Bringing Research into Your Classroom Chris Kim Schmid College of Science and Techology Chapman students presenting physical geology research projects to AP Environmental Science class, Orange High School Why have your students do research in the classroom? Considerations: What types of projects lend themselves well to classroom research? How much time will it take? How much time do you have? What are your students capable of doing? What resources do you need? What aspects of your own research can you bring into the classroom? Can your students help you advance your research? Tips for structuring a project for effective learning Set well-defined goals – Make sure students see value in the project Have students complete project in stages Provide regular/frequent feedback Anticipate setbacks Incorporate some aspect of peer review or collaboration Student-Initiated Research Projects in the Classroom What are some characteristics/considerations of studentinitiated research projects? Student-Initiated Research Projects in the Classroom Can range from: Intro to advanced/capstone level Few weeks to full semester Individual to group to full-class projects Primarily student-initiated and designed Greatly benefit from: Multiple deadlines Peer, professor feedback Clear rubrics, templates and evaluation forms Timeframes and Deadlines Include in syllabus (with % grade allocation) Clearly indicate timeframe of project Provide multiple deadlines (with point allocations): Project proposal/outline (suggesting >1 idea gives more flexibility) Detailed experimental method Initial results Full draft Final report/presentation Additional updates as necessary TEMPLATES can help considerably! Group Research Project ENV 111: Physical Geology Fall 2012 Objective: The goal of this assignment is to engage ENV 111 students in the scientific process by designing a group research project, conducting the necessary experiments, processing the data, and presenting the results. Students will work in groups of no more than 4 to develop and conduct a geologically-relevant experiment using techniques and concepts covered in ENV 111. Each group will present its work to its respective lab classmates and to the Orange High School AP Environmental Science class at the end of the semester. All groups will have group pages established on the ENV 111 Blackboard site (Go to Communication > Group Pages) for the easy exchange and editing of files related to their project. You can find template files on your ENV 111 Lecture Blackboard site. Submitted items listed below in bold must be posted in each group’s space by 5 PM on the required deadlines. Project Deadlines: 10/16-10/17: Form and name groups, begin brainstorming possible projects 10/23-10/24: Create and submit as a group 1-page outlines of two separate proposed projects 10/30-10/31: Group meetings during lab period to review experiment, get additional advice, supplies. Submit a detailed Experimental Method for selected project 11/1-11/16 Collect samples/materials as needed, prepare for, conduct initial pilot experiment 11/6-11/7 Time in lab allocated to conduct pilot experiments. You must have made some sort of progress on your project to show by this date in lab. 11/9 Submit Pilot Experiment Initial Results with explanation of your initial trials and how you plan to adjust your method for your actual experimental trials 11/27-11/28 Layout of posters, Powerpoint presentations (during lab) 12/3 Print all posters, lay them out on posterboard 12/4-12/5 All posters and Powerpoint presentations presented for viewing at the beginning of lab 12/7 Geoscience Research Poster Day, Orange High School (presentation of posters for AP Environmental Science students, time TBA) Grading: Your project grades will be based on: · Submitting all required project components by the deadlines listed · Feedback/review provided for other groups’ materials · The scientific thoroughness/validity of the project · The quality of the presentation · The ability of all group members to explain the research conducted · Participation (as judged by your group members) Examples of past research topics: - Dissolution of calcite in water as a function of pH and temperature Trends in particle size distribution of sediments from inland to coast Effects of mineral saturation on hydroponic plant growth Assessment of building material strength on simulated earthquake resistance Volcanic slope and magma viscosity dependence on flow distance Effects of height, density, and size of “asteroids” on impact craters Effectiveness of water and wind at eroding/moving different sized particles/rocks Earthquake simulation and shaking results on various soil types/structures Material/equipment available: - Shaking table, stir plates - Ovens, fridges, freezers - Sieve shaking stacks - Beakers, graduated cylinders - Balances, pH meters - Meter sticks - Buckets, shovels, spades, rock hammers - Hand lens - Hydrochloric acid - Select minerals (calcite, hanksite) - Sample splitter The value (and effort) of revisions Students’ experience with writing (reports) ≠ the real academic writing process Revisions: Reflect the actual writing process Provide a more sophisticated, higher quality result Take proportionally much more time Can leverage peer evaluations to lessen faculty time Classroom research examples Physical geology (General Education class): “Work in groups of no more than 4 to develop and conduct a geologically-relevant experiment using techniques and concepts covered in ENV 111.” Inorganic chemistry (majors course): “You will be sampling water sources around Chapman University and analyzing them for dissolved metal content as a function of selected variables.” Environmental science and policy capstone (senior project): See CURQuarterly online, Summer 2014 “The goal of this senior capstone course will involve the design, research, analysis, presentation, and publication of Chapman University's