An Introduction to the Unified Modeling Language A picture is worth a thousand words Introduction Most people refer to the Unified Modeling Language as UML. An international industry standard graphical notation for describing software analysis and designs. a standardized notation is used, in order to minimize the room for misinterpretation. Therefore the error rate will be less. Continued on next slide Introduction The U in UML stands for unified because the UML is a unification and standardization of earlier modeling notations of Booch, Rumbaugh, Jacobson, Mellor and Shlaer. The UML has been accepted as a standard by the Object Management Group1 (OMG). OMG is a non-profit organization with about 700 members that sets standards for distributed object oriented computing. Use Case Diagrams Use case- a concept invented by Ivar Jocbson. Use case typically represents a major piece of functionality that is complete from beginning to end. Use case diagrams are used during requirements collection and analysis as a graphical means of representing the functional requirements of the system. In UML, a use case is represented as an ellipse Who is an actor? An actor represents whoever or whatever interacts with the system. The actor is not part of the system itself and represents anyone or anything that must interact with the system to: • Input information to the system; • Receive information from the system; • Both input information to and receive information from the system. UML SYMBOL FOR AN ACTOR • Arrows and lines are draw between actors and use cases and between use cases to show their relationships There are two kinds of relationships between use cases. They are: «include» «extend» The «include» relationship when a chunk of behavior is similar across more than one use-case, and you don’t want to keep copying the description of that behavior The «extend» relationship allows us to modify the behaviour of the base Use Case. But extend relationship makes the use cases difficult to understand. So the developers very rarely use this relationship. Representation of include and extend relationship Class Diagrams A class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations, and the relationships among objects. Class diagrams are used in both the analysis and the design phases. In UML, a class is represented by a rectangle with one or more horizontal compartments. The upper compartment holds the name of the class. The name of the class is the only required field in a class diagram. The center compartment of the class rectangle holds the list of the class attributes/data members. The lower compartment holds the list of operations/methods. • The complete UML notation for a class is Static Relationships There are two principle types of static relationships between classes: inheritance and association. The relationships between classes are drawn on class diagram by various lines and arrows. Inheritance Inheritance is represented with an empty arrow, pointing from the subclass to the super class. Association An association represents a relationship between two instances of classes. An association between two classes is shown by a line joining the two classes. Association indicates that one class utilizes an attribute or methods of another class. There are two different specialized types of association relationships: aggregation, and composition. Aggregation • If the association conveys the information that one object is part of another object, but their lifetimes are independent (they could exist independently), this relationship is called aggregation. Composition Composition is, when an object is contained in another object, and it can exist only as long as the container exists and it only exists for the benefit of the container. Attributes Attributes or data members are shown in the middle box of the class diagram. It is optional to show the attributes. Public attributes are denoted with a + sign, protected with a # sign, and private with a – sign. Notation for Attributes Operations • The operations are the services that a class is responsible for carrying out. They may be specified giving their signature (the names and types of their arguments/parameters), the return type, and their visibility (private, protected, public). Notation for Operations More Advanced Class Diagram Concepts Abstract Classes – If there is an abstract class or method, the UML convention is to italicize the name of the abstract item. Packages – If a system is big, it should be partitioned in smaller sub-systems, each with its own class diagram. In UML notation, the partitions/subsystems are called packages. Stereotypes – Stereotypes are a high-level classification of an object that gives you some indication of the kind of object it is. Notes – Notes are used to “attach” comments and constraints to the model elements. Object Diagrams An UML object diagram, on the other hand, shows a snapshot of the detailed state of a system at a point in time. An UML object diagram shows some specific instance of the classes of the system. While there is only class diagram of the system, there may be hundreds of different object diagrams. In an object diagram, many different instances of the same class, and no instance of other classes, may be shown. Notation for an object Sequence Diagrams Sequence diagrams are used in the analysis and design phases. By creating a sequence diagram, the objects that participate in the use case are identified. Sequence diagrams highlight the sequence of messages through time. But they do not show how objects are linked and may send messages to each other. A sequence diagram representing a player taking a turn State Diagrams State diagrams are created during the analysis and design phase to describe the behavior of nontrivial objects. State diagrams are good for describing the behavior of one object across several use cases. It is used to identify object attributes and to refine the behavior description of an object. A state diagram consists of: • A state is represented by a rounded rectangle. • A start state is represented by a solid circle. • A final state is represented by a solid circle with another open circle around it. • A transition is a change of an object from one state (the source state) to another (the target state) triggered by events, conditions, or time. UML State Diagram for a Turn in Monopoly Activity Diagrams Activity diagrams are used during the design phase of complex methods. The activity diagram can also be used during analysis to break down the complex flow of a use case. UML activity diagrams are an updated and enhanced form of flowcharts. An activity diagram explaining how to prepare corn on the cob Conclusion • Powerful modelling language. • UML can be used for modelling the whole system independent of platform language. • Provide users with a ready-to-use, expressive modelling examples Reference An Introduction to the Unified Modeling Language : Laurie Williams 2004