Level 7 Spelling Sounds and Rules CfE Experience and Outcome I can spell most of the words I need to communicate, using spelling rules, specialist vocabulary, self-correction techniques and a range of resources.LIT 2-21a Spelling Words from SWST List Notes for teaching Actions Useful Websites Evaluations/Next Steps Sound LEVEL 7 for sound ph ci / -ti cc / xc / cqu -ious agoraphobia, arachnophobia, cacophony, claustrophobia, hydrophobia, paragraph, pharaoh, pharmacist, pharynx, phenomenon, phlegm, phobia, phoneme, photosensitive, photosynthesis, physical, physicist, physiotherapy, symphony, xenophobia ancient, artificial, commercial, conscious, delicious, efficient, especially, financial, musician, official, optician, politician, precious, racial, social, special, sufficient, suspicious confidential, essential, influential, initial, partial, patient, torrential accelerate, accept, accent, access, accident, eccentric, success exceed, excel, excellent, except, exceptional, excite, exclaim, exclude, excursion acquaintance, acquire, acquisition, acquit anxious, conscientious, conscious, curious, delicious, furious, glorious, gracious, infectious, luscious, Note that ‘the use of the ‘ph’ has an ‘f’ sound. Highlight that in ‘ci’ spelling, heard sound is ‘sh’. In ‘-ti’ spelling when followed by ‘…ial’ , heard onset sound is ‘sh’ e.g. torrential (end sound ‘…tial sounds like ‘shall’) Emphasise that ‘cc’ in word spelling when beginning with letter ‘a’ has ‘axe’ sound with ‘short’ vowel ‘a‘ xc’ when preceded by the letter ‘e’ has ‘exs’ sound with ‘short’ vowel ‘e’. ‘cqu’ when preceded by the letter ‘a’ has short ‘a’ vowel sound and hard ‘c’ sound. Highlight that by adding the suffix ‘ious’ the sound heard for the ‘rime’ is ‘us’ and is preceded by a consonant. http://www.wordsearchfun.co m/86337_Begins_with_PH_w ordsearch.html http://www.spelling.hemscott .net/exlist.html (Hangman game) http://www.spellingcity.com/t aking-a-spellingtest.html?listId=4234573 (Test game activities ‘ci’/ ti’) www.spellingcity.com – you will need to add your own word lists. http://www.spellzone.com/pa ges/contents.cfm (under games) luxurious, mysterious, obvious, previous, rebellious, scrumptious, suspicious, tedious, victorious http://www.woodlandsjunior.kent.sch.uk/interactive/ literacy.html#13 Level 7 Spelling Sounds and Rules CfE Experience and Outcome I can spell most of the words I need to communicate, using spelling rules, specialist vocabulary, self-correction techniques and a range of resources.LIT 2-21a Spelling Words from SWST List Notes for teaching Actions Useful Websites Evaluations/Next Steps Sound LEVEL 7 for sound unstressed alcohol, assistance, business, camera, chocolate, consonant, definite, diamond, different, interesting, jewellery, journalist, listening, margarine, mathematics, miniature, mystery, parliament, prisoner, secretary, separate, signature, silently, temperature, valuable, vegetable mixed foreign, champagne, sovereign, spaghetti, describe, description, remembered, antique, cheque, grotesque, stationery, privileged dis- disadvantage, disallow, disappear, disapprove, disassemble, disbelief, disbelieve, discharge, discolour, discomfort, disconnect, discontent, discontinue, disease, disembark, disembowel, disfigure, dishearten, dishonest, disinfect, disinterested, disjointed, disobedient, disqualify, dissatisfy im- imbalance, immature, immeasurable, immobile, immoral, immortal, immovable, impartial, impassable, impatient, imperceptible, imperfect, impermanent, impermeable, imperturbable, impervious, Emphasise that in these words that the stressing or ‘loudness’ in the pronunciation of each of the syllables is of equal importance and that memorising the spelling of these words should be encouraged using syllabification strategies. *’-eign’ suffix has ‘ain’ sound. *’-que’ suffix has ‘k’ ending sound. Highlight that all of these words begin with the prefix ‘dis’ . By adding this prefix to these ‘root’ words this alters their meaning to mean ‘the opposite/antonym of the original word e.g. comfort = discomfort Highlight that all of these words begin with the prefix ‘im’ . By adding this prefix to these ‘root’ words this alters their meaning to mean ‘the http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~ emchen/Pron/stress.htm (useful weblink for teachers re. the ‘stressing’ of