Prophecy in Light of Current Events

Updated 2-19-2003
Prophecy in Light of
Current Events
I Thessalonians 4:15-18
“…comfort one another with these
A look at the signs of the times
and the events of these last days.
Coastland University & Living Water Fellowship, CA. 800-TO-STUDY
Copyright [c] 2003
Prophecy Timeline
Pastor Brett Peterson
by Pastor Brett Peterson
From 1917 to the New Jerusalem and Eternity...
Modern fulfillment of prophesy, events about to occur, and the sequence of events coming - a Biblical perspective.
“Surly the Lord God does nothing without first revealing
it through His servants the Prophets” Amos 3:7 NASB
Table of Contents...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
our Lord cometh!
“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow
citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household, 20having been built
on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself
being the corner stone.” Eph. 2:19,20 NASB
Introduction - basics on prophecy
Our blessed Hope
The Four great world empires
Stage is set - 1917 to 1967
Curtain opens - 1973 to current
Signs of the Times
The Temple
Joseph's Tomb
The next Event
Russia attacks Israel
Rome again - World crisis
10 nation alliance
The Anti-Christ arises
7 nations give him his power
The 70th week of Daniel
The seals and the four horsemen
Mid- Trib: The Abomination of desolation 18
Second Coming
Millennial Reign
Final Judgment
New Heavens and New Earth
More Current Events
Israel’s Defense Statement
Arabs Agenda
Two Resurrections
Are we in the Last Days?
A Time line overview
Preach the Word!
A closing note from the author
Interpreting Prophecy
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Introduction and Basic Principals of Interpreting Prophecy
1. Always take the literal, natural, and common meaning of the passage unless there is overwhelming evidence that you
can not interpret the word or concept in that manner.
2. If a word or concept is defined in scripture and carries an inferred meaning, you must use this meaning first, and change
the meaning only if there are overwhelming proofs in scripture to do so.
3. Find out who the author is talking to and which of the three major prophetic groups the prophecy applies:
a. Israel
b. The Church
c. Gentiles/the World
4. Any symbolism we are meant to understand will be clarified in other scripture.
NOTE: If the symbolism is not explained in scripture, than we must know that God did not intend for us to have a clear
perception of that particular prophetic event. We can speculate, but we can not prove our theories on that matter.
5. Prophetic events in Revelation and elsewhere are not always recorded in chronological order. You must interpret them
where they fit in the prophetic scheme. Some events are separated by 1000’s of years and are mentioned in the same vs.
6. Prophecy often times has a ‘double fulfillment’ - one historically as a ‘shadow’ and one that will be complete in the end.
7. Sometimes, the prophet will see events as occurring at the same time when truly they are separate, as when Jesus read
from the scroll of Isaiah(Luke 4:16-21) and stated this was fulfilled ‘on that day’, yet the rest of the sentence He read will
not be fulfilled until His second coming. So we have one sentence that prophesies Jesus 1st and 2nd coming, separated
by thousands of years. (He was reading from Isaiah 61:1&2)
I pray that you enjoy using this timeline and studying prophecy. Please look up all the scriptures associated with each point.
Our Hope...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Our hope is the Rapture. Some would say this isn’t a Biblical term. It comes from the Latin version of the New Testament.
The word in Latin is ‘Rapturo’ and in Greek it is ‘harpodzo’. It means to be ‘snatched away’ or caught up.
Signs to watch
We need to be looking for the return of
Jesus Christ! However, Jesus gave us
Matt. 24:29-33
Signs to look for.
Rev. 6:12
Rev. 1:9 John and the other
Luke 21:7-28 ‘Lift up your head’
Apostles believed they were
II Thess. 2
in the Tribulation!!! Mt. 24:7-9
All the ‘signs’ were there!
Won’t it come like a ‘Thief’?
What signs? A shadow of the Joel 2
prophecy, persecution, Roman Gov., etc.
I Thess. 5:2-4 Not for those
Matt. 10:23 They had done this!
who are watching!
This is why they believed in an imminent
rapture - because they thought
Rev. 3:3 But for the apostate
they were in the Tribulation! In light of this,
church it will come like a thief
the Apostles taught to occupy while we
in the night.
wait for the soon return of Jesus Christ.
Ultimately, we must fulfill the great commission.Matt. 24:29-31 (Trib. vs. 9)
Acts. 1:4-8 This hasn’t happened yet!
Acts. 2:20, Joel 2:31
Parable of the 10 virgins. It is almost the
Midnight hour - it’s time to get that
extra oil! Today, more than any other time
in the history of the church, the signs are
all pointing to a soon return of Jesus Christ.
II Peter 3:10 thief - final Judgment
I Thess. 4:16; 5:9
What is our ‘blessed hope’?
Titus 2:13 ‘Glorious appearing’ of
Compare to Luke 21:27!!
I Thess. 2:19
Romans 8:22-25
I Peter 1:3
 Our hope is in the return of Jesus Christ!
 Between dusk and midnight, the virgins (church) fell asleep - this was
that silent period from the time of the Apostles until 1917!
 We are approaching the midnight hour today!
 Those with ‘extra oil’ or the church that is prepared will be the true
church - the bride of Christ!
 Oil represents the Holy Spirit - Joel 2 is about to be fulfilled in its
 Only two resurrections in scripture - this covered near the end of this
document (page 29)
Daniel’s 4 World Empires
Daniel gave us an overview of world history. The final empire is the Roman empire. It was never destroyed, it just fell apart and moved to European nations. In these
last days, the Roman Empire will be revived (some think it is in the European Community or the UN) and the Anti-Christ and the final world government will come from
it. I will not spend much time in speculating here - there are many theories and ideas relating to this in the Church without me adding to it.
by Pastor Brett Peterson
The Four Great World Empires
Chapter 7
Chapter 2
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The stage is set...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
 Daniel Chapter 9 talks about the 70 weeks of Daniel. 69 weeks (483 years) were fulfilled between the restoring of Jerusalem in 445BC & Jesus 1st coming.
The 70th 7 (called the ‘tribulation’ or last 7 years of gentile reign on this earth) will be in these last days.
638 AD - Caliph Omar Ben Hatav captured Jerusalem and put it under Muslim rule.
 688-691AD The dome of the rock was built.
Britain takes Palestine
Jews are invited to Israel
Ez. 37+
Britain pulls out of Israel
divides the state into a
Jewish and Palestinian state.
Israel becomes a nation.
6 Day war - Israel
takes control of
Lev.26:24 -28 God says He will punish Israel 7 times for her apostasy. This began in 604bc with
Babylon, 2nd - Media-Persia, Greek, Roman, Saracens, & Turkish (Ottoman). The seventh will be the
Anti-Christ reign. From 604 to 1917 is 7 ‘times’ of 360 day years - exactly as prophesied!!
Note that from the time the Jews were called home in 1917to the time they took Jerusalem is 50 years.
It is the Jubilee(Lev. 25)of them being back in the land - In Jubilee the land goes back to its original
Interesting time frame: 334bc Alexander takes Jerusalem. 1967 Jews retake Jerusalem. This is 2333
years. If you subtract the 33 years of Jesus life it gives you 2300. Daniel prophesied (Dan.8:14) that
Jerusalem would be given to the wicked for 2300 evening and mornings. Ezek. 4:6 - day = a year
prophetically at times - this is a possible confirmation Note that the true 2300 will happen during the
70th week of Daniel most likely, and this is simply a pattern noted.
The curtain opens...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Oct. 6, 1973 - the ‘Yom
Kippur war - Israel came
within 20 klmt.s of Damascus.
September, ‘78. The Camp
David peace agreement between
Israel and Egypt.
God supernaturally protected
Israel. Two tanks and 144 men
held off 2000 Egyptians!
It lasted seven years. (1984).
There are many stories from
all the wars Israel have been
in since 1948 of how Israel won
battles with incredible odds.
Egypt must grant safe passage to
the armies that will come against
Israel, so the peace could not have
Also, Egypt was a great empire,
now it is an insignificant kingdom.
See Ezek. 29:13-16.
One Jewish general writes
that he saw a ‘hand’ hold back
Syrian troops!
Red Heifer born. 1st
one in thousands of years.
Numbers 19 describes the
ceremony of purification
needed to rebuild the Temple.
There is disagreement whether
or not this heifer is flawless.
It did have a flaw.
Zech. 12
Jerusalem will
be a burden to the
whole world.
Quotes from news
“The eyes of the
world are on Israel.”
President Clinton,
the Pope, and the UN
are all trying to bring
peace to Israel.
In spring of 2001, another red
heifer was born – this one is
The people in Israel
are chanting “peace
at any cost”.
(I Thess. 5:3+)
To orthodox Jews, the red heifer
Yes, the curtain is
is a sign that the Messiah is about open & the show is
to come to let them rebuild their
about to begin...
From Oct.8, 2000 and forward, go to the next page!
