CV Sports 2014 Peter Schumeth Humlegatan 33 D 722 26 Västerås

CV Sports 2014
Peter Schumeth
Humlegatan 33 D
722 26 Västerås
Phone: 021-830932
Mobile: 072-9147659
E: mail:
Born and raised in Västerås, which is a multicultural city . Of course I'm influenced by the city's multicultural atmosphere. Consequently , I also have many interests. From
this diversity crystallize sport and travel with the knowledge and adventure character as the main subject .
But sport , dominated by football and hockey, carries I can not unilaterally . I try to supplement it with other skills - well, to get a holistic overview .
Therefore I have studied medicine , mainly alternative medicine and diet and nutrition. With the result that I have mastered cooking and looking happy raw materials in
nature . In this way the fishing has become one of my hobbies .
My matinfluenser comes mainly from the Mediterranean and Hungary , but my heart beats very special for Swedish cooking ! To get the "reward " in the form of guest
satisfaction is something that warms .
Needless to say, I affirm the classic proposition that a healthy body also requires a healthy mind . Books, which deals with concentration or focus ( in the form of spiritual
contemplation , meditation , finishing consciousness m m.) Are among my favorites on the nightstand.
Someone loner , I'm not - although I enjoy working independently because I am organized and able to take responsibility . At the same time , I enjoy al so with working in
teams . I find it easy to get along with my co-workers - thanks to my calm disposition and friendly attitude. Thus, I ( for the common good ) always be focused and always
give straight answers . Which I can give in three languages ( Swedish , English and Hungarian )
2011 Human resuser
Therapy , Education , Marketing
1999-09 fitness Education and Eleikosport
Sellers , Education Coordinator
2002-04 VSK Football
Healthy Adviser
1996-98 IFK Vasteras
Healthy Adviser
2006 Introduction of the Medical University of Uppsala
2006 Kinesiolog and
Licensed Akupraktor ® , licensed Fysiopraktor ® , licensed Psykopraktor ® and Licensed Neuropraktor ®
2001 Healthy Adviser Bosön ( Leisure Management Training )
In addition to a thorough knowledge of Swedish also proficient
in English and Hungarian in both spoken and written . Understand German passably , studied German for 3 years in elementary school.
born in 1970
Have a driving license , * B *
Available on request
Completed courses sports and leadership
Step 3 FIFA Soccer Advanced Level 1997
Hockey Step 3 1996
Hockey Step 3 (HBS) in 1992
Athletics Several steps in 1994
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Sports 2013 - 2014
Ewan Osar 2013
Gray Institute 2012
The Poliquen Program 2008
- Biosignature
- Instant muscle strength tion techniques
- Hypertrhoper
CHEK Institute ( Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology ) 2006
- Chek functional trainer
- Holistic Life Coach
Participated and organized :
The Persolnal trainer convention 2011
Hälsoconvention 2011
Eleiko Strength Coach in 2010
Fresh Protection and hälsoconvention 2006
Strength and fysconvention 2006
Fresh Protection and hälsoconventions 2005
Conference on Disability 2005
Licensed fystränarutbildning 2005
Licensed Nutrition Advisor 2004
MAQ Muscle Action Quality rate 2004 Bosön
Strength convent 2003
Paralympics Convent 2003
Sports Kick Off ( SISU ) 2002
Diet Days Convention 2001 ( Bosön )
Strength Training - CIF's research conference 2001 ( Boson )
Hockey Convention 2001 ( Boson )
Elite Sports & Sports Medicine Convention 2000 ( Boson )
Handball Convention 2000 ( Boson )
Elite Sports & Sports Medicine Convention 1999 ( Boson )
Studies in Alternative Medicine
Kinesologi ; 2004 - 2006
Physical Kinesiology , Neurological Kinesiology , Manual Kinesiology , Psychological Kinesiology , Bio- kinesiology , Energy kinesiology, Sacrocraniell / autonomic
kinesiology, structural kinesiology, Cosmos and Kinesiology , Kinesiology and pilates, StrainCounterstrain - Muscle Release Techniques, Language Patterns and Hypnosis
Treatment techniques used include manual therapy, massage techniques , structural mobilizations , mental and emotional stress management, relaxation techniques ,
nutrition therapy and nutrition medicine , acupressure and acupuncture.
Since kinesiologin not work for the model to treat specific symptoms ( called various diseases ), we can not give any specific names. But many people, with many different
problems / diseases , has gotten a lot better of a kinesiologibehandling . A kinesiologist can treat the body's nervous system and acupuncture systems on both a physical
and mental level . Many diseases / problems also have a psychological / mental connection (either as a root cause or as a side effect of the disease ) .
Here are some examples of problems that got better with kinesiology :
- Sore : head , neck, shoulders , arms, hands , hips, knees , feet .
