Everyday workout required
Assessment 1
Present & Past
Present. Fill in is, are, He’s, She’s, l’m, They’re.
How _____ your mum? — _______ fine, thanks. How _____ your
parents? — _____ OK. How _____ you? — _____ very well, thank you.
How _____ your uncle? — _____ fine, thanks. How _____ your
children? — _____ OK. How _____ Liz? — _____ fine, thanks. How
_____ your cousin? — _____ very well, thank you
Write in was / were
The third day _______ Wednesday. The boys _______ in the
swimming-pool. Steve _______ the fastest swimmer! On Thursday we
_______ at the circus! The bears _______ funny! The fifth day
_______ Friday. In the morning we _______ in the zoo.
Assessment 2
Present & Past
Affirmation & Negative
Write in is / isn’t, are / aren’t, am / ’m not.
I __________ lazy. My friend ___________ naughty. My
granny___________ kind. My granddad ___________clever. My
teachers___________ funny. I___________ a bad pupil.
Were/ was
«When you ________ a small child, _________ you happy?» «Yes, I
________. I (not)________ very happy.» They (not) ________ ready for
the lesson last Tuesday. The days_________ cold and wet last
September. There ________20 pupils in our class last year.
Assessment 3
Present & Past
Affirmation & Questions
The verb to be. Insert appropriate present forms.
A: Hi, Alex. How (1) _________ you? B: Hello David. I (2) _________ fine and how (3)
_________ you doing? A: I (4) _________doing fine. B: How (5) _________ your sister? Where
(6) _________she now? A: She (7) _________ in London. She (8) _________learning English
there. B: Really? That (9) _________wonderful! How about your parents? A; They (10)
_________ fine too. They (11) _________ in Cyprus now. B: (12) _________ you busy tonight?
A: Not really, why? B: We (13) _________ having a party. Would you like to come? A: I’d love to.
B: Then come to our place at 7:00 p.m.
Write in was / were
_______ your mum tired yesterday? _______ you hungry yesterday
evening? _______ it cold yesterday? _______ your teacher sad
yesterday? _______ your pet hungry yesterday?
Assessment 4
Present & Past
Present Simple
Fred _____ thirteen now. «____ you English? «No, l _________. Her
name _____ Ann. «______ David a good friend?» «Yes, he _______».
__________ these men doctors? «You_______ from Belarus,
_________ you?» «Yes, that______right». There__________ a nice lake
in the forest. Let’s go! There ________no more questions,
Past Simple
«When you ________ a small child, _________ you happy?» «Yes, I
________. I ________ very happy.» They (not) ________ ready for the
lesson last Tuesday. The days_________ cold and wet last September.
There ________20 pupils in our class last year.
Assessment 5
Present & Past
Present Continuous.
I'm in the park. I can see some children. They ____ playing volleyball. There's my friend Greg! He
____ reading a book. The girl ____ eating a sandwich. The boy and the dog ____ playing with a
ball. They can't see me because I ____ sitting in a tree. What ___ you doing? ____ you listening
to me?
Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в фоpму Past Continuous.
While I ___________ (to copy) the exercise, my friends __________ (to describe) a picture.
When we came in, the children __________ (to clean) their desks. We met her at the bus stop.
She ___________ (to wait) for the bus. Some of the children ________ (to ski) while other
children ___________ (to skate). Everybody __________ (to have) a lot of fun. When we came
the family ________ (to get) everything ready for Christmas. Bob and Helen _________ (to
decorate) the Christmas tree. The girls _________ (to feed) the birds in the garden while the
boys _______ (to make) a bird-house.
Assessment 6
Present & Past
Make up negative sentences in Present Progressive.
the sofa / Sam / is / on / not / sitting.
Are / playing / not / the cats.
cooking / Mother / not / my / is
Reading / friends / her / are / not
Дайте краткие и полные отрицательные ответы на вопросы в Past Continuous.
Were you going to the cinema at 7 o’clock?
Were you having dinner at 2 o’clock?
Was your friend sitting in the yard when you saw him?
Was your mother cooking when you came home?
Was your sister reading when you called her?
Were the children sitting at their desks when you entered the classroom?
Were the little children running along the corridor when the lesson began?
Were you doing your homework at 7 o’clock last night?
Was your father working in the garden when you asked him to dinner?