Signs of the times...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Indicators we are in the ‘Last Days’ :
Please note that only now are all the prophetic events in place for the Rapture to take place and the 70th week of Daniel to start! What events?
1. See page 10 - Israel out of the Temple 2000 years- it has been ‘2 days’ and the next Temple will be built in the third (end of this year or next year).
2. Satellite communication and the ability for the whole world to see events at the same time.
3. Jesus said that the church would carry the Gospel to the whole earth, and then the end shall come. Matt. 28:19,20, Luke 24:45-49; John 20:21;
Acts 1:8; cf. Matt 4:19; 10:16-20; 13:38; 24:14;
Many missions organizations say that by the end of the year 2004 every major people group in the world should be reached with the gospel message!
4. Syria coming against Israel 3 times, and on the fourth it being wiped out (go to page 12 for complete detail).
5. Joseph's tomb being burned and becoming a catalyst for end time events (go to page 11,26).
6. And all the following signs:
Is. 5:20 - Men calling bad good and good bad.
Is. 10:1 - Unrighteous decrees made.
Dan. 12:4 Men will be traveling ‘to and fro’ across the world, knowledge will increase.
Matt. 24:6 Wars and rumors of wars.
I Tim. 4:1-4 Many will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits & doctrines of Demons.
Marriage will be discouraged.
II Tim. 3:1-7 Perilous times are here (especially for the church). Men are lovers of self, boasters, proud, disobedient to
parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affections, truce breakers, false accusers, despisers of those
that are good, high-minded, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of Godliness,
but denying it’s power. Ever learning, but not able to come to the knowledge of truth.
Matt. 24:3-26 False prophets, false Christs (Buddha, Moon, Hindu, Mohammed, and 100’s of cults all claim to be ‘types’ of
Christ or sometimes the re-incarnated Christ. Since the early 1980’s we have had many public displays of
men claiming to be Jesus Christ. Prior to this, most simply stated they were ‘types’ of Christ. Now we have
them claiming to be Christ!
Mark 13:21-23 Many false Christs & prophets will arise and show signs - to seduce, if possible, even the elect. We have
so many claiming to be prophets of God and deceiving churches around the world today more than ever.
Churches are barking, laughing, seeking signs rather than seeking Jesus and doing things that can not be
found in scripture.
Luke 21:31 When we see certain prophetic events happen, that generation will not pass away until the end comes!
Rev. 17:17 God put in the mind of the world to come together.
Tuesday, October 17 2000 02:29 18 Tishri
5761 Arrow anti-missile shield is operational
By Arieh O'Sullivan
TEL AVIV (October 17) - The IDF late last night
declared the country's anti-missile shield based on
the Arrow-2 rocket finally operational. It marks the
first time any country in the world has a functioning
defense against surface-to-surface missiles.
Air force officials said there was no relation between
the announcement and any current political or
security situation in the region.
"It was a chronological event that now came to
fruition," said one IAF source.
Could this be Ez. 39:3-4? It may be...
The Temple
by Pastor Brett Peterson
We know the Temple has to be rebuilt in these last days. We are told in Revelation that the outer court will be reserved for the Gentiles - this could be the
Dome of the Rock. There is room to build the Temple on the Temple mount. Note that the two witnesses of Revelation come on the scene after the Temple
is completed. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem state they could complete the Temple in 6 months after they receive the OK to build...
The Temple Institute in Jerusalem asked me to read and consider Hosea 6:1-6.
 They state this means they will be without a Temple ‘2 days’ or 2000 years.
They count 70 years from the Babylonian captivity when the Jewish temple was rendered un-usable.
They then add the 3 years for 168bc to 165bc (Antiochus)
Then, when you take the 1,930 years they have been without a temple since it was destroyed by Rome in 70AD, add it to the
70 years and 3 years and you have 2000 years, or 2 days they have been without a Temple ending in 2004 AD!
 A day is as a thousand years (II Peter 3:8; Ps. 90:4)
They believe that in order for this prophecy to be true, they have to build the Temple in the next year or 2, which is the
beginning of the ‘3rd day’’.
We visited the Temple Institute in July, 2000. They had all the Temple furniture and utensils for sacrifice almost complete.
As of last year, all the Temple articles are complete! They are ready to build and start temple worship!
The Israel Defense has issued a statement declaring that the Palestinians can no longer be trusted in guarding the sacred sites,
including the Temple Mount!
On Monday, 10-16-2000 the Temple Mount Faithful marched to the Temple Mount with the corner stone for the new Temple.
They were not allowed to set it because of the threat of wide spread bloodshed if they did. Never the less, Israel is controlling the
Temple Mount area. (They will not start the temple until it is in God’s perfect time.)
 It should be noted that if they built the temple prior to the 2 day prophecy being fulfilled, scripture would have been proven wrong.
 It appears that God’s perfect timing is being accomplished!
Joseph's Tomb
by Pastor Brett Peterson
As you may have heard, the Moslems burned Joseph’s Tomb. In Obodiah we are told that in the last days, when the nations are about to be judged, Josephs
Tomb would be a flame. I find it very significant this event took place. The word in the Bible for tomb in this passage can also mean ‘house’. See below.
Also, in that same passage it says Jacobs house will be a fire (different word than flame), and Essau’s house a stuble. Palistiinians are Essau’s house, Israel
is Jacob’s house. So, we have Essau’s house (Palistine) starting and feeding the flame (Josephs Tomb) and the fire (the lack of peace in Israel)!
Current Events
Joseph’s Tomb Burned
* OC Register , Sunday - Oct. 8, 2000. Arabs tore apart and burned
(see the next page)
Joseph’s Tomb. It was a shrine, house, tomb, compound &
Pastor Chuck Smith stated that his sources in Israel reported that Sunday
night (10-08-2000) they had Jets with Nuclear weapons on board – and that if someone attacked
they would not hesitate to use them. <<Zech. 14:12+,>>
Obodiah 1:15-18 An end times prophecy - ‘Joseph's house will be a
Syria is organizing a summit of Arab nations to join together against Israel!
<<Ez. 32:18+;38, Ps. 118:10+, Luke 21:20, 2 Chronicles 15:6; Isa 3:25-26; 8:21-22; 13:13; 29:3;
Jer 20:4-5; 34:17; 52:4; Ezek 4:1-4; Dan 9:26-27; Hos 9:7; 14:1; Zeph 1:14-15).
The idea is that it would be burned, and it infers it will be a catalyst for
end time events. Israel's Defense state that Palestinians can not be
trusted with the Temple Mount because of Joseph's Tomb!
The UN is against Israel (14 nations). The US was the only member of the UN to not vote against
· Israel Prepares Itself For War!!!
-Go to page 26 for Israel's defense ministries response to this
Obadiah 1:18 the word for ‘house’ in Hebrew - strongs #H1004 House…
byith (108c); a prim. root; a house:—armory *(1), beneath (1), Bethashbea *(1), Beth-togarmah *(2), between *(2), boxes (1), buildings (2), daughter
(1), dungeon *(2), faced inward (1), family (2), family *(1), guard *(1), hall (1),
hangings (1), harem *(5), holders (7), home (33), homeborn *(2), homes (2),
house (1534), house and the houses (2), household (125), household was inside
(1), households (73), houses (101), houses while house (1), inner (2), inside
*(13), inward (5), inward *(1), jail *(6), jailer *(3), large enough to hold (1),
palace (22), palace and the houses (1), perfume *(1), place (2), places (1), prison
*(15), residence (1), room (6), rooms (1), shrine *(1), temple (36), temple to the
house (1), temples (2), tomb (1), treasury *(1), turned inwards (1), web (1),
where (1), within (3).
 Walvord in ‘Every Prophecy in the Bible”, pg. 297 states that part of Obadiah's prophecy was fulfilled, but only a
shadow in 70ad.
 The rest will be fulfilled and has already started!!
· The entire Middle East is bracing itself for the expiry tonight of an Israeli-imposed peace
ultimatum, amid fears that the region could be engulfed in war if Yasser Arafat fails to end the
wave of violence in which scores have died. The Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, warned the
Palestinian leader yesterday that peace negotiations would be at an end if the bloodshed
continued beyond tonight, and that he would instruct his forces to "act accordingly". "If [the
Palestinians] prefer not to choose peace ... we will know how to respond," Mr Barak said shortly
before beginning the 25-hour fast that marks Yom Kippur, the most sacred day of the Jewish year.
There are signs, however, that ending the Palestinian uprising is beyond Mr Arafat's control, and
that other Palestinians are striving to seize the initiative on the streets of the West Bank and Gaza
Barak Waits For U.S. OK For War
· Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak is appealing to the United States for approval of a massive
offensive against Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority. So far, the United States has appealed to
Barak for more time.
At the peace summit in Egypt on 10-17-2000, they agreed to stop the violence. The world is
waiting to see if
it will be honored by the Arab nations.
