Thesis Statement

Writing Effective
Thesis Statements
Writing Centre
Ryerson University
Introduction: Thesis Statements
• There is no one “catch all” way to write a thesis
• There are stronger and weaker thesis statements.
• It is the intention of this presentation to review
the most effective way to write a thesis
statement and the most efficient way to use your
thesis statement in your research.
Thesis Statement
• The thesis statement refers to the focused
part of your paper which outlines the
arguments and ideas you will present in your
• When written in advance, a thesis statement
can help you structure and outline the rest of
your paper.
Thesis Statements
A thesis statement can be thought of as:
• one perspective on a topic
• one mode of interrogating an issue
• one possible answer to a research question
The Writing Process
Don’t forget: writing involves revision of
writing, ideas and argumentation.
As you research, write and edit, your ideas
might change and your thesis statement
should be updated accordingly.
A Working Thesis Statement
A working thesis or preliminary thesis statement
is a rough version of your thesis.
A working thesis:
1.names the topic
2.indicates your position on the topic
A Working Thesis Statement
• This helps to focus your research
• This helps to organize your thoughts about the
topic as they develop
Your working thesis statement should change to
reflect the content of your paper
Qualities of a Good Thesis
A thesis statement should:
• stimulate thoughtful inquiry
• outline the content of your paper
• articulate the main idea/argument of your paper
using precise language
Qualities of a Good Thesis
A thesis statement should:
• be one or two sentences in length (verify with your
• be found at the end of the introductory paragraph
Qualities of a Poor Thesis
A thesis statement should not be:
open-ended, either thematically or as a question
so broad that it loses scope
a contradiction or a rhetorical question
difficult to locate within the introduction
Generating Thesis Statements
• Start off with the general topic you want to
write about. Your professor may or may not
assign you a topic.
• What is your opinion or position on the topic?
• Generate a thesis statement from that
opinion or position.
Example I
• MP3 Players
• iPods are too expensive.
Thesis Statement
• “Today’s MP3 players, such as Apple’s iPods, are
priced so high that many middle-class individuals
are unable to afford them.”
How can you improve this thesis statement?
Example II
• Obesity Among Children
• We should reduce the consumption of fried foods by
elementary school children.
Thesis Statement
• “Since half of all Canadian elementary school
children consume nine times the recommended daily
allowance of fat, schools should replace the French
fries with carrots during lunch time.”
How can we improve this statement together?
Example III
Create your own thesis statement
• Rights to education
• Higher education is too expensive. It should be accessible to
Some arguments to consider:
• Free universities in some European countries
• Entrance exams might restrict entrance
• Effects of more people going to university (better quality of
• University preparation in high school
Visit the Writing Centre:
• We provide one-on-one help with writing strategies and
referencing formats
• We offer workshops on APA and other topics (grammar,
group work, etc.)
• Our website also contains useful handouts (including
abridged style guides)
• Here’s how you can reach us:
– We are located in the library, LIB 272 B
– (416) 979-5000 ext. 7192
Monday - Thursday: 10:00–8:00 / Friday: 10:00-3:00