10 Honors English/Kephart Unit 4: Classical Drama Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Period: _________ Julius Caesar Act III-V Vocabulary Assignment Total: 25 points (formative assessment) Due date: _______________________________ Prompt: Use each of the 25 words from this unit in a well-written and complete sentence regarding the plot of Julius Caesar. You can write about the characters, setting, theme, or anything about the play in your sentences as long as you stay true to the story. In addition, be sure to follow the basic guidelines below. Your assignment must be/contain: MLA heading AND header Typed in 12-pt Times New Roman font Formatted with 1-inch margins and double-spacing All 25 vocabulary words used CORRECTLY in a complete sentence that clearly demonstrates the word’s meaning and correct part of speech All 25 words numbered AND underlined Well-written and free of grammatical/spelling errors Note: You CAN include more than one word in a sentence as long as it does not take away from its usage. Grading: Each vocabulary word in the assignment is worth ONE point and will be graded on definition, spelling and part of speech. If any of these three are incorrect, the point for the word is lost. Grading Symbols: D- definition incorrect or not shown clearly PS- part of speech incorrect SP- spelling incorrect 10 Honors English/Kephart Unit 4: Classical Drama Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Period: _________ Julius Caesar Act III-V Vocabulary Words For word pronunciation go to: http://www.merriam-webster.com/ 1. puissant (Act III, Sc. 1, line 33) part of speech: adjective definition(s): having great power of influence synonyms: heavy, influential, mighty, potent, powerful antonyms: helpless, impotent, insignificant, powerless, weak sample sentence: Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the nation's most respected and puissant advocates for the rights of African Americans. 2. confounded (Act III, Sc. 1, line 86) part of speech: adjective definition(s): made to feel confused synonyms: perplexed, baffled, non-plussed, hard-pressed, bewildered antonyms: clearheaded, unconfused, undaunted sample sentence: The sudden burden of familial responsibility left him anxious and confounded. 3. mutiny (Act III, Sc. 1, line 86) part of speech: noun, verb definition(s): (n.) open fighting against authority; (v.) to rise up against established authority synonyms: (n.) uprising, insurrection, revolt; (v.) defy, disobey, resist antonyms: (v.) comply, follow, obey sample sentence: There was a mutiny led by the ship’s cook. 4. vouchsafe (Act III, Sc. 1, line 130) part of speech: verb definition(s): to promise, give, or allow something synonyms: give, grant, offer, bestow, promise sample sentence: He vouchsafed the secret to only a few chosen disciples. 5. shrewd (Act III, Sc. 1, line 146) part of speech: adjective definition(s): having or showing a practical cleverness or judgment synonyms: astute, canny, clear-eyed, savvy, sharp antonyms: unknowing, naïve, unperceptive, dull, slow sample sentence: He was known to be a shrewd used car dealer who knew how to make the best possible deal. 6. prophesy (Act III, Sc. 1, line 259) part of speech: verb definition(s): to predict what will happen synonyms: augur, forecast, predict, presage, prognosticate sample sentence: The holy men prophesied the coming of a new messiah. 7. oration (Act III, Sc. 1, line 293) part of speech: noun definition(s): an elaborate discourse delivered in a formal and dignified manner synonyms: address, declamation, talk, harangue, diatribe sample sentence: She made an oration on the value of art in society. 8. interred (Act III, Sc. 2, line 77) part of speech: verb definition(s): to place (a dead body) in the earth, a tomb, or the sea synonyms: entomb, hearse, inhume, inurn, enshrine sample sentence: The soldier was interred with great honors at Arlington National Cemetery. 9. bequeath (Act III, Sc. 2, line 136) part of speech: verb definition(s): to give or leave by will – used especially of personal property; to hand down synonyms: leave, will, hand down, pass (down) sample sentence: Lessons of the past are bequeathed to future generations. 10. gallant (Act IV, Sc. 2, line 24) part of speech: adjective definition(s): showing bravery synonyms: brave, spirited, noble-minded, chivalrous, courageous sample sentence: The Civil War soldiers were often heralded for their gallant nature. 