Make up questions.
now / Tom / coffee / is / drinking?
playing / Now / the / boys / are?
the / skipping / girl / now / is?
the / eating / fish / cats / are?
Assessment 7
Present & Past
Задайте вопросы к предложениям, используя слова и фразы в скобках. Ответьте на
вопросы. Все в Past Continuous.
When I went into the yard, the boys were playing, (football)
When we were playing, Bob was shouting. (loudly)
I met Victor in the street. He was running quickly, (where)
The weather was fine, the sun was shining, (all day)
Nick was watching his little sister in the garden. (why)
His sister was helping him to pack his things when I came, (what things)
They were cooking dinner at that time, (with whom)
I was waiting for him at 3 o’clock yesterday. (where)
He was looking for something when I came in. (what)
They were laughing when I entered the classroom. (why)
Assessment 8
Present & Past
Put the verbs in the Present Simple form.
One fly_____________ (to fly) , two flies _____________ (to fly). One girl _____________ (to
cry), four girls _____________ (to cry). When a wolf _____________ (to see) the moon, it
_____________ (to begin) to howl (выть). Wolves and sheep _____________ (to be) never
friends. Our hens _____________ (to lay [откладывать]) a lot of eggs. Boys _____________ (to
fight) and_____________ (to shout). That boy _____________ (to try) to catch some balls.
These girls _____________ (to try) to run away from an angry turkey. If one goose
_____________ (to have) one tooth, how many teeth _____________ (to have) thirteen geese?
Вставьте подходящий глагол в форме Past Simple. be (2), feed, take, start, visit, listen
The children went to London. The Tour ________at Hyde Park in the morning. The
children_______the ducks and squirrels there. Then they ________photos of Trafalgar Square.
The next stop __________the British Museum. They also ___________ the Tower of London.
The children _______to the famous bell Big Ben. In the evening they ________ very tired.
Assessment 9
Present & Past
Дайте краткие отрицательные ответы.
Give short negative answers. Do you watch the news? Does your mum
like horror films? Do your parents like comedies? Does your friend like
nature programmes? Does your teacher like music programmes?
Дайте краткие jотрицательные ответы.
Did you knock at his door? Did you stay in the house? Did you talk
about your holiday? Did he tell you any jokes? Did you have dinner with
him? Did you watch TV? Did he show you his things? Did you play any
games? Did you go to the yard? Did you walk in the streets?
Assessment 10
Present & Past
Задайте вопросы. Используя do или does. Дайте краткие ответы. Ask your friend about what
Yan and Nick do in the Polish camp. Write questions using do or does. Give short answers. E.g.
Do they speak English in the camp every ? — Yes, they do. (No, they don’t).
1. Yan / speak English / in the camp / every day? 2. he / play / board games? 3. Nick / eat /
Polish food / in the camp? 4. they / go hiking? 5. children / go / on a trip / every day? 6. Nick /
have / English classes / every afternoon? 7. they / sometimes / sit / by the fire / or / round the
Christmas tree?
Вставьте was, were, did.
1. When________ Mother's Day last year? — It _______ in April. 2. What ____ you do? — We
made a cake and cards for Mum. 3. ________ Mum happy? — Yes, she _________. 4. Who
_______ you invite? — Our grandparents. 5. What _______ you give to your granny? - Flowers.
6. ________ you tired? — No, we weren't.
Assessment 11
Present & Past
Пользуясь опорными словами, a также словами for и since
составьте предложения в Present Perfect Simple. Kate/be/in bed/a
long time. She / not eat / anything / this morning. She / not see / her
friends / a week. She / stay / at home / Tuesday.
She / have /
a red nose / three days. She / not play / basketball / last weekend. She
/ not do / any school work / Monday.
Complete the sentences using the Past Perfect tense of the verbs below. (Дополните
предложения, используя форму Past Perfect глаголов, приведенных ниже.)
Example/Пример: to learn the poem — I went to bed after I had learnt the poem. to have
dinner, to do homework, to come , to read the book, to clean the room, to go shopping, to
return from Australia, to finish work
I went to see my friend after... I watched TV after... They went home after... He phoned me
after... She went to dance after... We wrote a composition after... They rebuilt the house after...
We went for a walk after…
Assessment 12
Present & Past
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect negative. I _____ (not clean) my football boots.