- Digestive problems , allergies or intolerances ; foods, electromagnetic fields , heavy metals , pollen , chemicals, or various animals.
- Functional disorders / ailments in all the internal organs or the entire hormonal system (which may be hundreds of so-called diseases or other diffuse symptoms )
- Sleep problems , phobias, addictions / substance abuse, depression.
- Reading and writing difficulties (dyslexia ) and learning disorders.
- Performance enhancement for athletes in all kinds of sports.
Many people come to a kinesiologist to get a healthy preventive care. Others come to kinesiologen after going around in the traditional " health care system " and did not
feel they had enough help .
Akupupraktor 2007 Psykopraktor 2009 Neuropraktor 2010 , Fysiopraktor 2012 unique training in Sportkinesiologi and Exercise Therapy .
Licensed Akupraktor ® , licensed Fysiopraktor ® , licensed Psykopraktor ® and Licensed Neuropraktor ®
Acupuncture 2007 - Akupraktik ® - neuromotor tests and treatment with acupuncture. A Akupraktor working with neuromotor tests and treat with acupressure ( finger)
acupuncture ( needles) and various neurosensory treatments of muscle and skin receptors . Kinesiological acupuncture and auricular acupuncture (according to Chinese ,
French and German systems ) , ancient acupuncture, micro - acupuncture techniques , Chinese herbal medicine
7 Chi Keys ™ system.
The 7 Chi Keys ™ is the most advanced acupressure system throughout kinesiologin . It is worked out by Richad D. Utt of Applied Physiology (USA).
The system provides a deep therapeutic effect on the whole body's energy system . Richard Utt 's own specialty is that by 7 Chi Keys system acupoints affect function in
paralyzed and spastic muscles.
The 7 Chi Keys can be used as treatment for a wide variety of problems and impairments in body and soul.
Neuro Practice ™ - neuromotor tests and treatment. A Neuropraktor working with neuromotor tests and dealing with neuro- motor skills , manual Pulse Ring ® ,
mobilization of joints, neuro stretching, pilates exercises, segment - reflexology , deep- fascial techniques and various neurosensory behandlinga r muscle and skin
receptors .
Licensed Fysiopraktor ® , Training Therapist and Sportkinesiolog is the title for the therapists and trainers who work with idrottskinesiologi and physical training , exercise
therapy , rehabilitation and personal training.
The work also includes physiotherapy, nutrition, medicine , nutrition / food, coaching and mental idrottskinesiologi . Sportkinesiologi is a powerful tool for working with
performance optimization would avoidable , rehabilitation, technology , coordination, recovery and target images
A licensed Psykopraktor ® works with:
- Restlessness, anxiety , depression , muscle tension , nervousness, stress, depression, insomnia , psychosomatic pains and tension in the body.
- Phobias , fears, compulsions, addictions , burnout, chronic fatigue syndrome , relationship problems , physical problems with mental and emotional foundation.
In his treatment work uses a Psykopraktor the following gear:
- Guiding and coaching and counseling , cognitive issues.
- Neuroenergetisk psychology and body therapy , neuro-motor test, kraniosacral therapy and SomatoEmotional Release, qigong training , reflexology , therapeutic
massage techniques.
- Acupressure and meridian therapy , vasomotor therapy , relaxation exercises .
- Body Therapeutic techniques that aim to influence the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and the enteric ganglion / plexus.
Nutrition Chemical kinesiology according Lebowitz Protocol in 2007 .
Acupuncture (2000) - 2008
Have had good effect on : Pain, Eye Diseases , Sports Injuries , Arthritis , Chronic diseases
acupuncture 2007 Acupuncture and Reflexology
Basic relations system , Energy flow Therapy ,
Ears and scalp acupuncture , Three origin , Six Ki 1 , Six Ki 2 , Ki 3 Sex , Sex Ki 4 , Time Acupuncture,
Emotional / Mental ,
Su Jok is a modern systematization and development of the traditional acupuncture . Su Jok was developed by Prof. Park Jae Woo from Korea. In Su Jok is also an
advanced systemization of reflexology ( zone therapy ) on the hands, feet, ears and head.
Su Jok is approved by the health authorities in several countries.
Su Jok is a very comprehensive system . It encompasses many methods and techniques , some of them can be recognized from other therapies , while others are unique
to the Su Jok . But Su Jok is no miscellany of separate parts , it all fits together in a logical structure
Su Jok has so quickly become popular in many parts of the world thanks to the good treatment results . There is plenty of clinical studies that demonstrate the
effectiveness . You can deepen your knowledge of Su Jok through the articles and other references are found under Read more ..
