EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio New Testament Survey 3 Life Applications from Hebrews through Revelation Name Date Course Grade Session 1: Introduction and Hebrews 1-4 ..................................................................................................... 2 Session 2: Hebrews 5-10: Our Great High Priest ......................................................................................... 6 Session 3: Hebrews 11-13: Faith of Faith ..................................................................................................... 9 Session 4: James : Living Faith .................................................................................................................. 12 Session 5: 1 Peter Holy Living and the Second Coming ............................................................................ 15 Session 6: 2 Peter: True and False Prophecy ............................................................................................ 18 Session 7: Study Guide for the Midterm Exam ........................................................................................... 21 Session 8: 1 John: Walking in Fellowship ................................................................................................... 23 Session 9: 2 John and 3 John: Waling in Live and in Truth ........................................................................ 26 Session 10: Jude: Contending for the Faith ................................................................................................ 29 Session 11: Revelation 1-3: The Seven Churches ..................................................................................... 32 Session 12: Revelation 4-22: The Revelation of Jesus Christ .................................................................... 36 Session 13: Student Presentations and Term Papers ................................................................................ 39 Session 14: Study Guide for the Final Exam .............................................................................................. 40 Course Grading Rubric ............................................................................................................................. 43 Course Description This course focuses on how to apply and teach the General Epistles and Revelation, covering Hebrews through Revelation. Topics include teaching to change lives, expository preaching, authorship, date, historical context, literary forms, themes, and applications. Students will create visual projects and applications for leadership and character development. Required Textbooks 1. Jeremiah Study Bible. Annotated by Dr. David Jeremiah. Worthy Publishing, 2013. CBD 9781936034895 2. Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe. Wiersbe Bible Commentary: New Testament. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2007. CBD 9780781445399 3. Dr. Harold L. Willmington. Willmington’s Bible Handbook. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1997. CBD 9780842381741 4. Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Edited by Charles Draper. Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2003. CBD 9780805428360 Additional Books for Pastors, Leaders, and Advanced Students 5. Dr. Harold L. Willmington, Willmington’s Guide to the Bible. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 2011. CBD 9781414329710 6. Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions. Edited by Marsha A. Ellis Smith. Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 1993. CBD Internet Resources 4truth.net * bible.org * blueletterbible.org * gotquestions.org * helpmewithbiblestudy.org * jeremiahstudybible.com * lifeway.com * ministrygrid.com Professors – Click here to receive the Notes by email. The intent of this course is to equip you with the Word of God, to strengthen your character and integrity, and to develop your relational and leadership skills for the glory of God. To transfer credits to Southern California students must present this completed portfolio. This portfolio is designed to be completed by computer. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 1 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 1: Introduction and Hebrews 1-4 Name Date Points /50 Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes Study Hebrews 1-4 in your Study Bible, Bible Commentary, Bible Handbook, and Bible Dictionary. Explore the resources in the Teacher’s Topical Index in the Jeremiah Study Bible and the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary. The process of writing develops neural connections and strengthens the brain. Answer the questions before class. Answers should be between 25-50 words. This assignment is worth 50 points. 1 Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas in “Letter Form and Function: New Testament” (page 1027)”? 2 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in the Introduction to Hebrews? 3 Study Bible: What is the outline of Hebrews? 4 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 1-4? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 2 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 5 Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas on “Hebrews”? 6 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 1-4? 7 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 1? 8 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 2? 9 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 3? 10 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 4? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 3 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 11 000 Template Portfolio Notes: What are the applications (explanation and importance) of the themes of Hebrews? Christ is Superior High Priest Christ’s Sacrifice Maturity Faith Endurance For Advanced Students What helpful insights did you find on Hebrews in the notes or on the internet -- http://4truth.net, www.blueletterbible.org, www.gotquestions.org, or www.jeremiahstudybible.com? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 4 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes Writing journal reflections is an opportunity to experience life change and develop Christian character. Thinking about what you are learning and discussing how to apply it makes learning practical and meaningful. Reflecting on Christian virtues—integrity, honesty, self-control, charity, generosity, diligence, persistence, patience, kindness, compassion, courage, and humility—is a key component of character development. 1 What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Leadership principles you need to practice? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Requests you need to pray? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be grateful for? Truths you need to believe? Lessons you need to share with others concerning times of persecution, struggle, suffering, temptation, or trial? 2 How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others? 3 How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders? Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, debates, discussions, drawings, graphical organizers, mind-maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their longterm memory and relational skills. The group activity is an opportunity for students to display their thinking visually. Displaying thinking brings ideas to life and engages the whole learning team in the creative thinking process. Over 80% of adults are visual and relational learners. This is a key component to creativity, collaboration, cooperation, and team leadership. Students learn better together. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 5 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 2: Hebrews 5-10: Our Great High Priest Name Date Points /50 Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes 1 Study Hebrews 5-10 in your Study Bible, Bible Commentary, Bible Handbook, and Bible Dictionary. Answer the questions before class. Answers should be between 25-50 words. This assignment is worth 50 points. Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 5-7? 2 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 8-10? 3 Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas on Hebrews 5-10? 4 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 5-10? 5 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 5? 6 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 6? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 6 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 7 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 7? 8 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 8? 9 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 9? 10 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 10? For Advanced Students What helpful insights did you find on Hebrews 5-10 in the notes or on the internet -http://4truth.net, www.blueletterbible.org, www.gotquestions.org, or www.jeremiahstudybible.com? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 7 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character. Be prepared to discuss these applications in class. 1 What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Leadership principles you need to practice? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be thankful for? Truths you need to believe? Lessons you need to share with others? 2 How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others? 3 How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders? Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, debates, discussions, drawings, graphical organizers, mind-maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their longterm memory and relational skills. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 8 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 3: Hebrews 11-13: Faith of Faith Name Date Points /50 Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes 1 Study Hebrews 11-13 in your Study Bible, Bible Commentary, Bible Handbook, and Bible Dictionary. Answer the questions before class. Answers should be between 25-50 words. This assignment is worth 50 points. Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 11? 2 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 12? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 13? 4 Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas on Hebrews 11-13? 5 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 11? 6 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 12? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 9 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 7 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 13? 8 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 11? 9 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 12? 10 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Hebrews 13? For Advanced Students What helpful insights did you find on Hebrews 11-13 in the notes or on the internet -http://4truth.net, www.blueletterbible.org, www.gotquestions.org, or www.jeremiahstudybible.com? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 10 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character. 1 What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Leadership principles you need to practice? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be thankful for? Truths you need to believe? Lessons you need to share with others? 2 How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others? 3 How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders? Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, debates, discussions, drawings, graphical organizers, mind-maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their longterm memory and relational skills. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 11 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 4: James : Living Faith Name Date Points /50 Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes 1 Study James in your Study Bible, Bible Commentary, Bible Handbook, and Bible Dictionary. Answer the questions before class. Answers should be between 25-50 words. This assignment is worth 50 points. Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas in “James”? 2 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in the Introduction to James? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in James 1-2? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in James 3-4? 4 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in James 5? 5 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in James 1-2? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 12 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 6 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in James 3-4? 7 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in James 5? 8 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in James 1? 9 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in James 2? 10 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in James 3? 11 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in James 4? 12 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in James 5? For Advanced Students What helpful insights did you find on James in the notes or on the internet -- http://4truth.net, www.blueletterbible.org, www.gotquestions.org, or www.jeremiahstudybible.com? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 13 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character. 1 What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Leadership principles you need to practice? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be thankful for? Truths you need to believe? Lessons you need to share with others? 2 How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others? 3 How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders? Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, debates, discussions, drawings, graphical organizers, mind-maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their long-term memory and relational skills. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 14 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 5: 1 Peter Holy Living and the Second Coming Name Date Points /50 Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes 1 Study 1 Peter in your Study Bible, Bible Commentary, Bible Handbook, and Bible Dictionary. Answer the questions before class. Answers should be between 25-50 words. This assignment is worth 50 points. Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas in “1 Peter”? 2 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in the Introduction to 1 Peter? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in 1 Peter 1-2? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in 1 Peter 3-4? 4 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in 1 Peter 5? 5 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in 1 Peter 1-2? 6 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in 1 Peter 3-4? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 15 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 7 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in 1 Peter 5? 8 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 1 Peter 1? 9 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 1 Peter 2? 10 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 1 Peter 3? 11 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 1 Peter 4? 12 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 1 Peter 5? For Advanced Students What helpful insights did you find on 1 Peter in the notes or on the internet -- http://4truth.net, www.blueletterbible.org, www.gotquestions.org, or www.jeremiahstudybible.com? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 16 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character. 1 What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Leadership principles you need to practice? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be thankful for? Truths you need to believe? Lessons you need to share with others? 2 How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others? 3 How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders? Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, debates, discussions, drawings, graphical organizers, mind-maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their longterm memory and relational skills. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 17 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 6: 2 Peter: True and False Prophecy Name Date Points /50 Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes 1 Study 2 Peter in your Study Bible, Bible Commentary, Bible Handbook, and Bible Dictionary. Answer the questions before class. Answers should be between 25-50 words. This assignment is worth 50 points. Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas in “2 Peter”? 2 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in the Introduction to 2 Peter? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in 2 Peter 1? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in 2 Peter 2? 4 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in 2 Peter 3? 5 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in 2 Peter 1? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 18 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 6 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in 2 Peter 2? 7 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in 2 Peter 3? 8 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 2 Peter 1? 9 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 2 Peter 2? 10 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 2 Peter 3? For Advanced Students What helpful insights did you find on 2 Peter in the notes or on the internet -- http://4truth.net, www.blueletterbible.org, www.gotquestions.org, or www.jeremiahstudybible.com? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 19 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character. 1 What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Leadership principles you need to practice? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be thankful for? Truths you need to believe? Lessons you need to share with others? 2 How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others? 3 How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders? Group Activity for Students – 20 minutes Professor will coach students in writing their term papers. Professor will coach students in reviewing for the exam. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 20 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 7: Study Guide for the Midterm Exam Name Date Points /100 The midterm exam is worth 100 points. The exam is a review of the key applications to develop longterm memory and experience transformational life change. By reviewing the study guides each year students will be able to refresh their memories and retrieve what they have learned. 1 Applications for Leaders from Hebrews through 2 Peter What are the key applications in Hebrews on the theme: “High Priest”? 2 What are the key applications in Hebrews on the theme: “Maturity”? 3 What are the key applications in Hebrews on the theme: “Endurance”? 4 What are the key applications in James on the theme: “Living Faith”? 5 What are the key applications in James on the theme: “Trials”? 6 What are the key applications in James on the theme: “Wealth”? 7 What are the key applications in 1 Peter on the theme: “Salvation”? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 21 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 8 What are the key applications in 1 Peter on the theme: “Persecution”? 9 What are the key applications in 1 Peter on the theme: “God’s Family”? 10 What are the key applications in 1 Peter on the theme: “Family Life”? 11 What are the key applications in 1 Peter on the theme: “Judgment”? 12 What are the key applications in 2 Peter on the theme: “Diligence”? 13 What are the key applications in 2 Peter on the theme: “False Teachers”? 14 What are the key applications in 2 Peter on the theme: “Christ’s Return”? Group Activity – 60 minutes After the exam, the professor will coach students in working on term papers. Encourage students to debrief and share what they have learned in the course. Discuss how to recruit new students who would benefit from EBI Leadership Training. Make a list of prospective students who would benefit from EBI Leadership Training. Students are encouraged to invite their pastors, leaders, friends, and family to the next session. Distribute promotional materials and syllabus for the next courses. Register students and order books for the next course. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 22 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 8: 1 John: Walking in Fellowship Name Date Points /50 Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes 1 Study 1 John in your Study Bible, Bible Commentary, Bible Handbook, and Bible Dictionary. Answer the questions before class. Answers should be between 25-50 words. This assignment is worth 50 points. Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas in “1 John”? 2 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in the Introduction to 1 John? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in 1 John 1-2? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in 1 John 3-4? 4 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in 1 John 5? 5 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in 1 John 1-2? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 23 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 6 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in 1 John 3-4? 7 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in 1 John 5? 8 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 1 John 1? 9 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 1 John 2? 10 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 1 John 3? 11 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 1 John 4? 12 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 1 John 5? For Advanced Students What helpful insights did you find on 1 John in the notes or on the internet -- http://4truth.net, www.blueletterbible.org, www.gotquestions.org, or www.jeremiahstudybible.com? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 24 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes Writing journal reflections is an opportunity to experience life change and develop Christian character. Thinking about what you are learning and discussing how to apply it makes learning practical and meaningful. Reflecting on Christian virtues—integrity, honesty, self-control, charity, generosity, diligence, persistence, patience, kindness, compassion, courage, and humility—is a key component of character development. 1 What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Leadership principles you need to practice? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be thankful for? Truths you need to believe? Lessons you need to share with others? 2 How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others? 3 How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders? Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, debates, discussions, drawings, graphical organizers, mind-maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their longterm memory and relational skills. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 25 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 9: 2 John and 3 John: Waling in Live and in Truth Name Date Points /50 Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes 1 Study 2 John and 3 John in your Study Bible, Bible Commentary, Bible Handbook, and Bible Dictionary. Answer the questions before class. Answers should be between 25-50 words. This assignment is worth 50 points. Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas in “2 John”? 2 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in the Introduction to 2 John? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in 2 John? 3 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in 2 John? 4 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in 2 John? 5 Notes: What are the applications of the key themes of 2 John? Truth Love © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 26 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio False Teachers 6 Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas in “3 John”? 7 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in the Introduction to 3 John? 8 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in 3 John? 9 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in 3 John? 10 Notes: What are the applications of the key themes of 3 John? Hospitality Price Faithfulness For Advanced Students What helpful insights did you find on 2 John and 3 John in the notes or on the internet -http://4truth.net, www.blueletterbible.org, www.gotquestions.org, or www.jeremiahstudybible.com? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 27 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character. 1 What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Leadership principles you need to practice? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be thankful for? Truths you need to believe? Lessons you need to share with others? 2 How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others? 3 How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders? Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, debates, discussions, drawings, graphical organizers, mind-maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their longterm memory and relational skills. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 28 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 10: Jude: Contending for the Faith Name Date Points /50 Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes 1 Study Jude in your Study Bible, Bible Commentary, Bible Handbook, and Bible Dictionary. Answer the questions before class. Answers should be between 25-50 words. Worth 50 points. Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas in “Jude”? 2 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in the Introduction to Jude? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Jude? 3 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Jude 1-16? 4 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Jude 17-25? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 29 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 5 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Jude 1-4? 6 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Jude 5-7? 7 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Jude 8-13? 8 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Jude 14-16? 9 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Jude 17-23? 10 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Jude 24-25? For Advanced Students What helpful insights did you find on Jude in the notes or on the internet -- http://4truth.net, www.blueletterbible.org, www.gotquestions.org, or www.jeremiahstudybible.com? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 30 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character. 1 What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Leadership principles you need to practice? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be thankful for? Truths you need to believe? Lessons you need to share with others? 2 How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others? 3 How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders? Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, debates, discussions, drawings, graphical organizers, mind-maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their longterm memory and relational skills. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 31 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 11: Revelation 1-3: The Seven Churches Name Date Points /50 Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes 1 Study Revelation 1-3 in your Study Bible, Bible Commentary, Bible Handbook, and Bible Dictionary. Answer the questions before class. Answers should be between 25-50 words. This assignment is worth 50 points. Bible Dictionary: What are the key ideas in “Revelation”? 2 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in the Introduction to Revelation? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Revelation 1? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Revelation 2? 4 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Revelation 3? 5 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Revelation 1? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 32 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 6 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Revelation 2? 7 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Revelation 3? 8 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Revelation 1? 9 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in “Ephesus” in Revelation 2:1-7? 10 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in “Smyrna” in Revelation 2:8-11? 11 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in “Pergamum” in Revelation 1:12-17? 12 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in “Thyatira: in Revelation 2:18-29? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 33 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 13 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in “Sardis” in Revelation 3:1-6? 14 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in “Philadelphia” in Revelation 3:7-13? 15 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in “Laodicea” in Revelation 3:14-22? For Advanced Students What helpful insights did you find on Revelation in the notes or on the internet -- http://4truth.net, www.blueletterbible.org, www.gotquestions.org, or www.jeremiahstudybible.com? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 34 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character. 1 What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Leadership principles you need to practice? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be thankful for? Truths you need to believe? Lessons you need to share with others? 2 How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others? 3 How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders? Group Activity for Advanced Students – 20 minutes In small groups, students will illustrate what they have learned this session by creating charts, debates, discussions, drawings, graphical organizers, mind-maps, role-play, skits, or visuals to develop their longterm memory and relational skills. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 35 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 12: Revelation 4-22: The Revelation of Jesus Christ Name Date Points /50 Discuss Observation and Interpretation Questions – 60 minutes 3 Study Revelation 4-22 in your Study Bible, Bible Commentary, Bible Handbook, and Bible Dictionary. Answer the questions before class. Answers should be between 25-50 words. This assignment is worth 50 points. Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Revelation 4-11? 3 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Revelation 12-18? 4 Study Bible: What are the key ideas in Revelation 19-22? 5 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Revelation 4-11? 6 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Revelation 12-18? 7 Bible Handbook: What are the key ideas in Revelation 19-22? 8 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Revelation 4-7? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 36 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 9 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Revelation 8-11? 10 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Revelation 12-14? 11 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Revelation 15-18? 12 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Revelation 19-20? 13 Bible Commentary: What are the key ideas in Revelation 21-22? For Advanced Students What helpful insights did you find on Revelation 4-22 in the notes or on the internet -http://4truth.net, www.blueletterbible.org, www.gotquestions.org, or www.jeremiahstudybible.com? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 37 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Journal Reflections and Applications – 40 minutes As you think about and write these answers you are increasing your long-term memory that will transform your thoughts, attitudes, and character. 1 What is God teaching you in this course? Are there things you need to do? Attitudes you need to change? Commands you need to obey? Errors you need to avoid? Examples you need to follow? Leadership principles you need to practice? Promises you need to hold on to? Relationships you need to work on? Resolutions you need to make? Sins you need to confess? Things you need to be thankful for? Truths you need to believe? Lessons you need to share with others? 2 How are you going to apply these concepts to your life, family, and ministry to others? 3 How could we as leaders pass on these lessons to current and future leaders? Group Activity for Students – 20 minutes Professor will coach students in preparing for student presentations by creating a chart, debate, discussion, drawing, graphical organizer, mind-map, model, PowerPoint, role-play, skit, or visual. Students are encouraged to invite pastors, church leaders, friends, and family to session 13 to watch student presentations. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 38 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 13: Student Presentations and Term Papers Student Presentations Name Date Points /100 Contribute to a group or individual presentation on a chapter in one of the textbooks. This group project can be a chart, debate, discussion, drawing, graphical organizer, mind-map, model, PowerPoint, role-play, skit, or visual (15-20 minutes). This will assist student-leaders in developing the creative/critical thinking and teamwork skills essential to effective teaching and servant-leadership. The presentations are an opportunity for students to learn to work together. Students benefit from group interaction as they communicate, cooperate, and collaborate. The public speaking component of this assignment along with formative feedback helps students gain experience and confidence. Students learn best in professional learning communities. Term Paper Type a 10- to 15-page term paper or booklet titled Applications from Hebrews through Revelation for Leadership and Character Development based on the textbooks, online articles, course notes, and other sources. Be sure to footnote all the ideas, paraphrases, and direct quotes in your paper, whether from books or the Internet. Text should be double-spaced. Font should be Times New Roman 12. Begin with an introduction and conclude with an application or call for commitment. Include illustrations and charts. This will assist student-leaders in developing the creative/critical thinking and writing skills essential to effective servant-leadership. Writing is a vital leadership skill that is essential to multiplying one’s ministry. The term paper is an opportunity for students to enhance their writing skills. The term paper is where students collect the ideas of mentors in books to fully develop and utilize them. Students multiply their ministry as they communicate what they are learning to family, friends, and those they minister to in written form. Writing helps clarify ideas. Studies indicate that students benefit from the opportunity to both write and speak in formal settings. Evaluated writing is a key component of learning, communicating, and leading. How Term Papers Are Graded Papers of 10-to-15 pages and zero errors earn 150 points. Papers of 10-to-14 pages and with 1 error earn 140 points. Papers of 10-to-13 pages and with 2 errors earn 130 points. Papers of 10-to-12 pages and with 3 errors earn 120 points. Papers of 10-to-11 pages and with 4 errors earn 110 points. Papers of 9 pages and with 5 errors earn 100 points. Papers of 8 pages and with 6 errors earn 90 points. Papers of 7 pages and with 7 errors earn 80 points. Papers of 6 pages and with 8 errors earn 70 points. Papers of 5 pages and with 9 errors earn 60 points. Papers of 4 pages and with 10 errors earn 50 points. Group Activity for Students – 20 minutes Professor will coach students in preparing for and improving student presentations. Professor will coach students in reviewing for the final exam. Professor will coach students in revising the term paper in class. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 39 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Session 14: Study Guide for the Final Exam Name Date Points /100 The final exam is worth 100 points. The exam is a review of the key applications to develop long-term memory and experience transformational life change. By reviewing the study guides each year students will be able to refresh their memories and retrieve what they have learned. 1 Applications for Leaders from 1 John through Revelation What are the key applications in 1 John on the theme of “Love”? 2 What are the key applications in 1 John on the theme of “Truth and Error”? 3 What are the key applications in 2 John on the theme of “Truth”? 4 What are the key applications in 1 John on the theme of “False Leaders”? 5 What are the key applications in 3 John on the theme of “Hospitality”? 6 What are the key applications in 3 John on the theme of “Pride”? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 40 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio 7 What are the key applications in Jude on the theme of “False teachers”? 8 What are the key applications in Jude on the theme of “Apostasy”? 9 What are the key applications in Revelation on the theme of “God’s sovereignty”? 10 What are the key applications in Revelation on the theme of “Christ’s return”? 11 What are the key applications in Revelation on the theme of “God’s faithful people”? 12 What are the key applications in Revelation on the theme of “God’s faithful people”? 13 What are the key applications in Revelation on the theme of “Hope”? © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 41 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 1 2 000 Template Portfolio Course Evaluation and Debriefing What information in this course was most meaningful to you? What learning activities did you enjoy most? What assignments were most helpful? How did this course help you experience life transformation? How have you applied what you learned during this course? What difference is it making? How did this course strengthen your relationship with Jesus and fellow believers? Group Activity – 60 minutes Encourage students to debrief and share what they have learned in the course. Discuss how to recruit new students who would benefit from EBI Leadership Training. Make a list of prospective students who would benefit from EBI Leadership Training. Students are encouraged to invite their pastors, church leaders, and friends to the next course. Distribute promotional materials and syllabus for the next courses. Register students and order books for the next course. Transfer of Credits to Southern California Seminary Transfer Credits: To transfer credits from Equip Biblical Institute to Southern California Seminary, students must present a complete portfolio. The portfolio consists of the questions, journal reflections, term papers, and exams for each course. Upon successful completion of the courses, students may transfer up to 66 units into the Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies degree. If the portfolio for a course is not complete, the credits may not be transferable. Transformational Learning Tip: By reviewing this portfolio once a year as part of a commitment to life change—you will exponentially increase your memory and ability to apply this material to your life, family, and ministry. Based on best practices for learning and neural science key concepts are repeated in multiple courses to support the life-long learning process. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 42 gwoods@socalsem.edu EBI Church Planting Leadership Training Centers 000 Template Portfolio Course Grading Rubric Grade Requirements A Exams, portfolio, presentation, and the 10-to-15-page paper with zero errors A- Exams, portfolio, presentation, and the 10-to-12-page paper with less than 2 errors. B+ Exams, portfolio, presentation, and the 10-page paper with less than 4 errors. B Exams, portfolio, presentation, and the 8-page paper with less than 6 errors B- Exams, portfolio, presentation, and the 6-page paper with less than 8 errors C+ Exams, portfolio, and presentation are completed with almost no errors C Exams, portfolio, and presentation are completed with only a few errors C- Exams and portfolio are completed but need individual assistance or peer coaching NC Students earn less than 700 points or miss more than 3 sessions It is possible to earn a “C” without writing a term paper, but it is necessary to write a term paper to earn an “A” or “B.” Writing clarifies one’s thoughts and is a key skill for an effective leader. Initially students may have difficulties in developing writing skills, but they will improve and gain confidence with each course they complete. It is important that professors help students improve their writing skills to maximize their thinking and leadership skills. Students should use the sample term paper and typeover template to write their term papers. Since students have different abilities, goals, needs, responsibilities, and schedules, students can choose the grade for which they are aiming. Writing is one of the most important skills that a leader can develop. As part of the academic agreement with Southern California Seminary, to earn an "A" students are required to email or mail a copy of their Academic work to the Registrargwoods@socalsem.edu. The goal is to catch students doing something right and affirming them. The objective is to recognize and analyze the best term papers and to prepare next generation leaders for university level education by helping them improve their writing skills, thinking skills, and leadership skills. Thank you. The mission of Equip Biblical Institute is to bring glory to God by assisting local churches to equip believers of various cultures and languages to live and minister biblically based on the inerrant Word of God. This equipping includes building biblical knowledge, Christian character, and ministry skills. The goal is to provide preaching and teaching resources, intentional leadership development, disciplemaking materials, Skype courses, YouTube videos, charts, notes, and visuals to pastors and churches around the world. EBI is equipping the next generation of pastors and leaders to multiply their influence by training leaders, creating videos, and writing books. © 2015 Equip Biblical Institute 43 gwoods@socalsem.edu