They _____ (not start) their meal. I _____ (not do) my homework. He _____ (not win) all his
matches this year. My brother and I _____ (not see) any films this week.
It's my birthday
party today. I _____ (not invite) many people. He _____ (not wash) his hands. They're very
dirty. Mum's really angry. We _____ (not tidy) our room! I can't play with my friends this
evening. I _____ (not finish) my homework. I _____ (not visit) New York for three years.
Where's Alison? We _____ (not see) her since yesterday. Dad _____ (not take) a holiday since
last August. John _____ (not play) the violin since he was school.
Say what action was done before. Combine the two sentences into one negative. (Oпределите,
какое действие произошло раньше. Объедините два предложения в одно отрицательное,
не меняя части местами. Используйте BEFORE ) Example/ Пример I sent a telegram. Then I
met my friend. — I had not sent a telegram before I met my friend.
The rain stopped. I went for a walk. I did my homework. My mother returned home. We met in
the street. We went to the park. They packed their things. Then they started. I had dinner. I
switched on the TV set. He returned home. The guests left. We came to the cinema. The film
began. I read the book. I saw the play. They lived here. They moved to another place. We played
а game of tennis. We went to my place
Assessment 13
Present & Past
Напишите вопросы в Present Perfect, используя глаголы в скобках. Дайте правдивые
ответы. Пример: (eat Italian food) — Have you ever eaten Italian food? — Lots of times.
1 (ski) — ______________________ - ______________________
2 (win money) - ______________________ - ______________________
3 (have a dream) - ______________________ - ______________________
4 (break a leg) - ______________________ - ______________________
5 (go to a concert) - ______________________ - ______________________
Сделайте вопросы к утверждениям:
I went to see my friend after I had done my homework. I watched TV after I had come. They
went home after they had finished work. He phoned me after he had cleaned the room. She
went to dance after she had had dinner We wrote a composition after he had read the book.
They rebuilt the house after they had come from Australia. We went for a walk after he had
gone shopping.
Assessment 14
Прочитайте легенду озера Нарочь. Вставьте глаголы в Past Simple. The legend of Lake Naroch
Many years ago there __________ (live) a girl called Nara. She _____ (can) sing
very well
and play the psaltery .She _____ (love) a young man and ________ (want) to marry him. One
day she was sitting near a large beautiful lake when a rich man ________ (see) her. He _______
(like) Nara so much that he_________ (want) to marry her. As Nara________ (have) a groom
(жених) she________ (not want) _______ to marry the rich man. But the rich man_______ (be)
very stubborn (упрямый), and his servants ___________ (kill) Nara’s groom and __________
(take) Nara to the rich man’s palace. The girl ______ (be) so unhappy that when everybody was
sleeping, she ________ (set) fire to the palace , and _______ (run) away. When the rich
man________ (learn) about it, he _____ (send) his servants (слуги) after Nara. As she
___________ ( can not) run away from them, Nara ___________ (dive) into the lake
and____________ (die). From that time the lake was named Lake Naroch.
Assessment 15
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect. He _____ (finish) training. She _____ (score)
twenty points in the match. We _____ (watch) all the Champions League matches this season.
That's amazing! She _____ (run) fifteen kilometers this morning! She _____ (buy) some really
nice rollerblades! Oh, no! I _____ (lose) my money! My mum _____ (write) shopping list. It's on
the kitchen table. Dad, you _____ (eat) my biscuit! I’m tired. I _____ (watch) three X-Files
Hurry up! They _____ (start) the film! Mary _____ (study) hard this year, so
she'll pass her exams. Oh no! She _____ (drop) the plate! The garden is very green. It _____
(rain) a lot this month. These are my favourite trousers. I _____ (have) them for five years.
Tom's my best friend. I _____ (know) him for three years. They _____ (live) in Miami for two
years. Jo has earache. He _____ (have) it since 7 o'clock. Brad _____ (live) in Chicago since
Assessment 16
Simple Past & Perfect Present
Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.
1. Maria (get) ______ some bad news last week. She (be) ______ sad since she (get) ______ the
bad news. 2. I (start) ______ school when I was five years old. I (be) ______ at school since I
(be) ______ five years old. 3. I (change) ______ my job three times this year. 4. I (change)
______ my job three times last year. 5. The weather was hot and dry for many weeks. But two
days ago it (rain) ______. 6. Tom (break) ______ his leg five days ago. He’s in hospital. He (be)
______ in hospital since he (break) ______ his leg. 7. Are you going to finish your work before
you go to bed? — I (finish) ______ it (already). I (finish) ______ my work two hours ago.