The next event...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Putin and Assad Discuss Mideast Tensions
1. Syria will attack Israel
· Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the worsening situation in the Mideast during a 40-minute phone call with Syrian President Bashar Assad on Sunday, the
Kremlin press service said. The press service gave no details, saying only that Putin and Assad discussed the "drastic aggravation of the situation in recent days" in the
West Bank and the Gaza Strip and promised to continue developing ties between Moscow and Damascus. Russia is behind the Muslim agenda & supporting Syria
with arms and training.
Amos 1:3-5 States that Syria will come against Israel four times, and then will be made desolate.
These occurred in:
1948 (1st) 1967(2nd) 1973(3rd) and the 4th appears that it could happen at any time!
Damascus is the capital of Syria. It is the oldest perpetual city in the world! It is over 5000 years old!
NOTE: Isn’t it appropriate that the oldest city is one that will be destroyed to clearly show the world that God is sovereign?
Is. 17:1 States that Damascus will be taken away from being a city and become a ruinous heap - this has not happened yet,
but will very soon!!
In 1973, Israel came with 20 kilometers of Damascus - Russia stepped in and informed the world that if they continue, it will
be world war three. If Israel had destroyed Damascus then, this prophecy could not have been fulfilled!
Additionally, Russia is backing Damascus - when Damascus attacks Israel again, it will be destroyed, and it will cause the
prophecies in Ez. 38 and 39 to be fulfilled - Russia, the bear of the north along with Muslim nations will be forced to
attack Israel, but God will intervene! ‘The hook will be set and draw them down against Israel’.
Micah 5:2-6 Timeline of events: Messiah 1st coming, Syria treads on Jerusalem, Is. scatters, Is returns, Jesus taught to the
whole world, Syria attacks Israel again (the fourth one) and is destroyed!
Israel informed Syria that if they make any aggressive moves, they will come down on them severally and swiftly!
They also have released a statement saying they will not hesitate to level Damascus!
Here is something for further study (this is a challenge for my students, I left it in this paper simply for your own study):
Is. 7:5-9 Syria will conspire against Israel. From the first to the last there will be a time of ‘less than 65 years’!
7:3-9 The name of Isaiah’s son, Shear-jashub, which means “a remnant shall return.” Could this mean it has to happen
by 2013?
Russia the ‘Bear’ ...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
2. Russia will attack Israel along with several other countries.
When Syria attacks Israel and is destroyed, Russia will have to intervene - scripture tells us they will be drawn down to
attack Israel as if being hooked and pulled down. The hook is that they pledged to protect Syria!
Ezek. 38:4-15 Russia is pulled down to attack Israel.
Ezek. 38 and 39 describe the whole battle.
Zech. 14:12 - their flesh will consume away - could be a neutron bomb - Remember how they have to bury the dead!
Ezek. 39:9-10 Israel will burn the weapons for 7 years! Therefore, this must take place PRIOR to or at the start of
the Tribulation. The burning of the weapons should be complete before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Ezek. 39:11-16 It will take 7 months to bury the dead! They will wait 7 months to start - they will send teams in to ‘tag’
bones left on the surface and teams to bury those bones - could this be a result of chemical or nuclear weapons?
Russia has supplied the Arab world with weapons and men every time they attack Israel!
Most of the countries that are mentioned are Islamic/Moslem countries today. They include Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan,
Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia, and possibly part of Sudan. Remember, Syria is not mentioned because
it is already destroyed. (Ez.38:8)
Ezek. 38:23God will intervene in this battle and receive glory - this could spark a great revival in the church!!!
Note that it says here that Israel will know that God is for them and in their midst. Turn to Joel 2:20-end
This did not occur during the outpouring in Acts!!! This will be completely fulfilled in the end times. Things to watch for:
-Russia destroyed (vs. 20 of Joel 2) - the Northern army will be removed!
-Israel will never be put to shame again - the Anti-Christ will help them here for a short time.
They will rebuild their temple and prosper until the Abomination of Desolation .
At that time, the 144,000 will realize Jesus is the Messiah and the Holy Spirit will come upon them and they
will be sealed by the Holy Spirit (Daniel 12, Rev. 7)) - This is when the Rapture could take place!
The Spirit would move from the Church to the 144,000.
A remnant will be protected in the wilderness. Rev. 12:14
Rome again...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
The Ten Nation Government (Roman Empire revived)
Daniel 2:31-43 Our first view of the four great world empires(pg.6) and the 10 nations that will unite in the last days.
The four great world empires are: Babylon(head), Media-Persian(shoulders and breast), Greek(abbs),
and Roman (legs & feet). The last one is the Roman Empire revived - it is the iron mixed with clay toes.
The ten toes here are the ten horns of Daniel 7:19-21. These ten nations will give power to the Anti-Christ - but three of
the nations will not comply with the one world order, and the anti-christ will uproot them as he assumes powers.
These 10 nations are also described in Rev. 13:1-3. The same 4 beasts all make up the last one, the government of the
anti-christ that will come on the scene in these last days. They will only have power for ‘one hour’: Rev. 17:12
These 10 nations could be the European Community, the United Nations, or some other configuration of countries yet to be
established. It is interesting to note that the United nations has broken the entire world up into 10 economic zones:
North America, Western Europe, Japan,Australia & South Africa, Eastern Europe & Russia, Latin America, North Africa &
the Middle East, Tropical Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and China.
We must note that Russia, Syria, and most of the Moslem countries are not part of this because they will be conquered prior
to the 70th week of Daniel or the Tribulation (as shown on the previous page). They are not part of the Roman empire.
The power of the Anti-Christ's government will come from this 10 nation confederacy. But three of those will disagree with
the arrangement, and they will be ‘uprooted’. Then the Anti-Christ will rise to power (Rev. 13:1-10; Daniel 7:19-end).
He will sign a peace treaty with Israel & the 70th week of Daniel, commonly called the ‘7 year Tribulation’ period, begins…
Rev. 17:13-18 The ten nations will hate the harlot (a false religion) that brings the Anti-Christ to power and destroy her.
In Oct. 2000 the UN had a summit for all the religious leaders of the world - they signed an agreement basically
affirming there are many ways to God and that all religions should come together…interesting...
Rev. 18 At this time(possibly) Babylon will fall also. The World will mourn. They will welcome the Anti-Christ.
The Anti-Christ Rises...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
7 Nation Government led by the Anti-Christ - the World Unites
Could one of the fallen horns(nations) be Babylon that fell?(Rev. 17,18) Possibly.
Rev. 13:1-10 It appears the 7 Kings government gives the Anti-Christ his power (along with Satan) and the world receives
him. It is also interesting to note that he will have a fatal head wound that is healed. (A false resurrection)
Read: Rev. 13:8-11 Rev. 17 - Here lets address what this could mean:
(1) Egypt; (2) Assyria; (3) Babylon; (4) The Medo-Persian power; (5) The Greco-Alexandrian power; (6) The Roman power;
(7) 10 Nation Roman Revival; (8) The eighth and last phase, 7 nations who will reproduce in its acute character the fifth,
(vs. 8) and will bring on the scene the Antichrist.
In Daniel 9:26-27 we read;
"...the People of the Prince that Shall Come would
destroy the city and the sanctuary..."
The fulfillment of this occurred in history when the Roman legions under Titus Vespasian destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D.
[Jesus foretold this in Luke 19:44]
*Interesting to note is this occured on the 9th of Av on the Jewish Calendar... This is the same exact day the First Temple was also destroyed by
Nebuchadnezzar. [Jeremiah 52:12-15]
Needless to say this is a most solemn day in Israel's history.
This reference to the Romans in Daniel 9:26 is one of several reasons why most Bible scholars view the future Prince that shall come
as a Roman – who is Rome today? Most likely Europe – the EU. It could be any democratic society.
This will begin the 70th week of Daniel (the Tribulation).
The scroll is about to be unsealed in (Dan. 12:4; Ez. 2:9,10; Rev. 5 - the people here are those who have died in Christ.)
This corresponds to the breaking of the first seal in Rev. 6:1, and the second seal 6:3. Compare to Matt. 24!
The first seal is when the 10 nation government gives the anit-christ power.
The second seal is broken when the three nations refute the power, and the anti-christ fights them and uproots them.
The anti-christ will be well thought of and the world will bow to his power. He will blaspheme God. he will make war
with the saints.
Rev. 13:11 The false prophet arises then - a one world religion. He causes an image to speak (TV?).
Third seal is broken - black horse - famine Rev. 6:5&6. It is this that causes the anti-christ to start the mark of the beast.
Rev. 13:16-18 Also note that the people who understand scripture here in those days will be able to calculate the # of the
Fourth seal - death. Famine and the Anti-Christ will kill 1/4 of the earth. (Rev. 13:15 and Rev. 6:7-9)
There will be a pseudo peace here, but only for the Anti-Christ and those nations following him.
The 70th week of Daniel...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
7 Years Total - 3.5 of Anti-Christ Rule, Trouble about1.5 years,
& about 2 years of God’s Wrath
The week begins with the 7 year covenant in Dan.9:27
*We await and hope for a pre-tribulation rapture, and we
know that rapture must occur prior to the wrath.