first campus environmental audit.” Presenting results: discussion Oral vs. poster vs. paper Peer evaluation vs. faculty evaluation Internal presentations vs. to other groups (student research day, local high schools) Individually vs. as a group Chapman students present physical geology research projects to AP Environmental Science class, Orange High School Chapman students present physical geology research projects to AP Environmental Science class, Orange High School Correlation between Building Date and Floor Level of Copper and Zinc levels in Chapman University buildings in Orange, CA. Crisand N. Anderson, Carina S. Minardi, and Lauren A. Pagel, Dept. of Chemistry, Chapman University, Orange, CA ! AAS analysis was also used to compare the metal content of different floor levels (the bottom-most and top-most floor) of three buildings on Chapman University’s campus 100ppm stock solutions of copper and zinc were previously obtained by lab technicians at Chapman University, Department of Chemistry. Serial dilutions with 0.1M Nitric acid were performed in 100mL volumetric flasks to the concentrations of: 0.5, 1, 2, 2.5, and 5ppm. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) was performed on the standard solutions. A Thermo Elemental Solaar S4 with an S&J Juniper & Co. Hollow Cathode Lamp was used. From the absorbance data collected, standard curves were generated (Figure 1a and 1b) and used to obtain the concentration values of copper and zinc in the samples. Copper Standard Curve y = 0.0766x + 0.0072 R² = 0.99876 0.4 0.3 Conclusions: 50mL water samples were obtained each from two sinks of each floor of Hashinger Science Center and Leatherby Libraries. The samples were contained in sterile conical vials in order for no oxidation or contamination to occur. All samples were acquired at the same time of day (within 30 minutes of each other) in order to account for any sample variance. Samples were then analyzed using AAS and through the correlating standard curves generated in Figures 1a and 1b. Figures 3a and 3b, shows the correlation between an older building (Hashinger) and a relatively new building (Leatherby Libraries). In the overall analysis of concentrations, Leatherby Library sinks contained the highest amount of copper on all the floors. The lowest concentration of copper measured around 0.261 ppm occurring at the third floor and the highest level of 0.458 ppm Cu at the fourth floor. It is surprising that the concentrations of copper increased as the floors increased for Argyros Forum and Oliphant Hall, yet, decreased in the other buildings. There is no obvious trend in the concentration changes among floors. The age of the buildings doesn’t appear to play a role in the amount of copper concentration either. The oldest building, Hashinger Science Center, was hypothesized to have the greatest amount of metal in the water due to the older pipes. This, however, is disproven in the analysis. B 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.7 0.25 0.25 1 0.9 0.4 0.35 0.3 Age of Building (Zinc) Age of Building (Copper) 0.5 y = 0.279x + 0.0058 R² = 0.99478 Zinc Standard Curve A 0.45 Part IV: Conclusions & Summary 0.15 Concentration (ppm) ! AAS was used to compare the metal content of water based on the age of two buildings on campus: Hashinger Science Center and Leatherby Libraries Methods: Standard Preparation And AAS Part II: Effect of Age of Building on Metal Content Results: Hashinger v. Leatherby Libraries 0.3 Concentration (ppm) ! Standard curves were generated to compare known concentrations of standards to unknown samples through the use of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) Part I: Copper and Zinc Standards and Sample Preparation Absorbance ! The overall objective was to relate the concentrations of copper and zinc metals in water samples obtained at Chapman University Absorbance Overview: Hashinger 0.2 Leatherby 0.6 0.5 Hashinger 0.4 Leatherby 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 0 0.05 0 0.05 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) is a commonly used analytical technique because of its simplicity, effectiveness, and cost efficiency. In AAS, the electrons of the metal atoms are promoted to higher orbitals for a short amount of time by absorbing a set quantity of energy. The amount of energy is specific to the electron transition in the particular element causing each wavelength emitted by that electron transition to correspond to a specific element. Since the quantity of energy put into the flame is known and the quantity remaining can be measured by the detector, the amount of transitions can be calculated through the BeerLambert law. This results in a signal that is proportional to the concentration of the metal in the sample or standard solution. For this reason, it is necessary to make a calibration curve with standards of known concentrations of the metals in question in order to determine the proportionality between signal and concentration1. 0.1 0 0.1 -0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0.2 Concentration (ppm) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Figures 1a and 1b: Copper (1a) and Zinc (1b) 3 4 The standard curves for zinc and copper were made through obtaining the absorbance values of the known concentrations of standards. Unfortunately, the standard curve for zinc reached saturation at 2ppm and so the linearity of the curve was only held until the 1ppm (R2= 0.9948). Methods: Sample Obtainment and Preparation 50mL water samples were obtained each from two sinks of each floor of Hashinger Science Center, Leatherby Libraries, Oliphant Hall, and Argyros Forum. The samples were contained in sterile 50mL Conical Vials (Bioland Sci.) in order for no oxidation or contamination to occur. All samples were acquired at the same time of day (within 30 minutes of each other) in order to account for any sample variance. Samples were then