Quantum Energy Medicine Seminar in Stockholm 5 - 6 / 5-07
Quantum Energy Medicine Seminar in Stockholm 28 - 29 / 4-06
Massageteraput . Medical course forum in cooperation with Lill scorching folkhögskola 2010
Massage, Teraputisk Stretching , Trigger points
massage ;
Massage, Thai Massage , Energy Massage, Tactile massage , vitamin and mineral therapy, Body and Face diagnostics. Ecological Medicine, Ayurveda, Shiatsu ,
Bioenergisk therapies ( Healing ) , Nutritional Physiology , Twist Therapy , Cognitive Counselling , Healing , Mediumship
Bioenergetic therapy Steps 1-3 in 2009. Father Ioan Ruja in cooperation with Scandinavian International University and Lars Eric Unesthål . Father Ioan Ruja : Priest,
Psychologist , Naturopaths
Core Qualifications
Practice of Football and Hockey Associations around the World ( Practice time has been between 1-5 weeks)
During the 2014 FIFA World Cup, as well as visits to Juventus , Napoli FC planned .
Brugge Belgium 2013
FC Bayern Munchen with Pep Guardialo 2013
Borussia Dortmund with Jurgen Fron 2013
Liverpool FC with Brendan Rogers 2012
FC Barcelona by Pep Guardialo 2011
Chelse FC with Guud Hiddnik 2009
Arsenal FC with Arséne Wenger 2008
AC Milan with Carlo Anchelotti 2007
Attalanta FC 2007
Manchester United Alex Furgesson 2006
Chelse FC Jose Mourinho in 2005
Dinamo Zagreb Croatia 2004
FC Istria Croatia 2004
ÖSK Soccer by Stefan Lundin 2003
Ajax Rep. 2002
Lille France 2002
AC Sparta Praha Czech Republic 2001
VSK Football Cabinet with Björn Lindell and Lennart " Liston " Soderberg 2001
Enköpings SK football with Bo Pettersson 2001
AA Klingborg group with Leif Klingborg 2000
Enköpings SK Football at Bo Pettersson 2000
SS Lazio with Sven Goran Eriksson and Tord Grip 2000
AS Roma with Nils Lidholm and Fabio Capello in 2000
Hockey Pitsburg Peinugus , Boston Bruines , Edmonton Oilers 2000
VIK Hockey with Curt Lundmark and Göran Sjöberg 2000
AIK Hockey with Per Mårts and Claes Göran Wallin 1999
Modo Hockey in 1998
Hockey New York Islanders New York Rangers Detriot Red Wings and Vancouver Caunacks 1997
Hockey Philadelphia Fleyers and Montreal Canadians 1996
Have over the years visited the football associations in Sweden , Norway , Iceland, the Netherlands, Belgium , Poland, Germany , Spain, as well as via e - mail had utbuyte
of Brazilian , Australian and Scottish unions. Having looked at how they train their leaders. How they work with the development of football . How do they organize their
covenants and more.
When I have practiced in NHL unions in the U.S. and Canada I have visited my friends from Västerås. They were brought up in Västerås IK and has played in these clubs
as professional hockey player. These players are Niklas Lidstrom , Peter Popovic , Leif Rholin , Patrick Juhlin and Tommy Salo.
Of all my visits and exchanges , I have compiled comprehensive compendium on , Organization , Marketing, Sponsorship, Training , Training , Tactics, Physical exercise ,
mental training , rehab team and its work, food , and much more.
During the years 1999 - 2003 I have followed several Associations , Individual athletes and national teams and coaches at Bosön . Both around line specific sport but
especially physical training . Djurgården football and ice hockey. AIK football, Mattias Sunneborn Ten campers , Rizak Dhirse 800 meters runner, Alfred Shemwata
marathon runner, Ludmila Engqvist Athlete, Wrestling National Team Handball National Team , Boxing National Team , National Team Athletics , Basketball , Hockey ,
Skating Printers, etc. , etc.