syllables) http://www.spellingcity.com/ (Teacher insert word lists for pupil testing and games activities) http://www.spellingcity.com/ (Teacher insert word lists for pupil testing and games activities) http://www.spelling.hemscott .net/begin3.html Range of interactive wshts. http://www.onlinemathlearni ng.com/free-spellinggames.html http://www.spelling.hemscott .net/begin3.html Range of interactive wshts. implausible, impolite, important, impossible, impractical, imprecise, improbable, improper opposite/antonym of the original word e.g. permanent = impermanent Level 7 Spelling Sounds and Rules CfE Experience and Outcome I can spell most of the words I need to communicate, using spelling rules, specialist vocabulary, self-correction techniques and a range of resources.LIT 2-21a Spelling Words from SWST List Notes for teaching Actions for Useful Websites Evaluations/Next Sound LEVEL 7 sound Steps in- il-/iranti-/mis/co- un- inaccessible, inaccurate, inactive, inadequate, inarticulate, inattentive, inaudible, incapable, incomplete, inconsiderate, inconvenient, incorrect, incredible, indecent, indefinite, independent, indigestion, inedible, inefficient, inexcusable, inexpensive, insignificant, insincere, insoluble, invisible, involuntary illegal, illegible, illogical, irrational, irregular, irresistible, irresponsible, irreversible, antibiotic, antiseptic, anticlockwise, misadventure, miscalculate, misfortune, misinform, misinterpret, misjudge, mismanage, misunderstand, co-education, coincidence, co-operate, co-ordinator, costarring, co-writer unaccompanied, unachievable, unannounced, unappealing unarmed, unashamedly, unattached, unattainable, unattractive, unavoidable, unaware, unbeaten, unbelievable, unbreakable, uncertain, uncomfortable, unconscious, undisturbed, ungrateful, uninterested, unmistakable, Highlight that all of these words begin with the prefix ‘in’ . By adding this prefix to these ‘root’ words this alters their meaning to mean ‘the opposite/antonym of the original word e.g. expensive = inexpensive Emphasise to pupils as in previous ‘prefix’ sessions where the prefix changes the meaning to the antonym e.g. in, im, dis that by adding the prefix ‘il/ir/anti/mis that these prefixes also change the root word meaning to be the opposite. Highlight to pupils that the prefix ‘co’ usually means ‘two or more things’ e.g. co-worker and that these words are hyphenated. Emphasise to pupils as in previous ‘prefix’ sessions where the prefix changes the meaning to the antonym e.g. in, im, dis /‘il/ir/anti/mis that adding the prefix ‘un’ to a word also changes the root word meaning to be the http://www.spelling.hemscott .net/begin3.html Range of interactive whsts. http://www.spelling.hemscott .net/prefix7.html http://www.woodlandsjunior.kent.sch.uk/interactive/ literacy.html#13 (prefix – activities) http://www.spelling.hemscott .net/begin3.html Range of interactive wshts. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools /ks2bitesize/english/spelling_ grammar/spelling/read5.shtml unofficial, unpleasant, unpopular, unqualified, unsociable, unusual opposite. http://www.woodlandsjunior.kent.sch.uk/interactive/ literacy.html#13 (prefix activities) Level 7 Spelling Sounds and Rules CfE Experience and Outcome I can spell most of the words I need to communicate, using spelling rules, specialist vocabulary, self-correction techniques and a range of resources.LIT 2-21a Spelling Words from SWST List Notes for teaching Actions Useful Websites Evaluations/Next Steps Sound LEVEL 7 for sound circum- / circumcise, circumference, The spelling of the base word never changes. Simply http://www.all-abouthypo- / circumlunar, add the prefix to the beginning of the base word, as in spelling.com/prefixes.html#t hydr / audi circumnavigate, the word unhappy. able circumspect, The spelling of the prefix never changes. A prefix will circumstances, Not games activities but be spelled the same no matter what base word it is circumstantial useful list of prefix/suffix attached to. For example, if you learn to spell the prefix hypocaust, hypochondriac, rules and 90 words and poly, as in polygon, you can depend on poly to be hypocrite, hypodermic, meanings of prefix/suffixes. spelled the same in the words polygraph, polyester, and hypothermia, hypothesis polygram. hydraulic, hydroelectric, hydrofoil, hydrogen, Be