analyzed using AAS and the standard curves (Figures 1a and 1b) to calculate the metal concentrations in the samples. Figures 3a and 3b: Hashinger and Leatherby Libraries As seen in Figure 3a, the copper concentration in Leatherby Libraries is higher than that of Hashinger Science Center, which is not in accordance with the hypothesis. With reference to Figure 3b, the zinc concentration in both buildings varies with floor level. Also, the standard deviations of the two buildings is so great that no real conclusions can be drawn about zinc concentrations in the two buildings. Part III: Effect of Floor Level on Metal Content Results: Varying Concentrations of Floor Levels The second portion of the study was to look at the metal concentrations at various floor levels. The bottom-most and top-most levels of four buildings on Chapman University’s campus (Orange, CA) were analyzed. This was used to examine the various levels of metal concentrations based on the distance that the water traveled from the source to the sink the samples were taken from. Floor level Comparison (Copper) Floor Level Comparison (Zinc) 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.4 Concentration (ppm) 0.5 0.3 Hashinger 0.2 Leatherby Oliphant 0.4 Hashinger Leatherby 0.3 Oliphant 0.2 0.1 0.1 Hypothesis: 0 lowest highest 0 -0.1 It is also hypothesized that the top-most floor of any and all buildings on campus will have a higher concentration of metals. This is due to the water travelling a farther distance in the metal pipes resulting in more metals leaching into the water from the pipes. 2 Floor Level 1.2 Concentration (ppm) In this experiment, AAS was used to quantify the amount of dissolved metal ions (zinc and copper) in water samples from woman’s restroom sinks on various floors of buildings ranging in age on Chapman University’s campus in Orange, California. The buildings that were sampled from are: Hashinger (built circa. 1974), Argyros (1992), Leatherby Libraries (2002), and the Oliphant Hall (2002)1. It is hypothesized that the dissolved metal content will be greater in the older building (Hashinger), because the metal from the pipes will leach into the water thus leading to an increased concentration of copper and zinc in Hashinger than Leatherby Libraries. 1 Floor Level 0 0 Concentration (ppm) Introduction: 0.15 lowest Floor Level highest Floor Level Figure 4a and 4b. Metal Concentrations at Various Floor Levels Figures 2: Samples & AAS This figure shows a picture of the sample set. Samples were obtained by placing 50mL of water from a woman’s restroom of each floor of the buildings in question. Water was obtained in airtight conical tubes so that oxidation and/or contamination did not occur to the samples. This is also a depiction of the Thermo Elemental Solaar S4 with an S&J Juniper & Co. Hollow Cathode Lamp instrument used in this study. It is visible in Figure 4a that copper concentrations in two of the three buildings increase from the bottom-most floor to the top-most floor. No conclusions can be drawn regarding Hashinger, because the top-most floor’s standard deviation is so high. The same conclusions can be seen in the zinc concentrations of two of the three buildings. Unlike Figure 4a, Leatherby Libraries’ zinc concentrations cannot be determined due to standard deviations being so high in the sample. In the case of this data, the hypothesis is held to be true in that the copper and zinc levels increase with increased floor levels. When analyzing the zinc data, Leatherby Library also contains the highest level of zinc at 0.778 ppm. This only occurs at one of the sink locations. However, the other buildings have varying zinc levels that are close to this value. Again, the variations of zinc levels do not appear to have trends among the floors or the age of the building. Analyzing the individual buildings, five sample floors were analyzed from the Hashinger Science Center. The second floor had the greatest concentration of zinc and copper. The fourth floor decreased in concentration. It was hypothesized that the higher the floor the more metal content in the water due to the farther distance that the water traveled. This assumes that the metal was picked up from the pipes. However, the metals have a low solubility which means that the farther they travel in the pipes, they could potentially fall out of solution as well. If the metal was obtained from the water source and not the metal pipe then we could assume that the higher floors would have lower levels of metal. A medium of this theory could explain the second and third floors having the greatest level of metal content. This can also be seen in the Argyros Forum data. The second floor has the highest value of zinc and copper in sink 2 similar to Hashinger Science Center. Leatherby Library didn’t have much variability in the levels of copper or zinc. Analyzing the overall effect of the data, the age of the buildings doesn’t seem to have an effect of the copper or zinc levels. Also, the middle floors in the buildings seem to contain the highest levels of both metals that is most likely due to the distance of pipe traveled as well as the low solubility of the metals. Future Research: It would be interesting to repeat the experiment and increase the amount of replicates in order to verify that there is no effect of the age of the building on amount of dissolved metals in the water. Also, since almost all calculated values of the metals fell below the lowest standard concentration on the standard curve, this study could be repeated with standard curve values starting at 0.1 ppm concentrations. Bibliography: 1Skoog, Douglas A, and James J. Leary. Analysis. 4th Edition. 1992. Principles of Instrumental Inorganic Chemistry research poster 1st env. science senior capstone course Spring 2013 Audit launch, Chapman Univ., May 2013 Audit presentation, CA Higher Education Sustainability Conference, UCSB, June 2013