SPECIAL NOTE: At this point, many teach that the church will be in heaven for the Judgment seat of Christ and
the marriage supper of the Lamb. If this is the case, what about those who except Jesus in the first half of the 70 th week? They
Couldn’t be part of the Bride of Christ if they miss the marriage supper of the Lamb.
As we proceed, I will utilize the rules of Bible interpretation - read the text and take the simple, natural meaning.
It is better to follow scripture than man’s interpretation of it.
If it is a pre-wrath rapture, the church will still be here at this time, and will face heavy persecution, an apostasy, and a great
revival (II Thess. 2:2+, Joel 2). Jesus talks to the church that will be here at this time in Matt. 10…
MT 10:21-25
"Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.
All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. I tell you the truth,
you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes. "A student is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master.
It is enough for the student to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebub, n how much more the
members of his household!”
At this point, Israel believes the Anti-christ may be the Messiah - they are rebuilding their temple, and a pseudo peace has
come to the middle east (remember, most of the Muslim nations and Russia are destroyed already).
Read I Jn.2:18-22, 4:3; II Jn. 7, Mk.13:14-22; Dan. 8:9-25; Dan. 11:21-45, II Thes. 2:3-12, Rev. 13, 16:13-17; Acts 20:30
I Tim. 4:13, II Pet. 2:1, Jude 18.
The First 3.5 Years...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
The 1st 5 Seals are Broken(Rev.5), The Four Horsemen are Released
White Horseman
Mt. 24:5
Rev. 6:1-2
Daniel 9:26,27
Rev. 11
Rev. 13
Rev. 17:1-13
Ten nations give AntiChrist powers.
Anti-Christ makes his
7 year covenant with
Israel. 70th week begins.
Israel Rebuilds their
Temple – two witnesses
Red Horseman
Mt. 24:6-7a
Rev. 6:3-4
Daniel 7:23-25
Rev. 13
Babylon destroyed?
Rev.14:8 (?)
Rev. 17:16(?)
Rev. 18(?)
3 of the 10 nations refuse
to give Anti-Christ power,
he comes against them with
a sword and ‘uproots’ them.
Anti-Christ conquers.
Black Horseman
Mt. 24:7b
Rev. 6:5-6
Famine - This may lead
to the implementation
of the mark of the beast.
Rev. 13:15-18
Pale Horseman
Mt. 24:7c-10
Rev. 6:7-8
Rev. 13:7-10
Babylon destroyed?
Death by sword,
hunger, & beasts of
the earth.
Rev. 13:15 This will
be when those who
refuse to receive the
mark will starve and
be killed by the
Rev. 6:9-11
Rev. 14:9-13
Martyrs asking
when the earth
will be judged.
II Peter 4:16-18
II Thess.chpt. 1&2
Lk. 21:16
Abomination - Mid-Trib...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Abomination - Great Tribulation begins (not the wrath yet)
Remember - up until this point
we are in the 70th week of Daniel,
not the ‘Tribulation’ known as the
‘Great Tribulation’. This begins
after the abomination of desolation.
The anti-christ goes into the
Temple and proclaims himself
Dan. 9:27, Mt. 24:15, Lk. 21:20
Mark 13:14-19
After the abomination, the church will
be frantically looking for the Rapture (Mk.13:19-23) (Matt. 24:22-26)
The sixth seal will be broke just after the
Abomination of desolation.
II Thess. 2:1-12
These days will be cut short for the sake
of the elect. Mt. 24:22, Mk. 13:20
This would be the point of the rapture if
the church goes through the first part of
the 70th week of Daniel (Tribulation).
Anti-christ is revealed as the anti-christ at the
 II Thes. 2:2
 Time cut short Mt. 24:22, Mk. 13:20
 Sixth seal Rev. 6:12, Matt. 24:31, 36-44
 Like the days of Noah - this has to be prior to the wrath and therefore not the second coming but the rapture!
I Cor. 15:51, I Thess. 4:5
Rev. 11:7-13 Two witnesses raised &
raptured with the rest of the Church.
Rev.7:9-16 This is those taken in the
Mal. 4:5
Matt. 24:27-31 Sun Darkened
Interesting - when Jesus died the sun was
darkened and the veil in the Temple was
torn in two. Also, dead were raised!
When the Anti-Christ goes into
the Temple, soon after the sun will be darkened.
Jesus will appear, dead will be raised.
Rev. 6:12-13 Powers of Satan shaken.
(Rev. 12 Satan cast out of heaven).
(He can’t be there when the Church is taken up
144,000 sealed. Remnant taken to wilderness
and protected (Rev. 7:1-8; 12:6-13)
Dan. 12 144,000 protected,
rapture (if it is pre-wrath rather than pre-trib)
(see pg. 29) Rev. 20:4-6
 Rev. 7:1-8 144,000 sealed & protected Rev. 12:6-13; Dan. 12, Rev. 20:4-6,
 Two witnesses raised Rev. 11:7-13, I Thess. 4:16,17
Rev. 7:9-16 Those taken in the Rapture
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Wrath begins at the end of the sixth seal into the seventh
Rev. 6:15-17 End of 6th seal, the wrath begins. NOTE: There has been no wrath up until this point.
Seventh seal Rev. 8:1-6 The Trumpet Judgments - the Wrath truly begins with the Bowls in Revelation. Some believe that the Rapture takes place at the
final trumpet of the 7 mentioned here. They get this from I Cor. 15:50-54 where it says at the ‘last trumpet, the dead in Christ will rise first and we who are
alive and remain will be caught up with them”.
I have a hard time believing that God would allow the church to go through the trumpet judgments. However, what would we then consider the ‘final trumpet’
that sounds at the Rapture? It could be the last Trumpet of the church age… Rabi’s believe it is the final trumpet of the feast of Trumpets, but we would then
know the hour Jesus would return, and we are told we will not know the day or the hour.
I Thess. 5:9 - God has not destined us for wrath.
The wrath and the judgments are about to start.
Seven trumpets and bowls are poured out.
During this time, we will be in heaven for the Judgment seat of Christ and the Marriage supper of the Lamb II Cor. 5:9-10, I Cor. 3:5+, Rev. 19
Let me ask you a philisophical question: Would God allow children to suffer His wrath? God never changes and His promises are for ALL who believe.
I would submit to you that God would not allow this.
I also believe that a pre-wrath rapture would solve the problem of children having to go through the wrath of God - they would be taken up with the church!
Also, God’s Word and His promises are unchanging. Therefore, anyone who receives Christ is not appointed unto wrath. So, all believers who are saved
during the 70th week of Daniel will have to be taken before the wrath is poured out on the earth. This is another argument for a pre-wrath rapture.
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Joel 3:2-14
Rev. 16:16
Rev. 19:6-16
Dan 7:26,27
Pastor Brett, Sarah, Grant, Cody, Cheryl, Dee, and Steve in Jerusalem this past summer.
Pray for Jerusalem! This was taken from the top of the mount of Olives facing the Temple
Mount - where Jesus will touch down at the second coming after the battle of Armageddon.
Jesus Second Coming...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Joel 2:11-16, 3:16; Zech. 14:4;; Jesus on the Mount of Olives Zech. 12:10, Ez.20:44
(R E V .1 1 :1 5 ,
1 5 T h e n th e se v e n th a n g e l b le w h is tru m p e t, a n d th e re w e re lo u d v o ic e s in h e a v e n , sa y in g , “ T h e k in g d o m o f th e w o rld h a s
b e c o m e th e k in g d o m o f o u r L o r d a n d o f h is M e s s ia h , a n d h e w ill r e ig n fo r e v e r a n d e v e r .”
Z E C H .1 4 :9 & 1 6 )
1 6 T h e n a ll w h o s u rv iv e o f th e n a tio n s th a t h a v e c o m e a g a in st J e ru sa le m sh a ll g o u p y e a r a fte r y e a r to w o rsh ip th e K in g ,
th e L O R D o f h o sts, a n d to k e e p th e fe stiv a l o f b o o th s.
C O M IN G & T H E B A T T L E O F A R M E G E D O N
(R E A D R E V . 1 9 :1 7 -1 9
A n d th e a rm ie s o f h e a v e n , w e a rin g fin e lin e n , w h ite a n d p u re , w e re fo llo w in g h im o n w h ite h o rse s.
1 5 F ro m h is m o u th c o m e s a sh a rp sw o rd w ith w h ic h to strik e d o w n th e n a tio n s, a n d h e w ill ru le th e m w ith a ro d o f iro n ; h e
w ill tre a d th e w in e p re ss o f th e fu ry o f th e w ra th o f G o d th e A lm ig h ty .
O n h is r o b e a n d o n h is th ig h h e h a s a n a m e in s c r ib e d , “ K in g o f k in g s a n d L o r d o f lo r d s .”