aware that double letters can occur. If you add the hydroplane, dehydrated prefix un to natural, both the prefix and the base word audible, audience, retain their original spelling. The result is unnatural. audition, auditorium, Take a look at these other words where double letters auditory occur: il + logical im + mature il + legal un + necessary = unnecessary -ary anniversary, centenary, dictionary, estuary, January, February, library, military, missionary, necessary, ordinary, primary, revolutionary, = = = illogical immature illegal Highlight that these words ending in the suffix ‘ary’ are usually preceded by the ‘stem’ of the word e.g. cent (100) = centenary pri (first) = primary http://www.woodlandsjunior.kent.sch.uk/interactiv e/literacy.html#13 salary, secondary, secretary, stationary, summary, voluntary Level 7 Spelling Sounds and Rules CfE Experience and Outcome I can spell most of the words I need to communicate, using spelling rules, specialist vocabulary, self-correction techniques and a range of resources.LIT 2-21a Spelling Words from SWST List Notes for teaching Actions Useful Websites Evaluations/Next Steps Sound LEVEL 7 for sound -able adorable, advisable, agreeable, By adding the suffix ‘-able’ to a verb changes it to http://www.spelling.hemsco avoidable, breakable, capable, an adjective and the suffix begins with a ‘short’ tt.net/begin3.html changeable, comfortable, ‘a’ sound. Interactive wshts disposable, employable, http://www.woodlandsenjoyable, fashionable, junior.kent.sch.uk/interactiv identifiable, inexcusable, e/literacy.html#13 manageable, miserable, noticeable, portable, probable, http://www.bbc.co.uk/schoo reliable, remarkable, replaceable, ls/ks2bitesize/english/spellin respectable, sociable, valuable, g_grammar/spelling/read5.s vegetable html -ible -ing accessible, audible, credible, destructible, edible, flexible, horrible, impossible, indestructible, invincible, legible, possible, responsible, reversible, sensible, susceptible, terrible, visible accelerating, arranging, concentrating, damaging, Emphasise that ‘ending’ is pronounced with short vowel sound ‘i’ (-ible) and not ‘(-able) as in previous week which has ‘short’ ‘a’ sound. http://www.spelling.hemsco tt.net/begin3.html Interactive wshts. http://www.woodlandsjunior.kent.sch.uk/interactiv e/literacy.html#13 Explain that some verbs, when being used with ‘ing’ ending require the root verb + ‘ing’ e.g. http://www.primaryresource s.co.uk/english/englishA2b.h disembarking, dissolving, escaping, evaporating, excelling, exciting, exclaiming, exercising, including, manufacturing, noticing, orienteering, persuading, rehearsing, requiring, separating, surprising, unearthing, volunteering direct = direct+ing/directing Illustrate to pupils that other verbs ending in ‘e’ apply the rule: ‘drop’ the ‘e’ + ing tm (This includes p/point teaching resource for + ing) Level 7 Spelling Sounds and Rules CfE Experience and Outcome I can spell most of the words I need to communicate, using spelling rules, specialist vocabulary, self-correction techniques and a range of resources.LIT 2-21a Spelling Words from SWST List Notes for teaching Actions Useful Websites Evaluations/Next Sound LEVEL 7 for sound Steps P*s -d/ed -lling/lled accidents, amusements, anniversaries, antibiotics, apprenticeships, businesses, championships, consequences, exclusions, excursions, governments, immortals, inaccuracies, libraries, magicians, missionaries, musicians, nonconformists, opticians, paragraphs, patients, politicians, phonemes, secretaries, successes, temperatures accepted, acquired, acquitted, answered, calculated, disadvantaged, disappeared, disappointed, discontinued, disqualified, dissatisfied, dissolved, escaped, excelled, exclaimed, exploded, inquired, invaded, inverted, manufactured, misinformed, misinterpreted, mismanaged, organised, shrieked appalling, cancelling, controlling, excelling, labelling, levelling, patrolling, quarrelling, rebelling, Plurals – add ‘s’ to singular words. (See BBC Skillswise Plurals Helpsheet) For singular words ending with ‘y’ rule is to drop ‘y’ + ies Singular words ending in ‘e’ rule is to + ‘s’ Remind of key rules applied in Level 6 words when changing verbs from present tense to past tense+ When verb ends in ‘e’ + d e.g. calculated When verb ends in a consonant + ed e.g. applauded When verb ends with a ‘short’ vowel and a consonant = dbl letter + ed e.g. wrap becomes wrapped When verb ends in a ‘y’ drop ‘y’ and replace with ‘i’ +ed If the verb ends with a vowel plus -l (as in travel or equal), then you need to double the l before adding -ed and -ing http://www.woodlandsjunior.kent.sch.uk/interactiv e/literacy.html#13 http://www.spelling.hemsco tt.net/exlist.html (Many varied activities and rule games) http://www.bbc.co.uk/skills wise/words/spelling/plurals/ pluralrules/game.