In physical training , I have had a great deal from Thomas Lindholm physio AIK Football, Inge Johansson bodybuilders Djurgården Football, Södertälje Hockey and
Basketball , Leif Larsson Djurgården Hockey and SOK ( Swedish Olympic The committee ) , Rikard Nilsson SOK ( Swedish Olympic The committee ) , Leo Mylleri
Wrestling National Team
Coaching Assignments
VIK Hockey 2013
VSK Football 2010 -2012
VIK Hockey 2008 - 2009
VIK Football 2006
VSK Soccer 2002
VSK Football 1998 - 1999
Västerås Hockey Club 1997-1998
IFK Vasteras Football 1996 - 1997
IFK Vasteras Floorball 1996-97
Sura Hockey 1995-1996
VIK Hockey 1995
VIK Football 1994
Västerås Hockey Club 1988 - 1994
Skills development through seminars
Brain Bo Engborg 2013
Epigenetics and Epiterapi with Olle Haglund 2013
Self-care Heart and blood vessels Bo Engborg 2013
Power Eating - for more energy Steven Acuff 2013
Food as Medicine Steven Acuff 2013
Water Steven Acuff 2013
Health according to innovative research in a changing world and Epigenetics 2013 Professor Karl E Arfors
Depression Bo Engborg 2013
B - vitamins Pekka Nylund 2013
Acid - base balance Pekka Nylund 2013
The adrenals Pekka Nylund 2013
Amino acids Pekka Nylund 2013
Brain Pekka Nylund 2013
EHS Pekka Nylund 2013
Omega 3 and Nitric Oxide Olle Haglund 2012
Stress Bo Engborg 2012
Endocrine and hormone systems Bo Engborg 2012
Food as Medicine Steven Acuff 2012
Heart and blood vessels Bo Engborg 2011
Calcium lie Steven Acuff 2011
Rejuvenate and strengthen your body Boris Aranowis 2011
Tibetan healing Boris Aranowis 2011
Respiratory Boris Aranowis 2011
The power of the Cell Level Boris Aranowis and Iona Aranowis 2011
Allergy Boris Aranowis 2011
ALFA Boris Aranowis 2011
Meeting with success Boris Aranowis 2011
MMW Millimeter Waves Boris Aranowis 2011
Kidneys and Bladder Bo Engborg 2011
Energy Medicine Boris Aranowish 2011
The thyroid and adrenal glands Bo Engborg 2010
Pain Bo Engborg 2010
The immune Bo Engborg 2010
Joints and Muscles Bo Engborg 2010
The true fountain of youth , what food spurs and slows down the aging process Steven Acuff . In 2010.
The thyroid and adrenal glands Madelen Marcus and Peter Willhemsson 2009
The thyroid Leif Österberg 2009
Detox with Leif Osterberg and Professor Karl E Arfors 2009
Acid and Base balance with Steven Acuff 2009
Patient with Holistic . Bertil Wosk and Leif Ostberg 2009
Holistic medicine . Fatty acids and Antidioxianter with Bertil Wosk 2008
Course of Immune System with Leif Ostberg 2008
Seminar with Steven Acuff . Mental Health and Spirituality 2008
Seminar Jobs Health 2008 Västerås. Diet and health
Holistic medicine . Nutrition , digestion and acid - base balance with Bertil Wosk 2008
Course of energy medicine with Berti Wosk 2008
Swedish Society of Medicine . National Conference 2007
Seminar on Tibetan Buddhism and meditation with Vendel Pende 2007
20 Nutrients every therapist should be able to , 20 key treatments in nutritional and functional medicine , News on insulin resistance , News about cell communication ,
Help, over 80% of your patients with 20 key contributions of Dr. Robert A. Rakowski 2007
Man, Woman and diet of Steven Acuff 2007
Perspectives on cancer in 2007
Paths to growing a Conference on Children and Youth in our Time 2007
Seminar on Tibetan Buddhism and meditation with Vendel Pende 2006
Conference Pathways to healing for humans and Earth 2006
Optimal nutrition for the brain and nervous system Steven Acuff 2006
Water Steven Acuff 2006
Strengthen your immune Steven Acuff 2006
Diabetes and Diet and Fat Startled by Sally Fallon, Karl E Arfors , and Uffe Raskov 2006
Live Healthy in an Unhealthy World Steven Acuff 2006
What is good food Steven Acuff 2004
Acid- base balance and Steven Acuff 2004
Nutrition Steven Acuff 2004
Sports injuries and rehabilitation Pentti Pitkänen 2004
Successful youth leadership Björn Pettersson 2003
Bold and fat burning Fredrik Paulun 2003
Sport and society Roland Jansson 2002
Mental Counseling 2001
Before and after the Olympics. His Chrunak 2000
Be your best Coach Pia Nilsson 1999
Hockey Training Step 3 1998
Knob and Body Johan and Anders Plate 1998
The positive influence . Job satisfaction. Ron Watson 1998
Exercise Science, Nutrition , Sports Injuries and taping. Magnus Tångring 1998
diet 1997
European Soccer Championship . Continuing in 1997
Practical mental exercise 1996
Ajax Football 1996
A vibrant life Ulf Nilsson 1996
FIFA World Cup. Continuing in 1994
stretching 1994
Breaking boundaries 1993
Leadership Mikael Lundström 1992
Leadership Curt Lundmark 1991
Bid on yourself Tommy Sandlin 1991
Football courses I have arranged and conducted by VSK Football Foundation course, U1, U2 , U3, and Athletic Injuries with Naprapat Erik Olsson 2002-2004