1 7 T h e n I sa w a n a n g e l sta n d in g in th e su n , a n d w ith a lo u d v o ic e h e c a lle d to a ll th e b ird s th a t fly in m id h e a v e n , “ C o m e ,
g a th e r fo r th e g re a t su p p e r o f G o d ,
1 8 to e a t th e fle sh o f k in g s, th e fle sh o f c a p ta in s, th e fle sh o f th e m ig h ty , th e fle sh o f h o rse s a n d th e ir ri d e rs— fle sh o f a ll,
b o th fr e e a n d s la v e , b o th s m a ll a n d g r e a t.”
1 9 T h e n I sa w th e b e a st a n d th e k in g s o f th e e a rth w ith th e ir a rm ie s g a th e re d to m a k e w a r a g a in st th e rid e r o n th e h o rse
a n d a g a in st h is a rm y .
A n d th e b e a st w a s c a p tu re d , a n d w ith it th e fa lse p ro p h e t w h o h a d
3 . T H E S E C O N D C O M IN G O F JE S U S
T h e o t h e r e m p ir e s t h a t a r e a llo w e d t o e x is t a r e t h e r e m n a n t o f p e o p le w h o m a k e it t h r o u g h t h e _ _ T R I B U L A T I O N _ _ _ _ _ . ( A S
W E R E A D IN R E V . 1 1 :1 5 ; Z E C H 1 4 :1 6 )
H e r e ( v s . 1 3 & 1 4 ) D a n ie l d e s c r ib e s t h e e s t a b lis h in g o f t h e k in g d o m o f G o d o n _ _ E A R T H _ _ _ _ _ _ , w h ic h w ill o c c u r d u r in g t h e
m ille n n ia l r e ig n o f C h r is t .
T H IS IS W H A T N E B . S A W IN C H . 2 :4 5 W H E N T H E R O C K T H A T W A S C U T W IT H O U T H A N D S C R U S H E S T H E
IM A G E - JE S U S IS T H A T R O C K -T H E C O R N E R S T O N E R E V . 1 9 :6 -1 6
D A N 7 :2 6 -2 7
IS . 1 1 :6 -1 0
T H IS E A R T H ! C A N Y O U IM A G IN E ?
Millennial Reign
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Please see the glossary for a definition.
Rev. 20:4, Is. 65:1-25, Dan. 2:31-35, Is. 9:6-7
Those in the Millennium – 1000 year reign
Ez. 37:27
Rev. 20:5-9
Zech. 14:9
Dan. 7:11
Is. 60:3
Rev. 11:15
Is. 35:10
Zech. 14:16
I Cor. 6:2-3
Is. 11
Sacrifice - Is. 29:1, Ez. 20:20, Is. 65:3, 66:3
Feast of Tabernacles (booths) Zech. 14:16-19
Final Judgment
After the 1000 year reign:
White Throne Judgment
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Current Earth and Heavens destroyed
Jesus gives the kingdom back to the Father:
Rev. 20:11, 21:1, II Peter 3:11-12
Rev. 20:11-15
(He had received the kingdom in Dan. 7:9+
I Corinthians 15:23-28
I Peter 2:22
Matt. 10:26
Heb. 4:13
New Heavens & Earth
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Note that this is not finished. I will be working on the rest of this study and providing new versions as the Lord gives me time.
Rev. 21 and 22
II Peter 3:13+
More events
by Pastor Brett Peterson
“The entire region will enter the
Herb Keinon
Feb. 18, 2003
The repercussions of the imminent US campaign in Iraq will be felt in
Syria and Libya, US Undersecretary of State John Bolton said in
meetings with officials here Monday.
Bolton, according to
senior officials who
met with him, said the
Iraqi campaign will
force Syria and Libya
to "come off the fence"
in their support of
Bashar alAssad, Syrian
warns of
Iraq war
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has warned
that a US-led war on Iraq would create
"fertile soil for terrorism" across the Middle
In an interview with the UK's Times
newspaper, the Syrian leader said he
believed an attack on Iraq was inevitable
because America had made up its mind,
despite efforts by the United Nations to find a
peaceful solution.
Israeli Defense Statement
by Pastor Brett Peterson
T h e E v e n t s a t J o s e p h 's T o m b in N a b lu s ( 8 .1 0 .0 0 )
T h e T o m b o f th e P a tr ia r c h J o s e p h is a r e c o g n iz e d J e w is h h o ly s ite , w h ic h a ls o h o u s e s a y e s h iv a
( a J e w is h r e lig io u s s e m in a r ) . D u r in g th e la s t f e w
d a y s m a s s iv e s h o o tin g a n d a tta c k s b y
P a le s tin ia n s to o k p la c e a g a in s t th e b o r d e r p o lic e m e n s e c u r in g th is s ite .
T h e P A p le d g e d to r e tu r n th e T o m b to its o r ig in a l s ta te a f te r th e e v a c u a tio n , a n d a f te r th e v io le n c e h a d s e ttle d
d o w n . T h e y a ls o p le d g e d to lo o k a f te r th e s ite a n d p r e v e n t a n y v a n d a lis m . T h is p le d g e w a s b r a z e n ly v io la te d
a b o u t tw o h o u r s a f te r th e e v a c u a tio n , w h e n a P a le s tin ia n m o b e n te r e d th e T o m b c o m p o u n d a n d b e g a n to
s y s te m a tic a lly d e s tr o y e v e r y th in g in s ig h t, in c lu d in g a ll r e m n a n ts o f th e y e s h iv a , th e f u r n itu r e , a n d b o o k s th a t
w e r e le f t b e h in d . T h e P a le s tin ia n p o lic e f a ile d to p r e v e n t th is a n y o f th e s e v io le n t a c tiv itie s , d e s p ite th e ir p le d g e
to g u a r d th e T o m b . T h e d a m a g e to th is h o ly s ite r e s u lte d in th e f u r th e r e s c a la tio n o f th e s itu a tio n , w h ic h w a s
a lr e a d y te n s e a n y w a y .
T h e s e e v e n ts a r e e v id e n c e o f :
1 . A f la g r a n t v io la tio n o f s ig n e d a g r e e m e n ts ;
2 . A b r e a c h o f c o n f id e n c e , f o llo w in g th e p le d g e to p r o te c t th e h o ly s ite , a n d to c a r e f o r it a f te r its e v a c u a tio n .
3 . T h e d e s e c r a tio n o f h o ly p la c e s , u n d e r m in in g th e P a le s tin ia n s ' c la im th a t th e y a r e th e g u a r d ia n s o f th e h o ly
p la c e s in J e r u s a le m a n d th e T e m p le M o u n t (a l-H a r a m a l-S h a r if ).
T h e e v e n t s a t J o s e p h 's T o m b c l e a r l y s h o w t h a t t h e P a l e s t i n i a n s c a n n o t b e t r u s t e d t o c o n t r o l e v e n t s u n d e r t h e i r
ju r is d ic tio n , d e s p ite s ig n e d a n d b in d in g a g r e e m e n ts to th a t e f f e c t. I t is a n o th e r e x a m p le o f th e ir c o n s is te n t
v io la tio n o f a g r e e m e n ts , w h ic h c a n a ls o b e s e e n in th e a tta c k o n th e p o lic e s ta tio n o n T e m p le M o u n t.
The Arab’s Agenda
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Who Incited The Current Violence In Israel?
by Hal Lindsey October 5 , 2000
The following is a word-for-word translation of the
Mosque Al Aqsa Imam's
sermon on Friday, 29 September 2000. Immediately after
the service, the
worshippers rushed out of the Mosque and began rioting
and throwing rocks at
the Jews praying 70 feet below at the Western Wall. Read
the sermon and you
be the judge of just who is responsible for starting the
current crisis.
(IsraelWire-10/2) Friday 29 September 2000, Hire 1 -Raja
- 1421.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. I
witness that there is
no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger.
Oh Moslems, The event of the hour is the visit of Sharon
(The Jewish minister
and the butcher of Moslems in Sabra and Shateila Camps)
along with few Jewish
leaders to al-Aqsa Mosque. Hundreds if not thousands of
policemen guarded
Sharon is challenging more than one billion Moslem all
over the world. What
should be the response to Sharon's slighting of Moslems'
holy place? Should
we respond only by throwing stones, or by condemnation?
Sharon or Barak will
not dare to challenge Moslems if there was a head for
the Moslems (i.e.
Khalifah) who may declare Jihad against them to remove
their state completely.
The visit of this Jewish butcher of Moslems had come when the case
of Palestine was distorted from being a war between Moslems and
disbelievers to
a war between Arabs and Jews to a call to apply UN resolutions to a
conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians to a conflict
about the refugees then a conflict around the status of Jerusalem
and then finally to conflict
over the status of al-Aksa Mosque.
Who will forbid the Jews from committing massacres today in al-Aksa
Mosque, which might become a new road (for them) to continue the
so-called peace process or in another words, to surrender Palestine
to the Jews completely?
