bluetooth 3G/MAN Fixed or Pedestrian 3G/802.16 Wireless Various Bands Zigbee .1 PANs Wider Area, More Mobility 3G/MAN Mobile 2.4GHz and UWB 2.5G Mobile/Pedestrian Zigbee (US) 2/2,5G Wireless 800 MHz, 2 GHz Zigbee (Europe) Range 10 feet Submission 100 feet 1 mile Slide 11 10 miles R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 A Glimpse at the NAN Propagation Environment 40 Slope transition breakpoint moves in as base height is reduced. (~500’ for 5m pole, 3200’ for 80’ tower) 60 Path Loss, dB 80 Operation beyond transition point requires disproportionately higher power to overcome loss and to sustain sufficient fade margin (QoS) 100 120 140 Typical Suburban Environment 160 hb = 5m Base Height hb = 25m Base Height Median path loss, 5m Median path loss, 25m Client Antenna Height: 1.8m Two-slope model 180 0.01 0.1 1 Distance from Base, Km 10 Low antenna height makes 1000’ cells a “sweet spot” for coverage, transmit power, and link predictability/availability. Submission Slide 12 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Modeling the “Burbs” – The model is extended from work documented in Reference 1 – The model consists of two attenuation slopes and a break point for regeneration of propagation data. – The path gain at the break point is given by: 2 4hb hm PGRb 20 log10 with R b 8 h h b m – The path loss model: PG0 20 log10 ( d d 0 ) PG PGRb 10 40 log10 ( d Rb ) PG0 Path gain at reference distance for d Rb for d Rb d 0 Reference point in meters PGRb Path gain at the break point Submission Slide 13 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Typical Measurement Environments Used for Model Submission Slide 14 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 How Well Do Small Cell Models Work? 40 60 Path Loss, dB 80 Data set representing measurements taken in particular neighborhood shown in overlay 100 120 140 160 180 0.01 0.1 1 Distance from Base, Km 10 Small cells can be modeled with more accuracy, and link predictability can be further enhanced by actual topographic/aerial information. Submission Slide 15 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Broadband 4G for The Campus and “The Burbs”: A Vision Submission Slide 16 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 What Constitutes a NAN? • • • • • • • • • Primarily outdoor operation “Nanocells” (~1000’ radius) Low base antenna height (~18’) Mostly nomadic or fixed terminations Small Termination Group (100-300 typ.) High per-termination capacity (e.g. 10BT) Strong QoS, Throughput Grooming/Controls “Access + Distribution” Mentality New Layout Paradigms – – – – – Submission Fusion of statistical and ray-traced coverage models Mix of stereoscopic photography, GPS-aided base placements Automated network formation Automated spectrum use Wired-like Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Slide 17 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 A View of Small Cell vs. Large Cell Wireless Capital R = 3 km r = 1000’ (308 m), ~20% overlap by area There are ~125 NAN cells per 3 km MAN cell Cost of MAN Equipment, Antennas, Site Access Rights, Backhaul Allocation ($100,000*) + Install ($50,000*) + Spectrum (42 MHz (FDD, 6 sector) 23,000 pops in 3km cell with 30,000 sq-ft lots and 2.3 pops/house x $0.10/MHz / POP ($100,000+) = Total estimated installed cost of 3km cell ($250,000) * Reference 3 + Estimated from FCC spectrum auctions 2000-2003 & Reference 4 $250,000 / 125 is equivalent to $2000 per small cell base station, installed. Based on wireless LAN AP costs with fiber backhaul allocation and unlicensed spectrum, small cell approach vis-a-vis MAN microcell coverage appears economically viable. Inexpensive computing and integrated radios have enabled massively paralleled base stations yielding acceptable cost with network resiliency and higher-quality links. Submission Slide 18 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Tackling the Backhaul Issue: A PON + NAN Hybrid Architecture R = 3 km 300’ Typical Suburban Block/Street Layout 300’ Point of Presence Local Concentration Point Network Aggregation Point r = 1000’(308 m), ~20% overlap by area Submission Wireless Aggregation Point Future FTTH Connection Slide 19 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Why Isn’t a NAN a Small MAN? • “Tuned” for rate, not reach, in more predictable nanocell environment • Extreme hardware cost sensitivity • Large-cell capabilities not required: – – – – Mobility, fast handoffs, rate adaptation robs CAI efficiency Sophisticated ranging not required (short propagation time) Slotted operation not required (less multiplexing) Fewer simultaneous sessions • Less “statistical”, more “5-9’s” diffuse-field coverage aim • Cognitive radio, zero-touch self-organization built-in • “Ethernet-extension” rather than “backhaul” view Submission Slide 20 