11. deceitful (Act IV, Sc. 2, line 26) part of speech: adjective definition(s): marked by, based on, or done by the use of dishonest methods synonyms: crooked, dishonest, double-dealing, deceptive, misleading antonyms: honest, aboveboard, truthful, forthright, straightforward sample sentence: The store owner was charged with such deceitful practices as inflating the list prices for items only so he could put them on sale at drastically reduced prices 12. condemn (Act IV, Sc. 3, line 2) part of speech: verb definition(s): to declare to be wrong; to pronounce guilty; to declare to be unfit for use or consumption synonyms: blame, denounce, rebuke; charge, indict antonyms: laud, praise; absolve, acquit, exonerate sample sentence: The accused man was condemned by the news media even before the trial began. 13. choleric (Act IV, Sc. 3, line 43) part of speech: adjective definition(s): easily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger synonyms: angry, irate, hot-tempered, cranky, petulant antonyms: affable, cordial, delighted, pleased, friendly sample sentence: I get absolutely choleric when a telemarketer calls during the dinner hour. 14. mirth (Act IV, Sc. 3, line 49) part of speech: noun definition(s): a mood characterized by high spirits and amusement synonyms: cheerfulness, gayness, glee, merriment, jocundity antonyms: sadness, depression, dejection, forlornness, unhappiness sample sentence: As charming as your mutual mirth is, could you refrain from nudging each other and giggling during class? 15. apparition (Act IV, Sc. 3, line 275) part of speech: noun definition(s): an unusual or unexpected sight; a ghostly figure synonyms: spirit, haunt, phantom, specter, vision sample sentence: The old woman claimed to have photographed an apparition in her house. 16. parley (Act V, Sc. 1, line 21) part of speech: verb (intransitive); noun definition(s): (v.) to speak with another; to discuss terms with an enemy; (n.) a meeting featuring a group discussion synonyms: (v.) consult, counsel, powwow, deliberate, discuss sample sentence: (v.) In an effort to win the goodwill of the locals, the developers parleyed with them before finalizing plans for the massive mall. 17. avenge (Act V, Sc. 1, line 54) part of speech: verb definition(s): to take vengeance for or on behalf of; to exact satisfaction for (a wrong) by punishing the wrongdoer synonyms: redress, requite, retaliate, revenge, punish antonyms: absolve, excuse, forgive, pardon, remit sample sentence: The brothers vowed to avenge the death of their father. 18. peevish (Act V, Sc. 1, line 61) part of speech: adjective definition(s): easily irritated or annoyed synonyms: choleric, cranky, crotchety, grouchy, snappy antonyms: affable, cordial, friendly, agreeable, easygoing sample sentence: I would rather figure things out on my own than ask that peevish librarian for help. 19. demeanor (Act V, Sc. 2, line 4) part of speech: noun definition(s): the way or manner in which one conducts oneself synonyms: actions, conduct, behavior, presence, attitude sample sentence: The director of the opera company has a haughty demeanor. 20. disconsolate (Act V, Sc. 3, line 55) part of speech: adjective definition(s): causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer; feeling unhappiness synonyms: bleak, cheerless, depressing, dark, miserable antonyms: bright, cheerful, comforting, festive, sunshiny sample sentence: She was utterly disconsolate when her best friend moved away. 21. tiding (Act V, Sc. 3, line 78) part of speech: noun definition(s): a piece of news – usually used in plural synonyms: news, notification, intelligence, information, report sample sentence: The messenger’s good tidings uplifted us all. 22. proclaim (Act V, Sc. 4, line 3) part of speech: verb definition(s): to make known openly or publicly synonyms: advertise, blazon, broadcast, declare, herald antonyms: conceal, silence, suppress, withhold, suppress sample sentence: The magazine proclaimed him to be the best player in baseball. 23. foe (Act V, Sc. 4, line 5) part of speech: noun definition(s): one that is hostile toward another; one that takes a position opposite another in a competition or conflict synonyms: adversary, antagonist, hostile, enemy, opponent antonyms: friend, ally, accomplice, partner, proponent sample sentence: This Saturday our team will go up against our longtime foes in a game that will determine the champion. 24. conquest (Act V, Sc. 5, line 38) part of speech: noun definition(s): the act or process of bringing someone or something under one’s control; something conquered synonyms: domination, overpowering, subduing, subjection, subjugation sample sentence: There was a conquest of much of North and South America by the Spanish during the 16th century. 25. virtue (Act V, Sc. 5, line 76) part of speech: noun definition(s): a quality that gives something special worth; conduct that conforms to an accepted standard of right and wrong; strength of mind to carry on in spite of danger synonyms: excellency, grace, merit, value, character antonyms: deficiency, demerit, disvalue, immorality, cowardice sample sentence: She was a lady of honor and virtue.