For more than 50 years the imperialist disbelievers had planned for
our opposition to the Jews to stay confined to demonstrations,
throwing stones and conspiracies.
We did not hear one ruler for Moslems declaring that he wants to
eradicate the Jews from Palestine. Instead they declare that
Sharon's visit is the cause because they are defending Barak and
the Labor party.
Al-Aqsa Mosque was under the Crusaders occupation for more than 90
years. It used to be a stable for their horses. But only when the
Moslem Ummah declared Jihad that al-Aqsa Mosque was liberated.
The same thing applies today; this Mosque will not be liberated
until Jihad will be declared by a trusted authority, who else would
he be except the
coming Khalifah Insha'Allah. I call all the Moslems to work for
this purpose:
"They see the (Day) indeed as a far-off (event): But We see it
(quite) near."
If you were a devout Moslem, how would this sermon have affected
Israel & Palestinianss…’
by Pastor Brett Peterson
U.N. leader improves hopes for
resolving Mideast crisis and bring
lasting peace to the Mideast.
After meeting separately today with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak
and Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat, United Nations
Secretary-General Kofi Annan said it was still possible to end ongoing
Israeli-Palestinian fighting and resume peace talks.
Annan said today during a news conference with Barak that he would
do whatever he could to revive the peace process and end the violence
between Palestinians and Israelis that has been raging since September
Currently in the Middle east:
1. Palestinian Christians are fleeing to European nations. In a message given at the
Temple Mount
by a Palestinion leader, was a call for Moslems to kill Christians and Jews and to take
Arafat states they will not stop until they are a state with Jerusalem as its capital.
Palestinian gunmen march through the streets of Nablus, West Bank, on
Administration cites Iran, Iraq, Syria for fomenting terror against Israel
Associated Press
WASHINGTON ---- The Bush administration accused Iran, Iraq and Syria of fomenting
terror while it urged Yasser Arafat on Monday to ban suicide attacks on Israel.
Israel, meanwhile, was advised to "carefully consider the consequences" of its military thrust
into Ramallah.
The multifaceted message emerged after President Bush met at the White House with
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National
Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and, by video linkup, Vice President Dick Cheney.
There were different shadings of emphasis, though, from the various parts of the
Bush focused on Arafat, demanding the Palestinian leader denounce terror. The State
Department delivered a more evenhanded lecture to Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
At the Pentagon, Rumsfeld offered a searing indictment of Iran, Iraq and Syria as supporters
of a terrorist "war on civilization."
Two Resurrections
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Matt. 17:9
Lk. 24:46
Acts 3:15; 4:10; 17:13, 31
Romans 8:11
I Cor. 15:12, 20-23, 41-42, 51-58
Phil. 3:11
I Thess. 4:14
Rev. 20:4+
Matt. 24
II John 5:28,29
Dan. 12:2
Romans 2:16
II Peter 2:4
Matt. 10:28
Matt. 25:30-46
Rev. 20:10-15
If there are only two resurrections (this is what the Bible clearly teaches), than the 1st
is the Rapture, and the second is for judgment at the end of the 1000 year reign.
In Rev. 20:4-6 we are told that those who are killed for Jesus in the 70th week of Daniel
are part of the 1st resurrection.
When are they raptured? Out of the great tribulation! – the 6th seal! Rev. 7:9-14
A pre-trib rapture viewpoint would say that the 1 resurrection takes part in 2 or more
separate events.
A pre-wrath viewpoint takes the simple, literal meaning of the passages in question and
therefore concludes that the 1st resurrection is a single event that takes place prior to the
seven trumpets and bowls of wrath.
Are we in the ‘Last Days’?
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near!
A Timeline ...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
This is one potential scenario – America attacks Iraq. Iraq/Syria then...
1. Syria attacks Israel with
Palestinian help - Damascus
is destroyed.
2. This is the hook that pulls
Russia down and the Muslim
nations around Israel, who then
attack Israel.
3. God intervenes and destroys
6. The 10 world zone powers (UN)
give power to the Anti-Christ.
18. Nations gather to fight
7. He makes a peace treaty with
Israel - this starts the 70th week of
Daniel (the Tribulation).
19. Second Coming of Jesus.
8. Israel completes it’s Temple.
21. Millennial Kingdom.
9. Two witnesses come on the scene.
22. We rule and reign with
Jesus on this earth for 1000
years, over those who made it
through the Tribulation who
did not receive the mark of the
beast and did not receive Jesus.
10. The 2,3,4, & 5 seals are broken.
4. World emergency is declared,
the UN assume control of the
10 world zones.
(3 of the nations will oppose this
soon after the 70th week of Daniel
5. Pre-Trib Rapture of the Church
NOTE: This event could take place
anytime, but has to happen at this
point if the Rapture is before the
70th week of Daniel.
11. Witnesses are killed, world sees them.
12. Anti-Christ goes into the Temple and
commits the Abomination of Desolation.
13. 144,000 Jews recognize him as the Anti-Christ,
believe Jesus is the Messiah.
14. Witnesses raised and soon after -Rapture (if pre-wrath).
Satan cast out of heaven at this point.
15. The Holy Spirit comes on the 144,000 and
seals them - they are taken to the desert and protected.
16. The trumpets (judgments) start.
17. The bowls (wrath) start.
20. Armageddon.
23. Satan is bound with the thrown
in the bottomless pit.
Anti-christ and false prophet are
Cast into the lake of fire.
24. Satan is released at the end
of the 1000 years - some follow
25. Second resurrection and the
final judgment (white throne).
26. New heavens, new earth,
new Jerusalem, eternity.
Let’s Preach the Word!
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Luke 21:25-32 Our redemption is near!
 Now is the time to be a bold witness for Jesus!
 Acts 1:8 - We will carry this Gospel to the whole earth, and then the end shall come.
Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations;
and then shall the end come.
 There were about 1200 people groups unreached - missions agencies have been called to each group and they
feel they will have reached them all by the end of this year!
 II Peter 3:12 - Hasten the coming of the Lord by preaching the gospel! Matt. 24:14, I Cor. 15:24
 May our Lord bless and keep you and yours! Grace, peace, & mercy - Pastor Brett email:
by Pastor Brett Peterson
put together from many sources
Abomination of Desolation
A shadow of this event occurred in 165-160bc when Antiochus Epiphanies went into the Temple and put up a statue of Zeus. The event in prophecy will occur when
the Anti-christ goes into the new Jewish Temple and proclaims himself god. This occurs around the midpoint of the 70th week of Daniel (Often called the Tribulation
A system of eschatology which, among other things, interprets the millennium as symbolical of present life in heaven. Very unscriptural!
Analogy of Faith
The principle that any interpretation of the Scripture must conform and harmonize with the whole teaching of Scripture on that given subject.
Prophecies that deal with the disclosure or revelation of the end time events. The word is derived from the Greek word, apokalupsis (sometimes written apokalypsis)
“an unveiling, revelation.”
A term sometimes used for the Book of Revelation since the word revelation comes from the Greek apokalupsis, “an unveiling, revelation.”
Anti means “against” or “in place of.” Antichrist, therefore, may refer generally to any apostate teacher who is against Christ or who claims to be Christ (Matt. 24:2324; 1 John 2:18; 4:3). The Antichrist refers to the final and horrible world ruler of the Tribulation. He is one who stands both against Christ and who seeks to usurp
Christ’s place as the false Messiah of the Jews (1 John 4:3b; Rev. 13:1-10).
The belief in a thousand-year reign of Christ on earth. Comes from the mention of the 1,000 (Greek, cilioi) years used in Revelation 20:2-7.
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Daniel’s Seventieth Week
This is another title or Scriptural reference for the Tribulation. It refers to the last seven years of the seventy weeks of years (or 490 years) prophesied concerning the nation
Israel in Daniel 9:24-27. The seventy weeks of years concerns God’s program for the nation beginning with the time of Daniel and extending to the second advent of Christ.
The first sixty-nine weeks (483 years) were from 445 BC to the time of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem (29 AD). The last week (seven years) is yet to be fulfilled. It will
begin with the signing of the peace treaty with Israel by the prince that will come, the final world ruler who rises out of the revived Roman empire (Dan. 9:26-27).
Day of Christ
The Day of Christ is that period of time which begins with the rapture of the Church (1 Thess. 4:14-18) and includes the events which follow in heaven as the Judgment Seat
of Christ and the Marriage of the Lamb (1 Cor. 1:8; 5:5; 2 Cor. 1:14; Phil. 1:6, 10; 2:16). 2 Thessalonians 2:2
Day of God
This is the name based on the Greek Text behind the KJV that is sometimes given to those events which bring to a close the Day of the Lord and usher in the eternal state
with the new heavens and the new earth. The events of the Day of God include the dissolving of the old heavens and the old earth (2 Pet. 3:10-14). This name is also used
of the great war described in Revelation 14:16 and consisting of several battles, beginning with Antichrist’s campaign into Egypt (Dan. 11:40-45), including the siege of
Jerusalem (Zech. 14:2) as well as the final battle of Armageddon (Rev. 14:16).