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/schoo ls/starship/english/games/bl ast_the_rocket/small_sound /standard.shtml ( Game above includes some ‘irregular’ past tense words: fly = flew) http://www.primaryresource s.co.uk/english/englishA2b.h tm shovelling, signalling, totalling, travelling, tunnelling, cancelled, labelled, marvelled, patrolled, quarrelled, rebelled, signalled, totalled, travelled (This includes p/point teaching resource for + ing) **** Level 7 Spelling Sounds and Rules CfE Experience and Outcome I can spell most of the words I need to communicate, using spelling rules, specialist vocabulary, self-correction techniques and a range of resources.LIT 2-21a Spelling Words from SWST List Notes for teaching Actions for Useful Websites Evaluations/Next Steps Sound LEVEL 7 sound -ly accurately, anxiously, arguable, conscientiously, definitely, entirely, immediately, inaccurately, inconsiderately, indecently, insensitively, insignificantly, insincerely, necessarily, patiently, secretively, separately, strangely, sufficiently, surreptitiously, suspiciously Adding –ly We often make an adverb by adding -ly to an adjective, for example: quick > quickly Exceptions Ending in ll –just add y – fully Ending in consantant + le – remove e and add ly terrible- terribly -al -ally accidental, comical, critical, electrical, eventual, exceptional, fatal, final, individual, logical, magical, medical, musical, national, natural, normal, occasional, original, ornamental, personal, practical, regional, sensational, several, traditional accidentally, actually, annually, automatically, brutally, coincidentally, critically, equally, eventually, exceptionally, fatally finally, logically, magically, mechanically, medically, mentally, musically, naturally, normally, Ending in y –remove the y and add ily happily Adding al The adjectives have been changed to ‘adverbs’ following the basic rule of + ‘ly’. However, these adjectives all end in ‘l’ therefore the ‘l’ remains and ‘ly’ is further added. Words end ‘lly’ e.g. accidental = http://www.yourdictio nary.com/grammar/ad verbs/adverbquiz.html ( For older pupils /less visual) http://www.ezschool. com/Games/Adverbs. html (for younger children) http://www.saintambr osebarlow.wigan.sch.u k/Y3Spelling/suffixes4 y4t1.htm http://www.saintambr osebarlow.wigan.sch.u k/Y3Spelling/suffixes4 y4t1.htm (Suffix game for ‘al’ words that can be occasionally, originally, personally, physically, practically, traditionally accidental + ly accidentally further changed to ‘ally’ ending.*** Level 7 Spelling Sounds and Rules CfE Experience and Outcome I can spell most of the words I need to communicate, using spelling rules, specialist vocabulary, self-correction techniques and a range of resources.LIT 2-21a Spelling Words from SWST List Notes for teaching Actions for Useful Websites Evaluations/Next Steps Sound LEVEL 7 sound -fully beautifully, carefully, cheerfully, in a way that shows the stated quality http://www.saintambr forgetfully, gratefully, hopefully, powerfully osebarlow.wigan.sch.u painfully, powerfully, respectfully, k/Y3Spelling/suffixes4 tearfully skilfully, spitefully, successfully, y4t1.htm truthfully thankfully, thoughtfully, truthfully, Note: where the adjective ends in ‘l’ rule usefully, wonderfully is to + ly (= double ‘ll’ +y) -ment achievement, advertisement, amusement, arrangement, document, employment, encouragement, enjoyment, environment, excitement, government, management, movement, ornament, replacement The suffix -ment forms nouns, chiefly by attaching to verbs. It can have several meanings, the most common being \an act or an instance of doing something\ or \the state of being acted upon. Entertainment can be ‘an act of entertaining’ and amazement is ‘the state of being amazed.’ http://www.spellzone. com/games/pick_gam e.cfm?wordlist=395