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Why Isn’t a NAN a Large LAN? • Primarily outdoor operation, nanocell propagation • Mostly fixed links, directive clients • Multi-tier (a link in a chain of links), not direct from wired POP to client – – – – • • • • • Treat penetration loss with separate in-prem LAN Transparency for Q-Ethernet / wireless-wireless bridging Supports all-wireless LAN/NAN/MAN multi-tier architecture Use MANs for backhaul (more efficient use for large cells) Mostly point-coordinated with more sophisticated Carrier-class performance controls Requires CAI-like system-level (management frame) security Multimedia service-provider mentality from inception Scaleability Critical Submission Slide 21 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Suggested Scope of a NAN Standard • Spectrum and Management (including new spectrum opportunities) • PHY (May adopt elements of existing standards) • MAC (May adopt elements of existing standards) • Gateway Interface Transparency and Awareness Requirements (e.g MAN, LAN, Q-Ethernet) • Automatic Network Organization (e.g. 802.11k,v) • Access Control • QoS/SLA Administration • Security/Encryption • Emergency Provisions (e.g. priority access) Submission Slide 22 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Bottom Line A NAN standard can open new architectural options while leveraging the best of both LAN and MAN technologies --- a solution based on small cells, Moore’s Law radios, and user value. It doesn’t seek to re-invent the wheel, just build a better car for going around the block. Submission Slide 23 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Who Might Participate? • • • • • • • • • Operators/Carriers Regulation/Spectrum Rulemakers Local Governments Contemplating Broadband Infrastructure Equipment Vendors CPE Gateway Vendors VLSI Makers LAN Standards Contributors MAN Standards Contributors Enhanced Ethernet Standards Contributors Submission Slide 24 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Suggested Next Steps • • • • Identification of interest group Formation of Study Group Discussion and Project Planning Scope Definition To join the community of interest, please contact: R. R. Miller AT&T Labs – Research Florham Park, NJ or H. R. Worstell AT&T Labs – Research Florham Park, NJ Submission Slide 25 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 Acronym / Terminology List BPL Client ECR DSL FSOC GPS HCCA H/S Facilities LAN LOS LOS H/S L/S Facilities MAN Moore’s Law NAN NLOS PAN PLC PON POP Premises Passed PTMP PTP Microwave Q-Ethernet QoS Shannon SLA SONET T/P UWB VDSL VLSI WAN Submission Broadband Power Line Equivalent Circuit Rate with all clients active simultaneously Digital Subscriber Line Free Space Optic Communication Global Positioning System Hybrid Contention-Controlled Access High Speed Facilities Local Area Networks Line-of-Sight Line-of-Sight High Speed Low Speed Facilities Metropolitan Area Networks The observation made in 1965 by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented. Moore predicted that this trend would continue for the foreseeable future. Neighborhood Area Network Non-Line of Sight Personal Area Networks Power Line Carrier Passive Optical Network Point of Presence or Population (used for spectrum evaluation only) Premises in service area awaiting subscriber connection Point-to-Multipoint Microwave Point-to-Point Microwave Quality-of-Service [Enabled] Ethernet Quality of Service A Mathematical Theory of Communication by Claude E. Shannon Subscriber Line Agreement Synchronous Optical Network Twisted Pair Ultra Wide-Band Very-high-rate Digital Subscriber Line Very Large Scale Integration Wide Area Network Slide 26 R. R. Miller, AT&T March 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0173r0 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. “Urban and Suburban Out-of-Sight Propagation Modeling”, V. Erceg, D.L. Schilling, S. S. Ghassemzadeh, D. Li, M. Taylor, IEEE Communication Magazine, 1992. Broadband Wireless Access with WiMAX/802.16: Current Performance Benchmarks and Future Potential, IEEE Communications Magazine, February 2005 “Business Case Models for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access based on WiMAX Technology and the 802.16 Standard, WiMAX Forum, October 10, 2004 “Evolution of Spectrum Valuation for Mobile Services Other Countries”, Lemay-Yates Associates Inc., Canada, March 2003 WWISE, IEEE 802.11n Document 04/1505r0 WWISE, IEEE 802.11n Proposal-Nov Document 05/0080r0 WWISE, IEEE 802.11n Downselect Document 051591r3 TGnSync IEEE 802.11n Proposal Document 04/1506 TGnSync IEEE 802.11n Complete Proposal (Overview) Document 04/888r8 TGnSync IEEE 802.11n Complete Proposal Jan 05 IEEE Standard 802.16 IEEE 802.16e Document IEEE 802.16 Document P80216d Submission Slide 27 R. R. Miller, AT&T