Day of the Lord
This is the period of time which begins with the wrath and extends through the millennial reign of Christ on earth through the destruction of the heavens and the earth and
into the ushering in of the new heavens and earth and the eternal state. 2 Peter 3:10 gives authority for including everything from the Tribulation through the Millennium. This
day begins as a thief (1 Thess. 5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10).
The doctrine of “last things” or “things to come.” The word eschatology comes from the Greek, escatos, meaning, “last, extreme.” As used theologically, this word refers to
those truths of Scripture that pertain to the end times, the coming of the Lord, the rapture, the Tribulation, the millennium, etc.
The study of the intended meaning of a passage of Scripture through observation of the essentials of the text as the context, grammar, meaning of words, literary style, and
the cultural and historical background. Exegesis comes from the Greek word exhgeomai, “to lead out, explain, unfold.” Eisegesis is just the opposite. It means to read into
the text one’s own ideas. We want to avoid eisegesis and do exegesis.
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Fullness of the Gentiles
This refers to the completion of God’s purpose in the church age during which time God is calling out from among the Gentiles a people for His name, namely the Church (Acts
15:14; Eph. 1:22-23; Rom. 11:7-32). Some feel this will be complete prior to the 70th week of Daniel and that's when the rapture occurs. Others feel it will be complete after the
abomination of desolation.
Great White Throne Judgment
Often called, the “final judgment,” the great white throne judgment follows the millennial reign of Christ. Its purpose is not to determine whether one is saved or not, but rather to
pass judgment on the works of the unsaved to demonstrate their unrighteousness and that they fall short of the holiness of God. The sentence is the second death: eternal
separation from God in the lake of fire (Rev. 20:11-15).
See Hell.
Hell (and related words)
Hell: In common usage, this term refers to the place of future punishment for the wicked. The word properly translated “hell” in the New Testament is the Greek Geenna or
Gehenna, a place in the valley of Hinnom where human sacrifices had been offered and where continuous burning of rubbish made it an apt illustration of the eternal lake of fire
(cf. Matt. 5:22). Other words like sheol or hades are improperly translated by this term.
Sheol: The general idea of this word is “the place of the dead” including the grave (cf. Num. 16:30,33; Ps. 16:10), and the unseen place of those who have departed from this
life, the place of departed spirits or both the righteous (Gen. 37:35) and the wicked (Prov. 9:18).
Hades: This word is basically the New Testament counterpart of the Sheol. It refers to the unseen world in general, but specifically to the abode of the unsaved dead between
death and the final judgment at the great white throne (cf. Luke 16:23 and Rev. 20:11-15). It differs from hell in that it is temporary while hell is permanent.
Lake of Fire: Refers to the eternal state of the wicked who are forever separated from God and consigned to a special abode of suffering because of their rejection of Christ or
their lack of the righteousness of Christ. It is equivalent to and identified with the second death in Revelation 20:14.
This is a term used in connection with the return of Christ for the church. It is based mainly on parables that Jesus taught about the servants be ready for the master to return.
The concept of imminency provides the base for the pre-tribulation viewpoint. A pre-wrath view states there are signs that are visible prior to the rapture and state this concept
is not taught in scripture. When the Bible talks about Jesus coming like a thief, it is always in reference to the apostate church (Rev. 3:3) or to the world, not to the Church.
Judgment Seat of Christ - the Bema Seat
This term describes that event when believers will be brought into an examination before the Son of God (1 Cor. 3:9-15; 2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14:10). The Greek word for
“judgment seat” is bema which once referred to the platform where the umpire for the Greek games would sit and issue rewards to the athletes. Thus, the purpose for the
judgment seat is not to determine whether
the one judged is a believer or not, but rather to publicly assess, whether acceptable or worthless, one’s works (outward) and character (inward) for rewards or their loss.
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Kingdom of God, and Kingdom of Heaven
The word “kingdom” means “rule, reign.” Thus, the names kingdom of God and kingdom of heaven mean the rule or reign of God and the rule or reign of heaven. Some Bible
teachers designate the eternal kingdom as the kingdom of God and the earthly program of God’s reign in the present mystery form and the millennial form of the future as the
kingdom of heaven. In the parables, the kingdom of heaven or of God is refering to His reign or dominian now, which refers to the church.
The difference in the terms does not lie in the terms themselves as much as in the usage in the context. Both are used of the eternal kingdom (cf. Matt. 6:33 with 18:3-6; 7:21
and 19:14). Both are used in reference to the future millennial kingdom (Matt. 4:17 and Mark 1:14-15; cf. Matt. 3:2; 5:3, 10; 6:10; Mark 9:1, 47; 14:25; Luke 19:11; 21:31). And
both are used in reference to the present form of the kingdom (Matt. 13:11; Mark 4:11; Luke 8:10).
Some would say the differences in the terms are found in the following: (1) The Kingdom of heaven stresses the kingdom has its source and origin in heaven, is patterned
after heaven and its perfection, and has eternal and lasting value. (2) The kingdom of God points to the spiritual character of the reign and dominion, i.e., the reign of God, and
to the chief object and goal of the kingdom, the glory of God. (3) The kingdom of God when used of a spiritual kingdom includes only good angels and saved men. (4) The
kingdom of heaven, when used of the earthly aspects of the God’s kingdom, deals with the external aspects of the kingdom, i.e., the Church.
Lake of Fire
See Hell.
Millennium & the Millennial reign
The word millennium means a thousand years and refers to the promise of Scripture that Christ would reign on earth for a thousand years. The millennium has come to be
synonymous for not only Christ’s reign on earth, but for the fulfillment of all Old Testament hopes and expectations associated with the kingdom of God on earth--peace, no
war, perfect seasons, Israel and Jerusalem the center of the earth, Gentile domination removed, etc. (key verses, Isa. 2:1-4; 9:7; 11:2f; Rev. 20). We will reign with Christ
during this time.
Premillennial View: The second coming of Christ will occur before the Millennium.
Amillennial View: The second coming of Christ is at the end of the Church Age and there is no earthly Millennium. Strictly, amillenarians believe that the present state of the
righteous in heaven is the Millennium, but there is no earthly Millennium.
Postmillennial View: The second coming of Christ is after the Millennium.
Mystery, the Greek musthrion, is not something mysterious (in the modern sense) but something unknown until revealed to the initiate. In Scripture it refers to God’s secrets,
His counsels and purposes, which are not known to man apart from His special revelation in Scripture or by His prophets. It is particularly used in the New Testament of truth
unknown in the Old Testament, but revealed in New Testament times. Eleven different mystery truths can be distinguished in the New Testament (Matt. 13:11; Rom. 11:1-25;
1 Cor. 15:51-57; Eph. 3:1-11; 5:25-32; Col. 1:26-27; 2:2; 1 Thess. 2:7; 1 Tim. 3:16; Rev. 1:20; 10:7; 17:5,7).
by Pastor Brett Peterson
As used here, prophecy refers to that part of God’s revelation in Scripture that is predictive, the revelation which God gives from His sovereign and eternal plans and
foreknowledge of things to come. The prophet was one who spoke God’s message to His people. In this he was both a forth teller (preaching) and a foreteller (prediction). It
is the predictive element we are concerned with here, however, we must always keep in mind that prophecy, though dealing with the future, carries a current message for
godliness, peace, and comfort.
Rapture - when the church is ‘snatched up’ and removed from the earth
Pretribulation Rapture: The rapture of the Church (i.e., the coming of the Lord in the air for His saints) will take place before the seven-year period of the Tribulation begins.
Therefore, the Church will not go through any of the Tribulation period (the events of Revelation 6-18) according to this view.
In this view, some believe the second advent of Jesus Christ has two phases: one secret as a thief comes to take what is valuable to him (to the church only, 1 Thess. 4:1318), and one open and manifest to all the world (2 Thess. 2:8, “the manifestation of His coming”). Others would say it is distinct from the second coming to earth.
Prewrath Rapture: The rapture of the church occurs prior to the wrath of God poured out on the earth, but in this view, the wrath of God does not occur until about or after
the last quarter of the Tribulation. Thus the church will experience some of the events of the book of Revelation, but not the wrath or judgment of God Some pre-wrath
scholars believe the Rapture will take place after the Abomination of desolation, at the same time the 144,000 are sealed by the Holy Spirit.
Mid-tribulation Rapture: The rapture will occur in the middle of the Tribulation, just before the Abomination of Desolation.
Post-tribulation Rapture: The Church will be on earth during the entire Tribulation. Some would say the rapture is a part of the second coming, others that it is distinct from
the second coming though separated by only a very short interval of time.
Partial Rapture: Only saints who are worthy will be raptured before the wrath of God is poured out; those who have not been faithful will remain on the earth to endure the
See Hell.