Choose the correct form of the verb.
We went/ ‘ve been to the seaside last summer. I finished / ‘ve finished my homework. Can I go
out now? I was /‘ve been ill three month ago. Have you been / Did you to the shop? I need some
stamps. My hobby is fishing. I’ve caught / caught a lot of fish. Jenny is in Oxford today, but she
was /has been in London yesterday. I played /'ve played basketball when I was younger, but l
don’t play now. I’ve already seen / already saw 'Shrek'. Julie has been / was ill since Tuesday. I
didn't see / haven't seen Josh since 1998. We've stayed / stayed at our grandparents for three
days. We arrived home yesterday. The dog went / has gone to sleep an hour ago. I had / ‘ve had
a cat for two years. It’s name is Willis. I’ve waited / waited for a bus for twenty minutes. Then I
decided to walk.
Assessment 17
Вставьте подходящий артикль, где таковой необходим.
We are in (1)... Scotland. Its capital is (2)... Edinburgh. It is one of (3)... most beautiful cities in
(4)... Great Britain. There are (5)... many places of interest here. (6)... monument to (7)... Walter
Scott is in (8)... centre of (9)... city. (10) ... National Gallery of Scotland is also situated in (11)...
centre. There is (12)... fine collection of (13)... pictures in (14)... gallery. (15)... Glasgow is (16) ...
greatest city in (17)... Scotland. Scotland is (18) ... land of (19)... lakes. They are called “Lochs”
there. Let us go now to (20)... Loch Lomond. What (21)... beautiful lake it is!
1 — , 2 — , 3 the, 4 — , 5 — ,6 a, 7 — , 8 the, 9 the, 10 the, 11 the, 12 a, 13 — , 14 — , 15 — , 16
the, 17 — , 18 the, 19 — , 20 — , 21 a
Assessment 18
Вставьте подходящий артикль, где таковой необходим. (1)... Frenchman was once travelling
in (2)... England. He did not know (3)... English quite well. He could speak only (4)... little. One
day he was eating in (5)... small pub and he wanted to order (6)... eggs. But he didn’t know (7)...
English word for (8) ... eggs. Suddenly through (9)... window he saw that (10)... rooster (петух)
was walking in (11)... yard. He asked (12)... waiter what was the English for (13) ... “roster”. (14)...
waiter told him. (15)... Frenchman then asked what was the English for (16) ... “rooster’s wife”.
(17)... waiter told him that it was (18)... hen. Next (19)... Frenchman asked what was the English
for “hen’s children”. (20)... waiter told him that they were (21)... chickens. (22)... Frenchman
asked what (23)... chickens were before they were born. (24)... waiter told him they were (25)...
eggs. “You’ve explained everything very well,” (26)... Frenchman said. “Please bring me two
(27)... eggs and (28) … cup of (29) ... coffee.”
1 A, 2 — , 3 — , 4 a, 5 a, 6 — , 7 the, 8 — , 9 the, 10 a, 11 the, 12 the, 13 a, 14 the, 15 the, 16 a,
17 the, 18 a, 19 the, 20 the, 21 — , 22 the, 23 — , 24 the, 25 — , 26 the, 27 — , 28 a, 29 —
Assessment 19
Fill in the gap with the correct object pronoun. My husband and I are very lucky. We have many
close friends in this city, and they are all interesting people. Our friend Andrew is a scientist. We
see (1) _____ when he isn't busy in his laboratory. When we get together with (2) _____, he
always tells (3) ______ about his new experiments. Andrew is a very close friend. We like (4)
_______ very much. Our friend Maggie is an actress. We see (5) _______, when she isn't making
a movie in Hollywood. When we get together with (6) _______, she always tells (7) ______
about her life in Hollywood. Maggie is a very close friend. We like (8) ______ very much. Our
friends Bobby and Marlin are journalists. We see (9) ______,when they are not traveling around
the world. When we get together with (10) ______, they always tell (11) _____ about their
meetings with famous people. Bobby and Marlin are very close friends. We like (12) ____ very