Times of the Gentiles
This is an expression used by our Lord in Luke 21:24 of the period of Gentile domination over Israel when Israel has no king on the throne of David. It began in 586 BC with
the captivity of Judah under Nebuchadnezzar (2 Chron. 36:1-21) and will continue until the return of Christ to earth. Daniel’s visions and prophecies foresee this domination
under the pictures of the four beasts and the great image (Dan. 2:31f; 7:3f). Some feel the times of the gentiles will end at the start of the 70th week. Others feel it ends at
the beginning of the wrath.
Tribulation - the 70th week of Daniel
This term is used by most theologians to refer to Daniel’s 70th week, the seven-year period of unprecedented trouble that will occur on earth through a series of divine
judgments to be poured out on the entire inhabited earth (Dan. 12:1; Rev. 6-19; Matt. 24:21,29). It begins with the signing of a peace treaty with Israel by the Roman prince
that will come, the man of sin, the beast of Revelation 13 (cf. Dan. 9:26, 27; 2 Thess. 2:8). The Great Tribulation (Matt. 24:21) refers to the last half of this seven year period.
It is so called because of the increased wrath that will occur in these last three and half year.
A note from Pastor Brett
by Pastor Brett Peterson
Absolute Truth Our foundation for our Christian faith and practice...
"Physical strength can never permanently withstand the impact of spiritual force." --Franklin D. Roosevelt
To those who state there is no absolute truth:
It was stated that there is no absolute truth. You state that there is no absolute truth as if your statement is absolutely true, therefore, you must say that you 'believe' there is no absolute truth and
even question the validity of your statement, since it can not be absolutely true according to your own statement, which, I may add is simply a theory fabricated by a human mind that can not reach
a state of absolute equilibrium without external influences - external meaning beyond that of human achievement. Further, mankind can not know truth apart from reason, and can not reason
beyond it's own imagination which is simply human thought. Can a finite mind comprehend infinite principals? Absolutely not! Therefore, your statement should read thus, 'If there is absolute truth,
man can not comprehend this infinite principal in his finite epistemology, and therefore we believe there is no absolute truth based on our inability to comprehend such universal absolutes with our
finite intellects.' There is either absolute truth or absolute chaos. The second law of thermal dynamics states clearly that every system goes from order to disorder, thus implying that the universe
began orderly - designed - and is progressively cooling off and dying. This points to the absolute architect who established the universe and all laws, including all truth contained in absolute truth.
Looking at the possibility of understanding absolute truth.
To fathom absolute truth one must have an exterior influence from outside man's limited intellectual abilities. If any systems of thought begin to claim this exterior influence it is religious systems. But
even those are limited. They typically are finite men attempting to reach an infinite God. It simply can not be done. It would take an infinite God to reach down and contact finite man to establish
truth that is universally absolute. The closest religious system to fit that model is Christianity. Which states that God came to earth as Jesus Christ to instruct man on absolute truth. Therefore, from
a purely philosophical stand point the only valid epistemology is that which begins with truth defined outside our realm of thought and clarified by the author of that truth personally - thus we have
God establishing truth and clarifying it through Jesus Christ, the Son of God whom came to earth to define His revelation of Himself to mankind. Jesus Himself states, ' I am the Way, the Truth, and
the Light, no man comes to the Father except through Me.'
It has been said that true wisdom begins with the fear of God - and after contemplating the implications of this statement I have to agree. To believe in a being that was the architect of all the
systems and the originator of both natural and spiritual laws, you open yourself up for the possibility of true knowledge.
Every other religion has nothing to base their faith or practice on except man's own imagination and books that have been revised and changed as world norms change. They are man's attempt to
reach an infinite God, and they can't do it. Our faith is based upon a fixed point of reference - a book that has not changed. The very Word of God revealed to man through 40 scribes over a period
of 2-3 thousand years. The Bible represents our 'fixed point of reference'. Galilio once developed a theory of relativity based upon this example:
A boat is sailing at 10 knots, and the captain is walking on the deck walking in the direction the boat is traveling at 2 knots.
I add this to this example: The boat is the world, the ocean is the universe, and the captain is a man. If another man is sitting on the deck of the boat, his perception is that the captain is walking by
him at 2 knots an hour. From shore, the captain is walking 12 knots - the 10 the boat is going and the 2 he is going.
From a boat drifting in the current flowing 2 knots in the same direction of the other boat, the captain appears to be traveling 10 knots and the boat 8 knots. Which one is right? In mans thinking all
are right, but from an absolute fixed point of reference all are wrong. From this absolute fixed point of reference the boat is actually traveling 12 knots (10 plus the 2 knots for the current), and the
captain is actually traveling 14 knots (10 + 2 +2).
Therefore, as individuals on the boat, we need a perspective outside our own space and time domain to give us ultimate truth - this is where God steps in and inspires 40 scribes to write the Bible it is God's revelation of ultimate truth from His fixed point of reference - it is the only truth - and it is completely accurate. (I could have included the rotation of the earth and the spin of our Galaxy
but there is no need to do that for this example).
Other religions say we are only going 10 knots, science says we are only traveling 2 knots, and absolute truth says we are going 14 knots.
Which one is right? Of course the fixed point of reference has the only ability to measure truth. God did this in the Bible. John 3:16 states:
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life."
by Pastor Brett Peterson
There is only one interpretation for this passage - and it is essential we understand it! Back to our fixed point of reference..
The Bible is the only religious book that has been authenticated by over 20,000 manuscripts and prophecy that was WORD for WORD fulfilled!
It is a foundation for the only true belief system.
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness'" 2 Timothy 3:16
All other religions are based on man - his imagination - his ideas, rather
than God's.
The Bible is very clear on how to live and how to access true peace and the power and presence of God. If everyone lived by the Bible and accepted the Salvation that only comes from Jesus
Christ, there would not be a Holocaust or a Cambodia. The earth would be a paradise - filled with the joy of the Lord Jesus and the peace of God! Everything I say I can back by the Holy Scripture
- it is my fixed point of reference - therefore it is solid and can withstand every test. It is not Christians that make Christianity elite - it is God's Word that makes our faith in Jesus Christ the only way
to Salvation and true peace.
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6
Now, more than ever we need to be a people who stand firm on the truth of the Gospel.
"For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:
Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. For for this
cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. But the end of all things is at hand: be
ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. (I Peter 4:3-7 Authorized version)
Truly, it is time for us to take a stand for truth, to pray fervently for the lost and the faint hearted, and to do what God has called us to do as we look forward to the soon return of our Lord! May
God give us boldness
as we proclaim the good new of Jesus Christ in these last days.
I am available to answer any questions you may have. All questions, prayer requests, or observations are welcome.
May our Lord bless and keep you as we see the day approaching!
Pastor Brett Peterson
Jesus is coming soon!
by Pastor Brett Peterson
If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you have heard that
Jesus is coming soon. Remember the mid-eighties? Remember Y2K?
Only now have prophetic events lined up in such a way that the 70th wk.
of Daniel, known as the ‘Tribulation’, could start. This booklet will give
you an overview of current events and prophecy, and demonstrate that we
are truly in the ‘last days’.
Israel surrounded by armies, the rebuilding of the 3rd Jewish Temple, &
the Gospel being proclaimed to the whole world are just a few of the end
time prophecies that are about to be completed!
This booklet was made as a handout for a class I taught on prophecy, and is not
meant to be a ‘stand alone’ work. Therefore, if you have questions, call me or
email me. I would be happy to go over it with you or your church.
Pastor Brett @ 949-677-0903 or email:
These truly are exciting times. Today is the day of Salvation!
This generation will not pass away...
by Pastor Brett Peterson
The Gospel must be preached to all nations, and then the end shall come!
MK 13:3
As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew asked him privately,
"Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are all about to be fulfilled?"
MK 13:5 Jesus said to them: "Watch out that no one deceives you.
MK 13:6 Many will come in my name, claiming, `I am he,' and will deceive many.
MK 13:7 When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.
MK 13:8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.
MK 13:9 "You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues. On account of me you will stand before governors and kings
as witnesses to them.
MK 13:10 And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.
MK 13:11
Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but
the Holy Spirit.
MK 13:12 "Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.
MK 13:13 All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.
MK 13:14 "When you see `the abomination that causes desolation' n standing where it n does not belong--let the reader understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the
MK 13:15 Let no one on the roof of his house go down or enter the house to take anything out.
MK 13:16 Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak.
MK 13:17 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!
MK 13:18 Pray that this will not take place in winter,
MK 13:19 because those will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now--and never to be equaled again.
MK 13:20 If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them.
MK 13:21 At that time if anyone says to you, `Look, here is the Christ n!' or, `Look, there he is!' do not believe it.
MK 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect--if that were possible.
MK 13:23 So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.
MK 13:24 "But in those days, following that distress, " `the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light;
MK 13:25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.' n
MK 13:26 "At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.
MK 13:27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.
MK 13:28 "Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.
MK 13:29 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door.
MK 13:30 I tell you the truth, this generation n will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
MK 13:4